SIMON THE SORCERER HINTS by Michael Shire, 1996. from Adventure Soft/Activision. I borrowed some text from Zorian Rotenberg. (1) General Hints (2) Subtle Hints (3) Less Subtle hints (4) Near Solutions (5) Items: What - Why (Where found) (6) Red Herrings ==================================================== (1) We'll start with General Hints: The most important - you never die, and you are never placed in a "no way out" situation, so try anything and everything. The Magic Map allows you to travel to any location instantly, but the locations will only be present on the map if you have visited it. So explore a lot, and make sure you have been everywhere. Remember that you are not bound by days and you have all the time in the world to save the wizard and get to the end to get rid of Sordid. Move the mouse pointer all around the screen. If the information on the subject changes and displays the subject's name or what it is called, then there is a good chance that you may need to pick it up or do something with it. ======================================================== (2) Subtle hints: There are a couple of hard to find locations: > You CAN get to the man fishing in the river. > You can go to the cellar of a couple of the houses. The Dodgy Geezer will like something Dwarven. Tinker with the keg to get free beer. A real dwarf has a beard, and loves beer. Dr. Jones really is good at digging. The Blacksmith loves to hammer on his anvil. The owl will give you some sound advice. Annoying sounds can wake anybody up. Seeds need water and fertile soil to grow. If you can't move someone try tickling them. Alice in Wonderland's 'Drink me' and 'Eat me'. Woodworms are like fast and hungry termites. Can any person eat a whole door of chocolate? The cool MINTS are really HOT stuff. ================================================== (3) Less Subtle hints (or you may be stuck on): A CLAPPER is the striker in a bell. Get BUCKET of water from the Witch's well. TALK to the hole in the ground in forest. The SPECIMEN jar is like tupperware. The Blacksmith will both SMASH and CREATE. LOOK for the MITHRIL in the dirt. The grappling HOOK is complete with rope. If you can't OPEN or USE a crate, try getting in or to MOVE it. The HAMMER comes with free NAIL. LOOK for rocks, pebbles, branches, twigs, ... Don't get hooked on fireplaces. WHITE SPIRIT is paint remover. 'Drink me' to shrink, 'Eat me' to enlarge. Don't wait for a gust of wind to MOVE you. LOOK for something to threaten frogs with. The polished SHIELD is like a MIRROR. Doesn't the ATTENDANT's face ring a bell? ========================================== (4) Near Solutions: You must climb down the vines to meet the fisherman. He loves stew. Plug the keg of beer with something - The barman will remove it. Get past the REPULSIVE chocolate door - you'll need the beeswax. Get a beard from a real dwarf - the password is outside of the mine. Bribe them with beer, even coupons for beer - The sleeper is ticklish. Sell the treasure you find in locked room in the town. You can find a shopping list just outside the Goblins' House, use it. Hopefully you know how to pick locks, and that you fished out the magic ring. Use the paper with the door the rat bone with its lock. Save the Druid if you cover his head with something dark that has a hole, you can set him free - you'll need light. Go back to town, visit the Druid again, and you may find what he needs if you search another's house. MOVE the CRATE. Outside dragon cave - you can see a boulder outcropping. You can get gold from up there. Behind Dragon's Cave, you see a rock. Remember the Dr.? He loves to dig but you need to find milrith. Of course Milrith has to be shaped to an axehead. Use metal detector on snowy ground. Put out the fire in the fireplace. The Woodworms will keep you company. Don't keep them hungry, they'll need even more wood. In the Tower, find something loose. Finish your quest and become a Master. The Witches Duel. You need that broom! You need magic words. Find the pink smudge on tree, it's past the climbing pins. Keep on saying the magical word "sausages". To escape turn into a mouse with another word. Sordid's Tower. Climbing pin from Woodcutter's. The Snowman is not Hot Stuff. All that heat from lava must make you thirsty. There is stuff inside the bucket. Don't wait for wind to sail. Free the rust by grinding seeds, use the hair on tap. LOOK at the water, talk to frog. Get a branch, use the branch on the chest. Pick up the shield and the spear, and go downstairs. There are candles hidden here. Get everything from down the spiral staircase (including candles, skull), from bedroom (including mouse), and then from lab. Polish shield up like a mirror (hint). The Pits. Search the area, talk to the attendant, read brochure. Use MAGIC on Sordid. Did you read the magic books? Old Sordid should watch his step. ======================================================== (5) Items: What - Why (Where found). Scissors ..................................... beard trimmer (Calypsos) Magnet ............................. use with rope (fridge at Calypsos) Rope .......................... tie to magnet to get gold (Blacksmiths) Clapper .............................. bell at Stone Keep (Blacksmiths) Ladder ..................................... stone keep's cellar (Town) Bucket (water) .......................... watering beans (Witches well) Bucket (metal) .................. free Druid and becomes frog (Goblins) Beard ......................... use as disguise for mine (Dwarf in Inn) Feather ........................... tickle sleeping dwarf in mine (Owl) Whistle ................................. let Troll take it (Barbarian) Rocks .......................... notes, shopping list, fossil (various) Sousaphone ...................................... play for giant (Bard) Watermelon .................................. plug sousaphone (Compost) Beans ........................ grows melon (in puddle after OAF leaves) Repulsor / Pig ....................... eats chocolate door (Stone Keep) Smoke Box (and hat) ..................... smoke out beehive (Bee House) Matches (Inn) .................... use on SmokeBox (Fruit Machine, Inn) Bees Wax ............................ plug keg behind barkeep (Beehive) Beer Keg .................................... bribe guard in mine (Inn) Beer Voucher ............................ bribe gemkeeper in mine (Inn) Hammer ........................ hammer plank beneath swamplings (store) Gold Coins .................... store, wizards fee (Dragons, or Geezer) Ring ......................... invisible to Goblins (Gollum, fisherman) Paper ............................. catch key from doorlock (Spellbook) Key ........................... dwarves treasure room in mine (Goblins) Rats Bone .................................... pick door lock (Goblins) Hacksaw ............................. cut bars to escape (Druid / frog) Mints ............................ eat and breathe on snowman (Goblins) Specimen Jar ..................... store Swamp Stew for Gollum (Druids) Frogs bane ..................... under crate in swamplings (Skull Isle) Cold Remedy ................................... give to dragon (Druids) Fire Extinguisher ..................... woodcutters fireplace (Dragons) Metal Detector .................... locate Milrith in snow (Woodcutter) Fossil ............................. persuade Dr. Jones (Rock on Anvil) Axe Head ........................ give to woodcutter (Milrith on Anvil) Mahogany ....................... give to Woodworms (cellar Woodcutters) Woodworms ................... wooden floor of Stone Keep (forest Stump) Climbing Pin ........................... use on rock face (Woodcutters) White Spirit ............................... clean pink splotch (store) Staff ............................. take to Wizards in Inn (Stone Keep) ================ Calypso's Spell Book ....................... Witch's showdown (Goblins) Sordid's Spell Book .................... send back demons (Sordids Lab) Potion ....................................... drink to shrink (Druids) Broom ..................................... fly over Doom gap (Witches) Leaf, Pebble, Match ..................... make boat (garden and Bucket) Dog Hair ................................... lasso water tap (your Pet) Oil ................................... grind seeds, use on tap (Seeds) Tadpole .................................. threaten frog ! LOOK (Water) Mushrooms .................................. eat to enlarge (Past Frog) Branch ................................ stuff in chests mouth (Balcony) Spear ................................. get hanging skull (Main / Doom) Shield .......................... polish and hang on hook (Main / Doom) Skull, Candles .......................... part of ritual (Lower / Doom) Wand ................................... use on Sordid (Bedroom / Doom) Mouse, Pouch, Sock .............. get mouse for ritual (Bedroom / Doom) Book ................................... info on wands (Bedroom / Doom) Mirror .................. spy on demons through shield (Bedroom / Doom) Chemicals .................................. cleans shield (Lab / Doom) Teleporter ................................... goto Rondor (Lab / Doom) Brochure .................................... get elastic band (Rondor) Sapling, pebble ...................... add with elastic / bell (Rondor) Bucket of Wax .................... Use on Sordid after wand (Fiery Pit) Matches (Rondor) .......................... light fiery pit (Attendant) ======================================================== (6) Red Herrings: The WAGONWHEEL, MATCHES from INN, PLACARD, WEDGE don't seem to have a use. The FRIDGE does not open. You can't use or get the MOOSEHEAD item. The STONE TABLE in the forest is just for scenery.