TIMEQUEST TIMEQUEST is the first game by Bob Bates for his new company Legend Entertainment. He previously wrote Sherlock and Arthur for Infocom before it's demise. The game has the same look and feel as SPELLCASTING 101, also by Legend. I did find that the version of the game I played was quite buggy and contained typo's, although most of this occurred when I strayed from the storyline. The story is full of humour, although mostly if you try something dangerous or silly. If you liked the Infocom titles and SPELLCASTING 101 then you should enjoy this game. The aim of the story is to take a time machine back through time and space to repair 10 major historic events. These historical events having previously been changed by a renegade member of the temporal corps. It is your job to repair the 'timestream' and also to bring the culprit to justice. Although the game is large, with 50 separate scenarios to visit, the puzzles are generally logical and well thought out. Most of the puzzles are simple to solve, but several are challenging and involve interactions with several historical events. The game also benefited from no dead ends. All of the scenarios you visit have some importance in solving the game. The following walkthru presents a reasonably logically sequence of steps to solve the game. In the majority of cases you only have to visit a scenario once. I have also tried to tie the puzzles and solutions together so that you pick up an item just before you need to use it. You can solve this game in almost any order because most scenarios have an escape route if you start them without the correct item. It is also worth pointing out that time in a scenario is stationary when you leave it and enter your time machine, called the Interkron. So do not worry about things happening behind your back when you are away. The Interkron is also used as the copy protection mechanism. The first time you use it, after starting the game, you will have to answer 3 questions. The answers come from the uncopyable Interkron trouble shooting guide in the game book. The game breaks down into two parts; firstly fixing the 10 historical events, and secondly locating and dealing with the villain. I saved the game after I finished every scenario, but that is just because I am paranoid about restarting games from scratch. Inventory management is not a feature of this game so you should be able to carry everything at once. If you need to drop items the Interkron is the best place to leave them. Most of the clues for solving the game come from talking to people. I have not included dialogue in the walkthru unless it was important for finishing the game. GETTING STARTED HQ 2090 AD Wait for Vettenmyer, the villain, to appears in Drexler's office. Then wait for Drexler to give you a pill. Take this pill to suppress the time travel effects and speed up the game. Look at the painting while you are here and ask Drexler about it. This is a clue to a later part of the game. Go west to Vettenmyer's office, open the desk drawer and take the card. Now enter Interkron and put the card in the slot to activate it. Timeset to the first scenario, Rome 44. At each location you must enter the Interkron and leave it when you arrive. Just use in and out when you are in the room with the Interkron. CAESAR'S ASSASSINATION Rome 44 BC The goal of this scenario is to foil an early assassination attempt on Caesar. Each time you visit Rome you will be in the sewer Cloaca Maxima which can be exited by going up to the street. Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the Circus Maximus by going up then southeast. First of all get the focaccia (or bread) by going southeast into the grandstand. Wait for the focaccia seller then ask the man for focaccia. Exit the grandstand to the northwest and enter the Gladatorium to the northeast of the Circus Maximus. Take the jar and peg and enter the arena to the southeast. Listen to speech about how any advantage will help a charioteer to win, and how the championship winner gets to meet Caesar. Now to fix the chariot. Put the wheel on the chariot and the peg in the hole to fasten it. Now put the oil from the jar onto the axle. This will give you an advantage over all of the other chariots. Next, stand on the chariot and wait for the horses to be attached. Whilst the horses and being harnessed to the chariot the hostlers will talk about a man wearing a wreath tormenting lions. Bear this in mind. Now wait until 3:00 for the final race. You will win every heat and then win the championship race because of your oiled axle. When the final race has been won you will be taken the the imperial box in front of Caesar himself. Now wait until Caesar grants you a request. Ask Caesar for his laurel wreath, but do not rush away yet, you still have not foiled the assassination attempt on Caesar. Wait until that lion starts running towards the imperial box. Because you have the laurel wreath the lion thinks you are Caesar. Instead of attacking Caesar the lion is going to attack you. Wait until the guard flees and pick up his sword. When the lion leaps at you kill it with the sword. Caesar, delighted that you have saved his life, gives you this gold bracelet as a reward whilst Cleopatra invites you back for a meeting later. You will now be back at the Circus Maximus with a nice gold bracelet, a laurel wreath and some focaccia for your troubles. Examine the bracelet and you will see that it is a time transponder! Furthermore, it disappears before you eyes! Each time one of the ten scenarios is completed you will get, for a short time only, a bracelet left by Vettenmyer. Collect all ten bracelets from each time disturbance and you have repaired the damage to history done by Vettenmyer. Return to the Interkron by going northwest then down. It's time to keep that appointment with Cleopatra! HELP GHENIS KHAN ENTER PEKING Cairo 44 BC There is no time disturbance here, but you cannot wait to meet Cleopatra again! Each time you visit Cairo you will be inside a tomb which can by exited to the north. Go north out of the tomb and join the crowds waiting for the royal procession. Wait for the procession to arrive and Cleopatra will spot you as her saviour from Rome. She will invite you to join her, which you will, of course, accept by saying yes. Well, things are looking up. You are in the royal palace with Cleopatra. You can do a whole host of things with Cleopatra including just leaving the palace to the east. All have the same effect, you will be given a vial of powdered rhinoceros horn and be left in the royal compound. Note that men from the east highly prize this aphrodisiac. Try taking the powder yourself, but save the game first! This is it for Cairo 44 BC, so return to the Interkron by going east and then south. Baghdad 1215 AD Each time you visit Baghdad you will be in a secluded cave which can be exited to the west. Now you should sell that powdered rhinoceros horn as the game is not going to let you use it. What you need is a market and an eastern buyer for it. Exit the cave to the west then go north twice until you get to the bazaar. A Chinese merchant will greet you, just the person you are looking for. Sell the vial to the merchant and accept his offer, you will not do better elsewhere. The merchant will give you a drachma and a 1,000 yuan note. He will also tell you the password to Peking city. The password always seems to be 'tower gate'. Now that you have some spending power, go and buy something. The 1,000 yuan note is only going to be useful in China, and probably only in the same time period as you are in how, so go there. Return to the Interkron by going south twice then east. Peking 1215 AD The goal of this scenario is to help Ghenis Khan enter Peking instead of invading the west. Each time you visit Peking you will be in a shrine which can be exited to the north. It is time to spend that 1,000 yuan note you got for the powdered rhinoceros horn. Exit the shrine to the north and you will be intercepted by Ghenis Khan. He will take you to his tent and depart. Wait until Khan returns and he will offer to abandon his plans to invade the west if you help him get into the city. This sounds like the ideal way to repair the timestream here. Exit Khan's tent to the north then go west to the city gates. Attempt to enter the city by going north. The guard will challenge you for the password. Say 'tower gate' and you will be let into the city. You need to open the city gates for Khan, but it is manned by soldiers. Go north here then west into the house of one thousand pleasures. The Madame will greet you and ask for proof of payment. Show the 1,000 yuan note to the Madame and you will be offered the house special. Now you have 20 women for the evening! Try to keep a level head and stick to the task of opening the city gates. Tell the Madame to follow you. Now get back to the city gates by going east then south. The Madame will ask if the women are for the guards. Reluctantly say yes and the guards will be lead away by the women. The gate is now clear of guards so open it. Ghenis Khan will sweep into the city and give you his bracelet. You have now repaired the timestream here and will be back in Tientan park. Return to the Interkron which is in the shrine to the south of here. Now that you have been turned away by Cleopatra and given up 20 women you need to look for some more women. What better place than a harem! PROVE THE TREACHERY OF HARUN'S VIZIER Baghdad 800 AD The goal of this scenario is to prove the treachery of the Grand Vizier to Harun al-Rashid. Leave the Interkron, go west then north twice back to the bazaar. Here you will see and beggar pleading for food. You have some focaccia (bread) so why not be generous. Give the bread to the beggar and he will actually be the sultan in disguise. He will invite you into the palace and ask for some assistance. One of his wives is being unfaithful and he wants to find out which one. Accept the task and you will be lead into the harem. Now to find out who the unfaithful wife is. First take the bowl of figs and lie on the divan for some well earned relaxation. Wait for the wives to finish and stand up again. Then wait for the wives to go for a bath and start to find the unfaithful wife. Unfortunately this does not mean diving in the bath with the harem! There are six wives and six bedrooms to the northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west and northwest of the harem respectively. In every game I played, the guilty wife was in the west bedroom, but this may be variable. In the time allowed you can actually try each bedroom to find the guilty wife. Go west into the bedroom then wear the coloured veil you find there. Go east and then south. The eunuch will only let you past when you are wearing a veil. Offer a fig to the Vizier. If you are wearing the veil of the guilty wife then he will take a fig and offer to see you later in your room. To get a job with Legend keep giving figs to the Sultan until he is sick! Now go back to the guilty wife's room by going north then west. Remove the veil then hide under the bed. Wait until the wife returns and gets into bed. Now wait again until the Vizier makes an appearance from a secret passage. Wait until the Vizier gets into bed and you hear the Sultan outside the room. The Vizier will try and make a dash for it, but will leave a slipper behind. Leave your hiding place and take the slipper. Now show the slipper to the Sultan to prove the treachery of the Vizier. As a reward for exposing the guilty wife and treacherous Vizier your life will be spared. You will end up back in the bazaar with the Vizier's turban. Keep this as you may need it later. Now that you have dealt with the female distractions in the game you can continue with your efforts to repair the time stream. Return to the Interkron by going south twice then east. STOPPING HITLER BEFORE DUNKIRK Rome 1940 AD (first time) The goal of this scenario is to stop Hitler from accelerating his timetable and giving the troops in Dunkirk time to escape. Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the Sala del Mappamondo by going up, southeast, north then up. The guard mistakes you for a cleaner and you reach the Sala del Mappamondo where Hitler and Mussolini are listening to the radio. Keep pretending to clean by saying 'clean' until Hitler and Mussolini discuss the secret surrender word 'cigar'. If Churchill mentions this word in his radio broadcast then Hitler will know Britain has surrendered and he will hold his troops. You now have to get to Churchill so you can make him say 'cigar'. Return to the Interkron by going down, south, northwest then down. Dover 1940 AD Each time you visit Dover you will be in a shed which can be exited to the southeast. Leave the shed and enter the tavern by going southeast then north. Wait for Churchill to arrive and start his broadcast. Then wait for him to get the part of his speech where he says 'surrender, NEVER!', then take the cigar. Taking the cigar will make Churchill say the word cigar! He will also realize he has said it and go on to the correct his mistake. You must make sure that Hitler hears the word cigar, but never hears the correction. Wait until Churchill leaves and take the lighter he has accidentally left behind. Return to the Interkron by going south and northwest. Rome 1940 AD (second time) Now to make sure that Hitler hears cigar but not the correction. Return to the Sala del Mappamondo by going up, southeast, north and up. Wait until Churchill's radio broadcast starts by pretending to clean again. When Hitler and Mussolini hear the word cigar turn off the radio. Whilst Hitler is trying to fix the radio he will miss Churchill's correction and believe Britain has surrendered. Mussolini then removes this bracelet and you have repaired this break in the timestream. Now that you have the lighter you can embark on another timestream repair. Return to the Interkron by going down, south, northwest and down. STOP ATTILA THE HUN FROM INVADING ROME Peking 1361 BC It is now time to attend a funeral. Leave the shrine to the north and meet the funerary procession in Tientan park. Go east to the scared way and east again to join the mourners in the tomb. The official told you that the way out of the tomb is written on the tablets so you must be able to escape. Firstly, help the mourners to meet their maker by passing the poison basin you are handed. It is not time for you to die yet! Sit on the bench and the emerald in the idol will start to glow. Now meditate and water will fill the basin. If you took the basin put it back on the stand and meditate again. Now stand up and take the basin full of water. Pour the water into the idol's mouth and a secret passage will open. Before leaving the tomb take the emerald and exit to the south. What a nice emerald, I wonder who may like it? Return to the Interkron by going west then south. Peking 452 AD Leave the shrine to the north and enter the city by going north again. You will be stopped by a priest who is looking for temple donations. Be generous again and give the emerald to the priest. The priest fixes your features in his mind and leaves. Return back to the Interkron by going south twice. You are going to see how your temple donation have been used. Peking 800 AD Leave the shrine to the north and enter the city by going north again. Enter the newly built temple by going east. The emerald is now the centre piece for the Buddha and your portrait hangs in the temple. Try to enter the sanctuary to the east and the priest will stop you. He will then recognize you as the temple founder from the portrait and let you past. The priests in the sanctuary are making fireworks, so take the firework mask and return to the Interkron by going west twice then south twice. Rome 452 AD The goal of this scenario is to stop Attila the Hun from invading Rome by helping Pope Leo. Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the St. Peter's by going up, northwest, and west. When Pope Leo asks if you have come to help him say yes then go east, northeast and west to Attila's tent. Wait for the Pope and Attila to join you then open the lighter. Light the mask with the lighter and Attila will be convinced not to invade Rome. Close the lighter again. Attila will remove his bracelet and the Pope will give you a parchment which you need later. Return to the Interkron by going east, southwest, southeast and down. You are going to save England from King John next. FORCE KING JOHN TO SIGN THE MAGNA CARTA Dover 1215 AD The goal of this scenario is to force King John to sign the Magna Carta. Leave the shed to the southeast and then enter the tavern to the north. There is a courier here who is nervous about a pouch. Exit the tavern again to the south and mount the horse. Ride the horse west into the forest. Wait until an arrow is fired into the tree next to you. Take the scroll attached to the arrow and read it. Follow the advice on the scroll and go northeast to hide behind the tree. Wait until the courier arrives. He will be dealt with by Robin Hood and his merry men. Go southwest to leave your hiding place and then search the courier. Take his pouch, open it and give the letter you find to Robin Hood. Wait until Robin hands the letter to Friar Tuck who will alter it and put it back on the courier. Now go northwest to Runnymede before the courier wakes up. Wait for the courier to arrive and for him to give the letter to King John. Then wait for King John's cleric to read the letter to him and he will sign the Magna Carta and remove the bracelet. Return to the Interkron by going southeast, west, dismounting and then northwest. Now you can start to set the scene for repairing the timestream with Drake and Queen Elizabeth. ENSURING DRAKE MEETS QUEEN ELIZABETH Rome 1519 AD Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to St. Peter's by going up, northwest then west. Wait until the Pope drops a book. Pick up the book and give it to the Pope. In return for the book he will give you an indulgence. Go east and buy the plaque from the vendor with the indulgence. Return to the Interkron by going southeast then down. Dover 1519 AD Leave the shed by going southeast and enter the tavern to the north. Go up stairs and open the bedroom door. In the bedroom you will find a warped floorboard. Lift the floorboard to discover a cache. Put the plaque in the cache and replace the floorboard. Return to the Interkron by going west, down, south and northwest. Dover 1588 AD The goal of this scenario is to ensure that Queen Elizabeth and Drake meet. Leave the shed by going southeast and enter the tavern to the north. Go up stairs and knock on the door. When you get an answer open the door and bow to Elizabeth. Lift the floorboard again and take the plaque from the cache. Replace the floorboard and show the plaque to Elizabeth. The Queen, horrified at being in a room blessed by the Pope, will move to the east bedroom. Leave the bedroom by going west and go downstairs. You should find Drake and Shakespeare at the bar waiting for their appointment with Queen Elizabeth. Now wait until 6:00. Drake will leave for his appointment with the Queen. The helmet that Shakespeare is holding maybe useful, so give the parchment to him in exchange for the helmet. Return to the Interkron by going south and northwest. You are now about to repair the timestream for Cortez and Montezuma. RESTORING THE QUETZLCOATL LEGEND Dover 1361 AD Leave the shed by going southeast. Go down twice to the beach and pick up the conch shell as you are here. Go back up to the lawn by going up twice and then west to Stonehenge. When you get to Stonehenge sit on the stone and wait for sunrise. At sunrise a druid will appear. Ask him about the eclipse, and he will tell you that there will be an eclipse in Mexico at 1pm. Now stand up and return to the Interkron by going east and northwest. Mexico 1361 BC Each time you visit Mexico you will be in an Aztec temple which can sometimes be exited by going east. As soon as you leave the Interkron you will be attacked by an Indian. Wait until you are tied up and he is approaching you with a knife. When this happens point at the sun and the Indian will cower away from you. Now wait until the eclipse at 1pm. When the eclipse starts get out of the pot and say take all to get all of your possessions back, then immediately enter the Interkron before you are killed. Mexico 800 AD You are back in the temple and need to get one more item before you can restore the Quetzlcoatl legend. Follow these directions to get to the closet: east, northeast, northwest, east, northeast, southeast, west, southeast, south, south, south. Now wear the costume and retrace your steps: north, north, north, northwest, east, northwest, southwest, west, southeast, southwest, west. Mexico 44 BC The goal of this scenario is to restore the Quetzlcoatl legend by ensuring that Cortez is wearing a similar item that you give to the priest. When the priest bows down and holds out the cushion put the helmet on the cushion. Mexico 1519 AD Just wait here until the messenger returns with the news that Cortez is wearing a helmet and Montezuma will remove his bracelet. The Quetzlcoatl legend has been restored and Cortez will conquer the Aztecs. Now to make sure that Charlemagne gets crowned and that Nelson beats Napoleon. This is the most complicated timestream fix as both events as intertwined with the same object. CROWNING CHARLEMAGNE AND GETTING NAPOLEON AND NELSON TO EGYPT Peking 1940 AD Remove the costume and leave the shrine to the north and wait for 12:00. At midday the rebels will attack the Japanese patrol and leave a Molotov cocktail behind. Take the bottle and go back south to the Interkron. Rome 800 AD (first time) Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the chapel by going up, northwest, east then north. You need to get rid of the priest so that you can take the crown. Remove the stopper from the bottle and take the hanky. Pour the ether onto the hanky and knock out the priest with the hanky. You are now free to take the crown and return to the Interkron by going south, east, southeast and down. Cairo 1361 BC Leave the tomb by going north and cross the Nile to the west. Now go north down the Nile and enter the Nile to the east. A cradle should have appeared, so take it and give it to the girl. Now wait for Tut to play his game and ask for something royal. Give Tut the crown and he will run into the pyramid and leave it there. In return he will give you a map of the pyramid so you can find it later. Return to the Interkron by going east then south. Cairo 1215 AD Now to try and get the crown back. Leave the tomb to the north and cross the Nile to the west. Go south into the pyramid and open the lighter. Go down and open the panel, then go west. You have to read the map here and press the animals in the order they appear on the map. This is random and changes with every game. Press the five animals in the order they appear and the blades will stop rotating. Go west twice and take the ankh and crown. What? You can't reach the crown, damn! You will have to find some other way of getting it. Go east three times and the bridge will collapse and the blades will start rotating. Never mind, you can sort this out later. Return to the Interkron by going up, north, east and south, then close the lighter. The lighter never ran out on me, but you cannot be too careful. Now it is time to fix the Napoleon and Nelson timestream. Rome 1798 AD Leave the Cloaca Maxima by going up and take the rock you find in the street. Now go southeast and throw the rock at the window. The two French guards will arrest you and take you before Napoleon. Wait until Napoleon asks you what you want, then show the map to him. When he asks if you have proof say yes, then give him the ankh. He will get so excited about Charlemagne's crown that he will go to Egypt and give you a pass. Now all you have to do is make sure Nelson also goes to Egypt. Return to the Interkron by going northwest and down. Dover 1798 AD Leave the shed and go to the tavern by going southeast and north. Showing the pass to Nelson will convince him that Napoleon is going to Egypt. When Nelson leaves take his hook. Return to the Interkron by going south and northwest. Cairo 1798 AD Leave the tomb to the north and cross the Nile to the west. Give the pass to the guards and Napoleon will join you. He will then ask you to lead him into the pyramid. Enter the pyramid by going south. Open the lighter to get some light then go down and west. Press the five animals again in the same order as on the map. When you go west you cannot now cross the chasm because the bridge is destroyed. It is time for some ingenuity so remove the pin from the turban to unfurl it. Tie the turban to the hook and throw the hook at the strut. Now go west and Napoleon will join you. As soon as he sees the crown he will get it, but do not worry, you will see it again. Return to the Interkron by going east three times, up, north, east, south then close the lighter. You still have not got the crown back yet so .... Rome 1940 AD (third time) Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the museum by going up, southeast and north. You will now find that Charlemagne's crown has been added to the Napoleonic collection. Take the crown and notice that it has now been inscribed. Return to the Interkron by going south, northwest then down. Rome 800 AD (second time) The goal of this scenario is to ensure that Charlemagne is crowned. Return to the chapel with the crown by going up, northwest, west and north. Put the crown on the altar and go north back to St. Peter's. Now wait for the coronation ceremony. LOCATING VETTENMYER You have completed all of the ten repairs to the timestream but still have not located Vettenmyer. There are still a large number of places you have not visited. In these places you will discover messages that need to be deciphered to discover the location of Vettenmyer. There are 19 messages and I will give you directions for finding all of them in the correct order. When you find a message it will contain a number, sometimes obvious, sometimes not. As I will take you to the messages in the correct order the numbers will go from 1 to 19. Write down the first character of each message in their numeric order. When you have all 19 messages the characters you have written down should spell out a message. Most messages can be read just by visiting a location, but some need puzzles solved before the message can be read. Baghdad 1361 BC (first time) Leave the cave and go to the hanging gardens and Babylon by going west, south, west then up. Examine the vines to get the first message. Return to the Interkron by going down, east, north, and east. Baghdad 44 BC Examine the wall in the cave for the second message. Baghdad 1798 AD Leave the cave and go to the bazaar by going west then north twice. Examine the carpet for the third message. Return to the Interkron by going south twice then east. Peking 1588 AD Leave the shrine and go to the temple by going north twice then east. Listen to the priest for the fourth message. Return to the Interkron by going west then south twice. Rome 1215 AD Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the Vatican by going up and northwest. Listen to the Pope for the fifth message. Return to the Interkron by going southeast then down. Cairo 1519 AD Read the message in the tomb to get the sixth message. Peking 1519 AD Leave the shrine and go to the market place by going north twice. Wait until the emperor arrives, pick up the fortune cookie, open it and read the seventh message on the fortune. Return to the Interkron by going south twice. Dover 800 AD Leave the shed and go to the lawn by going southeast. Read the eighth message on the wall. Return to the Interkron by going northwest. Rome 1588 AD Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the Vatican by going up and northwest. Take a leaflet from the soothsayer and read it for the ninth message. Return to the Interkron by going southeast and down. Dover 452 AD Read the runes on the sword for the tenth message. Do not hang around too long here otherwise you will get killed. Baghdad 452 AD Leave the cave and go to the ruins by going west and south. Examine the jug for the eleventh message. Return to the Interkron by going north and east. Cairo 1588 AD Leave the tomb and go to the Royal Compound by going north and west. Read the graffiti on the pyramid for the twelfth message. Return to the Interkron by going east and south. Cairo 452 AD Leave the tomb and go to the Royal Compound by going north and west. Examine the carving for the thirteenth message. Return to the Interkron by going east and south. Mexico 452 AD Leave the temple and go to the closet by going east, northeast, northwest, east, northeast, southeast, west, southeast, south, south, south. Read the graffiti for the fourteenth message. Return to the Interkron by going north, north, north, northwest, east, northwest, southwest, west, southeast, southwest, west. Peking 44 BC Leave the shrine and go to the Great Wall by going north, east and north. Blow the conch shell to get the royal seal. Return to the Interkron by going south, west and south. Peking 1798 AD Leave the shrine and go the Forbidden City by going north three times. Give the seal to the eunuch and open the box five times to get the jade bar. Examine the jade bar for the fifteenth message. Return to the Interkron by going south three times. Baghdad 1519 AD Leave the cave and go to the alley by going west, north twice and northeast. Take the tether of the mule and whisper in its ear. Go southwest to the Bazaar. Buy the dates from the date seller and he will put them on the mule for you. Go to the house by going northeast and west. Take the mule east back to the alley and drop the tether. If the mule is around when you empty the dates onto the floor it will eat them. Return west to the house and empty the urn. Tell the girl to get into the urn. Put the dates back in the urn. There will be some left over, so go east back to the alley. Take the mule's tether and whisper in its ear. Go west back into the house where the mule will eat the remaining dates. Take the mule east back into the alley and drop the tether. Return west back to the house and wait until the soldiers have visited the house. Return to the Interkron by going east, southwest, south twice then east. Baghdad 1588 AD Leave the cave and go to the Bazaar by going west and north twice. Try and buy a badge from the badge vendor. You will end up before the Vizier who will recognize you as the person who saved his sister. In his gratitude he will give you a badge and return you to the Bazaar. Now go northeast to the Alley and read the graffiti on the wall for the sixteenth message. Return to the Interkron by going southwest, south twice and east. Mexico 1215 AD Wear the costume, then leave the temple and go to the top of the pyramid by going east, northeast, northwest, east, northeast, up and south. While the priest cowers at the sight of your costume, cut the thongs of the warrior. When the warrior is released he will kill the priest and disappear. Examine the altar for the seventeenth message. Return to the Interkron by going north, down, southwest, west, southeast, southwest and west, then remove the costume. Dover 44 BC Leave the shed and go to the cliff by going southeast then down. Take the chalk. Return to the Interkron by going up and northwest. Cairo 800 AD Leave the tomb to the north and give the chalk to the man. Read the slate to get the eighteenth message then return south to the Interkron. Rome 1940 AD (fourth time) Leave the Cloaca Maxima and go to the Circus Maximus by going up and southeast. Read the graffiti on the wall for the nineteenth and last message. Return to the Interkron by going northwest and down. DEFEATING VETTENMYER Now that you have all of the 19 messages the first character of each message spells out the message 'ZEKE IN TOWER. SAY EAST'. Before you go and find Vettenmyer you need one last item. To get this last item you need to visit the old man at the Academy in Rome every year from 1361 BC to 1940 AD. The Academy is located to the south of the street above the Cloaca Maxima. Start at 1361 BC and visit the old man. Each time you visit him sit on the bench, or log, then stand and return back to the Interkron. Visit the old man in order from 1361 BC, 44 BC, 452 AD, 800 AD, 1215 AD, 1519 AD, 1588 AD, 1798 AD and 1940 AD. When you visit the old man in 1940 AD he will be wearing a key. Ask the old man for the key and he will give it to you. When you have the key you have enough knowledge and items to find and capture Vettenmyer. He is hiding in the Tower of Babel in Baghdad 1361 BC. Baghdad 1361 BC (second time) Leave the cave and go to Ishtar Square by going west and south. Try to go east and you will be asked for the password. Type 'SAY EAST' and you will be let into the tower. If you enter the tower before you have repaired any timestreams the appropriate portrait will be dull and the bracelet missing. The following sequence of events must be done in the exact order with no intervening commands. Go east through the door. You will trip on the step and when you enter the tower room the door will close behind you. As you enter the room you will see yourself dematerialising on the left platform whilst pointing at the right platform. Stand on the right platform and you will be sent back in time 57 minutes. Now wait until 7:59. You will hear someone trip on the stairs so stand on the left platform. When your other self enters the room you will dematerialise, pointing at the right platform. You will now go forwards in time 62 minutes. When you rematerialize you will see Vettenmyer sprawled on the floor and your other self will operate the remote control. Put the key in the keyhole and stand on the right platform before Vettenmyer shoots you. As you dematerialize your other self will shout a random number, remember it! You will go back in time 57 minutes and Vettenmyer will capture you. Wait until he asks you to guess a random number. Then give the number you have just been told. Wait until Vettenmyer turns his back on you then kick him. Your other self will dematerialize at this point so stand on the remote control to open the case. As your other self stands on the right platform say the number you were previously told. At this point Vettenmyer will go mad and take you to the Academy in 1940 AD. Rome 1940 AD (fifth time) Keep waiting until the old man sacrifices himself for you. When the old man dies, remove his cloak and the game will end. 1000 points out of 1000. TIMEQUEST is copyrighted 1991 by Legend Entertainment Co. This walkthru is copyrighted 1991 by Mark and Karen Howell. All Rights Reserved.