SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 : The case of the Rose Tattoo Walkthrough by Crash This is the second case of Sherlock Holmes. It has better story than the first one and become more difficult than the first one because you must examine every little things if you want to continue the game. Misslook on something and you'll get stuck. And talk to every person until all the choice have been choosen. I've divided this hints in several parts. Now for the game : -------------------------- GETTING HOLMES' ATTRACTION -------------------------- Goals : Get Holmes' attraction to investigate the case The story unfold with an exploding prolog. Holmes' brother has been injured in a severe bomb attack at Diogenes Club. It depressed Holmes' that he won't do the investigation. First part, you're Watson. Outside the famous 221B Baker Street, you see a paper stand. Wake up Wiggins. Talk to him. SCOTLAND YARD Talk to Constable, alas he won't let you in. Talk to Augie, the vendor. He'll tell you something to distract the constable's attraction. Talk to constable again, now, he'll inform you about several important places. ST. BART HOSPITAL Talk to the patient and the Matron. Look at the Morgue sign and Ward sign. Look athe patient upstair. Look at the mural on the back wall. Talk to Matron about the patient. Talk to the injured patient about the ward. Talk back to Matron until you tell her that you want to see Mc Cabe, your partner at the morgue. Now go inside the morgue. Talk to Mc Cabe. Ask him about evidence from the body and ask him to let you pass to the ward through the secret pass. Go left to the ward. Talk to the sister. Talk to Mycroft. Read his chart. Look at the nightstand, examine it. Now talk again to sister. Ask her to get some water for Mycroft. Talk to Mycroft about the reason he invited Holmes to the club. Get his ring from his hand. Now go out. DIOGENES CLUB Try to rumble the debris for evidence. But ....... you'll find nothing. Talk to constable Fobes. Man, no one gets in except the member of the club. Ok, just show him the ring. He lets you in. Go inside. Look at the cabinet door on the left side. Try to open the door. Look at the small box on the floor ( in front of the bar ). Examine it. Enter the archway. Look at the clock on the floor. Examine the clock ( discover the round face of the clock ). Touch the clock. Examine the round face ( discover some clue about some strange residue ). Pick up the round face. 221B BAKER STREET Talk to Wiggins. Ask her to monitor Holmes if he goes out. Go in. Knock at the bedroom's door. Talk to Holmes. He still not want to begin his investigation until there are some evidence about the foul play. Ok Holmes you ask for it !!!! Use the lab table. Analyze the clock face. Use the scraper with the clock face. Use sodium sulfate with the beaker. Use distilled water with the beaker. Use matches with the burner ( BANG !!! Now Holmes is attracted !!! ). ------------------ GET THE PERMISSION ------------------ Goals : In this part you must gain a permission from Lestrade to continue your investigation. 221B BAKER STREET Open the small box near the door. Look at it. Open the bedroom door. Open the wardrobe. Examine and model the 2 costumes. Save it for later uses. Open the portmanteau, it's on the foot of the bed. You discover some cosmetics for disguise. save it for later. Examine the picture on the wall. For amusement, you can play the violin on the bed or listening to some music ( play the wax cylinder and crank the gramophone ). Go out. Talk to Dr. Watson. Now you can look at his journal. Open the roll-top desk. Get the bull's eye lantern and try to pick up the Billy stick ( Watson disagree with you on bringing the stick ). Now go out. Get some pebbles on the ground ( you'll never now, maybe it'll be important later ). You can call Wiggins by trying to remove his scarf on the fence. Talk to Wiggins. Talk to Rigby. Read the paper ( you discover the Daily Telegraph's address ). Purchase the paper. If you're hungry just sample the chocolate at the stand. POLICE STATION Talk to Augie, and try to collect infos about the explotion. He challenge you with a card game for the info. Play the game. Choose .... his HAND. Yup, he's cheating on you. Now, you hear some infos about some Irish terrorist, yeah, that common reason for British man. Now talk to Constable. Offer him some hints about Augie's secret and he lets you in. Look at the old woman, bull pen, young women, the prisoner, the evidence cabinet, and the Sergeants of course. Talk to the desk sergeant. Keep on talking until he introduces you to Inspecteur Gregson. Talk to Gregson, ask him to give you permission to investigate the case. He said, he'll help you but he got no autorization. Darn, you must think for another idea !!! Talk to desk sergeant that the prisoner seems very ill. Ok, now talk to Dr. Watson about the prisoner. Tell desk sergeant that the prisoner is ill. He doesn't believe you. Ok, now look at the library. You'll notice a British Encyclopedia. Tell the desk sergeant about it. Voila, he realises that he makes a mistake. Now, Lestrade is available. Ask him to make you a permission. -------------------- GATHERING EVIDENCES -------------------- Goals : Find as much evidence as you can DIOGENES CLUB Just for fun, you can extinguish the torch by putting it in the vase. Look at the vase. Talk to Fobes. No one gets in except they have a permission. Oh yeah another bureaucracy. Show him the permission letter. Talk to him again. Enter the club. Open the cabinet door. Oops you break it. Examine the carpet. Look at the small box, examine and smell it ( hmmm.. tobacco ). Pick it up. If you're thirsty just drink the brandy on the bar. Talk to Fobes. Gather evidence. Talk to Watson. Now, enter the archway. Look at the clock. Examine it. Hmm.. there's a handle on it. Examine the handle. Pick it up. Examine the chair on the backside. Look at the bookshelves, statue, bust, and everything you can. Try to release the chains, damn Fobes won't let you do that. Examine the wreckage. Try to search in it. Try to search in the beam. Now talk to Fobes. Gather info about some strange vase inside. Talk to Watson. Ask him to distract Fobes attention so you can search in the beam. Watson will leave and Fobes will follow him. Now, release the chain. Use the chain to pull the beam wreckage. Lit the lantern. Use it to light the wreckage. Now search it. You discover an evidence. Pick up your light. Talk to Watson. Get out. ST BART HOSPITAL Talk to matron. Ask het to let you in the morgue. Talk to Watson to find out the way. Talk back to Matron. She still not letting you in. What a bitch. Show her the permission to enter the morgue. And she still won't let you in. This woman is pissing me off. Look at the patients on the top floor. Hmm.. she's sick. Look at the mural and the patient on the left. Examine him. Talk to him. Talk to matron about why she's leaving the patient on the corridor. Talk to Watson. He suggest you should distract her attention. Talk again to the left patient. Move him. Now it's fun. The matron will be angry and chase the patient. Now you can enter the morgue. Talk to Mc Cabe. Show him the permission. Ask him to let you examine the body. Examine, turn and smell the body ( yuck !! ). Examine the other patient body on the left for fun. Ask him again to let you examine the clothes. Open the cabinet. Examine the clothes. Ask Mc Cabe about the burn on Sir Hubert's back. Talk to Watson. Enter the ward. Talk to the sister. Read Mycroft's chart ( you discover a receipt ). Take and read the receipt. Talk to Mycroft. Talk to Watson. Go out. MYCROFT FLAT Examine the plants near the door. Talk to the guard about it. Show him ID, Summon letter, and the permission letter. But he won't let you in. He ask for more evidence ( he wants you to show him that you have the room key ). Talk to the driver on the right. Before you ask him, he walks away. Talk to Watson about it, then Watson will follow him. Wait until Watson is coming back. Talk to Watson about his research. Go to hospital. Talk to Matron. Now, you can threaten her. Show Matron the receipt. Push her to give you the key. Take it, go back to Mycroft flat. Shows key to man. Darn he still won't let you in. He's stubborn. The driver will come back now. Talk to him. Ask him to tell the guard that you're really SHERLOCK HOLMES !!! Now, he believes you. Now ask the guard to open the door. THE TRICKY CLUES Hey, that's a picture hanging above the fireplace. Move it. Aha !! a safe. Open it and discover ..... nothing. Hmm.. too common. Try to pick up the statue. Move it to the left, and find ... nothing. Thumbs the bookshelves. Nothing either. Talk to Watson. Read the bible. Sit if you want. Go to the right, to the bedroom. Search the desk. Nothing.. but wait. Move the candlestick. Lit it. Now examine the scrapfold. Hmm.. a code : BQQMZ HIJKLMNO & BTU. Pick up the scrapfold. Read the dictionaries. Talk to Watson. Try to solve it ( the answer is Apply water & fire ). If you don't know how, just go to the hospital and ask Mycroft. He'll says about "wet and warm". If you want you can drink the glass of water beside Mycroft's bed. Back to your house. Analyze the foolscap on the lab table. Put the water in the tray. Put the foolscap in it. Use matches with burner. Use the wet paper on burner. The message reads "Seeks books in Greek". Now, go back to Mycroft flat. Enter the flat. Thumbs the books. The result is : "A name of a Poe : Manutius Aldine". Find it in the bible. It is at the beginning. Peruse beg. And voila, you get a piece of BLANK parchment. This is the second tricky clues. Go to the bedroom. Examine the pen on the desk. Test, shake and taste it. Hmm... Back to your home. Analyze the parchment on the lab table. Use iodine and distilled water with the beaker. Light the burner. Hold the paper on the beaker. That's it, now you can read the message. It's about some conspiracy in the club over a formula. --------------------------- LOCATING THE CLUB'S MEMBER --------------------------- Goal : Find out about the people who know about the accident and retrieve the formula Talk to Watson. Peruse the dictionaries on the roll-top table. Retrieve the adresses of Silverbridge, Lawton, and Pratt. ST BART HOSPITAL Talk to Mycroft about Dewer. He'll tell you where to find Dewer. DEWER LABORATORY Talk to Dewer. Give him the spring to be analyzed. Tidy the table if you love cleaness. But do it anyway. You know that Dewer like to drink tea and eat some biscuit. Talk to Watson. Touch the iron stove at the back. Open it. Examine the formula. Talk about it to Dewer. LAWTON Try to browse the album on the table. Hmm.. locked. Look at the butler. He likes to play pool. Talk about it to the butler, and ask him to call Sir Lawton. When he walks inside, try to climb the staircase. The butler will return at this point to forbid you to go upstair. Follow him inside. Examine evrything. Talk to Lawton. He'll refuse to talk about the formula. Leave him for now. Go out. Give your card to the butler. SILVERBRIDGE Talk to the housemaid. Take the mint in the bowl. Taste it if you want to. Look and examine at everything in the room. It seems that a kid is playing in the room. Talk to the maid again. Tell him that you'll waiting Silverbridge at your home. PRATT'S LOFT Look woman. Look at everything. Talk to woman. Pratt is going in a vacation. Tell her to contact you for Pratt's news at your house while you're leaving. ------------------- ANOTHER DEATH BODY ------------------- Goals : Find out whose body is it and gather the evidences of the murder 221B BAKER STREET When you enter the room, someone knocks at your door. A woman will give you a telegram from Lestrade. Read it. He wants you to examine a death body which is found at the Cleopatra Needle. Talk to Watson. This case is becoming more interesting because there's another death body. CLEOPATRA NEDDLE Examine the stair. Hmm... strange marks. Talk to the constable. Show him the telegram. Now he'll cooperate. Talk to him. SCOTLAND YARD Talk to Lestrade about the body. Talk to desk sergeant about the victim's belongings. He'll tell you to go to Bart. ST BART HOSPITAL Talk to Mc Cabe. Yup, another bureaucracy. Show him the telegram. Talk again to Mc Cabe for information. Look, examine and smell the death body ( What's this, a rose tattoo at the buttock ??? ). Examine the body again for more evidence. Ask Mc Cabe's permission for examining the victim's belongings. Open the cabinet. Look and search the clothes, nothing found. Examine the hat. Pick it up. Ask Mc Cabe's permission for searching Hubert's body again. Open the steel drawer ( it's the top right drawer ). Hmm... It become blue. Talk to Watson to discuss the case. Talk again to Mc Cabe about the victim. JESSE NEEDHEM'S ABODE Yup, now it's time to interview the eye-witness. Talk man, and keep on pushing until he tells you the truth. Talk Watson to discuss the case. Open the chest. Examine and rummage it. What's this, a school tie ? Examine it. Talk again to Jesse. Push him until he admits that he took the belongings. Ask Watson opinion's to get the watch from the man. Examine the watch on the fireplace. You can rummage the box near Jesse but nothing inside. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Take the train to Cambridge. Examine the books. Try to rouse Flemming. Damn, he's still sleeping. Examine the cup. Oh man, this guy is drunk. Order Watson to get some liquor. Examine everything until Watson comes back. Rouse the man again. This time he'll wake up and drink. Talk man about a student. He tells you that you lack of proof to search the photo album. I think, we should gather more proof before coming back here again. SCOTLAND YARD Talk to Augie about the murder. He tells you some important information. JESSE NEDHEM'S ABODE Ask Jesse to go with you to Cleopatra Needle. Examine the stairs. Look at the blood stain. Ask Jesse about the incident. After a great story; I love the killing part, it's so real; light the lantern on the stair. Hey, what are those things ? Look at the shinny disc. Examine and pick it up. Look at the button. Examine and pick it up. Hmm.. the disc/fob has a rust on it so you can't read the writing. Use the gaff hook. Ask Jesse to help you locating the gun. Use the hook again after Jesse's confirmation. Fire the gun to test it. Pocket the gun for evidence. That's it. You've found all the evidences. RUMSEY'S HABERDASHERY It's time to investigate the button and the hat. Talk to customers, Rumsey and Watson. You must get rid of that stupid woman. Talk again and critisize her. She'll be mad and go away. So long old lady !! Ask Rumsey about the button and the hat. Look at the left table. Look button and needle. Examine the buttons. Pick it up. Ask Rumsey for the neddle. Pick it up. Remember the guard at the Mycroft flat, he just return from South Africa. Ask about the shop, that had sold the hat, to him. But no new clue is gathered, 'cause the hat is too common. 221B BAKER STREET Order Wiggins to find a strange man that Jesse told you. Talk to Jonas. Go in. Analyze the fob at the lab table. Use Hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and fob with the beaker. Then use tweezer to pick the fob out. Use magnifying glass to look at the fob on dish. It reads : 23/6/76. That's it. Now you know about the graduation of the victim at Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE Ask Flemming about the student. Son of the gun, the body is Pratt !!! Talk to Watson for discussing the case. Hmm... Pratt and Lawton are friends. Now we got you, Lawton !!! -------------------- DEALING WITH LAWTON -------------------- Goals : find a way to talk to Lawton PRATT'S LOFT Talk to the maid and tell her the bad news. Talk to Watson to discuss the case. Talk to maid again, now she's leaving. It's time for snooping around. Look and smell the hat pin on the table. Hmm.. opium. Pick it up. You can search the bin, open the wardrobe, shake the pillow, and examine the painting. But nothing is happening. No clues. Use the hat pin to search the pillow. Still, no clues. Now just enter the archway. Examine the picture and the bookcase,nope... nothing. Look, smell and touch the fireplace. Strange, someone just using this place for burning something. Shift the fireplace to reveal a red cloth. Pick it up. Open the coal box. Examine the small boxes. Wow, matches, is Pratt a crazy lunatic person who burn everything for fun ?? Pick it up. Look and smell the Hookah on the table beside the bed. Yup, definitely opium. Use the hat pin to clean the Hookah. This guy is an addict. This hat pin is an useful item. Look papers on the table. Examine it ( notice a bill from Neville, the bathtub by the name of A. Rachets ). Yes, another name from Mycroft's list. Look at the photograph. Move and pick it up. Look in the basket beside the archway. Rummage the basket ( it'll reveal a piece of paper ). Look at it. Pick the sealing wax. Talk to Watson to discuss the case. NEVILLE Talk to the guard ( he won't let you in !! Let's see about that !) Talk to the costumer about Pratt. Look counter. Smell and try to use the towel. Look at the radiator. It's wet and dirty. Try to adjust it. Look and smeel the Hookah. Hmm.. opium. Look at the pillow. Move it. Man, it's dirty here !!! That's it, now you can push the guard to go in by telling him all the bad service around here. Inside, move the towel on the steam cabinet. Hey, that's Mr. Whitney. After you that, you'll see some kungfu act. Splash... down to the pool. That'll keep Russel for a while. Talk to Whitney about Pratt. He's a stubborn man. Ok, it's burning time. Employ the suegee to lock the steam cabinet door. Turn the valve on the boiler. Talk again to Whitney. Now he'll talk to you about Pratt and a dude, Mr Ratchet. LAWTON Talk to Jenkin about Pratt. Talk to Lawton about Pratt. He'll tell you about the address of Ministry of Defence. Examine everything. Go out. Talk to Jenkins. He'll help you if you defeat him on pool game. ----------------- A MYSTERIOUS GUY ----------------- Goals : To find out the identity of a guy who involve in the murder of Pratt 221B BAKER STREET Talk to Wiggins. Too bad, he don't succed in his mission of finding the man. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Examine shelves, and climb it to check the window. Look at windows. Hmm.. very poor security system. No wonder someone steal the documents. Try to open the windows. Talk to the clerk. ST BERNARD ACADEMY Look around. Talk to bartender, Lush and Mahoney. Talk to Watson to discuss the situation. Look dart board. Talk to bartender about Mahoney and set the darts. Talk to Mahoney and challenge him to play dart game. Beat him. Talk to Mahoney again and he'll teach you some pool's trick to defeat the Lawton's butler. Open his case on the chair. Examine it. Get the cue ball. LAWTONS Challenge Jenkins to play pool. Inside talk to Jenkins and show him the trick. Outside, look at the piano. Play it. Look at the music sheet and study it. Hmm.. Lawton is good at music. Look at the box on the piano. Open it. Strange, a ring seems lost from here. Check it out to Jenkins. Use needle to unlock the photo album on the table. Browse it. Yup, a picture is missing. Ask it to Jenkins. He'll tell you to check it at the newspaper. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Look at the pictures on the wall and all the papers that lying around. Talk to the editor about the photographs and the papers. Read the spike. Examine the notes on the spike. The editor will give you an address of a photographer. He also need a mug shot if you want to order him to find the mysterious man. FANSHAW PILE Ask about Sir Avery to the lady. Damn, he's not here but maybe his servant, Petigrew, will now about his location. Talk to Watson about the case. Talk again to the lady and ask for Petigrew's whereabout. LORD LOCKRIDGE Look at everything. Talk to Lady Lockridge about the case. Look and play the piano. Look at the photo on piano. Examine it and try to pick it up. Look at the violin on the couch. Talk to Watson about the situation. Look at the workbox on the piano. Open it. Hmm.. she's a heavy smoker. Talk to woman about her music experience. Talk to Watson. He'll suggest you to play some music if you want to get an info from the lady. Accompany the lady with the piano. After a musical scene, talk to the lady again. Then pick up the music sheet. HEMMING DIGS Look at the sinks. Taste it. That's sodium sulphat, the ingredients for developing a photo. Look at the camera and examine it. Ask Hemming to make you a mugshot. He won't do it until you get him an eyewitness. This is the trademark of an adventure games, if you want to have something you must give something. Look at the tools near the easel. Get a pencil. Look at the small box on the table. Open it. Load the camera beside it. Pick up the camera. JESSE NEEDHEM'S ABODE Ask him to help you making a mugshot. Talk to Hemming, then ask Jesse to describe the man. Ask Jesse for the mugshot. Then, say thanks to Jesse. DAILY TELEGRAPH Talk to the editor and show him the mugshot. The man is Erick Moellendorf, the right hand of Nazi's leader, Otto von Bismark. Wow, first : explotion, then a murder, now Nazi's stuff. This case is huge and interesting. Meet Carter, the American spy. Talk to him about Erick. Discuss the case with Watson. --------------- THE KIDNAPPING --------------- Goals : Freeing Lord Silverbridge's son from the kidnapper SILVERBRIDGE RESIDENT Talk to the butler again. This time force him to arrange meeting with Lord Silverbridge, or else you will go public with the information. Follow the butler inside. Look at Silverbridge. This guy is sick. Talk to the butler about it. Talk to Silverbridge. Now, he's fainted. Discuss the illness with Watson. Look at the jar on the desk. Open it, yikes !! It's salt. Use it to wake Silverbridge. Look at the photograph on the mantel. Talk about his son. Man, he's fainted again. Look at the waste basket near the fireplace. Peruse it. You get a piece of paper from the school master. Talk to the butler about it. Then use the jar again to wake Silverbridge up. Talk to him about his problem. Yes, he's fainted for the third time. This is greeeaaat. Use the jar again to wake him up. His son was kidnapped several days ago but he won't tell you about the ransom. Look at the left desk. Examine the inscription. Hmm... need a rub. Look at the pencil lying on the floor. Examine it then pick it up. Rub the pencil at the inscription. It'll reveal a chess move. Use it on the chessboard on the table. Voila, a click is heard. Look at the corner of the right desk. It's a panel. Open it. There's a letter inside. Read it. Yes, that's the ransom. Talk again to Silverbridge. At last he isn't fainted anymore. Pick up the photograph on the mantel. Go out. Pick up the blankie under the sofa. OLD SHERMAN ANIMAL Talk to your friend, Old Sherman, from the previous case. Ask him for Toby, the dog. Yup, you guess right, the dog is missing at St. James Park. Why don't they keep it simple. But that's fun. ST JAMES PARK Look at Wilbur, the vendor. Talk to him then hire him if you want to hear some music. Buy the bird food for later use. Look dog. Hey, it's Toby. Look kid and his book. Examine the book. Talk to the boy. Ask him to give you Toby. But, it's not that easy. You must do something first. Talk to Wilbur about the kid. Talk to the boy and make a deal with him. Now find another pet for him. OLD SHERMAN ANIMAL Ask Sherman for a pet. Man, he says that his pet is missing. Ok, we'll find it. Now we become a pet detective ?? Take the biscuit on the table. Look at the cuckoo clock. Examine it ( Aha !! the missing mongoose is here ). Use biscuit to catch it. Talk to Sherman. 221B BAKER STREET Let's check out the news first with Wiggins. Order him to find the man again. ST JAMES PARK Talk to the boy and give him the mongoose. Now, show the blankie to Toby. Follow him. Discuss the situation with Watson. Query at the stationery door. Talk to the stationer and show her the ransom. Ask her to smell the ransom. Discuss it with Watson. Show the blankie again to Toby. Follow him. Talk to the window washer. Inquery at the real estate door. Talk to Maxwell. Repeat it until no more things to say. Talk to Watson about the case. Use the ransom with Toby. Follow him. THE KIDNAPPER HOUSE Peer at the window. Discuss it with Watson. Look at the door. Look at the mail slot beside the door. Hmm... a key is hanging there. Use the hat pin to get the key. Use it on door lock. Watch the gruesome accident. The kidnapper is dead. Talk to the driver. Look and examine the dead body. Look at the suspicious ring on the street. Examine it. Hmm.. expensive and dirty. Pick it up. Open the door and get inside. Smell cup & saucer on the mantel. Look the paper bag on the table. Open it. Pick it up. Look, smell and pick up the handkerchief. Hmm.. chloroform. Near it, look and taste the dark bottle. Yup, it is anestetic. Pick it up. Then, look at the reticule near the door. Open it. Hey, there's an envelope here. Pick it up. Look at it. Another, name pops up. Go out and back to 221B Baker Street. ------------------ THE PRUSIAN'S SPY ------------------ Goals : Find out Erick Moellendorf whereabout and release Wiggins 221B BAKER STREET Talk to Wiggins. Discuss the case with Watson. Enter your home. Time for a little rest. But as soon as you wear your coat, a message from Kaiser arrives. Discuss it with Watson. KENSINGTON Examine the helmet and model it. Examine the sword and brandish it. Look at the photograph on the cabinet. Look at the German flag. Discuss the situation with Watson. Kaiser will arrive at this point. Talk to Kaiser about the case. Show the mugshot to him. This guy is strange. Something wrong with him. Use the camera to take his picture. Talk again to Kaiser about Erick. He'll give you an advice to deal with Erick. 221B BAKER STREET Talk to Virgil. Order Wiggins to follow Erick. FARTHINGTON'S CHAMBERS You can open the globe and discover his liquor compartment. Drink the liquor if you want. Look and browse the book ( hmm.. German's stuff ). Look, retrieve, and smell the cigarettes. Definitely someone has been talking to him before you show up. Look at the photograph on the mantel. Look at the snuffbox and open it. Sample and pick up the candies if you like. Discuss the situation with Watson. Look the letter and the diploma on the wall. Ask Farthington about Bledsoe. Discuss the case with Watson. Talk again to Farthington again about the case. He still won't talk a bit and deny the meeting with Bledsoe. Check out his calendar on the table. Peruse it. You'll read an initial P.B. Ask about it to him. Now, he'll arrange the meeting with Bledsoe, and he'll inform about the time later to your home. THE WEARY PUNT Look at everything. Talk to barman about Pratt. Ask the patron about Pratt either. Alas, they won't tell you abit. Try to enter the curtain. The barman will forbid you. Try to bribe him and show him the matches. Damn, not working. Maybe later we'll come back here with another way. 221B BAKER STREET Ask Virgil about Wiggins. He's missing. Ask Jonas about Wiggins. Talk to Virgil again. Give the candy to Virgil. Now ask him again about Wiggins. Man, the kid won't talk much. Ok, just give him the candy again. This time he spills it out. Discuss the situation with Watson. CROYDON AERODROME Hey, that's Erick. Watch the shooting scene. Brandish the sword. Extract the spike from the ground. Talk to Erick. Damn, he kills himself. Look and smell the flask on the ground ( hmm.. trasic acid, it's poisonous ). Search Erick's body. Nothing. Try to search the basket, still nothing. Pick up the contens of basket. Look at it. Hey, that's a lethal weapon. Pick up the gun. Break the flask to cover Kaiser's identity. Breakdown the sword. Man, what's this. Aha !! It's the formula. Discuss with Watson about it. Look at the shed at the far end. Examine it. Look at the scarf on the crate. Hey, it's Wiggin's. Look at the lock. Use spike to unlock the shed lock. Release Wiggins. -------------------- THE BOMB SPECIALIST -------------------- Goals : Find out about the background of the bomb's incident DEWAR LABORATORY Talk to Dewar about the formula. Peruse the formula in the stove. KENSINGTON Tell Kaiser about Erick's death and tell him that his identity is safe. 221B BAKER STREET Talk to Wiggins and ask him how's he fell. Go home for a rest. By the time you open your coat, a message from Dewar arrives. Not again, yup Sherlock never rest. Analyze the formula on the lab table first. Use scissor with the formula paper. Put the piece in the beaker. Put amonia hydroxide in the beaker. Put chloroform in the beaker. Stir it with the rod. The solution will discover the bomb's ingredients. It should turn up to brown. DEWAR LABORATORY Ask him about the analysis. He'll tell you to meet Lloyd Jones, ex-bomb specialist. LLOYD JONES'S BUNGALOW Talk to his sister about the house. Look at the piano and the books. Ask Lloyd about the bomb. He keeps his mouth shut. Ask him about the piano and the visitor to his home. Discuss the situation with Watson. He'll tell you to wait until his sister left than talk again to him. Go out. Re-enter his house. Now you'll see him sleeping. Wake him up. Ask him again about the bomb's incident. Discuss it with Watson. Examine the books, hmm.. bombing experience. Inspect the alarm clock. Man... it has the same system with the bomb at Diogenes club. Try to play the piano's panel. Strange it's not working. Open the piano. Aha !! Another secret compartment. Remove the cigar box. Look and smell at it. Look and examine the bank notes. Hey, it's a lot of money involved. Consfiscate it. Ask about all the things you found with Lloyd. Now he gives you his buyer name, Vincent. RUMSEY'S HABERDASHERY Check out the bank notes with Rumsey. He admits that he made it. LLOYD'S BUNGALOWS Talk to his sister about Lloyd. He's already dead. Poor guy. Gives some money to her. Ask her about the piano. Man, now we meet another dead end. Now, we must find another ways to discover the incident. --------------------------------- IMPORTANT WITNESS : MRS. RATCHET --------------------------------- Goals : Gain info from Mrs. Ratchet. FANSHAW'S PILE Discuss with Watson about her profile. Ask her again about Petigrew. This time, she'll call Petigrew. Ask him about Sir Avery's favourite places. He told you to go to St. James Park. ST. JAMES PARK Ask Wilbur about Sir Avery. He told you to go to the lake. Go there. Try to talk to Hodgson, his bodyguard. He won't let you talk to Sir Avery. Discuss it with Watson. Go to Wilbur hangouts. Ask him to help you ditract Hodgson's attention. His pet, Fred the monkey, will help you. Watch the funny sequence. Now talk to Sir Avery. Man, he's a bird lover. Get his attention by feeding the bird with the bird's feed. Now ask Sir Avery about the case. He'll inform you about Mrs. Ratchet's address. Go there. SPITALFIELDS Look at the drunk. Ask him about Mrs. Ratchet. Try to enter the doss house. Yes, the neighbours aren't very friendly at all. Talk to the children. Give them money for some info about Mrs. Ratchet. Damn, they fool me. Try to gather info about Mrs. Ratchet from the tinker and the prostitutes. Not work !!! They only suggest you to watch out in this neighbourhood. Discuss the situation with Watson. Enter the phrenologist studio. Talk to Fr. Totman. Rose will show up when you discuss the problem with Watson. Talk to Rose. Discuss the situation with Watson. You can test the skull, the calliper, the brain and do everything fun in this studio. Show Rose the hat, ransom, envelope, summon, and the permission to Rose. Strange, she says that the writer of the envelope is a man, not a woman. GREENGROCERS Inspect the produce outside the shop. Hmm old goods. Enter the shop. Talk to the propieter. Ask the guard about Mrs. Ratchet. Not work, he can't speak. Look at the shelves, stock, the bread, and the apple. Buy it. Talk to the propietor about Mrs. Ratchet. He won't talk. Buy the bread. Drop it. Now pick it up. Try to open the code book. The propieter will forbid you. Must use different approach. Discuss it with Watson to deal with the guard. Ask the propieter for a marmalade. While he's picking it up on the shelves, read the code book. Talk about it with him. Still not work. 221B BAKER STREET Order Wiggins to get info about Mrs. Ratchet. Just go anywhere for a while than ask Wiggins for the result. He says, that the propieter is her son. Hmm.... ok, that's it, go upstair to your house. Enter the bedroom. Wear the labour costume. You'll be at the greengrocers automatically. MRS. RATCHET HOUSE Talk to the propietor. Tell him that you need to inspect Mrs. Ratchet. Enter the door. Talk to Mrs. Ratchet. She needs proof. Show her your card, ring, snuff box, and the summary. She ask more from you. OK, now examine the room. Test the cheese, look at the work box, examine it, dump it, and you'll find a seal wax. Look at it, the compare it with the one in your inventory. Hmm.. it's a match. Look at Mr. Ratchet. You must find a way to shut him up. Use the kindling on the fireplace. Look at the coffee pot. Empty. Go downstair. Ask for caffeine with the propieter. Go upstair. Fill the coffee pot with caffeine. Then use the coffee pot. Now, it should shut him up. Talk again Mrs. Ratchet. She tells you that the formula isn't missing after all, and Whitney knows all about it. Damn, that lizard is lying to me. We'll see about that. ---------------------------- THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FORMULA ---------------------------- Goals : Find out what is exactly happende to the formula NEVILLE'S BATH Ask Whitney about the formula. Now, he tells you to met him at the Ministry of Defence office. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Talk to Whitney about it. Examine the register and the document. Try to pick them up. Whitney will forbid you. That stupid man is making me mad !!! How about we burn this place up !! Talk again to Whitney. Discuss it with Watson. Move to the far left of the room. Talk to the patrons. Tidy the paper on the ground. Then ignite the dustbin. Library on fire !! Watch the scene, and you'll pick up the document and walk out. 221B BAKER STREET Ask Jonas about Virgil. Buy the chocolate. Enter your house. Examine the formula on the lab table. Taste and smell it. Now analyze the formula. Use scissor with the document. Put piece in the beaker. Put Ferric Sulphate and distilled water in the beaker. It result in cyanide. Put iron nitrate in the beaker. That's it, it is a solution that had been used in photography. Go back to Ministry of Defence and ask Whitney about it. Alas, he won't let you in. Back again to your house. ---------------------- FOLLOW THE RING TRACK ---------------------- Goals : Meet Bledshoe and find out the conspiracy with Lady Cornelia 221B BAKER STREET A message from Farthington will arrive. Read it. Remember the ring. Now, it's time to analyze it. Put ferricsulphate in the beaker. Use matches with the burner. Put ring in the beaker. USe tweezer to pick the ring up from the beaker. Use rag to clean the ring. Use the magnifier glass to examine the ring. A name will pops up : Burlington Jewellery. FARTHINGTON CHAMBERS Talk with Bledshoe. Learn the fact from him. BURLINGTON JEWELLERY Talk to the guard and the seller. Show him the ring. Look in thering case. Examine it. Ask him about the ring. Compare the ring. Try to read the register. Not work. Must find another way. Examine the knickknack. Buy a gold toothpick. Examine the closed door behind the seller. Try to open it. Discuss the situation with Watson. Order him to handle the guard. Ask the seller to pick you up some jewellery in his safe. When he's inside, close the door. Now examine the register and peruse it. One name will pops up : Lady Cordelia. What's the connection between the kidnapper and the Lady ??? LORD LOCKRIDGE TOWNHOUSE