THE 21 WONDERS OF SID MEIER'S WORLD This section provides an alphabetical (as opposed to a chronological) reference to "wonder working" which should allow one to check the blueprint (prerequisites, costs and benefits) against the needs of one's specific situation. It is designed for quick reference with a few strategic considerations for game play provided. Apollo Program Epoch: Industrial Age Cost: 600 Requires: Space Flight Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: All civilizations with the technology may begin building Space Arks. Notes: The builder of this wonder gets the special benefit of seeing every city in the as-yet-unexplored world. J.S. Bach's Cathedral Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 400 Requires: Religion Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: Mollify 2 unhappy people in every city on continent. Notes: J.S. Bach's effects are continent wide and should be built on the most populated land mass. It is particularly useful at higher difficulty levels, and when representative governments send troops off to war. This is a key wonder. Don't miss it. The Colossus of Rhodes Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 200 Requires: Bronze Working Made Obsolete by: Electricity Function: One additional arrow of trade is created in every City Map square which already generates an arrow. Notes: Wonders don't come cheaper that this. Combine the Colossus and a representative government and one can watch the coins pour into the coffers. Electricity is far enough away to make the Colossus a good investment if built early on. Copernicus' Observatory Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 300 Required: Astronomy Made Obsolete by: Automobile Function: Doubles the light bulb production in the city after all adjustments for Libraries, Universities, and Einsteins. Notes: One of the less expensive medieval wonders, Copernicus' Observatory is also one of the quickest to become obsolete because of the desirability of the Automobile advance. For smaller empires or those with a single trading city, this wonder can reap considerable rewards. Cure for Cancer Epoch: Industrial Age Cost: 600 Requires: Genetic Engineering Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: Creates 1 happy citizen in every city. Notes: This wonder can usually be put off until one has got the game locked up and is cruising toward home (or Alpha Centauri). Its modest affects do not warrant expediency. Darwin's Voyage Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 300 Requires: Railroad Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: Immediately gives the player the current advance he is working on, plus one other. Notes: It often works out such that the player gets the Darwin's Voyage wonder in the same turn he would have gotten the advance he is working on. To avoid wasting effort, turn light bulb product down a couple turns before getting this wonder. The Great Library Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 300 Requires: Literacy Made Obsolete by: University Function: Owner receives any technology that any two other civilizations have acquired. Notes: The higher the difficulty level one plays at and the more isolated one's starting position, the greater the need for the Library becomes. If safely ahead in the technology race, one can skip this wonder. The Great Wall Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 300 Requires: Masonry Made Obsolete by: Gunpowder Function: In a parley situation, other leaders always offer a peace treaty. Notes: The more enemies on one's borders (especially the Zulus and the Mongols!), the more useful the Great Wall becomes. Gunpowder often comes quickly however, making its usefulness short lived. The Hanging Gardens Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 300 Requires: Pottery Made Obsolete by: Invention Function: One happy citizen in all of the owner's cities. Notes: The greater the difficulty level, the greater the need for the Gardens. Invention comes quickly though at higher levels, making the Gardens one of the 1st to sink into obsolescence. Hoover Dam Epoch: Industrial Cost: 600 Requires: Electronics Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: The Hoover Dam is equivalent to having a Hydro Plant in every city on the continent, increasing production and reducing pollution. Notes: The number 2 "must have" wonder, especially if one is situated on a large chunk of land. Isaac Newton's College Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 400 Requires: Theory of Gravity Made Obsolete by: Nuclear Fission Function: Increase light bulb production of all Libraries and Universities from 50% each to 83% each (for a total of 166% when both exist). Notes: This snazzy little number is perfect for the empire with many cities, producing many light bulbs. The broad increase in light bulb production lasts for quite a while although eventually what goes up must come down. The Lighthouse Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 200 Requires: Map Making Made Obsolete by: Magnetism Function: All ships given 1 extra movement point per turn. Notes: The Lighthouse is one of the two cheapest wonders and expires rather painlessly with Magnetism and its Frigates. It can greatly aid the player initially stuck on a small island. Magellan's Expedition Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 400 Requires: Navigation Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: Increases ship movement rates by one point per turn. Notes: One of the 2 medieval wonders that never become obsolete, Magellan's Expedition can be very useful (particularly on a world with a small land mass) in establishing a permanent naval tradition. If sea control looks like it might be an issue, set sails for the Expedition. Manhattan Project Epoch: Industrial Cost: 600 Requires: Nuclear Fission Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: Allows all civilizations with Rocketry to build Nuclear units. Notes: Someone is going to build the Project and open the nuclear can of worms -- and everyone will benefit or suffer equally (except for the 20 Civilization points to the builder). All things considered, one should spend the 600 resource units in something more permanently useful to one's civilization. Michaelangelo's Chapel Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 300 Requires: Religion Made Obsolete by: Communism Function: Cathedral improvement effect increase by 50%, making 6 unhappy citizens content in the city. Notes: While one of the less expensive of the medieval wonders, the time between the discoveries of Religion and Communism can be all too short. If one builds this wonder, a massive cathedral construction program must be undertaken to enjoy its benefits (which can be very impractical). The Oracle Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 300 Requires: Mysticism Made Obsolete by: Religion Function: Doubles the effect of Temple improvements. Notes: One of the better ancient wonders, the Oracle can often avert a player's need for costly Colosseums until Cathedrals can be built. Consequently, the Oracle is a good sacrifice. The Pyramids Epoch: Antiquity Cost: 300 Requires: Masonry Made Obsolete by: Communism Function: The owner may change governments without passing through Anarchy and may choose from any of the 5 government types, even if yet undiscovered. Notes: The greatest ancient wonder, the Pyramids have the longest life and much to offer. Being able to switch between wartime and peacetime governments with the ease of drawing and holstering a pistol is an incredible advantage. SETI Program Epoch: Industrial Cost: 600 Requires: Computers Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function Increases light bulb production in all cities by 50% after all adjustments for Libraries, Universities, and Einsteins. Notes: Possession of this wonder might make pursuing Futuristic Advances more worthwhile than 'going hedonistic' once all advances have been made. Shakespeare's Theatre Epoch: Middle Ages Cost: 400 Requires: Medicine Made Obsolete by: Electronics Function: All unhappy citizens in the city stay content. Notes: Shakespeare's Theatre creates a unique (though brief) opportunity under a representative government to both increase the population of a city by creating Elvii there and having several "We Love the President" days, and also to send a massive army from the city off to war. United Nations Epoch: Industrial Cost: 600 Requires: Communism Made Obsolete by: Communism Function: Modern equivalent of the Great Wall. Notes: It seems other civilizations are less trustworthy in modern times, and peace treaties aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Sneak attacks abound, but the allure of a promised peace still beckons. Even with the United Nations wonder, don't count on peace lasting long. Women's Suffrage Epoch: Industrial Cost: 600 Requires: Industrialization Made Obsolete by: Nothing Function: In a representative government, one less unhappy person is generated when an air unit is built or other military units leave their home city. Notes: By far the best wonder of the world to have. Reducing the greatest obstacle to military expansion under the highly productive representative governments, this wonder is the equivalent of Thor's Hammer or Zeus' Bolt. - Elliott ...!{ philabs | yale | oliveb | decvax | iscuva}!oliafd!elliott