Mortal Kombat III info 1?that travel between the dark realm and Earth would someday be possible if the conditions were right. The conditions being the unbalancing of the furies ----negitive and positive forces which keep our unstable universe from collapsing onto itself. Knowing that the eminent Outworld invasion would prove too much for Earth, they appealed to the Elder Gods. It was for this reason the Elder Gods created the tournament of Mortal Kombat. Though this contest, we protect not only the safety of our realm, but the existence of our souls. EVIL REBORN For centuries Earth has used Mortal Kombat to defend itself against the Outworld's Emperor -- Shao Kahn. But Kahn becomes frustrated by failed attempts at taking Earth though the tournament battle. He decides to enact a plan which began almost 10,000 years ago. It was during a time in which Kahn had a queen. Her name was Sindel and her premature death was devastating. Kahn's shadow priests, lead by sorceror Shang Tsung, would make it so Sindel's spirit would someday be reborn - not on the outworld but on the Earth realm itself. This unholy act gives Shao Kahn the power to step though the dimensional gates and reclaim his queen, thus enabling him to finally seize Earth. CONQUEST Upon breaching the Portal into Earth, Shao Kahn strips the planet of all human life. He claims every soul as his own. Slowly the Earth begins to tranform into a part of the Outworld itself. But there are human soulsb which Shao Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat. The warriors are scattered throughout the planet and Kahn sends an army of fierce Outworld warriors to find and eliminate them. Some of the Earth's warriors survive the attacks, but most do not. The remaining few hold the chance at saving all of human kind. RAIDEN'S CREED Remember these words warriors, You have been chosen to repesent Earth in Mortal Kombat. Each of you poses a vital threat to Shao Kahn's occupation of Earth. Be warned; although your souls are protected against Shao Kahn's evil, your lives are not! I can not interfere with these matters any longer. Your earth is now governed by the gods of the Outworld. These are the words of RAIDEN. NEW MK3 ROM UPDATE 1) A few combos have been augmented with additional hits. Nightwolf can now combo a LK into his HP, HP, LP, QCF, HP combo. Sheeva has a new combo that juggles you in the air (like Kano's HP, HP, LP). 2) You can now enter your initials for winning streaks. 3) If you don't continue after losing, instead of "GAME OVER," you get a row of 10 boxes like the ones on the vs screen. Each is controlled by the 5 main buttons on each side. Above it it says, "Enter the Ultimate Kombat Code." 4) FINALLY, they've weakened Kabal's Combo. 5) Motaro's AI has been beefed-up a bit. You can't combo as much anymore. 6) 100th battle, you can play Space Invaders type game instead of Pong. 100th BATTLE On the 100th consecutive game, you'll get a message like in MK2 saying, "You have reached an incredible a game from the past" or something like that. This happens right before the match, just after you select your chars. Both players have different shaped ships at the bottom. The aliens immediately start firing, so be on your toes! HP is the fire button. You'll hear "Toasty" a lot...either when you fire or when you shoot a ship. You get three lives...when one person has completely died, you begin your match. NOTE ALL OF THE FATALITES AND ANIMALITIES LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN PROVEN AND TESTED BY MYSELF. As for the combo system, these have been sent to me by e-mail and am not too sure if they are correct or not. In the beginning when the game first came out, people were very nice giving info/movements about the game should someone ask. Now that we have SOMEWHAT all we need to know about the game, people have been stingy giving info when they find out something new. I didnt bother to give credit to anyone. They know who they are and we know who gives good info who gives B. S. QCT=D, DF, F QCB=D, DB, B HCT=B, BD, D, DF, F HCB=F, DF, D, DB, B PIT FATALITY , KAHN'S TOWER, SUBWAY FOR ALL CHARACTERS F, F, F, RUN ANIMALITY REQUIREMENT: 1. NO MERCY = win first round, let your opponent win the second, win the third round. or let your opponent win the first, you win the second, win the third. 2. Sweep Range D, D, D, D, RUN 3. Win the round again. 4. Execute the Animality Move. 5. ALL animalities are done at very close range. (So Far) CYRAX Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, the second of three prototype cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts his last program command is to find and terminate the rogue ninja Sub Zero. Without a soul Cyrax goes undetected by Shao Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation of Earth. Net Capture ~~~~~~~~~~B, B, LK Grenade Throw (Long) ~~~Hold LK, F, F, HK Grenade Throw (Short) ~~~Hold LK, B, B, HK Tele/Assemble ~~~~~~~~F, F, D, BLOCK Jump + Throw ~~~~~~~~HCT, BLOCK (Opponent must be in air) Combos: HP, HP, HK (3) HP, HP, LK, LP (4) Fatality I: Hold Block, U, U, U , D, HP (Anywhere) Helicopter like Fatality. Fatality II: Hold Block, 360, Stop/Hold Down, RUN Cyrax starts computing, a green figure comes on screen then both players explodes. Self destruct fatality. Animality: Hold BLOCK, U, U, U, D (Close) (MUST BE SHANG TSUNG TO DO THIS ANIMALITY) Back fin of a shark floats across the screen then up appears a killer shark, swallows you up. Ending: Cyrax is reprogrammed by Sub-Zero out in the desert. Cyrax wins and it turn out that Sub-Zero reprogrammed him to kill Shao Kahn instead of himself. Cyrax, being soulless attaks Shao by surprise. Cyrax then receives orders from the Lin-Kuei to return to base, but being reprogramed by Sub-Zero, has a severe malfuction on his way back. Cyrax is then seen wandering through the desert, blindly trying to get back to his Ninja Clan. Strategy: The Electric Net is excellent for foot sweep wars and for interrupting attacks (Especially Sub-Zero's slide, hehehe...) It has a short delay time, but people can still jump kick over it if they are quick. The bombs are sort of an art. The explosions from them are unblockable, so you need to lay them out in _just_ the right pattern to force your opponent to move. Far too many people jump away from them, which lets you do the Electric Net to catch them. When playing against Cyrax, WALK away from the bombs, don't jump away from them. The Teleport is VERY quick and is good for getting you out of tough situations. Cheeze: Catch your opponent with the net. While he/she is being pulled in, throw a short bomb. Uppercut your opponent. Right when he/she lands, the bomb will explode, sending him/her back to you. Catch your opponent again with the net, and so on and so on and so on. Jax After failing to convince his superiors of the coming Outworld menace, Jax begins to covertly prepare for the future battle with Kahn's minions. He fits both arms with indestructible bionic implants. This is a war Jax is prepared to win. Arm Cannon (Once) ~~~~~~~B, F, HP Arm Cannon (Twice) ~~~~~~~F, F, B, B, HP JackHammer ~~~~~~~~~~~~F, F, F, HK Backbreaker ~~~~~~~~~~~~BLOCK in mid-air Ground Smash ~~~~~~~~~~~Hold LK 3 secs, release Gotcha Throw ~~~~~~~~~~~~Grab first then tap HP Gotcha Grab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~F, F, LP, tap LP repeatedly Combos: HK, HK, HP, HP, BLK, LP, B+HP HP, HP, BL, LP, B+HP (5) HK, HK (2) HP, HP, BL, LP, B+HP (5) HP, HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HK, F, F, HK (8) Fatality I: CHARGE BLOCK, 360, Stop/hold Forward, RELEASE Arms turns into knives, dices you. Fatality II: ? ? ? ? Jax stands at about half screen and begins to grow taller and bigger, TALLER and BIGGER, until you can't see him anymore. Your opponent is left by himself on screen and then... about 2 seconds later SPLAT!!!!!!!!!! A giant fucking army boot (leg and all) comes smashing down on him, crushing him to oblivian! Animality: ? ? ? ? Ending: Strategy: Jax is played very differently from his MK2 incarnation. First off, the Ground Smash is much slower than before, and has a longer block delay. Never use it in jumping range; your opponent will have no trouble kicking you. Jax's Power Wave has been replaced with a single and double arm canon which shoots fireballs similar in appearance to S.T.'s, but much smaller. These fireballs are excellent for defense because the force of the projectiles will push Jax back and out of the range of jump kickers. These fireballs have become a great harassment technique and are hard to jump over. After a couple fireballs, I usually Ground Smash and follow up with another fireball. The Gotcha Grab has a longer block delay if blocked, but has better recovery after hitting an opponent. The Rushing Punch is best used sparringly and in situations you're sure it will hit. It is very similar to Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick in that your opponent can duck under it. Your opponent can then proceed to combo or uppercut you. However, it is a fast move, and can be used as a counter move if done right. Jax's combo is very demoralizing. The only glitch I've seen with it is that, after Sheeva's Dragon Jump, Jax's first hit in the combo is too high to connect. In this case, I would quadruple throw instead. KABAL As a chosen warrior his identity is a mystery to all. It is believed he is a survivor of an attack by Shao Kahn's extermination squads. As a result, he is viciously scarred, kept alive only by artificial respirators and a rage for ending Shao Kahn's conquest. Fireball ~~~~~~~~~~~B, B, HP Taz Spin ~~~~~~~~~~B, F, LK Ground Saw ~~~~~~~B, B, B, RUN Combos: HP, HP, D+LP, D+HP LK, LK, (down), HP, HP, HP, (jump), LK, (BACK BACK), HP, B, B, B, RUN. Jump Kick, B, F, LK, LK, LK, HP, HP, HP, Jump Kick, B, B, HP, B, B, RUN (B, F, LK), LK, LK, HP, HP, D+HP, Jump Kick, B, B, HP (8) LK, LK, HP, HP, D+LP, D+HP (6) HP, HP, D+LP, Jump Kick, B, B, HP (5) Fatality I: ? ? ? ? (Close) Kabal takes off his mask, showing a zombie type face with wicked glowing eyes. (NICE detail) He screams at the screen then at the opponent...who backs up in fright or heart attack?...(Fatality?) Fatality II: B, B, F, D, BLOCK (More than Sweep Range) He unplugs his respirator and shoots the hookup at you. It gouges your torso and starts to inflate your HEAD!!! Your head blows up to an immense proportion and then you start floating into the air and off screen. You hear a loud BOOM and pieces of bodies falls down all over the place Animality: HOLD HP, 2 seconds, RELEASE. ( I like to Hold HP, F, F, F, RELEASE ) Kabal turns into what looks like a rhino skeleton, and head-butts you. You fly up like Liu Kang's old uppercut fatality. Small gout of blood as you're hit. Ending: Kabal entered the tournament in an act of revenge on Shao Kahn. He had left his former life of crime as part of the black dragons. He never expected to be the "Chosen One". Being part of the Black Dragons he was a friend of Kano. He got into the tower and defeated Kahn with his help. After the winning the tourament the "Chosen One" Kabal keeps his idenity a secret and he walks into the sunset with wonder left in every ones minds. Strategy: This is one NASTY character. His fireball is quick and has a decent block delay. However, the Hyper Dash is VERY, VERY fast and can counter almost anything, including foot sweeps. After the Hyper Dash, HP,HP,D+HP knocks the opponent into the air. Then, jump kick and fireball. This gets you 49% damage. You can tag on 2 LK's in the beginning to make it 60% as well. The one thing you have to remember with Kabal is that the Hyper Dash does not take off damage; it only dizzies your opponent. Thus, an opponent will not sustain any block damage from it. Avoid using it to try and tick off the last bit of life of your opponent; it won't work. Kano Kano is thought to have been killed in the first tournament. Instead, he is found alive in the Outwold where he again escapes capture by Sonya. Before the actual Outworld invasion, Kano convinces Shao Kahn to spare his soul. Kahn needs someone to teach his warriors how to use Earth's weapons. Kano is the man to do it. Cannonball ~~~~~~~~~~~~Hold LK, 3 secs, release Air Toss ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Block while in mid-air Knife Throw ~~~~~~~~~~~~QCB, HP Knife Uppercut ~~~~~~~~~QCT, HP Rapid Choke ~~~~~~~~~~HCT, LP Combos: HP, HP, HK, LK, B+HK HK, HK, LK, B+HK HP, HP, LP, B+HK HP, HP, LP, HK, LK, B+HK (5) HP, HP, D+LP, UF, hold LK, release LK (5) HP, HP, LP HP, HP, HK, HK (4) Fatality I ? ? ? ? Kano shoot you with a laser from his eye until you get real hot and explode. Fatality II ? ? ? ? Kano pulls a skeleton of his opponent out of his opponents Body through his/her mouth. The body then stands there for a second with a big mouth opening then it falls to the ground like a stuffed rag doll. Animality ? ? ? ? Kano changes into a big Bright yellow spider. Then the spider wraps it's arms around it's victim squeezing the life and blood out of them. Ending: Shao Kahn under estimated the power that Kano really posses when he let him live. He thought that by Kano training his soldiers it would make him stronger. Kano had other plans. Leaving him alive was what caused Shao Kahn his life. When the moment was right Kano made his move and defeated Kahn. Thinking he could have it all now that Kahn was dead he tried to take the one thing that was just to powerful for him to handle. The soul of Shao Kahn himself. He tried to take over Kahn's soul but the power and evil was just to overwhelming and he was killed . He let greed get to his head and take him over. Strategy: Kano is very pumped-up from MK1. With the Canonball being charge LK, release, you can do tons of stuff that is totally annoying to even the best players. You can play very offensively, releasing the ball everytime you see your opponent twitch. You can also play defensively, showing your opponent just how hard it can be to move in on a Kano with this move charged. The ball can interrupt many of Kano's kicks and special moves, automaticly coming out before Kano would normally recover. Use this to trick your opponent into moving. Also, the ball can COUNTER foot sweeps. That's right, if your opponent sweeps you, and you block it, you can release the ball and hit your opponent before they recover. Very, VERY nasty. The Knife Uppercut does the same thing as a standing HK, but with greater reach. It can take out jumpers, and has good range on the ground. Don't attack an opponent on the ground with it, though, unless you have the ball charged; there is a decent block delay on this move. The best combo with Kano is HP,HP,LP, then jump kick and IMMEDIATELY hit BLOCK. You will get the Leg Drop in for 5 hits total. KUNG LAO After the Earth invasion Kung Lao stayed along side Lui Kang. He is also at risk because of this. Not only because of this but because he is a good friend of Lui Kang. Shao Kang knows that to get to Lui Kang he must elimanate Kung Lao. So Kung Lao must always watch his back! Colors are just the oppeset as MK2. Hat Slice ~~~~~~~~~~~~B, F, LP Teleport ~~~~~~~~~~~~D, U Mid Air Dive Kick ~~~~While in air, D, HK Spin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F, D, F, RUN Combos: LK, LK, B+HK (3) HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, LK, B+HK (7) HP, HP, LP, LK, B+HK (5) HP, HP, LP, B+HK (4) Fatality I: ? ? ? ? Kung Lao stands about sweep distance from his opponent and ducks down and throws his hat at you. His hat makes four passes, like a boomerang, slicing you into bits and pieces. Fatality II: ? ? ? ? (Sweep Range) Kung Lao does his spin REAL fast (looks like he was hit by a Kabal speed attack), the opponent is drawn in and explodes. Animality: ? ? ? ? Ending: Kung Lao is severely wounded in the combat. He later dies from his wounds. Strategy: Kung Lao is almost exactly the same as his MK2 incarnation. The only difference is the Hat Throw. The hat now sails vertically in a slight arc and is not controllable anymore. However, since it spins vertically, the added surface area covers most of the previous range of the guidable hat throw from MK2. Kung Lao's 7-hit combo rules, too. You can use the LK,LK,B+HK portion of the combo when running in if you are having problems with sweepers and uppercuts. LIU KANG After the outworld invasion Liu Kang finds himself the prime target of Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin Champion and has thwarted Kahn's schemes in the past. Of all the humans Kang poses the greatest threat to Shao Kahn's rule. Fireball (High) ~~~~~~~~~F, F, HP Fireball (Low) ~~~~~~~~~F, F, LP Flying Kick ~~~~~~~~~~~F, F, HK Bicycle Kick ~~~~~~~~~~Hold LK, 4 secs, release Combos: HP, LK, LK, HK, LK (5) HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK (7) Bicycle Kick, Run, HP, HP, Block, LK, LK, HK, LK (8) LK, LK, HK, B+LK (4) HP, HP, LK, LK, LK, BL, HK (7) Fatality I: F, F, F, B, F, LK (Anywhere) He turns his back on you, disappears, then reappears quickly in front of you engulfing you in flames. Just the skeleton left behind in flames. Fatality II: ? ? ? ? Animality: ? ? ? ? Liu Kang turns into a snake and swallows you up. Ending: Liu Kang once again reigns as champion after proving himself again. It is the apparent death of Kung Lao that enrages Kang into defeating Kahn. He won easily after watching his fellow Shaolin Brother die in battle. All the souls of the Outworld run free, and Princess Kitiana comes to the Mother Realm (Earth) to thank him. Strategy: Liu Kang's has been weakened all across the board. The fireballs come out slower, meaning you can't interrupt very close-in foot sweeps like you could in MK2 (although the block delay on the fireball is shorter). There is a greater lag time on the air fireball as well. The Gobble Kick does less damage. If your opponent blocks the Flying Kick, you can be comboed afterwords, which usually is real bad news. The only real advantage Liu Kang has is his 7-hit combo. It is very easy to do and is VERY, VERY demoralizing to your opponent. Also, when fireballing on the ground, be real careful how close you are to your opponent. In particular, watch for counter attacks like Sonya's Leg Grab, Kano's Canonball, and Sheeva's Dragon Jump, and Kabal's Hyper Dash which can catch you with their speed and range. NIGHTWOLF Works as a historian and preserver of his People's culture. When Kahn's portal opens over North America, Nightwolf uses the magic of his Shamen to protect his tribe's sacred land. This area becoms a vital threat to Kahn's occupation of the Earth. Green Aura ~~~~~~~~~~B, B, B, HK (Relflects Projectiles) Hatchet Uppercut ~~~~~HCT, HP Arrow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~QCB, LP Combos: HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HK HP, HP, LP, HCT, HP, Jumpkick (4) HP, HP, LP, Hatchet, Hatchet, HP, Arrow (7) HP, HP, B, D, F, HP, HP, F, F, F, LK (5) HP, HP, LP, B, D, F, HP, LP, F, F, F, LK Fatality I: D, F, F, HK (Close) A column of light comes down disentigrating you. Fatality II: B, B, B, HP (Sweep Range) Lightning hits axe, redirects it to you. Animality: D, D, (Close) Ending: After the defeat of Kahn, Nightwolf goes back to his homeland. He has saved his people and is a hero. Shao Kahn has underestimated Nightwolf and payed for it. Nightwolf now starts a race on earth. Strategy: Another guy I don't like. The Mystic Arrow is weak and has a long delay. The projectile shield is too complex to get out regularly, and it doesn't block anything else. The Shadow Ram is weak and too easy to duck underneath, just like Jax's Rushing Punch. You will get uppercutted or comboed everytime. There's not much that I like in this guy. He also looks stupid and dorky. SEKTOR Sektor is actually the code name for unit LK-9T9. He was the first of three prototype cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Sektor was once a human assassain trained by the Lin Kuei. He volunteered for automation because of his loyalty to the Clan. Sektor survives the Outworld invasion - he has no soul to take. Heat Seeker ~~~~~~~~QCB, HP Missile ~~~~~~~~~~~~F, F, LP Tele/Punch ~~~~~~~~~F, F, LK (Can be done in Mid-Air) Combos: HP,HP,HK (3) HP, HP, LK, B+HK (QCB HP), (F, F, LK), RUN, LP, Jump Kick (QCB HP), (F, F, LK), RUN, LP, (F, F, LP) HP, HP, LK, LP LK, HP, HP, LP, Jump Kick (4) Jump Kick, (F, F, LK), HP, (F, F, LP) (4) HP, HP, D+LP, Jump Kick, (F, F, LP) HP, HP, HK, HK, B+HK Fatality I: B, B, B, HK (Sweep Range) A large clamp comes out of his body crushing you. Fatality II: ? ? ? ? (A little more than Sweep Range) Sektor uses a flame thrower on his wrist to light the opponent up. Animality: Hold Block, D, D, D, U (Close) Turns into a huge purple bat. Flies one pass The next pass the bat dives down, chopping your head off and head falls on the floor. Body still standing up. Ending: < Not exact words > He torched the whole place and activating his own self destruct sequence. Destroying everything and at the same time closing the portal hole. Strategy: Well, I really don't like this character; he is far too limited for my tastes. The Straight Missile is OK, but the Homing Missile sucks. Your opponent can run or jump right through it for the first second or so, letting them nail you easily. The Teleport Punch is the reverse of Mileena's Teleport, but has a LONG delay at the end. If blocked, expect an uppercut everytime. SHANG TSUNG Tsung is Shao Kahn's lead sorceror. He once fell out of favor with his emperor after failing to win the Earth Realm through tournament battle. But the ever scheming Shang Tsung is instumental in Kahn's conquest of earth. He has now been granted more power than ever. Eruption ~~~~~~~~~~~~F, F, B, B, LK Fireball (One) ~~~~~~~~B, B, LP Fireball (Two) ~~~~~~~~B, B, F, LP Fireball (Three) ~~~~~~~B, B, F, F, LP Morphs: Jax: F, F, D, LP Stryker: F, F, F, HK Kano F, B, F, BLOCK Sonya D, (RUN+BLOCK+LP) Kung Lao RUN, RUN, BLOCK, RUN Kabal LP, then BLOCK, then HK Sektor: D, F, B, RUN Nightwolf: U, U, U Sub Zero: F, D, F + HP Cyrax: BL, BL, BL Sheeve: F, D, F, LK Liu Kang: 360 Degrees (Forward) Sindel: B, D, B, LK Combos: HP, HP, LP, B+HK LK, HP, HP, LP, B+HK (B, B, F, F, HP) (3) HP, HP, LP, B+HK (4) (F, B, B, LK), HP, HP, (B, B, F, F, HP) (6) Fatality I: ? ? ? ? (Sweep Range) He stands about half screen and lifts you into the air (ground erruption pose) and then you start to glow green and then you undergo "Loss of Soul" you turn into a nasty looking skeleton and fall to the ground. Once on the ground your nothing but a pile of slop! (Powder) Fatality II: D, F, D, F, (BLOCK+LP) //// HOLD LP, D, F, D, F, RELEASE //// D, F, D, F, LP (Close) A bed of spikes from the ground and he then proceeds to slam you on them. /// = or Animality: ? ? ? ? Ending: Assigned to hunt down the renegade Earth Warrior, Tsung realizes that Kahn will take his soul as soon as he is down. So he kills Shao Kahn and Motaro, takes all of Earth's souls and rules the world. Strategy: The first thing you will notice is that all of his MK2 priorities and strengths have been changed. The fireballs no longer can catch close-in jumpers; they fly much lower than before. You used to be able to set up sweep-fireball defenses which worked great in MK2, but not anymore. In short, you cannot rely on the fireballs very much anymore. Make sure that your opponent is a good distance away before firing them, or buffer a series of fireballs after an uppercut or something. Make sure your opponent is out of range or cannot retaliate. In contrast, the new Ground Eruption is a good move in its own right. The Ground Eruption is a series of 3 upward fireballs that start from the back of the screen and move forward as each one comes out after the other. If one fireball hits, the other two will almost definitely hit as well, bouncing your opponent toward you. This move is great for projectile wars, or to catch your opponent off- guard. The safest move after hitting with this move is an uppercut, but, if you are good, you can standing punch and get in all three forward fireballs afterwords. It is a very demoralizing move (several have called it cheap), and is a great weapon if used well. Try not to do the move within jump-kick range of your opponent due to the fireball delay S.T. experiences. Morphs are a bit trickier for Shang Tsung to pull off now. In particular, I've experienced difficulty starting the motions for morphs in the air and morphing while using the block button. Morphs seem to last about the same amount of time as in MK2. Finally, Shang Tsung's uppercut is very weak in terms of priority. Only use it when your opponent is jumping in very close to you. Use a standing HK all other times. SHEEVA She was hand picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's personal Protector. She becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's loyalty toward her race of Shokan when he places Motaro head of his extermination squads. On the Outworld Motaro's race of Centaurians are the natural enemy of the Shokan. Ground Stomp ~~~~~~~~B, D, B, HK Mega Stomp ~~~~~~~~~ D, U Fireball ~~~~~~~~~~~~QCT, HP Combos: HP, HP, LP, F+HP (4) LK, HK, HK, B+LK (4) HP, HP, LP, (Back) , HK, HK, LK, HK (7) HP, HP, B+HK, QCT+HP (4) HP, HP, LP, B+HK, B+HK (5) HP, HP, LP, F+HP, D+HP (5) Fatality I: Hold HK, F, F, F, release HK //// F, F, F, (BLOCK+HK+LK) (Close) Uses all four arms undressing your skin. /// = or Fatality II: F, F, F, LP (Close) Pounds you like a nail. Animality: ? ? ? ? Ending: Her race is going to be enslaved by Shao Kahn, who gives Motaro's race of Centaurians the Information they need to defeat the Shokan. Sheeva is outraged and kills Shao Kahn and Motaro, restoring her race to one of Nobility. Strategy: Ahhh...the queen of "cheapness!" 2 of her moves are unblockable. Hehe, expect to get some complaints if you use her to her full capacity. The Dragon Stomp is similar to Jax's Ground Smash in that it hits the ground and is unblockable. However, it looks exactly like the Dragon Jump in the first part. Thus, it is unlikely people will be able to tell the difference and jump kick you. The Dragon Jump is pretty deadly if used right, but pure suicide if used improperly. Do NOT just randomly do this move. The proper counter is simple. If underneath the Dragon Jump, press the RUN button and run away from it. Then, run back and combo, throw, or whatever. It is CRITICAL that you press the RUN button FIRST, BEFORE tapping forward. When you have the RUN button pressed, you can keep running underneath someone, even if you are not facing them. Sheeva appears so close to center above you that if you tap forward first and then the RUN button, you will be facing the other way by the time you hit the RUN button (it doesn't take very long). And, since you can't run backwards, you'll end up just standing there and getting squashed by Sheeva. Once you get it down, it's easy. The D,U motion for the Dragon Jump must be done completely on the ground. You cannot buffer the motion in the air. The absolute best time to do this move is after a jump kick. Remember to wait until you touch the ground before starting the down motion. The fireball is decent, but Sheeva stands tall and sticks her hands out when she does it. Thus, it's easy to jump over and counter. SINDEL She once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as his queen. Now, 10,000 years after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth. Her evil intentions are every match for for Shao Kahn's Tynanny. She is key to his occupation on Earth. Fireball (Ground) ~~~~~~~F, F, F, LP Fireball (Air) ~~~~~~~~~~HCT, LK (Must be in Mid-Air) Scream Lift/Push ~~~~~~F, F, F, HP Flight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B, B, F, HK Combos: HK, HP, HP, B+HK HP, HP, LP, B+HK (4) HK, HP, HP, LP, B+HK (5) HP, HP (2) Fatality I: ? ? ? ? (Far) Her hair starts to grow REAL long. It totally ENGULFS your character. She then runs away from you sending you into a "Kabal spin". All you can see is blood and body parts. Fatality II: ? ? ? ? (Close) She yells at you and then all your skin falls off leaving a bloody skeleton. Animality: F, F, HP She morphs into a huge purple wasp, which picks you up. The wasp begins stinging your body as it flies away. Sindel then floats up from the bottom of the screen. Ending: She's not really Shao Kahn's wife she is Kitana's MOTHER!!!!!! That's right she was married to the King of the Outworld. Kitana is actually 10,000 years old!!!!! (find that hard to believe). Strategy: Sindel is as close to Kitana as you're going to get. Her Sonic Scream has much the same effect as the fan lift, but has been much improved. Instead of directing upward and pushig the opponent away, the Sonic Scream is directed forward and pulls your opponent closer to you. However, if properly timed, the Sonic Scream can still catch jumpers easily, just like the fan lift. If your opponent blocks the Sonic Scream, they are pushed back harmlessly. The Sonic Scream has a deceptive range, and you should maximize the usefulness of this in your gameplay. One of my favorite tactics is to run up to someone and do her 5-hit combo. They will block it and be pushed back quite a bit. Assuming they are out of harm's way, they inevitably let down their guard. However, that opponent is still in the Sonic Scream's range after the combo. I've caught people 3 times in a row by simply following up my combos with the Sonic Scream. Once your opponent is caught, the best move to punish them with is her 5-hit combo. The Sonic Scream is not all-powerful, however. Do not use it in sweep wars; it will not catch a close-in sweeper. Also, very, very close-in jumpers will be able to hit you before you can catch them, so you need to time the Sonic Scream a bit earlier for jumpers. A couple characters have very fast moves that may be able to retaliate against you for a blocked Sonic Scream. Kabal is the worst offender. In fact, Sindel is not such a hot choice for fighting Kabal period. Sindel's forward fireball is very fast, but the fireball delay is long, and she sticks her neck out when she shoots it (like Baraka stuck out his hand with the Blade Spark). Thus, don't do it regularly in jump range. My main use for it is to hit a fireballer from afar and trade hits (which you should only do when you're ahead). The air fireball is a decent move. You can kick someone out of the air and combo the air fireball before they land (it travels diagonally). Be careful, though. There is a lag time in the air, and many characters with fast moves can hit Sindel before you touch down if you do the fireball too high. The Floating move is just that: it allows you to fly. It is more of a harassment and embarassment tactic than a good one. Most characters have high projectiles and can knock you out of the air with no problem. Only do the Floating vs Sindel, Kano, Cyrax, Nightwolf, and Kung Lao. Even then, use caution. Stay VERY high, except when fireballing. To return to the ground at any time while Floating, press BLOCK. Her standing high kick can knock anyone out of the air. Sure, people will scream and call you a cheap bastard, but thats ok. You can affectvely eliminate another character's jumping attacks. SONYA Sonya disappears in the first tournament, but is later rescued by Jax. After returning to Earth, she and Jax try to warn the US Government of the looming Outworld menace. Lacking proof, they watch helplessly as Shao Kahn begins his invasion. Rings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~QCT, LP Diag. Bicycle Kick ~~~~B, B, D, HK Leg Grab ~~~~~~~~~~LP+BLOCK (Together) Square Punch ~~~~~~~~~~F, B, HP Combos: HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, B+HP (6) HP, HP, LP, B+HK (4) HP, HP, LP, HP (4) HP, HP, LP, B+HP (4) HP, HP, HK, HK (4) Fatality I: D, D, D, F LK (Anywhere) She does her Kiss of death fatality. Fatality II: ? ? ? ? Animality: ? ? ? ? Ending: After finally finding her arch-enemy, Kano , she defeats him in battle and then sets out to battle Shao Kahn She beats Kahn and saves the world. Sonya then goes to the American Government and ask for permisson to start a new group that will help to keep track and stay on top of future threats from this Earth, the Outworld, and other Realms. How could the government say no after doubting her last time? So Sonya starts a group called the Outworld Investagation Agency. She makes sure that a simular event never happens again. Strategy: Another improved character, Sonya is back with a vengeance. The Leg Grab is FAST now, and still has great range. If it is blocked or misses, however, expect to be comboed. The Ring Blast is the same as MK1; it's an average projectile. The Square Wave Punch has a little less priority now, but it has esentially been replaced by the Upward Bicycle Kick, which is totally invulnerable vs jumpers. Use this move whenever someone jumps (unless you can uppercut or standing punch + Leg Grab) In MK1, you could combo a Ring Blast after a Leg Grab as your opponent got up. It doesn't work in MK3, and will get you into trouble if you do it now. The last hit in Sonya's 4-hit combo has a slight block delay if blocked and opens her up to potential retaliation. Little-known fact: Sonya's Leg Grab can COUNTER blocked foot sweeps. Try it; it works wonders! STRYKER When the Outworld portal opens up over a large city in North America, panic and chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Stryker was the leader of the riot control brigade when Shao Kahn began taking souls. He finds himself the lone survivor of a city once populated by millions. Baton Lunge ~~~~~~~~~F, F, HK Baton Trip ~~~~~~~~~~F, B, LP Grenade (High) ~~~~~~QCB, HP Grenade (Low) ~~~~~~QCB, LP Combos: HK, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP HK, HK, HP, HP, B+HK LK, HP, HP, LP (3) HP, HP, D+LP, F, F, HK HP, HP, LP (3) LK, HP, HP, LP, Jump Kick (4) HK, HP, HP, LP (4) HK, HP, HP, LP, (F, F, HK), (QCB HP) (6) Fatality I: D, F, D, F, BLOCK (Close) Straps Bombs, runs for cover Fatality II: F, F, F, F, LK (Far) Shoots a disc attached to a wire, electricutes. Animality: ? ? ? ? Ending: Stryker is not sure why he is called to this gathering, he receives a dream message from Raiden saying that he needs to travel to this place. Upon arriving he meets with the other warriors, and knows his purpose. He is supposed to defend his city from the menace of Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn is not sure what to expect from this new warrior and is caught by surprise and defeated... Stryker has saved everyone in the world. After all his townspeople were killed, he left to go into battle. Now he has returned to find everything dead as he left it. Strategy: This guy has one of the best running combos in the game. The LK of the combo has GREAT priority over foot sweeps and uppercuts. If you connect on the combo, the best way to do it is LK, HP, HP, LP, F, F, HK (to catch them in the air). Follow with a low grenade or two for block damage. Be careful with the last hit in the combo, though. If blocked, the LP causes a substantial block delay. You should never finish a blocked combo with LP. Really good players can see the opening and get the upper hand very quickly. The Grenades are exactly the same in flight as Johnny Cage's Green Nerf Balls of Death. Use the same strategies that worked for you with J.C. The Baton Trip is a move that I personally don't like. Your opponent must block it low, but the block delay on it is _incredible_. If blocked low, you WILL get uppercutted or comboed. And I've actually seen a guy trip someone very close and get uppercutted before he could recover from the Baton Trip as the guy got up. It's not a vital part of Stryker's arsenal. The Baton Lunge is good for comboing and catching people who run in for combos. It is not good for sweep wars, as you will get hit by the sweep or go right over your opponent. As a rule, the Baton Lunge only catches people above you, not below you. If blocked, the Lunge will send you into a roll, setting your opponent up to uppercut you on the way down. Be aware that the Baton Lunge has great range above and behind you when flying forward. I've caught many a jumper from BEHIND them with this move. And, since it's a "throw" move, people hate it all the more, which is good. It distracts them more. SUB ZERO Sub-Zero has returned for his second tournament (the Sub-Zero from the first tourney disappeared). However, he is no longer a ninja. The costume has been removed, but he still dresses in blue. Sub-Zero is being hunted in this tournament as well. This ninja returns unmasked. Betrayed by his own clan, the Lin Kuei, he broke sacred codes of honor by leaving his clan and is marked for death. But unlike the ninja of old his persuers come as machines. He must not only defend from the Outworld menace, but he must also elude his soulless assassains. Ice Clone ~~~~~~~~~~~QCB, LP (Can be done in Mid-Air) Ice Ball ~~~~~~~~~~~~QCT, HP Ice Shower ~~~~~~~~~QCT, HP Slide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~B, (LP+LK+BLOCK) Combos: HK, HK (2) HP, HP, LP, B+HK HP, LP, LK, HK, B+HK HP, HP, LP, (Back), LK, HK, HK (5) HP, HP, LP, LK, B+HK, B+HK (6) HP, HP, LP, LK, LK, B+HK (6) HP, HP, LP, LK, B+HK, B+HK, HP, D+LP (8) Fatality I: D, F, D, F, LP (Close) Picks you up, freezes, crumbles. Fatality II: D, F, B, HK (Sweep Range) Blows a mist, falls back, crumbles. Animality: Hold BLOCK, U, U, (Close) Ending: Sub Zero faces his TWO (not 3) ninja assassins and is able to defeat them but not alone. He has help from his long time friend SMOKE, who he finds along the way. With his help he is able to defeat the two cyber ninja's. Smoke was a friend of Sub-Zero in his Lin Kuei days, so Sub-Zero gives Smoke his soul back and returns him to human form. Sub-Zero then returns to the shadows. (Editors note: He really loves those shadows.) Strategy: Whether you play Sub-Zero on a Proto 2.6 or not makes a big difference, that being the fact that Sub-Zero cannot do his forward freeze in Proto 2.6. Instead, he only has the Ice Shower, which opens him up a lot since it travels upward and not forward. The forward freeze makes him 100% better, and has good speed and recovery. The Ice Statue is a deception move. Sub-Zero flips back, leaving a replica of ice in his place. Anyone who touches this ice is instantly frozen whether they block it or not. This is good for attacking runners, and can be used in the air during jump attacks to fake your opponent out. It's good to do something that has a blatent counter, and then throw in the Ice Statue, pushing you out of the situation. The object is to get your opponent to react to you and walk right into the statue. Needless to say, it takes some work, but you can come up with some ingenius tactics with this move. If all else fails, you can always push your opponent right into the Ice Statue. The Power Slide still does little damage. Your opponent cannot uppercut afterwords (usually), but several characters can combo Sub- Zero after the slide. Use it with extreme caution. The only instance I can imagine you using the Ice Shower over the Ice Beam is when your opponent jumps backward. You can catch them in the air that way. At any other time I would recommend the Ice Beam instead. Shao Kahn Yin Yang MK3 MK Dragon Raiden Shadow of Goro Question Mark (?) Lightning Bolt Skull Peace sign CODES POSTED ON THE INTERNET: (Do they work?) MK (#5) 3 Skull YingYang Goro Dragon 3 (#9) Bolt Goro ? No Power Bar: Skull, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Dragon, Ying Yang, 3 Up+1, Up+2, Up+3, 1, 2, 3 Fight Shao Kahn: Dragon, 3, 3, L.Bolt, Goro, ? Mark 0, 3, 3, 5, Up+4, 4 There is no knowledge that is not Power: ( Not Sure what it Does ) MK, Ying Yang, 3, Skull, Ying Yang, Goro 1, 2, 3, Up+1, 2, 4 Disable Throws: MK, Dragon, Dragon, MK, Dragon, Dragon 1 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 Disable Blocking: MK, Y-Y, MK, MK, Y-Y, MK . ment (the Sub-Zero from the first tourney disappeared). However, he is no longer a ninja. The costume has be ----------------------------------------------------------------- PC Game Cheat & Info list maintainer -----------------------------------------------------------------