OVERLORD Glossary Virgin Mastertronic CRAFTS ====== Cargo Cruiser This is the craft you should use when you set up a trucking operation to move Resources around a planet system. It can carry a payload of 2250 tons and 1850 civilians. It has a long range - its fuel tanks can hold 1250 tons of fuel. If you can afford it, a good tactic is to but a Cargo Cruiser and use it as a backup ship for the Atmosphere Processor. Fill the Cargo Cruiser with people and Resources and send it to orbit the planet the Processor is formatting - as soon as the colony has been established, land the cargo cruiser, unload everything and then scrap it to reclaim some more resources. You've just provided your colony with an instant starter pack. Solar Satellite Generator An automatic, nuclear-powered device that does not require a crew or fuel. In the Mittsu and Yottsu planet systems, Energy is required as part payment for purchases made on the Buy Screens. It is worth buying several Solar Satellites early in the game and launching them into orbit around Starbase so that you can be sure of funding purchases. Make sure you have at least one Solar Satellite in orbit around each planet on which you have placed a Mining Station or Horticultural Station. The yield from a Solar Satellite is greatly increased if it is placed in orbit around a desert planet. Battle Cruiser You need Battle Cruisers to move your Platoons from planet - and you are likely to need quite a few as the game progresses, because each Battle Cruiser can only transport four Platoons at a time. A Battle Cruiser can also be used to carry a small quantity of cargo - 600 tons. By remembering to load cargo for a trip you are going to make to deliver Platoons, or by stopping off to load cargo on the return journey to pick up fresh Platoons from Starbase, you can sometimes save yourself a trip with a Cargo Cruiser. Up to 4500 passengers can be carried on a Battle Cruiser, in addition to Platoons and cargo, which makes it the ideal vehicle for moving people around. Don't forget that you can also use the craft to put people in cryogenic storage in times of economic crisis, or to ship people off one of your planets that is about to be conquered by the enemy. Atmosphere Processor A very expensive piece of equiptment - its price reflects its sophistication. An automatic, nuclear-powered device that does not require a crew or fuel, the Atmosphere Processor turns lifeless, unformatted planets into seed colonies. Once all the planets in a system have been formatted, remember to scrap your Atmosphere Processor and reclaim some of the Resources you paid for it. And don't leave it lying on the surface of a planet - if the enemy captures that planet, he will scrap your Atmosphere Processor and you may have to pay dearly for another one. Mining Station Capable of mining Minerals and Fuel from the core of a planet, this refines the products of excavation and delivers Fuel and Minerals into the reserves of the host colony. It draws energy from the colony's reserves in order to operate. A crew of 294 people is needed for a Mining Station. With a fuel capacity of 950 tons, it can travel between planets and can transport resources on the journey; there is no passenger accommodation. Mining Stations work comparatively slowly, so it is worth establishing at least one on Starbase as soon as you can, then look for a volcanic planet on which to station further Mining Units - yield is significantly improved if mining operations are undertaken on Volcanic planets. Horticultural Station Uses hydroponic and cell-culture techniques to produce supplies of food for your people, drawing energy from the colony's reserves to do so. Yield is much improved if you locate a Horticultural Station on the surface of a Tropical planet - flora and fauna are used to increase the rate of production. A crew of 175 people is required to operate a Horticultural Station, which has a cargo payload of 950 tons and a fual capacity of 750 tons. A Farming Station can travel between planets under its own power, carrying resources as cargo but no passengers. Horticultural Stations produce the prime resource in any planet system - without food, life cannot be sustained so it is worth acquiring several Horticultural Stations as soon as you can. MILITARY EQUIPMENT ================== Three weapon systems and four grades of body armor are available for purchase on the Platoon Management Screen. While the temptation is usually to give your Troops the very best equiptment when you commission them into a Platoon, this is not always expedient - you may not have the cash to hand, or you may have to commission fewer Platoons than you would like to if you choose the most expensive kit. The choice of weapon system and body armor can have a significant effect on the performance of a Platoon, and unless you are awash with Credits, you should experiment with the options to discover the most cost-effective way of equipping your fighting men. Armor The most basic suit - little more than your Trooper was born with! For a mere 20 Credits per man, this is the least protective garb that can be purchased. Losses in combat are likely to be quite heavy. Carbon Fibre Armor - Affords a reasonalbe degree of protection against low-power weapons and chemical attack, and gives your troopers a serious advantage in hand-to-hand combat but does little to reduce the debilitating effects of nuclear fall-out. Cost: 100 credits per man. SynthAlloy armor - Gives complete protection against low-power weapons, chemical attack and nuclear fall-out and provides a reasonable defense against fire from plasma and laser weapons. Renders the wearer almost invincible in hand-to-hand combat. Cost: 200 credits per man. Personal Force Field - the best protection that money can buy or tecnology can provide. When new, this suit makes the wearer imervious to all forms of attack apart from localized (or direct) nuclear strikes. Battle conditions tend to degrade this suit however, and after a while its protective capacity will equal that of the SynthAlloy suit. Weapons Systems Recoil Cannon - the general infantryman's personal weapon. Employs simplistic technology to hurl a solid projectile with a reasonable degree of accuracy in the direction in which it is pointed. Basic equiptment for a basic price: 50 Credits per man. Self-Loading Gas Cannon - a multi-purpose infantry weapon that can be used as a rapid-fire plasma cannon, a highly accurate sniper's rifle and a grenade launcher. Capable of adapting itself to a wide range of ammunition types - so captured enemy munitions can be re-cycled. Cost: 120 credits per man. Nuclear Mortar - the most powerful infantry armament in the planet system. Can hurl a variety of large projectiles - from nuclear grenades, though high-explosive shells to to rocks and scrap metal shrapnel if ammunition is running low. Can be used as a hand-held or traditional mortar, and does not require an explosive propellant. Cost: 250 credits per man.