Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess 1. ABLUTIONS 1.1. The bather won't help? She's not supposed to. You are an intruder. She must be killed. 1.2. What about the sleeping priestess? * She serves no purpose. * Unless she wakes up leave her alone. 1.3. What am I here for? * There is a hint for the last part of the game here. * Did you go into all 4 sleeping rooms? * Did you examine each room? * Did you read the plaque in each room? * Combine the phrases into a sentence. * "The father of offa will open the way of the stars under the eye". 2. BIRTH OF A DIVINE RACE 2.1. Zorq kills me? * It takes more than normal fighting to win. * Enhance your fighting with psychic powers. * Use EXTREME VIOLENCE on Zorq. 2.2. What is that thing that drops from Zorq? * Did you understand what the Hitachi implant said? * It is an alien that was on Zorq. * It is a Kreesh, called Arliich, that controlled Zorq. 2.3. Hassk holds Sci Fi hostage and I lose the game? * You must stop Hassk from getting to the top of the ladder. * Use your psychic powers. * Use BRAIN WARP on Harssk. 2.4. Now Ariich holds Sci Fi hostage and I loose the game? * You must stop Ariich/Hassk from getting to the top of the ladder. * Use your psychic powers. * Use SCI SHIFT to close the door at the top of the ladder. 2.5. Ariich has released Sci Fi but escapes and I die? * You must kill Ariich. Remember that it is a parasite. * Kill the body it lives on and it will die. * You must kill the Hassk body without moving. * Use the sacrificial knife you got from Sci Fi. * THROW the sacrificial knife at Hassk. 3. CAVERN 3.1. Who are these people? * Tuners who no longer serve the network. * Norma Jean and Ash. They've been here awhile. * Your implant says that it has notified the network. 3.2. They attack me. Why? Did you lie to them? ( They have the same powers you do ). 3.3. What do I do here? * Have you searched? * Have you searched using psychic ability? * Use ZONE SCAN and click where you see the flash. 3.4. I found a mummy? * Look in the room icon. * You can get 2 items. * There should be a bean and a flask. Take them. * That's all that is here. 3.5. Which way do I go? Left to journey on, right to head back to UPWARD GALLERY. 4. DE PROFUNDIS 4.1. The platform disappears. How do I stop it? * You can't. * Find some other way of not going into the boiling slime. 4.2. I can't use the hook? * You need a rope to do this room. * You need to click on the rope and LASSO the hook. 4.3. I am above the slime. Now what? * WAIT. * Eventually the GRANITE MONSTER comes back up. * When it does, click on it and JUMP ON IT. * Don't forget to TAKE the rope back from the room icon! * Now WAIT. 4.4. Is there a skull in the slime? No, but there is one in the room and the GRANITE MONSTER takes you to it. 5. IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD 5.1. What does the star map mean? * It is more than just a star map. * Have you done a ZONE SCAN on the room? * The map is actually hiding a room. 5.2. How do I open the doorway? * Do you have a monkey? * You need to use a monkey in SAURA'S REPOSE before it will open. * Then INSPECT the map again. 6. My psychic powers don't work anymore 6.1. Why? * Used too much, you use up your abilities. * Do you have a bean and flask? * Your powers are drained, a flask drink can restore them. 7. PLACATING THE POWERS 7.1. Someone is being sacrificed. How do I stop it? * Notice what the man on the altar says. * He wants to do this. There is no way to stop it. 7.2. I am attacked by the right priestess as soon as I enter? ATTACK 1st priestess. 7.3. I am attacked by the High Priestess? * Don't attack, but protect yourself. * Use SCI SHIFT to get dagger and mask. 7.4. Why does the High Priestess stop? * She is not really named Saura. * Did you understand what the Hitachi Implant said? * She is Sci Fi .... but she is still brainwashed. * You must stun her with psychic powers. * Do BRAINWARP on Sci Fi. 7.5. How do I make the High Priestess friendly? * Give her something aged you picked up recently. * Something so valuable a dead man still kept it. * GIVE FLASK TO DRINK. 7.6. How do I get the monkey? He will follow Saura. 8. SAURA's REPOSE 8.1. I can't lift the mat? You're not supposed to. Leave it alone. 8.2. Is there anything here? * Did you examine the wall? * Do you see the niche.... there is something in it. * There is a statue there. 8.3. I have 2 statues. What are they for? * Together they are a key. * Put in a particular place they unlock a hidden doorway. * Put both statues back in the niche in this room. 8.4. I can't get through the small doorway? * *YOU* can't. * Do you have a monkey? * Click on monkey and PUT IN small doorway. 9. Skulls 9.1. What do I do with a skull? * The Trader will accept it. * You can trade it for an item necessary in another room. * You need to give the Trader protozorq 5 skulls to finish the ordeals. 9.2. Where are they? * You get one for successfully completing an ordeal. * Ordeals are rooms that you enter from THE MASTER'S ORBIT. * There's 1 skull per door on the outer wall of THE MASTER'S ORBIT. * You might also be able to attack another human to get one. 9.3. Where is The Trader? * It is in the room where you started with the Master of Ordeals. * Somewhere in THE MASTER'S ORBIT * THE MASTER'S ORBIT is a donut shaped room. Circle around. 9.4. When I gave a skull to the Trader the Master of Ordeals makes me leave? * You have given the Trader all 5 skulls. * You have finished the Ordeals, now you need to go to the temple. * Do you remember the last thing the Master of Ordeals said? * Leave the ORBIT, leave the RING, take THE PASSAGE ...go to CONCOURSE 10. THE NOOSE 10.1. It's pitch black in the room. Why do I die when I move? * You need to bring light with you. * If you don't have a lantern you can't do this room. 10.2. I fall into the pit when I try to get on the platform? * Did you examine the right side rope? * The right side rope is coated with grease. Use the left rope. 10.3. The man on the platform kills me. What's wrong? * This is a test you are taking. * He's not trying to help you. * Its a life-and-death test. * He's supposed to kill you if he is to win. Kill him. 10.4. What do I do with the man? * Drop him into the hole. * Untie the rope holding him up AFTER you hang him. 10.5. I can't get the rope from the ceiling. What's wrong? Nothing. You don't need it. 10.6. I can't find the Skull? * Did you PUSH the lever? * Did you examine the platform afterwards? * There is A HOLLOW on the left side of the platform * INSPECT A HOLLOW. 11. THE POWERS OF THE ABYSS 11.1. What is the creature? * That is the god of this place. * Deimos. 11.2. How do I stop the creature? * Did you kill a protozorq and get a zapstick? * Use your psychic powers to deter it. * Use EXTREME VIOLENCE on the creature. You can't kill it. 11.3. Is the cadaver useful? * If you haven't finished the 5 ordeals yet, yes it is. * Search it - you should find an item for the ordeals (or trading). 11.4. Is there anything in the water? * Have you dived yet? * Use psychic powers while underwater. * Use ZONE SCAN and click where you see a flash. 11.5. Can I get out from the bars on the left wall? * Yes. * Use your psychic powers. * Use STICKY FINGERS to get up there and then open the bars. * Choose the SCI SHIFT power and click on BOLT (it is around BARS). 12. THE RING 12.1. How do I get back to THE MASTER'S ORBIT? * There is a passage on the inside wall that takes you back. * Look for a side passage called PASSAGE with a head above it. 12.2. How do I get to THE PASSAGE OF THE FAITHFUL from here? * It is usually guarded by a protozorq. * It is on the outer wall of THE RING passageway. * It is a side passage called PASSAGE (no head above doorway). 12.3. What is THE RING? * It is the passageway that connects all the ordeal room exits. * It is the outer circle walkway between the ordeals and the temple. 13. THE SCORPION'S PRESENCE 13.1. I can't enter the door I'm facing? * Click on the statue * Click on the PRAY or TALK nodule of the brain. * As you hear the statue talk, notice a flash by the door. * Click on "THE WEB" door - It's now unlocked. 13.2. Can I do anything with the mouth on the statue? * Do you have anything to PUT IN it? * Is it a spider? * Is it the kind that Khele likes? * Is it a red spider (Kelly likes what he can't pronounce) * Click on the red spider and PUT IN the OPENED MOUTH. 13.3. How do I open the panel at the bottom of the statue? * Have you been through THE WEB door yet? * Did you get a spider? * Did you put a spider in the statue's mouth? * Was the spider red? 13.4. Where is Khele? * Have you been through THE WEB door yet? * Did you put a spider in the statue's mouth? * Was the spider red? * The man hanging upside down is Khele. 13.5. Where is the skull? * Have you found Khele yet? * Click on the statue where it says TRAP-DOOR (by Khele). * Click on the PASS nodule of brain. 14. THE SCRIPTURES 14.1. How do I read the book? * Click on book * READ book 14.2. Where is the statue? * Look above the gargoyle on the left side of the doorway * There is a small statue above the gargoyle. 14.3. How do I get the statue? * Use your psychic powers. * Use SCI SHIFT to get statue at upper left corner, near ceiling. 14.4. What is the statue good for? * It has a mate that is in SAURA's REPOSE. * They are both a key to a secret door. 15. THE SOURCE 15.1. How do I get in the WHO WILL BE SAVED? door? * Have you been in the WHO WILL BE SAVED? room from THE TWIN room? * You can't go in until you've come into this room through the door first. 15.2. What do I do with the plaque by the door? Just click on it and READ it. 15.3. What do I do with the fountain? * You must have a goblet before coming into THE TWIN. * Did you INSPECT the fountain? * Did you PRESS THE EYE? * Click on the goblet in your inventory and FILL it. 15.4. The cubes poison me when I LIFT them. What do I do? * Have you been to the WHO WILL BE SAVED? room? * Did you raise at least 1 of the hands? * One of the cubes is not poisoned. * Trial and error. Usually the cube labelled #1 has it. 15.5. Is there a skull here? * Yes. * Have you been through the WHO WILL BE SAVED room? * Did you PRESS the SERPENT'S HEAD? * Its under one of the raised cubes in front of the fountain. 15.6. I have the skull. Neither door opens; how do I exit? * Have you looked on the ground? * Have you looked at the bottom of the screen? * Look for a small arrow pointing towards you just to left of cubes. 16. The THRESHOLD OF TRUTH 16.1. The priestess accuses me? ATTACK priestess. 16.2. How do I get past the bars? * Did you examine the statue on the left of the bars? * Have you tried putting something in there? * You need something from the Master of Ordeals. * You need an egg; you get it when you finish the Ordeals. * Put EGG in OPENED MOUTH - bars raise. 17. THE TWINS 17.1. What are those two things? Twin serpent heads. 17.2. What do I do with them? * Did you read the plaque in THE SOURCE room on the left? * Did you come into THE TWINS with a goblet? * Does the goblet have water in it from THE SOURCE room? * OPEN a snake and EMPTY the goblet in snake's mouth. * Use the left snake. * A dice appears in the room. Click on the room icon to get it. 17.3. How do I get in the WHO WILL BE SAVED? door in front of me? * Have you been in the left door? * Have you gotten water in a goblet? * Did you water and feed the snakes? * EMPTY GOBLET down the left snake, PUT IN dice down the right snake. 17.4. I found a dice. What do I do with it? * Did you read the plaque in the room through the left door? * Open the right snake's mouth. * Take dice and PUT IN the right snake. 17.5. Is there a skull here? * Not in this room. * There is one in an adjacent room. * There is a skull in THE SOURCE room. 18. THE WALL 18.1. How do I get past the moving walls? * You don't go straight through. * You go through a doorway around the walls. * Enter either the doorway on the left or right. 18.2. I'm in THE INFIDEL'S TOMB that is partially blocked? * This is not what you need. * The passage needs to be totally blocked. * The passage is totally blocked when the sliding walls are closest. 18.3. I'm in THE INFIDEL'S TOMB that isn't blocked at all? * This is not what you need. * The passage needs to be totally blocked. * The passage is totally blocked when the sliding walls are closest. 18.4. I'm in THE INFIDEL'S TOMB that is totally blocked? * Did you examine the STEP? * CLIMB ON it. * Did you search the STATUE? * Did you notice a SLOT anywhere? * Put something in the slot. * You need to have come to THE WALL with a dagger to succeed here. * Take a dagger and PUT IN the slot. 18.5. I get crushed and die? Did you CLIMB ON the STEP before you put the dagger in the slot? 18.6. How can I close the sliding walls? * You see 3 triangles pointing away from the bottom of the screen. * Moving from 1 triangle to another moves the walls 1 position. * You can move to triangles that aren't adjacent to each other. * Enter room again. Click 3rd triangle from bottom then 2nd triangle. 18.7. I found a face etched on the wall? * Did you examine the floor? * There is a DEEP CAVITY there. * STICK YOUR HAND IN the DEEP CAVITY * That's where the skull is. 18.8. Can I get a dagger here? * If you used one here, exit then come back in from THE RING. * If you don't have one, trade for one or kill someone who has one. 19. THE WEB 19.1. What is the amplifier saying when I first come in? Implant says "Somebody Nice for Once" 19.2. What do I do here? * Do you have a STONE FLY? * Did you talk to the statue in the other room twice? * "I desire my dinner. Go see her and forget not her present" * Go to THE MISTRESS * Go to her by clicking on Web * Click on Web then Click on CRAWL nodule on brain. 19.3. The Spider Mistress wants a present! What do I give her? ? * Have you tried everything in your inventory? * What do spiders like? * The only thing she will accept is a STONE FLY. * You get a fly only from Master of Ordeals, the Trader, or a competitor. 19.4. Who is Khele? * Someone who can't pronounce the letter R. * Khele is inside the statue in THE SCORPION's PRESENCE 19.5. Should I kiss the Spider Mistress ? * Yes. * Click on her. If you don't kiss her you can't finish. 19.6. Should I do anything more with the Spider Mistress? No! REFUSE any other personal requests. 19.7. Which spider should I feed? * Who sent you to the Spider Mistress? * Whoever is inside the statue in THE SCORPION's PRESENCE. * Khele. * He likes what he can't pronounce. * GIVE FLY TO BLUE ONE so you get the red ( Kelly can't pronounce red ). 19.8. What letter can't Khele pronounce? * The letter R. * What did the Spider Mistress say Khele liked? * He likes what he can't pronounce. 20. UPWARD GALLERY 20.1. At first fork, which way do I go? Left. 21. WHO WILL BE SAVED? 21.1. What do I do with the SERPENT'S HEAD? * Did you INSPECT it? * "You save some then make choice known to the sliding head" * Did you PRESS it? * You should have heard a sound from THE SOURCE when you pressed it. 21.2. What should I do with the MOVING PANEL? Nothing; it serves no purpose. 21.3. Are the hands useful for anything? * Did you INSPECT the SERPENT'S HEAD? * Did you INSPECT a hand? * 'Save' someone by LIFTing a hand up (its a switch). * If you don't, you can't get a skull without being poisoned. 21.4. Is there a skull here? No. But there is one in THE SOURCE. 22. A note from the author CREDITS: Dave Timoney CIS 72450,2051 September 1991 This UHS hint file created through the use of the UHS_LINK version 1.0, from Robert J. Norton, 706 Copeland St, Madison, WI. 53711 [70017,1765] The Universal Hint System was created by Jason Strautman [72337,2611]