When I started playing Gazillionaire, I got a bit discouraged. I ‘ve liked these type of games every since the BBS game of Tradewars. It seemed like just as you started getting something going good, the game would throw something into the works to muck thngs up... or worse yet, one of your competitors would suddenly vault pass you to an uncatchable level. So, I looked around for cheat codes or easy fixes to beat Gazillionaire and found one thing... there aren’t any... BUT, through trial and error, I found there is a way to beat the game each and everytime and leave the traders scrambling for a sliver of the market share. Gazillionaire’s strength is in its randomness. Each turn, your luck pretty much effects how well you’ll do. And it seems good luck never holds out. Key wording being “seems”. It is this randomness that is also it’s weakness... I found you can eliminate your bad luck altogether by saving BEFORE you leave a planet. Then, if you lose your cargo to bandits, or wind up on a planet that you weren’t suppose to because of a pilot miscalculation, and they’re’s selling Exotics for half of what you paid for them, and the only thing left is Jellybeans at mid-price... you just go back to your save, and try again. So much for bad luck! And. if you don’t have to worry about bad luck, why pay insurance? You can go the entire game without once paying insurance. You can then use the Kubars towards buying more stuff, or putting into your savings account, which brings up the next hint... Try to develop a trade route to the planet Stye. Go there often and be sure to save BEFORE you talk to the credit union. Bounce between your saved game and asking them for a favor until they decide to raise the interest rate on your savings account. If you do this each time you go to Stye, you’ll wind up with an obscene interest rate, and start making hundreds of thousands... even millions of Kubars in interest every turn, without even making a trade. Even though these aren’t what I would classify as legitimate cheats, with these 2 tactics, I have been able to average 19% interest rates, a 90+ % of the market, and win the game completely in less than 80 turns. Good Luck, and remember, “Greed is Good!” animal@wisenet.com