Return to Zork Pictures: Take them whenever you can. Talk, ask and record as many things as you can. many of the pertinent clues are in the teacher's books. MOUNTAIN PASS: pick up the rock and throw it at the vulture. Then zoom in on the sign and DIG the plant up with knife. Make sure it's not dead! LIGHTHOUSE: Talk to the dude and ask about the road to the south. OUTSIDE LIGHTHOUSE: cut the vines with the knife and tie them to the boards. Go down stream. ENTRANCE TO TOWN: there's not much to do here. You might go to the mayor's office and read about everything. Especially toasting, as written by our favorite drunk, Boos Miller. Hmmm... 4 toasts huh? Next, go past ol BOOS to the TRUCK. TRUCK: Get the key and move the chock. This key goes to the General Store, so go to the store. GENERAL STORE: Unlock the store and get the batteries. Put them in the orb. Open the cash register and get the Dizzy World Tickets and the money. BROKEN BUILDING: Get the box and the crank. Then get the mice and put them in the box. Upon completion of the game, I didn't really find a use for the mice, but I was missing 3 points. SCHOOL: Use the crank on the bell and go talk to Ol' Peepers. Peepers gives you a pop quiz and then the book which she wants you to fill in. Now you can go to West Sandbar. KID UNDER THE BRIDGE: The kid under the bridge hasn't had much of a childhood, and probably wouldn't mind a few tickets to Dizzy World. He'll give you a dirty piece of something. BOOS MILLER. Pour the whiskey out and then toast and drink. Once you have done this three times, old Boos is quite drunk and in no condition to drive. So be a pal and ask for his keys. Toast a final time and Boos becomes so unconscious that the falls off his stool. Get the silver flask and go downstairs. Use the keys on the door and then exit to the right. ******************************************************************* NOW YOU'RE IN WEST SANDBAR! ******************************************************************* JOKER STATUE: Get the book. TRAILER HOME: Go into the bathroom and get punched out. After you have your second quiz, you can come in the door rather than the window. Now go into the bedroom and get the mirror. In the kitchen get the soap and fill the sink and then use the soap on the running water. Put the rock from the kid in the soapy water and it's suddenly part of a plate! While you're here, take the oppurtunity to will the flask with water. Get the thermos and leave. SHED BEHIND THE TRAILER: Use the crank clockwise on the shed. Oops! It broke! Oh well get some carrots for that stupid cow and go to Pugney's place. PUGNEY'S: Go talk to pugney. Apologize and then be fascinated. Now you can get the bra box. Go to the cow. The cow is very finicky and likes to be milked the right way. So get the hay and drop it. Light a match and then light the hay. Use your hands on the fire and then use the thermos on the cow to milk it. Drink all of the milk. IF YOU HAVE A DEAD BONDING PLANT: Destroy it, then find a live one later. Dead bonding plants are worthless. (You can destroy it by eating it or burning it I believe). Read the files in the mayor's office on plants. MOODOCK'S PLACE: Play survivor! The guy's bored! Moodock knows allot too, talk to him. Don't bother trying to loose. It has been done, but Moodock just tells you you're dumb. THE BLACKSMITH: When you first give the Blacksmith the sword, he tells you to come back, but when he gives you the sword, it's the wrong one! So show it to him and then threaten him. He'll give it to you on the spot. Also, ask about the book, but only pay 2 zorkmids. THE INCINERATOR: Pull lever 2 and throw the bra box in then throw lever two and then lever 1. Use water from the flask on the wire and then get it. THE STORE: Pick the lock with the wire and shake the cereal box twice. The whistle seems to call buzzards if you're in certain places. Get the rats after throwing out the mice. THE RUINS: Get the tiles and then turn around and get the frame. Put the tiles in the frame and arrange it into "Water unseen at falls mix with bat droppings yields potion for" (I hated this part, but you get allot of points for it and if you look where you currently are, you'll get illuminite and another piece of the plate! Here's the solution: L=click on the tile left of the space, R=right, A=above, B=Below: LARALBBRAALLBRBLALBRAALBRRALBRBR THE HOTEL: Give that lady money and go upstairs. Put the illuminite by the bed stand and now you can turn the lights off safely with your new night light! Pretty psychedelic dream, huh? Get the rocks and leave. If you come back and sleep a second time, you'll have a different dream and get 2 extra points. WHISPERING WOODS: Before you enter, go back to the cow. Feed it and then milk it. Drink once and save the other for someone who is blind. Now you can see through any spell. Release the bats at the entrance of the forrest. Get some guano. You don't really need to make a map If you get the bats from the Witch first. They take you down the only useable path out. THE FERRYMAN: Show him the coin. CANOOKE'S PLACE: Use the sword on the door and pry the magnet go in and get the bottle and then hold the scroll. Read it on the duck and then question Canooke thoroughly about everything but the boat & scroll. Then show him the boat. After this feed the duck the scroll and leave with the egg. THE BOAT: Go in and up the mast. See those numbers? Now go in the cabin and get the rag. Open the safe using those numbers and get those two things inside. Clean the plate with the rag. Now leave, but with the mirror in hand and use it on the double crossing Canooke. GOING BACK: Ring twice and then reverse your course. THE FORREST OF THE SPIRITS: Go in and to the right and then the next right. Ever seen a money tree? Use the sword on the tree and get your money. Now leave and get some more milk and come back to the woods, but instead go to your first left and then to the right. the bowman's blind too so give him some milk and then get the bow and arrows and thermos. Now go N,N,W and you'll be in the dark. light a match and then talk nice to the fairy. get the dust. BACK AT THE TRAILER HOME: get the meat. When it rots, get the dust and put some on the meat. Throw it and the buzzards fall over. Go in and get a talon. You may do this a second time for an additional two points, but nothing else is in the pits THE WOODS: The woods have three things in them you'll have to find: the boar, the spider, and the talking tree. THE BOAR: Strike the boar with the REAL Sword and you'll get a piece of the disc. THE SPIDER: Show her the necklace from the Troll King. THE TREE: Talk to her. THE BOAT: Go to the boat house in town by turning around and going left while at the head of town. Ask Ben about any woman. Ask about the knot and then pay for the boat. The mice are too weak which is why we now have Rats. Put the rats in the motor and off you go. THE WITCH: Give her the letter and get the stick, but what about the bats? You have to come back again and ask about the whispering woods or the cow (I guess cause he's used for the woods). You have to get back through the bogs, checking with the stick for good pads of land. THE CLIFFS: Get the rope and tie it to the tree. Then go down and having asked the witch, the teacher and then Rebecca, the mayor, and Canooke about the book, play their recordings. One more piece of the disc down! Get the rope into inventory as you leave. THE WHISTLE: Ok here's the stunt to speed everything up on getting around: go to a place where the vultures will come if you whistle. Now, whit the magnet in hand, use the whistle and then use the magnet on the vulture. You can now go anywhere on the maps by just using the map in inventory. BACK AT THE LIGHTHOUSE: Give the illuminite to the lighthouse keeper and he'll be really happy. Show him the disc and he'll give you the last piece and tell you to go across the river to the Bel Naire Temple. UPSTAIRS IN THE LIGHTHOUSE: Tie the rope using Ben's knot then put the talon on the other end and throw it. Now the bridge is double strength. Go across, and then come back to the light house. Get the rope, and use the map to get across for now on. Get the shield outside the temple and go in BEL NAIRE TEMPLE: Talk to the lady a while and then ask about the sword. Now give it to her. Leave and go to the right outside in the courtyard. THE DWARVES: Listen to Larry and Moe and get the helmet MINES: Put the helmet on and go in. The order should be in the mine: L,R,S,R,L,R,S,R,L,L,R,S now you're at the muses! THE MUSES: Check on the muses in the mayor's office. The order is: (From L to R) staff,talon,milk,nothing,helmet,shield,orb. The box also goes under the dude with the helmet. Place the disc in the trencher. Press either button. Get all the items and leave. THE DRAIN PIPE/TROLL CAVES: Put the helmet on and go in with sword in hand. Attack the trolls, swinging first left, then up, then down on each respective troll. Go in to the king's chamber and threaten him by clicking the threaten icon until you get the necklace. THE SPIDER IN THE WOODS: Show the spider the necklace and then cut the web with the sword. FLOOD CONTROL DAM #3: Fill the potion with water from the falls and add guano to the potion. NOW YOU'RE READY FOR THE FINAL STAGE: If you look in the picture album, you will see that the negatives have developed. (I never did figure out how) One picture is of the pass over by the cliffs and the other is the same picture with something behind it. Hmmm... maybe this is a wall of illusion. PASS: Throw the forged disc. CASTLE GATES: Shoot the bow. ENTRANCE: Orcs are scared of invisible hell hounds, so drink the potion and play the recording of the dog. BRIDGE: You have to throw all items at the bridge before you may cross. THE GAME: Here is the solution: (Remember, you can pass if he's in your way!) -------------------- | 1 | 18 | 15 | 10 | ----+----+----+----- | 14 | 11 | 4 | 7 | ----+----+----+----- | 5 | 2 | 9 | 12 | ----+----+----+----- | CA | 13 | 6 | 3 | -------------------- ENJOY! - Todd Ehren Rinaldo -