Cyberia 2 : Resurrection Puzzle Hints and Solutions General Tips: Selecting your difficulty level at the start of Cyberia 2 can be pretty crucial. Once you select it, you aren't able to alter it unless you start a completely new game. Selecting DIFFICULT will give most gamers a good challenge without being too frustrating. If you are a novice gamer or not very good at arcade shooters then you should definitely select the EASY or MEDIUM skill levels. For the most part, the action sequences in Cyberia 2 are all the same. Just shoot everything in your way. Like the original Cyberia, you follow a the predetermined path and just fire at the mass of oncoming enemies. When you are in a vehicle, you won't be able to continually fire or the guns will overheat. Generally, the enemies attack from the same areas. Try to anticipate the biggest threats. Below are hints and solutions for Cyberia 2's puzzles. If you don't want to be spoiled, just read the "HINT:" line. If you want a complete solution to the puzzle, check out the "SOLUTION:" line. Puzzle Hints: How to I activate the elevator at the FWA building? HINT: It is just a simple game of "Follow-the-leader". Watch the sequence of numbers and then repeat the sequence. The length of the sequence will depend on the difficulty level you selected. What information do I need out of the FWA Virtual Database? HINT: Exitting too early from the database results in ZAK's death. Don't leave the database until Graham tells you that he has all the information. SOLUTION: Specifically, you are looking for the Inventory and Defensive Weapons Databases. After entering the Research Mines, how do I get past the touch tone lock? HINT: You'll have to listen closely to the tones when one of the FWA employees enters the code. Once you reach the lock, you can start over again at any point. However, if you enter the wrong code, ZAK will die. SOLUTION: The code for the door is 3108. What do I do with the Triangle Lock on the elevator? HINT: To unlock the door, you must use the 10 buttons to cause a beam of light to reach the left side exit. If a light beam reaches the right side, ZAK will die. SOLUTION: There seem to be multiple solutions to this puzzle. Here is one of them (The buttons are numbered from left to right): 3-4-5-1-9-10-2-6 What is the code for Corbin's computer? HINT: There are some colored wine glasses on a shelf next to his desk. One collection of glasses looks a little different then the rest. SOLUTION: The code is YELLOW - GREEN - BLUE. How do I get rid of the green pool of toxins in the lab? HINT: You'll need to repair some leaky pipes. Perhaps the dead body in front of you has something of use. SOLUTION: Examine the dead body to get the remote. Head to the door behind you and to the right. Approach the viewscreen and the leaky pipes will be fixed, removing the puddle. When I head back to Corbin's computer, I keep getting killed before I can use his computer. HINT: You need to make the guard think you are Corbin. SOLUTION: You need to immediately swivel the chair to face the window. What do I need from Corbin's VR database? HINT: You'll need to find a match for that fingerprint. Inside the Security database, ZAK will find a listing of security codes matched with fingerprints. Match the fingerprint you logged from the Lab 4 door to a fingerprint in the database. Note the code that is matched with this fingerprint. (Also, do not select the Self-Destruct database.) SOLUTION: The exact fingerprint match access code is 6307. How do I successfully prepare an antidote? HINT: During a visit to one of the databases, Dr. Richards said to get rid of the red and white blood cells, but keep the green mutagens. However, Corbin said to keep the white blood cells. Now, who should you believe? SOLUTION: Shoot as many red and white blood cells while preserving the green mutagens. You need between 30% and 70% depending on the difficulty level you selected. How do I get into the mine? HINT: Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it is not there. Maybe if you turned out the lights. SOLUTION: As soon as you enter the mine hallway, turn to your right. Go forward and switch off the lights. It will reveal laser beams which you will have to navigate around. How do I arm the Self-Destruct? HINT: Shoot everything around the spinning sphere. Where do I go in the breeder-filled basement? HINT: You'll have to shoot the oncoming breeders while navigating through the halls. Stay away from the walls (there are yellow sensors which will kill ZAK). SOLUTION: The correct path ZAK needs to take is Forward-Turn Right- Forward. Go through the gate and up the stairs. Shoot the electrical box across the room. Exit room and turn left and continue forward down the hall. Avoid the box on the right wall. After entering the large room filled with breeders, shoot the electrical box on the right side. Turn around and continue forward until you are in front of the gate with the stairs. Continue forward until reaching another gate on your right. Turn and go through this gate. How do I use the lock to connect the bridge? HINT: This puzzle works the same as the Triangle Lock at the elevator. SOLUTION: The correct sequence is 2-4-1-5. Corbin has a gun on me. How do I prevent him from shooting me? HINT: It is a long way down that elevator shaft. SOLUTION: While he is distracted by the Major, push him off the elevator.