Shannara Walkthrough authored by Brian Montgomery - The complete walkthrough as best I remember it - remember it is from memory so do not complain if I forgot something. Do complain if I have something wrong. GENERAL INFORMATION AVOID ALL COMBAT when given a choice. If you must fight, have everyone follow your lead that way you can kill monsters faster. Talk to everyone in each scene. Take everything that you can take. Part 1 - Shady Vale. You are fishing by a creek when the program first opens. Take the fishing pole and take the broken twig on the rocks. Take your journal. Look in the creek and look at the reflection. Use the fishing pole on the weeping willow and you will see something in the tree. Put the twig on the fishing pole and get the item from the tree - it is a locket. A play scene will occur in which Allanon appears and lets you what to do next. Part 2 - Trip to Leah. Avoid all monsters on the trip to Leah. You will encounter the princess of Leah (Shella) along the way. Move the rock and push the tree off her with the fishing pole. She is looking for a missing item which you should give her. She will accompany you to Leah avoiding monsters. Part 3 Leah. You meet the guard and talk to him. Talk to the gardener on the way to meeting King Menion. The King is ill from poison, although no one knows it. Take the tea cup smell it and take it to the herb shop in town and give the cup to the owner. He will tell you the necessary ingredients to cure the King. Take the bottle of growth potion from the shop. Use the potion on the dogwood tree on the left side of the screen in the garden. Take some blossoms. Enter the main hall and take the potpourri from the table and read the book. Go upstairs and take the pot from the brassiere. Pour the pot on the fire and take some charcoal. Return to the shop and take the instructions from the dead owner. Mix the cure and a movie scene will take over. Allanon will appear and give you your next directions. Follow Shella into town, talk to the guard. Shella will give you her locket and tell you to tell the servant to meet her in the library. Talk to the servant - he will leave. Use the locket in the dragon on the shield to open the secret way from the manor house. Part 4. The Ferry. You meet the gardener at the ferry. Talk to him and then shoot him with an arrow. He will reveal that he is a servant of Brona. You need to fight 2 monsters - Attack the closest and tell Shella to do the same. You need to kill both monsters. After killing the monsters toss the rope in your supplies onto the rope that holds the ferry. Pull the ferry to you and have Shella shoot the break on the opposite side. get on the ferry and head to Tyrsis. Part 5 - Tyrsis. When you get to the walled city it is surrounded by the walking dead. Head to the right side of the city until you get to the small hut and Knock. Knock again. Talk to Brendel, give Brendel some food. Talk to Brendel again and he will tell you about the Laurel and tell you where the tree is. Go to the tree, break off a branch and take it back to Brendel. Go to the Gate and talk to the guard. Talk to Brendel then - he will return to his hut and the guard will let you enter town. Talk to the seneschal, show him the locket. Talk to King Balinor. Talk to the seneschal. Enter the library. Look and read the book. Talk to the seneschal and get him to open the locked bookcase. Take the book and use the knife on it to get the pact. Enter the throne room. Look at the throne. Oil the lion head and push it and take the key. On the wall push the animal head and use the key in the revealed keyhole. Push the tapestry on the right side wall to reveal the secret room. Enter the room and light the lantern. Light the candles and when you can move again break the mirror with the sword. Open the secret drawer and take the Spell. Invoke the spell of revealing on the book - read the spells. Talk to the seneschal and then to King Balinor. Watch the movie scenes. Take the mace and enter the wine cellar. Put the incense on the floor. Put the Pact on the floor and the mace. Light the incense. Invoke the spell of summoning on the pact first and on the mace next. Talk to Stenmin. Invoke the next spell on Stenmin. Talk to Stenmin again and he will tell you the ingredients for the potion to put out the fire around the sword. Talk to Stenmin and send him off for good. Take the bottle and a bottle of wine. Fill the empty bottle from the wine that turned bad - vinegar. Go to the Laurel tree and take some leaves. Go to Brendels hut and ask Shella to get the mistletoe out of the oak tree. Mix the mistletoe, laurel leaves and rose petals from the potpourri in the vinegar bottle. Return to the castle and go the flame area where the sword is. Pour the potion on the flames. Watch the animated scene. Part 6. Arborlon. Talk to Lessa. Enter the manor and talk to Davio. Look at the everything in the room. Try to start a fire.. Leave the manor. Get the pot from Brendel and fill it with clay from the area to the left of the fountain. Put Shella's scarf in the hole in the fountain. Go left to the garden area. Remove the vines from the gate. Close the gate and take the life Rune diamond. Look at the rune stone in the garden. Go back to the manor and talk to Davio. Talk to the Prince two times. Talk to Davio. Leave the manor and go to Lessa at the entrance scene and talk to Lessa. Use water on the dark stone on the path. Take the stone. Put the clay in the diamond impression on the rock on the left. Put the rock on the clay to make the earth rune diamond. Take the earth rune diamond. Give the rope to Lessa and take the ladder. Climb the ladder and remove the bird nest. Put oil on the wind vane and turn it. Take the loose shingles. Climb down and enter the manor. Talk to Davio and show him the diamond runes you have. Start a fire in the fireplace. Climb up the ladder and put a shingle on the chimney diamond shape area. Turn the weather vane and look at the design. Show Brendel your journal and he will carve the air rune. Return the ladder to Lessa. She will give you a ring for the elf prince. Go talk to Davio and show him the ring. Talk to the prince and ask him about his insignia of office. Talk to Davio and the to Lessa. She will get the last rune from the prince. Take the rune parts to the rune rock in the garden. Place the elf rune in first, followed by earth, air, fire, water and the life rune last. Take the elfstones. Talk to Davio and show him the stones. Part 7. The Plains of Streleheim. Fight the monsters and meet Panamon Creel and Telsek the troll. Talk to Telsek and Creel. Follow the tracks to a box canyon. Look around and talk to everyone. Have Telsek pick up the boulder in front and toss it at the arch. Fight the monsters - order Davio to user the elfstones on the leader. otherwise you will have an endless succession of monsters to fight and can't win. Order everyone to follow your lead. Attack and finish off the monsters. Look at the cave - enter the cave and light the lantern. Talk to the boy. Show the boy the "writ of passage" given you by the elf prince. Look at the Black Irix above the tunnel beam. Talk to the boy. Tie the rope to the Irix and leave the cave. Give the rope to Telsek. Go to the plains and look at the war camps. Enter the troll war camp and talk to the troll king. Talk to everyone in your party and talk to the troll king again. Go to the elf war camp and show the guard the writ of passage. Talk to the King. Talk to everyone in your party. Talk to the elf king again. Return to the troll war camp and talk to the King. They now should have a combat of challenge doing riddles as weapons. The elf will give the first riddle. Go to the bluff between the 2 camps look at the nest on the bluff and take the nest. Give the feather to Telsek. The elf answers Telsek's first riddle. 2nd riddle go to the troll camp look in the pot, talk to the chef. Go to the elf camp and put the fishing pole in the creek - you need bait. Enter the elf camp and talk to Brendel, take the wine from him. Return to the troll camp and talk to the chef. Try to get worms. Trade the wine for worms Talk to Panamon Creel and take the helmet from the tent he is in. Return to the Elf camp and talk to the guard - it is Hani - Lessas' brother. Fish in the creek and give your catch to Telsek. The elf answers Telsek's riddle. 3rd riddle - talk to the elf guard. Look at his shield. Try to get his shield. Offer the sword of Shannara for the shield. Give shield to Telsek. Select elfstones as the next troll riddle. Part 8. Storlock. On the way to Culhaven you fight monsters - have Davio use the elfstones on the shape shifter (leader). Fight the other monsters. Head to Storlock - Davio was shot with a poison arrow. Talk to the Gnome healer. Go to the source of the pollution of the river. Look at the monster. Smell the monster. Talk to the others in your party. Get an arrow from Stella. Tie the handkerchief from Stella on the arrow. Put oil on the arrow. Light the arrow. Have Stella shoot the monster. Have Telsek drop the rock on the monster. Talk to the gnome healer. Talk to the others in your party. Go to Culhaven. Part 9 Culhaven. Talk to the King. Talk to Kili. Go into the next room. Talk to Kili. Look at the cupboard. Look on the ground near the guard. Go to the right and talk to your group that is in the cell. Look at the barrel Telsek is siting on. Go into the room where the hammer was stored. Look at the fireplace. Look at the hole on the right side of the fireplace. Talk to Kili. Look at the soot. Move the chair. Talk to Kili. Go back and talk to your friends. Get the beer stein from the cell open it. Look at the sash. Talk to Kili. Fight Kili Telsek will help. Talk to the King. Return to the room of the fight. Look at the backpack. Go into the room where the hammer was. Use the handle on the hole on the right side of the fireplace. Look at the scene. Talk to your party. Go to the pond. Talk to everyone in your party. Use the powder the King of the Silver River gave you on the pond. Talk to Davio. Return to the Bridge and talk to your party. Fight the monsters. Part 10.Dragons Teeth Mountains. Talk to everyone in your party. Cross the bridge. Give the rope to Davio. Look at Allanon. Now cross the bridge. Talk to Shella. Kiss Shella. Kill Shella. Part 11. Gnome Camp. Use the cursor in the middle of the black screen until you find your boot heel. Take the heel. Use the heel on the ropes. Look around the tent. Look at the guard shadows. Use the nails on the left side of the tent. Use the boot heel on the wall of the next tent. Take the dagger and the Magic Troc. Use the blindfold to gag the sheman. Use the rope to tie up the sheman. Leave the tent. Enter the original tent. Unlock both metal boxes. Enter the shamans tent. Talk to Geeka. DO NOT give him the Torc or promise it to him. Keep talking to Geeka until he agrees to help you if you get him the Helm of Command. Leave the tent. Talk to Geeka and have him open the pit door with the handle he has. Enter your original tent. Have Geeka take the chest with everyones items. Tie the rope to the chest and put it in the pit. Have Geeka enter the pit first. Enter the pit. Use Geeka's handle to close the pit door. Have Brendel use the hammer on the grating. Have Brendel enter the grating. Open the metal box by the door with the wheel. It is broken - fix it. Turn wheel. Have Telsek use the Black Irix and have ghim open the door. Leave. You get to Hadeshorn and find Allanon. Watch the sequence and fight the monsters. Part 12. Hall of Kings. Have telsek push the statues. Enter the main door. Fight Shifter - Davio uses the elfstones twice (you can't stop it or want to stop him) Pickup the Diadem and go through the door. Go back and get Telsek to pick up the door and put it across the chasm. You get trapped in a cage. Lift the cage with Brendel. Geeka can now get out. He proves that once a Geeka always a Geeka. Push cage over the hole over the hole the Helm of Command fell into. Tie the rope to the cage and climb. Have Brendel use the Hammer on the Idol. Fight the monsters and climb the idol. Animated sequence. Draw the Sword of Shannara. Follow the sequence selecting the appropiate answer (correct answer will only talk once before you proceed) Move through any door - they all lead the same place. At Alter select your true enemy and attack it. If you didn't choose the book - you blew it! Watch the sequence for the end of the game. To bad about Shella and Davio.