WALKTHRU FOR SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE OF RELENTLESS. (walkthru for Northern Hemisphere is RELENT.WLK) by Mark Hashimoto 71501,2733@compuserve.com This walkthru starts off very explicit for the new players. In general, talk to every friendly you see and check every planter, black trash can, and barrel for money & hearts. Use the magic ball from a distance to kill enemies, Discreet mode lobs the ball. Use the F1, F2, F3, F4 keys to change modes since this is faster. Some terms used in this walkthru are: TALK means select Normal mode (F1 key), and use the Action key (Spacebar). RUN means select Athletic mode (F2 key), and HOLD DOWN the up arrow key. JUMP means select Athletic mode, and hit Spacebar once. HIDE means select Discreet mode (F4 key). KILL means select Aggressive mode (F3 key), and HOLD DOWN Spacebar. KILL can also mean to throw the magic ball from a safe distance. Get all the money you can. At one point in the game you will need $200 to buy a boat. Tip: You can re-enter any scene such as your house and collect all the hearts, magic, and money stored in the plants, and cupboards again. If you enter and leave your house 3 times, you can collect all the goodies all 3 times! Applies everywhere else in the game! Select Aggressive mode, wait for guard to arrive. Turn facing guard, hit Spacebar several times to kill him. Take money. If you missed the elevator, walk onto it when it re-appears. Ride elevator till it stops. Select Aggressive mode (F3) and kill guard on left. Then kill the scientist at right, get key. Walk down stairs, walk West to locked gate and through gate. Select Athletic mode (F2), Run straight ahead to red alarm switch. Select Aggressive mode (F3), face guard, and kill him when he approaches. Tip: Hit the key anytime to center the screen. Sometimes you cannot see an enemy cuz he is outside the screen, hitting key may help. Walk East into the room on the right. Stand in front the first 2 lockers and use the Action key (Spacebar) in Normal mode (F1). Get your I.D. Card & Holomap. The Holomap tells you where to go next indicated by a red arrow. Walk behind changing screen to change to white nurse's uniform. Stand facing each of the 3 lockers and use the Spacebar in Normal mode. Ignore the nurse in next room. Walk West to room having stairway. Check all the barrels for hearts and money. Do NOT go near the White Grobo. Proceed up the stairway and to the right. Select Aggressive mode, quickly kill guard next to red alarm button before he trips alarm. Kill the scientist next, get key, walk East through locked door. Once outside, select Normal mode (F1), walk up stairs towards guardhouse. After his warning, walk behind the guardhouse to the trash pile. Hit Spacebar to talk to Rabbibunny, select Discreet mode (F4), hit Spacebar again, this starts animation sequence. Select Normal mode (F1), use Action key (Spacebar) to check trash, then talk to Green Grobo. Read posters on wall and write down the clues. There will be many other dialogue clues from other characters throughout the game, so write them all down! Walk East, enter house door, use Action key (Spacebar) in Normal mode to talk to Rabbibunny. Get money from chest. Also stand in front of bed-stand to get a heart, exit house. Walk South to next scene. Walk onto square sewer grating at bottom right of screen, hit Spacebar once in Normal mode to drop down into sewer. Talk to Rabbibunny found there. Then keep walking left and along wall at bottom to the end. Take clover box, you now have an empty box to hold one extra life. Drop down into sewer, climb up ladder on other side in Normal mode. Take all mushrooms and check all barrels. Carefully walk West to very edge, hit F2 key, then hit Spacebar once. Hopefully you just jumped onto the other side, otherwise walk to ladder, try again. Walk onto sewer grating, hit Spacebar once in Normal mode to return to surface. Head left and follow paved road down to right stairway. Hit F2 key once and holding down the up-arrow key RUN down the right stairway avoiding the guard, at the bottom make a U turn to your left and continue running down the right side of town on the paved road. Continue running SouthWest down the right side of town. When the paved road ends, walk right onto the grass, talk to Rabbibunny, then go around the house. You will see your girlfriend dressed in Pink in that scene. Talk to her for an animation sequence. Immediately after the dialogue ends, hit key, select QUIT GAME, select Option Menu, select Saved Games Management, select Copy Saved Game, highlight & hit key on name of your current saved game to copy, type in MEET WITH GIRLFRIEND hit key, then select Return to Previous, and Return to Previous again. Select Continue Saved Game, highlight your current saved game NOT the one named MEET WITH GIRLFRIEND, and continue your previous saved game. You should be back in your house talking with your girlfriend. Immediately after she stops talking, select Athletic mode (F2), quickly run around the girlfriend, run down the stairs and straight through the doorway, stop, and run to the right side corner to hide. HIDE by selecting Discreet mode and holding down the Spacebar to crouch down. The objective is to hide behind a wall, in a corner, from the 2 Grobos. If this does not work, COPY the saved game named MEET WITH GIRLFRIEND to a new name such as IN MY HOUSE and continue again using that name. If you were to continue using MEET WITH GIRLFRIEND then you will lose that saved game when you are captured again. After escaping the 2 Grobos, explore your entire house. There are hearts everywhere in the plants and cupboards. Make sure you get your magic Tunic & magic Ball from the cupboard behind the drawing table. Also, in the kitchen, check that plant by the doorway for a key to the cellar. In the cellar use the Spacebar in Normal mode in front of the barrels to reveal a secret passage. You CANNOT do anything in the secret room, but you know how to find it now. Exit your house by walking into the fireplace. My inventory key is: Holomap, magic ball, magic Tunic, I.D. Card, and clovers. Hitting key shows me: full health, 2 clovers (2 extra lives), and 1 empty clover box for one more life when I find one. You can hit the key, select the green clover and hit to give yourself instant full health & full magic at any time. Such as when just before fighting something. Once outside, drop down to next level East but not off cliff. Slowly walk East, observe yellow Rabibunny clone, lob magic ball to kill clone as it patrols South side of house. Continue walking down East. At bottom, run past Grobo guarding your house. Run backup along the right side of town towards the tavern. Talk to everyone there. Go upstairs, turn right at top of stairway walk to Green Grobo, talk to him, walk to top of stairway and wait for waiter, talk to waiter, then return to Green Grobo, he will now tell you about another island. When exiting the tavern check the plants and nearby black trash can. Walk to left side of town, then North West, exiting scene. In the next scene walk NW to the second doorway and enter. Quickly hit F2 and run straight all the way to back wall, turn around. Ignore the Pharmasist, throw magic ball at Grobo who appears. After killing Grobo, then kill Pharmacist. Look for bottle of red syrup and take it (Spacebar in Normal mode). Check cash register and candy machine for money. Exit Pharmacy. Again walk SouthWest along left side of town till you see the guard at guardhouse. Lob magic ball and kill him for more money. Then walk NW thru corridor. At next scene, walk halfway up steps, throw magic ball to kill Grobo, get key, continue walking NW through gate. Turn right, check all barrels. Talk to sailor, enter building, arrange the boxes on the X's. Push first crate just forward enough to squeeze around it to the right, walk NE, then NW, push center crate NW against doorway, walk SW, push bottom crate NW just enough to squeeze around to the right. Then walk NE pushing center crate to corner of room. Walk back SW and push bottom crate only 1 step SW, walk around to back of crate, push it SE against SE wall, lining it up with walkway, then push it NE all the way to corner. Walk to third crate top-right of screen, push it just a bit SE. Walk back to NW side of first crate, push it SE only 1 step, now walk completely around stone block not the crate to SW side of crate, push it NE against wall. Walk just to right, push crate NW down walkway to stone block, walk around and push crate NE against far wall. Walk to right and push both crates NW to final positions. Talk to the sailor outside and he will give you a ferry ticket. Later he will sell you ferry tickets for 5 Kashes. Walk East up the dock, give ticket to boat Captain, then walk onto boat. Inventory currently has bottle of red syrup added to previous items. Boat takes you to Principal Island. Check all barrels for money. Walk East down dock, turn right, select Athletic mode, then just run past Green Guard and Yellow Rabbibunny clone. Run and zig-zag if possible. In next scene run all the way West and exit the West side of screen to Town. Walk slowly right and kill the Yellow Rabbibunny clone with magic ball. Just keep throwing and hitting him. Killing him proves your are a friend, then all the other friendlys will talk to you. Walk near where you entered scene, enter house there, talk to Rabbibunny lady, search her house and watch her TV. Exit holuse, walk West. Talk to Rabbibunny at corner. He will show you the way around town. Follow him. At friend's house use in Normal mode in front of sink, then do same in front of secret passage. You will re-appear in store, talk to Grobo, exit store, go to the locked gate on your right, he will follow and give you the key. Avoid the White Grobos. Walk through gate, then to the left, enter the shop displaying a green gas can above the door, buy gas for 30 Kashes and a meca-penquin. Exit store, walk NW to tavern, enter tavern, talk to all 3 characters there. Note how they complain about the water and a new location appears on you Holomap. Exit Tavern. Now talk to the lone Rabbibunny lady. follow behind her, stop in front the statue, wait till the White Grobo leaves, then go left up the stairs, at the top of stairs go right, then up the stairway, use Action key in Normal mode on the square grating. Talk to round guy, you now have Port-Belooga on your Holomap and a friend there who will help laters. Get money from chest, walk downstairs, check for stuffs, exit room. Use Discreet mode after Green Grobo leaves area to get to Rabbibunny lady again, have her distract the White Grobo again then quickly walk to the brown wooden bench and hit F4 to hide from Green Grobo. When White Grobo leaves, follow him to leave area. Then go down SE stairway, walk SW to corner where lone Rabbibunny is standing, continue walking SW to next scene. Walk SW, enter house, talk to lady. Note what she says about clover box on island. Get all the money in her house and check plant outside too. Walk West along paved road. Kill the guard, take motorcycle to water- tower. Walk up the stairways, use Action key in Normal mode on square door. Drop down passage. Take the mushrooms, check the barrels, read the sign, then pour the red syrup in water. You're done, BUT, climb completely out of room, then drop back down into it repeatedly to get more money from the mushrooms! Take motorcycle back, RUN past guard, enter the lady's house again to get more money. Inventory: added empty syrup bottle, meca-penquin, and 8 gas. I left the water-tower with 133 Kashes, 3 clovers, and full health. Exit scene and RUN NE completely through next scene. Then continue running NE, staying on the paved road, make a sharp right past the 2 guards in the bunker. Continue running right, past the other 2 guards, stop at sign. Walk NE, check the flowers and trash cans. You should now be at the top-right of screen at the top-right corner of Principal Island. The stairway leads to the Library, enter Library. Inside the Library, ignore the Librarian he's a snitch. There are 4 characters to talk to: Green Grobo - tells of Hamalayi Mountains & Rebels, puts them on Holomap. Round Yellow Guy - tells of pulling middle & right levers to solve puzzles. Sitting Rabbibunny - tells of statues without pedestals hiding something. Walking Rabbibunny - talk to him, then follow, he unlocks room. Read book, this puts White Leaf Desert on Holomap. For laters, one needs 200 Kashes to buy a boat. Killing the Librarian and robbing the cash register is the fastest way to get money. Just kill the Librarian then exit the Library, re-enter and kill him again. Try Aggressive mode, if he trips the alarm, position yourself so the desk & lamp are between you and the green guard. You can then lob magic ball over and kill guard easily. I left the Library with 251 Kashes. Walk SW, exit to next scene. Hit F2, run SW, stop near green guard in trench, kill him with magic ball. Jump into trench, run back NE to end of trench. Hit F1, talk to prisoner. He tells you to see his brother on Proxima Island and gives a password. Hit F2, run back through trench, kill yellow Rabbibunny clone and green guard at machine gun, climb out using ladder, try to run left, then left again away from fort. You cannot enter fort at this time. Keep running left, back to the paved road on the right side of fort, and back the way you first entered scene. Exit scene at top of screen back on road leading to Library. You have now done everything needed on Principal Island. Now to leave Principal Island for Port-Belooga. Head for the top- leftmost corner of Principal Isle, this is the scene having those 2 green guards in the covered bunker. From the paved road near Library, note the sleeping guard. Wait until the other guard goes over and wakes him up, that's your chance to run NW on paved road. Exit and continue running past 2 guards in bunker while making a sharp left turn. Do not leave this scene. Near the bottom of paved road, walk onto the grass heading NW and stop between the 2 wooden posts. Watch for that yellow Rabbibunny clone, jump over sandbags, run straight NE along right side of statue, and along right side of 3 outhouses, to opening in wall. Walk into enclosure and take green cart to Port-Belooga. On Port-Belooga, talk to the small round guy (will sell a boat laters), then walk up the dock and talk to fisherman. He'll take you to White Leaf Desert. At White Leaf Desert, Jump across stones to the right, then South. Generally, position yourself at the edge of the stone you're jumping from and aim for the center of stone you're jumping to. Note the pattern of the bullets and stand between them. Hit to center screen. Run to right of machine gun, along left side of tents, kill guard for key to enclosure having the 3 wagons. Enter enclosure, walk straight SE, talk to man in desert, then jump into round ventilation shaft. Face SE, run to edge, jump to nearest column. Jump columns to right, then jump over spikes, get money in vase, ignore bouncing ball, go down stairway and up other side. Don't touch levers, yet! Walk around to the left. Continue walking, down steps and up the other side. Drop down inner enclosure, walk around right and flip lever, note moving elevator. At top of stairs, run straight to barrel, then run just into corridor on left. In Athletic mode still, edge forward, when you hear log rolling down, run backwards and around SW corner. Walk back into corridor and flip both white levers. Run around barrel and through opened gate. Stand just to left of the row of spikes. Run diagonally to end of stones immediately after blue poles start left. Stand at end of stones, hit F1 and walk against wall. Hit F2 and generally run SW to corner when yellow ball sequence pauses. Ignore barrels and vases here. Up the stairs is the statue. Push it East, then drop it down, push it SW, then NW around fence onto elevator plate. Jump over wall, flip white lever. Then walk back up stairway, walk around to the right. Then jump on top of right wall of stairway. Walk SE along top, a bit NE, then jump across to top of SE wall. Walk NE along top and jump to NE wall. Drop down and flip other white lever. Walk up to moved statue, push it SE onto second elevator plate. Try to position statue on SW corner of plate, then lob magic ball at skeletons. Discreet mode kills nearest skeleton. Normal mode kills far skeleton. Walk down flip lever. Walk to statue, walk behind statue onto elevator plate. Push statue and onto pedestal and retreat quickly avoiding yellow balls. Exit through opened door to second half of Bu. Select Athletic mode, run down along top walkway, down stairs and stop at the bottom corner of edge. Jump to bottom row of tiles to escape log. Sometimes if you are too close to inner edge of tiles the log still gets you. Keep trying, if you fall to lower level, quit game and restart, lower level is dead end! Walk along edge, jump to other side, run East, flip white lever. Walk East avoiding dark colored tiles and openings. Lob ball to kill skeleton. Run past blue pole, keeping on right side. Inch close to stairway, run up stairs after 4th ball. White levers on post should be in down position. Walk around right and through gate. Walk up left stairway, walk along top of wall to switch (lever) post. Lob magic ball at switch in Discreet mode. Jump onto elevator plate, use in Normal mode to flip switch again. Jump to opposite wall, walk to second switch pole, F4, lob magic ball, get on plate, again. Walk off plate, walk SW till end of wall, jump across to top of bottom wall, walk East. Walk to NE around corner, flip switch. Walk down stairs, drop down. Quickly walk South to avoid rock. Ignore blue magic bottle and passageway. Walk only along bottom of room, head SE to 3 switch poles. Flip only the middle and right switches! Then walk only West away from switch poles. Approach first elevator plate from left side only. Jump on and up other 2 plates to upper level. Push statue onto topmost plate, then push down to other 2 plates. At bottom, push statue onto pedestal to open door. Walk down corridor, stop just before corridor opens into room. Lob magic ball into room to kill both skeletons. Get Bu book and read wall. Then exit South. Talk to man in desert, and talk to horse. Exit desert, head back to the boat the same way you came. Take boat back to Principal Island (actually Port-Belooga), so you can buy the guy's boat. At Port-Belooga, talk to that small round guy, follow him, and he will sell you a yellow catamaran. Take it to Proxima Island. Inventory: Holomap, Tunic, magic ball, Book of Bu, I.D. Card, meca- penquin, empty bottle, 7 (voyages) gas. 84 Kashes and no clovers. On Proxima, keep checking all trash cans, barrels, and planters. Walk right, down paved road, buy Hair Dryer from salesman in grey suit. Walk back to boat dock. Walk West to next scene. Walk NW into Inventor's house and exchange Hair Dryer for Proto-pack. Exit Inventor's house. Walk NE, and attempt to enter chained house. A Grobo will appear, run away around him up the stairs. He will patrol house, so just lob magic ball down and kill him. Enter house, talk to Rabbibunny, give password, get Red Card. Exit scene back to boat dock. Enter gate near dock, buy more gas in store. Then walk NW and enter second house. Grobo will give you Digital Keypad for use in Teleportation Center so make mental note of this. :-) Return to boat dock, walk East, down the paved walkway. Walk North to door on left and use Red Card to open. Enter Museum, locate square grating, use in Normal mode to setup grating for laters. Walk down through sewer, climb up other side, exit sewer on other grating. In building, first kill guard in white, then talk to Green Grobo. Flip Red Alarm Lever to evacuate Museum. Return to Museum through the sewer gratings you just set up. In darkened Museum, put on Proto-Pack, , select Proto-pack, hit , hold down up arrow key and head East towards door. Do not stop to put your feet down, cuz the floor is alarmed. North of doorway, stop on pedestal, take Pirate Flag, hit , hit , put on Proto-Pack again. Fly East then up stairs. Work your way West avoiding the robots. Find the treasure chest, get Golden Key. Exit Museum same way. Exit sewer and building. Try killing that sleeping guard to get 4 Kashes. Return to boat dock checking all barrels and trash cans along the way. You're done for now on Proxima. Take yellow catamaran to Citadel Isle to use Golden Key in basement under your house. At Citadel Island, walk to West end of dock. Jump onto ledge on left side of cliff face. Walk around ledge and jump onto beach. Walk into cave, up to door on left, use Golden Key, enter room, take Gawley's Horn & Sendell's Medallion. Walk to Seal of Sendell on East wall, blow horn in front of Seal. Take clover. Read writing on West wall. Check everywhere for hearts & magic. Return to boat dock. Take catamaran back to Proxima Island. Buy hearts at the store if your health is low. Walk all the way East, up stairs, head NE first. Always run quickly past yellow Rabbibunny clone without bumping into him. Take green cart to Marked Stone. Blow Gawley's Horn on Seal of Sendell, enter passage, read Stone, get password for Eclipse Stone. Return to green cart. Take cart back to Proxima. Run straight SW past clone up to motorcycle. Take motorcycle to Eclipse Stone, read Stone, get Magic Flute, get password for Marked Stone. Return to Proxima. Run NE back to green cart. At the Marked Stone give the password. Get enough health & magic, use key to check health & magic bars. You have done everything on Proxima Island. Return to boat dock. Take catamaran to White Leaf Desert to blow horn at Seal of Sendell there. Inventory: Holomap, Tunic, Red Card, Proto-Pack, Pirate flag, Golden Key, Digital Keypad, magic ball, Book of Bu, Twinsen's I.D. Card, meca-penquin, empty bottle, 12 voyages gas, Sendell's Medallion, Gawley's Horn, and 3 clovers. At White Leaf Desert, watch out for guard at outhouse! Kill the guard at the gate to get key again. Look for Seal of Sendell behind rocks just North after entering desert. Blow Gawley's Horn on Seal, enter passage, catch Elf, get Blue Card, exit maze. Return to catamaran. At yellow catamaran, use Black Pirate Flag, it will appear on rear of catamaran. Take catamaran to Rebellion Island. At Rebellion Isle, talk to lone Soldier there. He tells you where & who to see. Run SW to end of island, then NW, jump into trench. Talk to soldier, offers his buggy. Exit trench by jumping on sandbags & box. Walk SW to buggy, take buggy to Rebel Camp. At Rebel Camp, head NE, talk to small round robot. Says to help rescue captured Leader in Hamalayi Fort guarding pass to Northern Hemisphere. Return in buggy, walk North along West side of island, meet with Soldier. He explains battle plan of mission. Walk onto transport. At landing, run SW avoiding the mines. Kill the 2 guards at bottom left of screen. Walk SW in same scene and climb up sandbags & barrels to snow ledge along left side. Walk NE along snow ledge and destroy Radio Antenna at end. Drop down and kill guard. Follow Soldier NE into next scene. Run straight through, don't have to kill everything cuz not coming back this way ! In scene having parked Blue Tank on left, kill both guards in scene. Allow Soldier to take the tank. Soldier will then drive tank rest of the way, so get into tank ! At Fort, it is easier to kill first yellow Rabbibunny clone with magic ball. Then use meca-penquin on the second guarding door. Observe that Rabbibunny clone, and when clear, run in front of door facing East, release meca-penquin, ( key, select meca-penquin, hit key), then run back down steps. After killing clone, take key, enter Fort. Use a clover for maximum health & magic. Take out 2 guards up the stairway first by running up to them and throwing magic ball. Take keys, but ignore doors. Walk back and just lob magic ball down from stairs to kill scientist and clone. Get the key from locker there. Check for hearts. Ignore 2 locked doors on right side. Enter locked door on left. Carefully observe Red Grobo, wait till he leaves, then unlock door. Kill Green Grobo. In next room, release Rebel Leader, listen to what he says. Slowly approach last room, lob magic ball in to kill last Red Grobo. Then leave through square passage door at end of room. (Spacebar in Normal mode) Congratulations ! You just completed the Southern Hemisphere of Relentless ! Inventory: Holomap, Tunic, Red Card, Blue Card, Proto-Pack, Golden Key, Digital Keypad, magic ball, Book of Bu, Twinsen's I.D. Card, empty bottle, 7 voyages gas, magic Flute, Sendell's Medallion, Gawley's Horn, and a Snowboard. Also, 47 Kashes and 1 clover. Walkthru for Northern Hemisphere is named RELENT.WLK and can be downloaded from Gamers forum, Adventure games section file library. Much thanks to the crew who designed & produced Relentless. Awesome game! Written by Mark Hashimoto. 03-01-1995 [end of walkthru text for Southern Hemisphere] ### WALKTHRU FOR ONLY THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE OF RELENTLESS. I wrote this walkthru only for the Northern H. cuz most have already finished the Southern Hemisphere. (revised1.1) A general hint is to always play with maximum health & magic if possible by using a clover. You can always get extra clovers by talking to that Rabbibunny in the Rabbibunny Village, or by jumping to the iceberg located South and just behind the lone soldier on Hamalayi after landing by catamaran. Also, when using the sword, use the Alt key, not the Spacebar to fight. At the top of the ski lift, walk between any 2 same colored flags. At the bottom, walk East to the edge, then North till you come to the exit to the Rabbibunny Village. Talk to all 3 Rabbibunnies before leaving. One will dig a hole for you to the military base. Jump off the ledge, kill the marching guard, walk SouthEast, talk to the Sailor at the dock. Then walk slowly North and kill the Red Grobo at a distance by throwing magic ball and take his key. Enter building. Talk to Green Grobo, he will startup the subway car for you, so wait on the South side of that subway car till he opens the gate for you, then just walk to the car. Do NOT follow the Green Grobo! After the ride, ignore the small clone robot, walk to your right when he passes. Using discreet mode, observe the walking guard wearing white. You must then run past him between the red alarm button and kill him before he reaches it. Then walk to the stairs, observe the Rabbibunny clone and kill him by lobbing the magic ball. Walk up the stairs and proceed to the left side. Use magic ball to kill scientist & all 4 mutant parts. Head left in discreet mode, position yourself just behind the 2 barrels, then lob your magic ball to kill guard ahead in white. Keep trying, this works, or just move a little bit to the left. After killing the guard, throw magic ball in the pit to kill both bouncing clones. Then walk back, straight thru the empty mutant room and to the left being careful NOT to fall off the walkway, then right to the control room. Discreetly kill the guard in white at the control room. I moved all three levers up, worked for me! Exit and find your way back to the subway car. (It may be easier to jump down off the walkway just outside the control room and head forward and to the left, but I never tried this.) Anyways, fight the clones again and hope they don't trip the alarm. At the subway car, head left, kill the clone robot, then go forward and stop to the left of the bottom of the stairs. A mutant crab will appear, throw your magic ball to kill it. Ignore the Red and Green Grobos and head forward and to the left. Take the green cart back to the Rabbibunny Village. Talk to all 3 Rabbibunnies again. One will always give you a green clover after doing a flip. Another will open the Carrot Door for you now so follow him. Go through the Carrot Door. Head left, kill the guard to get the key. Go through the locked gate, kill all 3 guards. (I lob the magic ball, but for the stairway guard, run right up to him and be Aggressive.) Then, you may climb to the top of the bunker to get a looksee around, note the guard across the way. Run across the bridge along the right side, careful not to fall off and use blue card to open gate. Run towards the top-right corner of screen, and kill marching guard there for key. Select a clover for maximum health now. Observe Red Grobo marching below right, and walk to bottom-right of screen. Jump down and open gate when Red Grobo is at other end, then quickly climb back up. Then lob magic ball in discreet mode at Red Grobo as he marches by & turns around. After killing Red Grobo, jump down, walk to end of dock, then turn left. (Do not take airboat yet!) You are now at Clear Water Lake, select & use magic flute there. Take airboat to Tippett. Talk to clone and Green Grobo. Walk to the barrel, up the stairs, and buy a meca-penquin and more gas. Walk across bridge and talk to Funky Guy. Buy all his information. Tip: Use the meca-penquin on the Red Grobos and Yellow Rabbibunny clones. Very effective and easy! To use: quickly face a Red Grobo, hit the key, select the meca-penquin, hit and run backwards fast! Remember to get another at any store! Then walk West till you come to the fisherman. Talk to fisherman and he will catch you something. Take center walkway on way back. Enter locked gate, walk slowly forward keep on the right. Throw ball at the 2 elephants, you just need to kill 1 elephant, the other will run away towards gate so don't get in his way! Walk into cafe. Talk to entertainer on stage. Then talk to bartender. Take airboat to Hamalayi so you can get back to White Leaf Desert and exchange your magic flute for the desert guy's guitar. At Hamalayi, walk left, go through the Carrot Door. Head for the hole that puts you back at the Military Base. Talk to that Rabbibunny first if you need an extra clover. Drop down the hole, staying on the ledge, walk to the left, kill the guard, then walk left to the end of the ledge. Drop down on the left side of the fence. Run left past the machine guns and head for the bottom left of the screen again. Keep heading left in the next screen too until you reach your yellow catamaran. NOTE: On the yellow catamaran screen, if you need 3 extra clovers, you can always jump to the iceberg located just South of that lone Rabbibunny soldier. Carefully walk behind him, then jump to that tiny iceberg, use the Action key on the barrels. Take yellow catamaran to White Leaf Desert to trade for guitar. Be careful, there's now a guard who comes out shooting from the outhouse. And a tank has been added. Exchange your magic flute with the man-in-the- desert's guitar. Take yellow catamaran to Principal Island to get architect's plans in fort since you are already in the Southern Hemisphere again. Once on Principal Island, buy a meca-penquin if you don't have one. Then attack the fort from the front left side. Run up to the green guard in the trench on the LEFT side and quickly kill him with the magic ball. Jump into the trench, walk right and climb out when you see the ladder. Simply walk and go up the stairway without shooting at anything else. Walk left and use the Red Card to open the gate. Then run just past the open gate, then stop facing both Red Grobos, release the meca-penquin, then walk backwards behind the safety of the gate pillar. The meca- penquin should kill both Red Grobos. Use the Blue Card on the next gate. Standing at the entrance to that gate, lob the magic ball to kill the yellow Rabbibunny clone, and the White Grobo which appears after. Get the key and enter FunFrock's fort carefully. Throw the magic ball twice immediately at the guard in white before he trips the alarm. Head left, then down to the RIGHT side of screen first, kill the second guy in white for his key, then walk back over to the LEFT side of screen. Kill the yellow Rabbibunny clone, walk down, open the door to FunFrock's office. Then simply stand and lob the magic ball at the Green Grobo. Doc will run away, and the Green Grobo is killed. Talk to the Sailor in the jail cell. Use his key on the safe. You get a magic sword and read the note in the safe carefully. Walk back up the stairs and go down the stairs on the other side, open the jail cell, talk to the Rabbibunny, he knows a secret way out. Return to the Green Cart. Take your yellow catamaran to Citadel Island. Talk to that Rabbibunny running around just outside your home. Have to catch him first tho. Follow him to his house. Talk to him inside and carefully note what he says. Take his I.D. Pass to enter the Teleportation Center later. For fun, (not required to finish), go to the Tavern, defeat the Red Grobo outside and a Green Grobo inside. Then use his key on the locked tavern cellar door. This gets you lives, magic, and an extra clover box. Get all the way back to Tippett Island in the Northern Hemisphere. On the way, get 3 clovers on that iceberg when landing at Hamalayi. On Tippett Island, buy a meca-penquin if you don't have one also life & magic. Head for the cafe. Get past the 2 elephant thieves. Give the guitar to the entertainer on stage. Talk to the bartender and he will reveal the secret passage to the basement at the bottom right of screen. In the basement, kill the green blob, then walk to very edge of stairs near the right corner. The crab should pinch you, then it will pause, that's your chance to run onto it's back. Ride around on the crab's back several times for timing purposes, the as it nears the right stairway on the other side. Jump off onto the stairway in athletic mode. Kill the mantis in the next screen. Climb the ladder, drop down the hole to find the key. Climb ladder again and go through gate. In athletic mode, run past the snakes, down stairway, to ladder. Climb ladder, find flying dragon, talk to dragon. Then go to Fortress Island, talk to both Rabbibunnies there. One says to get the Architect's plans, but you have already been "told" them. Just go directly to Brundle Island and use the Architect's I.D. to get in. After you destroy the Teleportation Center, that Rabbibunny will still dig a hole for you at Fortress Island. Go directly to Brundle Isle, give the Architect's I.D. Card to the guard. Enter through the gate, head towards the left side of the building and talk to the Rabbibunny found there. He tells an odd tale. Climb the ladder on the building and walk forward to the painted wall. A Seal should appear, blow Gawley's Horn and a hole will appear. Enter the Teleportaion Center. Kill the Red Grobo on the right using the meca-penquin released on the stairs and get his key. Creep up to the guard in white and lob the magic ball to kill him before he sets off the alarm. You do not have to enter the enclosed area. Then go to the top right of screen. Use digital keypad on the door. Get another meca-penquin for use on the yellow Rabbibunny clone in the tape-deck room. Walk to the room having the tape decks. I released the meca-penquin near the second tape-deck. The yellow Rabbibunny tends to find it and goes crazy giving you a chance to lob magic balls at him! Kill that Rabbibunny Clone, this one's a little smart and tricky. Walk down the hallway, go to the left, use the Action key in Normal mode on the first barrel to get the key to the locked door. Select and use a clover for maximum health and magic. After entering the locked door, RUN straight down the hallway up to the Rabbibunny Clone, quickly select & use the sword, select Aggressive mode, then attack the clone pressing the Alt key. Then you must kill the scientist who is pressing the button to call more clones! Then go after whatever other clones appear there. Then using the sword, destroy the red switches for every clone machine along the left side. Then go down the stairway, kill the scientist, then destroy the main Teleportation console. Exit the Teleportation Center by jumping out through the broken wall at the bottom right of the screen nearest the FunFrock statue. Walk to the left behind the statue and drop down. The Center should now be empty and dead. Take the dragon to Fortress Island. Meet with the Rabbibunnies there. One will now dig a hole for you to enter the fortress after you kill the guards and tank. Tip: lob magic balls over the locked gate to kill the tank, before opening the gate. Open the locked gate, then look for and follow that Rabbibunny who will dig a hole. Enter the hole and observe the pattern of the volcano things. Run straight ahead, jump up to the next level, then select & use your sword. Jump to the next level, select Aggressive mode, and use the Alt key to battle the monster. Select Athletic mode, jump to the top-left corner and take the mushroom & key. Walk down to the top-right corner of screen, read the sign, then turn the wheel water valve in Normal mode, Action key. This will drain the pool in the next screen. Climb the ladder just to the left of the sign. If the pool is not drained, then go back and turn the wheel some more! (Quite a few times, Whew!) Drop down into drained pool, select & use a clover for maximum health. Select & use sword, select Aggressive mode. Remember to use Alt key, not the Spacebar. Walk towards right of pool. Kill both flying Grobos who attack. Climb ladder at right corner of pool. Walk right, kill guard, get key and release Girlfriend Clone. Listen to sequence. Escape from prison same as before. Once through locked gate, select & use sword, select Aggressive mode, kill Girlfriend Clone, use key on door to right. Get inventory from locker. Walk through corridor exit at top of screen. Ignore sewer grating! Once inside clone room, do NOT disturb the clones! Walk to rear left corner of room. Blow Gawley's Horn in front of Seal of Sendel. Enter wall, read Stone, then select & use Clear Water on Stone. After sequence, walk towards top of screen around all the wreakage. Exit through top of screen, and run around tractor towards construction worker. Kill construction worker, get and use key on gate. THEN, RUN STRAIGHT UP THE MIDDLE FOLLOWING THEM TRUCK TRACKS, THROUGH ALL CONSTRUCTION SCENES TILL END OF ISLAND. DO NOT STOP TO KILL ANYTHING. (There are mushrooms for extra life around tho.) At end of the island, walk to left, talk to Green Grobo, get and use his key on the nearby tractor. After animation sequence, run right, jump up to next level, run left, kill worker with jackhammer. Run just past the pile of bricks, jump up to next level. When yellow tractor leaves, run up to the 2 wooden blocks, jump to top block if possible up to next level. Walk to right corner, wait for tractor, run around it to very end of road to the far right, drop down to escape tractor. Kill the worker to get key. Drop all the way down to lower level. Walk left along the bottom, then kill worker at locked gate. Go through gate, select & use sword, select Aggressive mode, slowly walk towards stone mountain. A worker will suddenly appear behind you. Kill him, then select Discreet mode and lob magic balls at the other 2 workers. To the left of the small pile of rocks, is a ladder on the stone mountain. It's hard to see if you have a dim monitor, turn up the brightness. Climb up to the top. Select & use the sword, select Aggressive mode. Fight Dr. FunFrock. Then jump up to where your real girlfriend is waiting. Blow Gawley's Horn on Seal, then drop down. Immediately after falling, select & use a green clover for maximum health & magic. Make sure you select your sword, and Aggressive mode and be ready to battle the Doc again! That's all folks! Very creative game! by Mark Hashimoto 71501,2733@compuserve.com [end of Relentless walkthru file]