ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ USA/FLT United Software Association USA/FLT ³ ³ Fairlight PC Division ³ USA-Dox Department Proudly Presents Magic Candle ][: The Four And Forty Complete Manual From ³ ³ ³ USA/FLT Mindcraft USA/FLT ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Supplied: Anonymous ³ Method: Hand-Typed ³ Packaged: You know who ³ ³ Created: Anonymous ³ Extras: None ³ Date: 2/8/92 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ THE MAGIC CANDLE ][: THE FOUR AND FORTY GAME MANUAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STARTUP ~~~~~~~ Equipment Change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the equipment in your system changes (you replace your monitor or get a new music board), run MC2INST from Magic Candle II's directory and tell it about your new equipment. Then tell it not to install the files from the diskettes. Starting the Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the game is installed, switch to it's subdirectory, by typing something like C: CD \MC2 Then type MC2 to start the game. The flickering candle flame means: "Press any key or mouse button to continue." You'll see it often. Next is a short menu with four options. "New" starts a new game. "Restart" continues where you left off in a game that you have previously saved. The last option, "Quit" returns to DOS. The third option, "Bring" is explained next. Bringing Characters from Other Games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may have played other mindcraft games in the past, with heroes whom you have grown fond of. You don't have to consign them to history: you can bring them into Magic Candle II from either Magic Candle I or The Keys to Maramon, or Both. When you select "Bring" on the title screen, a new game will begin, with old familiar characters. You'll have to tell the game where to find your old friends (disk and directory), and you may have to confirm your heroes' full names and nicknames. In the case of Magic Candle I, ten deruvian years have passed. YOu cannot expect your hero and his or her companions to have maintained their finely-honed skills, let alone the exact possessions they had ten years ago. But you'll recognize them just the same. From the Keys to Maramon, the Magic Candle II is just a short ship ride. The victorious hero of Maramon is just about the same as you remember him or her - probably a very valuable companion for your hero. You will notice that, in an uncharacteristic instant of sentiment, the hero of Maramon left many possessions on Maramon with Tamur for Bill and Jenny Whelk to use when they grow up and become heroes. QUICK START ~~~~~~~~~~~ The game system of the Magic Candle II was designed to be a intuitive and easy to use as possible. You can start the adventure without an extensive study of the game manual, even without reading any farther than this sentence. However, the depth and richness of the game is such that, if you do not read the manual, you may play the game to completion without realizing your full set of options. What we recommend you do, if you are one of those who has no patience for rule books and instruction manuals, is go ahead and start. Reading the manual can come later. Simply follow the steps specified in the previous chapter on Start up and you will be ready to go. Later, after you are familiar with the way the game works, you may decide to start over. Start a new game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the title screen, click your mouse on New, or press N or use the arrow keys to highlight New and press the Enter key or the space bar. Select your hero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are five possible hero profiles, each with a different mix of attributes, skills and possessions. Two of them are female: three are male. (Heroine is probably a sexist word, so we won't use it.) The Party Leader chapter describes all five. Choose one to lead your party. Name your hero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The leader of your quest calls himself Lukas (or calls herself Lukas). You may pick another name if you so choose. If it's longer than five letters, you'll need to make up a short nickname, too. This chapter will use the name Lukas. Land in Telermain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You gain control of Lukas as he lands on the pier in Telermain, the main town on the Island of Oshcrun. The whole island is a safe haven from the forces of Darkness, so you can relax for as long as you want and explore the game's control mechanisms, menus, commands and options. Walk around, using the numeric keypad or the mouse. Go into and out of buildings. Look at signpost. Talk to people. Build a party ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just southwest of the pier on which Lukas landed is the Eastern Breeze tavern. One of the people inside will join Lukas in your party, if Lukas talks to him and invites him to join. (Use the Talk command on the main menu, then the Invite command on the talk menu.) Press 0 to see the status screens for Lukas and his new companion. Leave the tavern and head west toward the center of town. The building next to the Eastern Breeze is a supply store. You might want to stop there and buy a shovel to dig for buried treasure and some picks to use on locked treasure chests. When you reach the main north-south street, turn north or south to find a town gate and head into the countryside. If you get lost, try using a map. (select Lukas with the I key at the top of the keyboard, then issue the Use command from the main menu and select Map from the list of items Lukas can use.) Visit the King ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your party leaves Telermain, you will see a ship to the east and a castle to the west. Ignore the ship for now, and head for the castle. You'll want to arrive at a time when King Richard is in the throne room: between 10:00 and 18:00, usually. If you arrive too early or too late, it's a perfect time to see what camping is all about. Before you enter the castle, issue the Camp command from the main menu. The camp menu will appear. Issue the Sleep command, and confirm that everyone will sleep. Before you Begin, know what to expect. On the right side of the screen, after your party's names, are their hit points. After the hit points are their energy levels, then abbreviations for their health. Their energy might be getting low by now. It will increase as they sleep. Now Begin, and watch time pass and energy increase. When it's a good time to enter the castle, hit a key. The camp menu will reappear. End the camp, and walk into the castle. The throne room is due north of the castle entrance. It's quite a hike - Castle Oshcrun is a big place. When you reach it, go on in and have Lukas talk to the King. His majesty will refer you to the paragraph book. Go ahead and read the paragraph. Even if you never get around to reading the whole game manual, you'll have to read the paragraphs when they come up. Finished? OK, now you know the nearest place to find monster and treasure. And, as Lukas finishes talking to King Rebnard, he'll receive some valuable gifts. Clear the cellar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By now, you're probably ready to slay a monster or two. But, before you head downstairs, you might want to add some more members to your party. The knight's room in the northwestern part of the castle is a gathering place for fighter, and spellcasters looking for adventure. Then go downstairs to the castle's ground floor. Staircases are located in both northern corners of the castle. The entrance to the cellars is close to the northeast stairs. Again, using a map might help. As you ignore the guard's warnings and the danger sign and climb down into the top level of the cellars, your party finds itself in a short corridor. Stairs are to the north; a closed door (marked with an arrow) is to the south. This might be a good time to remind you to save your game before trying anything you wouldn't do in real life. Quit from the main menu, Save then End back into the game. Now go through the southern door. There they are, some of the last orcs on Oshcrun Island. From this point, you're on your own. A Few Last Reminders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proceed with a purpose. There are many things to be done. Your party should be actively working on at least one of them. Talk to everyone. Talk to important people - King Rebnard, Lord Bhardagast, the Great Ziyx - again and again. Save your game before and after great danger. You will usually know when danger is near. You will always know when you have survived it, and don't want to risk it again. THE MAIN SCREEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While you are playing, your computer's screen will show you what is going on in four different ways: the picture, the messages, the status summary, and your possible commands. The Picture ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the upper left, the screen show a picture of your party and their surroundings. For example, as the game starts, your hero is seen standing on a pier, where he or she has been delivered after the arduous journey across the sea. Later, you may see your hero and his or her companions in a friendly tavern, a dangerous dungeon, or deep in the wilds of Gurtex. There pictures are in three different scales. The smallest happens when your party is in a small enclosed area, like the Eastern Breeze tavern of King Rebnard's throne room, and whenever they are in combat. At this scale, each party member moves around independently. The largest scale is out in the countryside, or at sea. Here, the party moves as a group, and the individual members are not seen. In between, as in the streets of Telermain, the halls of the castle or the shafts if an abandoned mine, you can see the separate party members, but they all move as a group. The picture area is sometimes used for other purposes. The status screens, for example, are shown in the picture area. So are the automatic notes of significant events. And, when you are saving or restarting a game, the picture area holds a list of all your saved games. The Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below the picture area is the message area. Here you will be told things of interest ( Lukas has arrived in Telermain), asked important questions (do you want to leave now?) and shown intriguing conversations ( The sailor says: Nice weather for this time of year) The Status Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the right of the picture, several status summary boxes appear at the top of the screen. At the very top is the game date and time. After the time is a letter telling whether the sun is up, L for light or D for dark. On the line below is a description of the weather. Weather affects travel and outdoor camping. Clear is the best weather. Below the weather is a box showing the party's formation. At the game's start, it holds just the number 1, indicating your hero. As he or she invites companions and hirelings to join the party, the formation box will start to fill up. See formation in the menus and commands chapter for details. The party's location is shown to the right of the formation box, both as X and Y coordinates and as a description, such as Telermain or Oshcrun. The X and Y coordinates change with the scale of the picture. At the start, they refer to the hero's location within Telermain. When the party leaves the town, they will refer to the party's location within all the lands of Gurtex. At the bottom of the status summary area, the party members are listed with their identifying numbers on the frame next to their names. Following their names are the current hit points and energy levels, then abbreviations of their health conditions. Commands ~~~~~~~~ Finally, at the bottom right is the command area. It has a chapter of its own: menus and commands. THE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are five parts of the keyboard: alphabet, numbers, keypad, arrows and the special keys. Your mouse works along the same lines. Alphabet Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you want a party member to whisper a magic word, or to ask a friendly stranger about an other topic, use the alphabet keys to type in the word you want. A command can also be issued to the party or the selected party member by pressing its first letter. The mouse cannot type words, but it can issue commands. Click on the command in the lower right part of the screen to issue it. Number Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~ The number keys across the top of the keyboard (not the numeric keypad) are used to select party members and to enter the status screens. Pressing a key 1 through 6 will select the corresponding party member, making him or her the primary recipient of your commands. The 0 key brings up the status screens, which are explained in their own chapter. It also leaves the status screens when you are finished with them. The mouse does the same things when used in the party portion of the status summary area. Left click on a party member's name to select the member. Right click on the name to bring up the status screen. When you are finished with the status screens, right click in the picture or message area to leave. The Numeric Keypad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The keys on the numeric keypad at the right hand edge of your keyboard move your party around in the eight directions the keys represent. Left clicking in the picture area when the mouse arrow points in the desired direction does the same thing. Right clicking in the picture area is the same as looking where the mouse points. The Arrow Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The arrow keys, and home, end, page up and page down, do not normally do the same things as the numeric keypad. If your keyboard does not have a separate set of arrow keys, hold down a shift key to make the keypad function as arrow keys. Or ignore this section: the arrow keys can be handy, but they're not usually essential. When they are, the keypad and the arrows work the same. Above all, don't play with the num lock key unless you're thrilled by the idea of confusion. Most of the time, the arrow keys move around the command area. Home goes to the top; End goes to the bottom. When the area is more than full - you might be selecting an item from all the party members' inventories to pool - page up and page down move through the list faster than up and down arrows. When the message area is more than full, the command area says only Cont for continue and the arrow keys switch to working with the message area. When either the command or message area is more than full, red arrows indicate that there is more information farther down ( or farther up). Left clicking on the red arrows is like using the up and down arrow keys; right clicking is like using page up and page down. Special Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ENTER key issues the highlighted command. So does the Space Bar. The ESC key escapes from problematical situations. It works like the End or Done command. Ctrl-V for Volume turns sound effects and music on or off. MENUS AND COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A command may be selected by pressing its first letter, by using the arrow keys until the desired command is highlighted, then pressing the space bar or enter key, or by clicking on it with the mouse. Some commands, like camp, apply to the entire party; others, like talk, apply only to the party member currently selected. Some commands, like pass, happen as soon as you push the button; other, like use, call for further options. The Main Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the time, the command area will contain the main menu of commands. Much of that time, you'll ignore the command menu while you move from one place to another. But, when the situation becomes interesting, you will have the main menu of commands available. The use command is first on the menu, because it happens so often. You will use mushrooms and herbs to restore the party's health or to prepare for combat; you will use maps and map flasks to see their surroundings; you will use food to relieve their hunger. The items chapter explains many of the items your party will use frequently. Others - the magical items you will need to complete your quests - you will figure out as the game progresses. For some items, like mushrooms, you will be asked whether the whole party should use them at once. Recall brings a magic spell to the front of the selected party member's mind. You will be shown a list of the spells the member has learned. Select one. The first status screen will then show that spell as the member's ready spell. (Use the esc key to leave the party member with no spells ready.) Proficient magic users will often know more spells than will fit in the command area at one time. Use the arrow keys to move up and down the list. Notes lets you review recent events in the game and otherwise work with the automatic notes. See the notes menu below. When a spell has been recalled, the magic command cast it. Or if it doesn't, if the caster is in the wrong place at the wrong time, or if the caster doesn't have enough energy. The magic chapter contains more details. Talk begins a conversation. The main menu in the command area is replaced with the talk menu, which is explained below. Not everyone your party talks with will have useful information for the, but so many of them will that it's good practice for your party to talk to everyone they chance to meet. The camp command allows your party to recover their energy, to learn spells, to fix their battered weapons, and to do many other things. Or, at least, to change their clothes. The rest and recuperation chapter covers the camp command in detail. Pass makes your party stand where they are to let one tick - five game minutes - pass by. Not efficient, but sometime the best way to wait for a particular person to appear. Pass lasts longer in some situations. In a school or training area, for example, if one of the party members has enrolled for training, pass puts the stop command into the command area, and lets the clock run until training is complete or you issue the stop command. The formatn command lets you rearrange your party's members. It is most often used to squeeze through narrow passages, making your party more vertical or horizontal. It can also be used to put the right party member next to the right thing, or to surround a vulnerable member with stronger companions. It is easier done than explained. When you have several members in your party, perhaps in the halls of the castle, try it out. When you issue the command, the formation box in the status summary area goes blank, except for a cursor. Use the number keys to put a member in the cursor's position; use the space bar to skip a position. When all the party members have been placed, they will move around in the picture to show their new formation. Draw lets the party member draw a sword, ready a bow, or unsheathe an axe. You can choose from the weapons that he or she has available. It's a good idea to draw weapons when your party enters a dark, ominous tower. It's a bad idea when they go to the library. Whisper tells the selected party member to whisper a magic word. Then you type in what the magic word is. By the time you need someone to whisper a word you'll know what the word is. If you don't, your party hasn't been talking to the right people. The look command asks you what the party member wants to look at, then tells you, in the message area, what it seems to be. When using a mouse, you can just right click on something instead of issuing the look command. If something appears very interesting, move the party member right next to it first, then look at it. Maybe it can be picked up. Maybe it has a magic word written on it. Maybe it's full of treasure. Maybe not. Keep looking. Sheathe puts the selected party member's sword or axe back in its scabbard, or bow over his or her shoulder. You can sheathe everyone's weapons at the same time. It's more comfortable, and makes friendly conversations possible. But, when you're not interested in friendly conversations with hungry fermigons, keep the weapons drawn. Quit allows you to leave the game or to interrupt it temporarily. The picture is replaced by a list of your previously saved games, and the main menu is replaced by four new commands. Save saves your game. As many as eight different game positions can be saved at the same time. Restart loads a previously saved game. End returns you to the game in progress, and quit leaves the game completely. The Notes Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The notes command tells you, in the message area, how big your notepad is, and how much of it is full. In the command area, there is a menu of six commands. Looks shows you the most recent note in the picture area. Use the page up key to step backward through the notes. Page down retraces your steps. Home goes to the first note in the notepad; end returns to the latest one. The enter key brings you back to the note menu. The save command saves your notes to a file in the subdirectory of your hard disk from which you are playing the game. The first time it saves the notes, the files is call "notes000.mcn." The next time, it's "notes001.mcn", and so on, conceivably, all the way up to "notes999.mcn". These files can be examined at your leisure, using any text editor or word processing program. The print command sends the notes directly to your printer. Notes are not automatically saved when you save the game. If you want to keep them, be sure to save or print them before you leave the game. The clear command empties the notepad, to make room for more notes. Amount lets you specify how many notes will be put into the notepad, from none at all up to the maximum, which includes everything that is even vaguely interesting. End returns to the main menu. The Talk Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you issue the talk command from the main menu, and select another person for the selected party member to talk to the other person will respond, and the talk menu will appear in the command area. The greet command lets the selected party member switch his or her attention to different person without leaving the talk menu. It can be used, for example, to make a quick round of introductions in a crowded tavern before settling down to a serious conversation with one of the patrons. Talk gets into the details. Some people only talk about one thing - a fencing instructor will only talk about how many coins his lessons cost - but most will provide a list of topics. Select one, and, if the party member has enough charm, the person will say what he or she has to say on the topic at the time. Three topics have special meanings: End returns to the talk menu; People and Other ask you to type in a specific name or subject. Much of the value of conversation comes from finding out what other subjects to ask which people about. The offer command provides the opportunity to give a reward, a gift, or an unabashed bribe to the person talking to the party member. Most, from the humblest beggar to the King himself, will gladly accept. Don't do it without a strong suspicion that it will do the party some good, or an irrational desire to rid the party of their possession. Assign is a command used only by your hero, and only when talking to his or her companions in the party. It tells them to go someplace, or wait where they are, or earn some coins, or learn a skill, or a number of other things. The chapter on the party gives details about the assigned invite and dismiss as well. Invite asks a new acquaintance or and old friend to join in the quest. Most people will plead pressing engagements elsewhere, but you should have little trouble finding five companions and hirelings to join your hero. Taverns are likely spots, and the knight's room in the castle is intended to be a meeting place for adventurers. Dismiss removes a member from the quest. It's a harsh way to treat a sworn companion, but entirely appropriate for a hireling whose services are no longer needed. The buy command lets you know whether the person being spoken to has goods for sale. If so, selecting an item from the list in the command area will tell you its price. When you recover, the transaction proceeds. To lessen the shock, make sure that the party member with the highest trading skill is the one who buys items for the party. The sell command lets you know whether a merchant wants to buy anything that the party member has in his or her inventory. The transaction proceeds much like buy, but in the other direction. When selling gems, gemcutting skill is just as important as trading skill. End completes the conversation and returns you to the main menu. THE STATUS SCREENS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From time to time you will want to know how your hero and the other party members are feeling, what they are carrying, what spells they know, and other information. And you may want the party members to give something to each other. The status screen system lets you do these things. Use the 0 key to activate the status screens. Status Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you hit the 0 key, the picture of the current scene is replaced by a summary of the selected party member's status. A new set of eight commands appears. The first cont, which continues to display status screens. The next found transfer, distr, search and pool, the inventory commands, let you move items from one party member to another. Inven and magic let you skip quickly through the status screens. End or the escape key, or the zero key again, brings you back to the normal picture. Moving Through The Status Screens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cont command continues to display all the status information, one screen at a time. After one party member has been shown, the next one begins. The inven and magic commands skip directly to the inventory and magic status screens for the party member being shown. At any status screen, you may hit the number key 1 to 6 for another party member to switch to the same screen set for that party member. Using the number keys this way makes it easy to see who has the highest trading skill, or which party members need magical shields. Inventory Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Transfer lets you transfer items from one party member to another, or drop and unwanted item. Distr distributes items from the selected party member evenly to the rest of the party. Pool collects all the companions' items into one party member's inventory. You will probably find yourself using pool and distr often. A hunter will gather food, or a trader will buy sermin mushrooms. Then you will pool all the food or sermins to one party member and distribute the stockpile evenly. Search gives you an overview of the party's possessions. You will find out who has what, and how much of it. THE SCREENS ~~~~~~~~~~~ The top two lines of each status screen identify the party member, showing you his or her full name, sex, race and relationship. Personal Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first status screen lists personal data for the party member. Hit pts: Current hit points followed by maximum hit points. Hit points represent the amount of damage that the character can survive. The maximum depends on the character's endurance. When hit points decline to zero, the character dies. Hit points can be restored by sleeping, by the heal spell, or by using a potion. Energy: The character's current energy level. The maximum amount of energy a character can have is 99. A character's energy is used up by almost all actions. As a character's energy approaches zero, he or she becomes tired, then too exhausted to move. Using sermin mushrooms, sleeping or casting the energy spell will restore energy. Shield: The party member's magical shield protection. The shield spell protects against magical spells cast by the forces of darkness. The maximum shield protection is 99 points. In Hand: The weapon the member has drawn and is ready to use. In most cases, it is impossible to talk politely to strangers with a weapon in hand. Spell: The magic spell that the party member has recalled from his or her memory of spells, and is ready to cast. Health: A list of the party member's health problems, ranging from tired to dead. In Use: Magical plants and mushrooms that have been eaten or applied, and are ready to take effect. When combat is expected, it is often wise to use nift plants and gonshi mushrooms ahead of time. Wearing: The clothing and armor the party member has put on. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather and terrain; armor should be as strong as possible to deflect hostile attacks. Character Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second status screen displays, the nine character attributes: Bravery, Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Agility, Loyalty, Charm, Intelligence, and Resistance. Normally, the ratings will range from 0 to 12, depending on the character in the party. Skills ~~~~~~ The next two status screens list the 18 skills and the character's current ability in each skill. The value fro each skill will range from 0 to 99. There are general skills and professional skills. Inventory ~~~~~~~~~ On the inventory screen, or screens, the party member's complete inventory is listed, showing all the items he or she is carrying. Generally, several items of one kind will be shown together. Lady Subia, for instance, might carry coin (100) and sermin (5) meaning that she has 100 gold coins and 5 sermin mushrooms. Weapons, armor and other special items, on the other hand, are always show separately. Usually, they show their wear and tear (w-t) next to the item name. Wear and tear will reduce effectiveness and, eventually, break the weapon or reduce the armor to such a sorry state that is will no longer afford any protection. Weapons and armor can be fixed, especially by talented metalsmiths, to reduce their wear and tear. Each party member's inventory is limited to 40 different items. Magic Spells ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next series of status screens shows the spells that the party member knows and the books of magic that he or she owns. For each spell that is known or learnable, the screen shows: MEM: How many of this spell the character has memorized and not yet cast. TIM: How long it would take the character to memorize a copy of this spell. It depends on the character's intelligence. ENE: How much energy the character would have to use to cast this spell. Songs ~~~~~ Finally, the status screen shows the songs that the party member knows how to sing and play. COMBAT ~~~~~~ Setting Up ~~~~~~~~~~ Unless you are ambushed, you will have time to prepare for combat by getting into position and issuing commands from the combat setup menu. One of your party members - the one with the best soulreading skill - may have an insight into the monsters' attitude. Hearing this party member's comment, you may decide that talking to the enemy is a better choice than rushing into combat. Before the battle starts, you party may move about its side of the area. Your other setup options are: Draw- lets a party member draw one of his or her unbroken weapons Sheathe- may be used to fight bare-handed Recall- lets the party member recall a memorize spell. Look- allows you to identify the creatures and objects you see on the field of combat. When preparations are complete, start the confrontation with talk or begin. Talk has two sub-options. You can rally your friends or greet the opposition. Rally is directed to your own side. If successful, it increases the enthusiasm of the other party members. On the other hand, if your rallying effort is not successful, the enemy may sneak up on you and gain the advantage of moving first. Greet is directed to the leader of your opposition. He may respond in may different ways. His characteristics as well as the general strength of your party play a role in his attitude towards you. If the monsters do not care to chat, they will attack immediately, gaining the advantage of moving first. Begin starts the combat without any more preliminaries. COMBAT SEQUENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During combat, all members of one side take a turn, then all the members of the other side. In an ambush, the monster go first unless a party member detected the ambush, either by tracking skill or the sense spell. Even if the ambush was detected, there is no time to set up before combat begins. If there was no ambush, then you go first unless you try to talk and fail. In your turn, a small marker on the right hand side of the status summary area appears next to each one of your members. The presence of these markers indicates which members have not completed their moves in this turn yet. You can move the party members in any sequence you want by pressing their number keys (1-6) to indicate who moves next, or you can let them act in the party sequence. Natural dexterity or a gonshi mushroom may give a member time to do more than one thing during his or her turn. Fleeing from Combat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some cases, retreat may be your best course of action. Simply stated, you flee by running away-moving through doors or off the edge of the screen. Sometimes a party member may decide to flee despite your wish for him or her to stay and continue to fight. The bravery of the character has a great influence on this decision. A fleeing member will no longer accept commands, being in a state of panic, and running to the nearest exist as fast as possible. The only way to have the member rejoin the battle is to cast a courage spell before he or she disappears from the arena. Character who fled from combat will reappear after the enemy is successfully dealt with, unless a companion's loyalty to the hero and enthusiasm for the adventure are so low that he or she simply keeps running until familiar, safe surroundings are found. Weapon Attacks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swords and axes can be used only on adjacent targets. The attack command swings the weapon. So does attempting to move in the direction of the target. Bows can be used on any target which is not adjacent to the archer. The attack command will shoot an arrow at the selected target, providing the attacker has any arrows to shoot. The damage inflicted by a hit with a weapon depends on the strength of the attacker, the weapon used, and the armor of the target. Armor and Magic Shields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armor reduces the effect of non-magical attacks. Obviously, some types of armor are better than others, steel plate armor will provide better protection than leather armor. Methreal armor will be better than any other kind. Magic shields - the result of the shield spell- protect their owners from magical damage. Unlike armor, magic shields wear out as they absorb magical energy. Shield spells can be cast on top of each other, up to a maximum of 99 points of protection for any one person at any one time. Attacking at Will ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At your option, you can tell the party members who still have moves left within the current turn to make moves as they see fit. This is accomplished with the will command. The designated member then will decide what moves to make on his or her own initiative. The choices your party members make on their own depend on the most part on their personality profiles. The will command is effective for only the current run and selected party member. Delegating Leadership ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also turn the leadership function over to any one of the hero's companions and hirelings during combat. The head command, when selected, presents you with a list of all available party members. The one you choose will replace you as the leader and will start issuing orders to all members of the party, including the hero. You can adjust the speed of the combat by pressing a number key. 0 is slowest; 9 is fastest. Return the party members to your control by pressing any other key or mouse button. AFTER VICTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you have defeated the monsters, your first priority is to resurrect any slain party members. The resurrect spell is very sensitive to time and must be cast as soon as possible. If, for some reason, you are unable to resurrect a member, be sure to transfer his or her valuable possessions to the survivors. Next, you will have the opportunity to plunder the bodies of your conquered foes. If there are any hirelings in the party, make sure that they get their fair share of the loot. Finally, if the monsters were guarding a treasure chest or a magic fountain, you may use a pick on the locked chest to open it or drink from the fountain to restore energy and gain other magical benefits. (To drink, move next to the fountain and look at it.) MAGIC ~~~~~ The Rules of Magic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rules of magic are fixed and invariable, and have been known to change without notice. That's the way magic is. You have to depend on it, but you can never be really sure. There are nine rules of magic. There always have been nine rules of magic, but yesterday there may always have been eight. Or ten. Or a hundred. These are the nine rules. Rule 1. ~~~~~~~ Spells are recorded in magic books, and can only be learned from those books. Rule 2. ~~~~~~~ Spells can be learned from magic books only during a period of undisturbed concentration. Rule 3. ~~~~~~~ Spells that have been learned must be recalled to memory before they can be cast. Rule 4. ~~~~~~~ Once a spell has been cast, it escapes from the caster's mind. However, if the spell has been learned more than once, the next copy immediately jumps into the caster's recollection. No more than 99 copies of any one spell can be learned at a time. Rule 5. ~~~~~~~ Spell-casting uses energy. Less-experienced casters use their own energy. Those of more experience draw some of the energy from the atmosphere surrounding them. Rule 6. ~~~~~~~ More experienced spell-casters get a greater effect from most spells. Move resistant opponents receive a lesser effect from most spells. Rule 7. ~~~~~~~ The time it takes to learn a spell depends on the difficulty of the spell, the magical aura of the local geography, and the intelligence of the spell-caster learning the spell. Rule 8. ~~~~~~~ All magic resolves itself. Rule 9. ~~~~~~~ Spell effectiveness depends on environment and circumstances. THE BOOKS OF MAGIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Dreax was reimprisoned in Berbezza, only four different spell books were known in Deruvia. Since then another has been discovered, a sixth has been written by the Honorable Rimfiztrik, and the Great Ziyx is writing a seventh. Sabano ~~~~~~ Sabano is the book of conflict. Like the other books, it contains six spells. Sabano's spells all deal with the fight between the Children of Light and the Forces of Darkness. FEAR instills a fear of combat into an opponent for a time. The target will neither move nor attack for the duration of the fear spell. You may approach and attack the target without danger from him. CONFUSE avoids conflict when traveling through the countryside. A confuse spell will cause the enemy to forget all about you. Move away quickly before they spot you again. REPEL is the only way to resolve conflicts with the giant poisonous snakes, spiders and scorpions that infest the lairs of darkness. These creatures are constructs of dark magic and cannot be harmed by weapons or other spells. LOCATE can be used either to avoid conflict or to find it. The party becomes aware of all the forces of darkness in the vicinity. It can only be cast while traveling through the countryside. ASSESS gives you knowledge of your opponents in combat. Ishban ~~~~~~ Ishban is the book of change. Some of its changes are temporary; some are permanent. FIREBALL changes the very air to fire, and propels it toward the opponent. TELEPORT changes the location of the caster and his or her companions. Teleport can only be cast outdoors, and only where conditions are proper for it. HEAL changes the stamina of its target to be as high as possible. It does not cure illness or poisoning. WEAKEN changes the target's armor to sand, and its magical shield to air. VISION changes doors to glass for an instant, allowing the caster a glimpse of the room beyond. FREEZE changes the target's sense of time, paralyzing him so that neither attack nor defense is possible. Demaro ~~~~~~ Demaro is the book of protection. Its spells are used to prevent harm, to remove obstacles, and to repair damage. ENERGY restores the target's energy to its maximum possible. PIERCE removes the energy fields that the powers of darkness use to block access to vital areas of their domains. DISAPPEAR is the spell of invisibility. While invisible, the target is protected from enemy attack. An invisible person can attack an opponent with no chance of missing, but an attack at close quarters immediately makes the person visible again. Magic and missile attacks do not terminate invisibility. WALKWATER congeals portions of underground pools and streams, allowing the caster and his party to walk on them. It is not effective on deeper and swifter bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. SHIELD erects a magical shield around the target. The shield protects against magical attacks only, not against physical attacks, poison or illness. RESURRECT is the most powerful spell in the Demaro book. It actually raises the dead. The resurrect spell must be cast as soon as possible. Zoxinn ~~~~~~ All spells in the book of Zoxinn have names starting with the letter Z. ZOFIR is the counterspell to Freeze. It removes paralysis. ZAPALL throws fireballs against all the caster's opponents at once. ZENGRL restores their full hit points to all the members of the party. ZISHOXE is to shield as ZAPALL is to fireball. It strengthens the magical shields of everyone in the party. ZEFOAR throws a giant fireball. It damages everyone near its landing point, friend or enemy. ZUTYUN is arguably the most powerfull of Zoxinn's spell. It affects all your opponents as weaken would affect one of them. Vannex ~~~~~~ The newly-discovered book of Vannex contains six very powerful spells. Some have come to call it the book of stealth. JUMP transfers a combatant instantly from one location to another within the combat arena. Jump can be used on your opponents either to remove them from close combat or to place them in the heat of fray. DETECT marks the location of magical teleportals, so your party can use them or avoid them. GLAMOUR increases the target's apparent charm, making it possible for the target to hold conversations with those who would otherwise ignore him. DRAIN weakens the target by inducing a small portion of the target's brain to melt. SEE is the counterspell to disappear. When see is cast on an area, all invisible opponents within the area become visible. DISGUISE changes the appearance of your party into the semblance of minions of darkness. Emenad ~~~~~~ Emenad is nearing completion. The Great Ziyx has determined all the specifics of the spells it will contain. (Emenad's spells will be of such potency that they can be cast but once in each combat encounter.) BETRAY will cause its target to turn against its former allies. SUMMON will produce a duplicate of the target to fight on the caster's side. It will summon only creatures of very low intelligence. DESTROY will completely destroy almost any opponent. Destroy will remove the memory of all other spells from the caster's mind TERRIFY will unleash a wave of terror, causing enemies who are not brave enough or resistant enough to magic to turn and flee. DOUBLE will conjure a duplicate of one of your party members. The double will hold the same type of weapon and wear the same array of armor. The double will not be capable of casting or using mushrooms. TIMESTOP will slow down time for the caster's opponents. Felmis ~~~~~~ The Honorable Rimfiztrik suggests his new book Felmis be called the book of Rimfiztrik. Many others are calling it the book of many colors. ACIDBALL hurls a balls of fuming acid at its target. FORGET causes its target, which should be a spell-caster, to lose all memory of the spell that is in the forefront of his mind. COURAGE is the counterspell to fear, and can also be cast on fleeing comrades to enhearten him to rejoin the fray. RESTSOUL is an essential weapon against the undead minions of darkness. When an undead falls in combat, it is no deader than it was when the battle started. Cast restsoul on a fallen undead foe to keep it from reanimating and rejoining the fight. SOULSPEAK was discovered by Rimfiztrik while he was researching Restsoul. It makes conversations with ghosts possible. CAMP ACTIVITIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you decide to camp, several activities are possible for the party. Use, Recall, and Magic function as always to use an item, recall a magic spell and cast the spell that the selected party member has in memory. Put puts armor, clothing and other equipment on. Off takes it off. When camping is appropriate, assign activities to the party members. Depending on the location, they can Sleep, Learn, Fix, Watch or Hunt. Sleep is often the very reason for camping. Sleep restore hit point and energy. While most of the party is sleeping, those who own spell books can stay awake and Learn spells. Select the spell you want to magic-user to learn copies of. If the party has been in combat, their weapons and armor might need repair. If you see a problem, assign a party member to Fix the equipment. When the party is camping in the wilderness, there is both danger and opportunity. The minions of darkness wander the wilds, so it is always a good idea to have a party member stand Watch to prevent ambushes. On the other hand, the proper kinds of terrain are ripe for hunting. Assign some of your party members to Hunt. You may find that you finish camping with enough food to take to town and sell. Resting in Camp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the party members have been assigned their camp activities, the Begin command starts the camp activities. After you begin, the camp activities continue until you Stop. You may stop, assign party members to different activities, then begin again. Or after you stop, you can End the camp, pack up, and proceed with the game. -=USA/Fairlight=-