Hi all. I figured it was about time someone posted a solution to Starcon 2. I've typed up my notes. It's not perfectly complete, but here goes. I finished the game for the third time, a couple of hours ago. For locations, I use a fairly obvious abbreviation style: B Kepler IIB = Beta Kepler, planet II, second moon, etc. First, a list of homeworlds. Zoq-Fot-Pik 400.0 : 543.7 Spathi 241.6 : 368.7 Pkunk G Krueger Druuge Z Persei I Thraddash D Draconis I Chenjesu, Mmrnmhrm Procyon Slylandro B Corvi Yehat G Serpentis Shofixti D Gorno Umgah B Orionis Syreen Betelgeuse Supox B Librae Orz 371.3 : 253.7 Utwig B Aquarii Arilou NE "star" in QuasiSpace VUX A Cerenkov Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah Crateris or Crucis (I think D Crucis). Ilwrath Tauri Mycon 629,1 : 220.8 Now, a list of QuasiSpace portal destinations. QUASI REAL 544 : 532 36 : 633 530 : 528 775 : 890 520 : 540 584 : 621 488 : 538 973 : 315 476 : 496 616 : 412 466 : 514 230 : 399 458 : 492 858 : 18 448 : 504 560 : 955 468 : 464 921 : 610 520 : 514 011 : 940 506 : 474 190 : 092 (Sol) 516 : 466 567 : 121 476 : 458 409 : 774 502 : 460 318 : 450 Okay. Here's a walkthrough for the game. Fly to Earth. Complete the minor tasks the Starbase commander gives you. Get the Spathi ship from Pluto. Mine nearby stars until you have OK weapons and fuel (you need at least 100+ fuel on ship). Fly to the Ur-Quan wreck on A Pavonis. Get the warp pod. On the 17th of each month, a portal to QuasiSpace opens near the Chandrasekhar cluster. It stays open for 3 days. Enter it, and fly to the NE "star". This will take you to the Arilou, who will turn the warp pod into a portal generator. Now, you'll be able to teleport across the galaxy. Use the portals as described above. Visit all the rainbow worlds (I forgot to bring their locations to the computer lab, I'll post their locations later). Meet the Melnorme at Alpha Centauri. The rainbow worlds will get you 5000 credits; this is enough to buy ALL the technologies and ALL the hints they offer. Visit the Pkunk. Tell them you seek truth. They'll give you some ships. Sell them off, get better weapons etc for your flagship. When the Spathi slave-shield themselves, they'll leave you an Umgah hyperwave caster on the moon of their homeworld. Take the caster to the Ilwrath homeworld. Use it; tell the Ilwrath to attack the Thraddash. Visit the Shofixti. Talk to ZEX at A Cerenkov I. Get the VUX beast from D Lyncis I. Return it to ZEX. Take the Shofixti females back to Tanaka. Visit the Syreen. Tell them the Mycon ruined their homeworld. Get the Mycon Egg Sac from B Copernicus I. Take it to the Syreen. Get the Syreen ships from E. Camelopardalis. Tell the Mycon about the Syreen's suggested world. The Mycon will leave the area. Get the solar generator from B Brahe. Use it at Procyon. This will free the Chmmr. Once the Shofixti have reproduced, get a Shofixti ship. Visit the Yehat, and show them the Shofixti. This will plunge them into civil war (this is good). A good way to get RU's at this point is to let the rebels give you ships, then sell them off for 2000 or so RU's each. Visit the Druuge. Trade the Mycon Egg Sac for the Rosy Sphere. Visit the Thraddash. Steal the Aqua Helix from Z Draconis. Visit the Utwig. Visit the Supox. Get the Ultron. Use the Rosy Sphere, the Aqua Helix, and the Clear Spindle (which you got from the Pkunk) to fix the Ultron. Give the Ultron to the Utwig. Get the Bomb from Z Hyades VIB. Visit the Orz. Shuttle between D Vulpeculae and the Orz homeworld until the Orz let you land on D Vulpeculae. Get the Taalo Shield. Visit the Umgah. Ask about their Pet until they attack you. Return to the Arilou, ask about the Umgah. Revisit the Umgah. Revisit the Arilou. Return to the Umgah homeworld. Talk to the Talking Pet. He'll send 10 Umgah ships against you. Defeat them, and take the Pet. Now, you're almost finished. Go the Chmmr. They'll amplify the Bomb. Go to D Crateris. Use the Talking Pet. The Ur-Quan guards will leave. Attack the sa-matra. After a big fight (hope you bought some Chmmr Avatars!), you'll blow up the sa-matra. Hooray, the game's over. Obviously, you'll need to mine planets or go on "hunting expeditions" from time to time to keep yourself in RU's. The 5000 credits from the Melnorme should help enormously. There's a lot to do besides this, but this is all that's critical for completing the game. If I left out anything, feel free to post. If anyone wants to reward my effort, they can mail me spoilers for Wiz 7, in which I am thoroughly stuck. Enjoy . repost ends ---