Quest for Glory 3 (Heros Quest 3) 1 ... Getting Started Problem: Tips on playing as a Fighter. Hint: To create a fighter, add more points to your Strength, Vitality, Weapon Use and Parry skills. A fighter needs a daily regimen of exercise to build up his abilities. Practice Spear Throwing and Wrestling. To practice and learn more about Spear Throwing, click the Hand cursor on a spear. To practice on the Wrestling Bridge, click the Hand cursor on the center part of the Bridge to build up strength. Click the Hand cursor on the rope at the left side of the Bridge to learn how to balance and build up your Agility. Problem: Tips on playing as a Magic User. Hint: To create a Magic User, add more points to your Intelligence, Agility, and Magic skill. Read the section on Mysterious, Mystical Magical Explorers in your "Famous Explorers' Correspondence Course for Wayward Wanderers: Field Guide to East Fricana". Talk with Kreesha in her house for more information about magic. Make sure you check out the gift the Sultan gives you from Keapon Laffin thoroughly. Seek a giant tree in the jungle to find some magic wood and follow the directions from the one who guards the tree. You also can gain a spell from wooing another magic user later in the game. Problem: Tips on playing as a Thief. Hint: To create a Thief, add more points to your Agility, Vitality, Luck, Stealth and Lock Picking. Read the section on Larcenous, Light-fingered, Lock-picking Explorers in your "Famous Explorers' Correspondence Course for Wayward Wanderers: Field Guide to East Fricana". Try to make contact with allies by making the "Thief Sign" (click TALK on your character). You can greatly improve your agility if you are willing to pay for it from someone you greet in Tarna. Make sure you have all the equipment you need before you leave Tarna. Problem: Tips on playing as a Paladin. Hint: To begin play as a Paladin in Wages of War, you must first become a Paladin through your actions in "Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire". Import your Paladin character into this game and you will gain magical skills as you complete honorable deeds. The more good deeds you do, the more skills you will acquire. Read the section on "Peerless, Personable Paladin Explorers" in your "Famous Explorers' Correspondence Course for Wayward Wanderers: Field Guide to East Fricana". Problem: How to become a Paladin. Hint: Unless you have a saved character from Quest for Glory II, you cannot start out in this game as a Paladin. You must become one through your actions. Only a Fighter can become a Paladin, and to do so you must concentrate on doing things honorably. Read the section on Paladins under "Combat Careers" in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School Manual. Talk to Rakeesh about Paladins. Do good deeds wherever and whenever you can, and be polite. Always choose the most honorable way to do something. Your actions will eventually be rewarded. Read the section on "Peerless, Personable Paladin Explorers" in your "Famous Explorers' Correspondence Course for Wayward Wanderers: Field Guide to East Fricana". Problem: Importing characters. Hint: To import characters from "Quest for Glory I - So You Want to Be a Hero", or "Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire", first play the games to the conclusion and follow the directions to create a character disk for transfer. When you start "Quest for Glory III - Wages of War", select the "Play Game" button, choose the "Import Character" button and follow the directions given. Problem: Monster combat. Hint: To learn more about combat, read the combat section in your Technical Manual. If you are a fighter, build up your Strength and Agility by practicing in the Simbani Village. If you are a Thief, practice your throwing skills. A Magic User should work up his skills with magic spells. The Thief and the Magic User should avoid close combat whenever possible. All the characters should use distance combat to take down the monsters a bit before close combat. Rocks are available everywhere on the ground, and if you have throwing skill, they make a cheap weapon. Remember to search the bodies of the monsters after you defeat them. In close combat, keep an eye on your gauges at the top of the screen. Whenever you are low in Health Points, run away. Always carry Healing Pills with you in case of emergency. Problem: Basic briefing on prior events. Hint: In "Quest for Glory I - So You Want to Be a Hero", you were a beginning adventurer fresh from the Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School for Heroes. You visited the land of Spielburg, drawn by a notice that the town was besieged by brigands. You helped rescue the son and daughter of the Baron Stefan von Spielburg, and drove Baba Yaga from the land. You also made many friends, including Shameen, Shema, and Abdulla Doo. In "Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire", you journeyed to the land of Shapeir with Shameen, Shema, and Abdulla Doo on a Flying Carpet. Here, you rid the city of the Elementals which threatened to destroy it. You met the Paladin Rakeesh, the Warrior Uhura, the enchantress Aziza and many others. You traveled with a caravan to the city of Raseir, where you defeated the Wizard Ad Avis. You were adopted as the son of the Sultan as your reward. Problem: Wages of War - plot synopsis. Hint: Watch the opening cartoon and listen carefully to what Aziza and Kreesha tell you. Demons are loose in this land, and seek revenge upon Rakeesh. Talk with Rakeesh about his previous experiences with demons. By talking with many people in Tarna, you will learn that a peace mission was ambushed and destroyed. Rakeesh's daughter is now missing. The Simbani villagers declare war upon the Leopardmen. The Leopardmen are attacking everyone who enters the jungle. A Demon Wizard is behind the scenes, manipulating everyone in order to start a huge war and avenge himself upon Rakeesh. Once the war is started, the death energy released will allow the armies of Demons to cross into this world, and destroy all living creatures. Your mission is to bring peace to this land and force the Demon Wizard back to his own world. 2 ... General Information on Tarna Problem: How do I exchange my money? Hint: Once you exit from Kreesha's house, walk down the stairs to the lower plateau off to the west. This takes you to the Middle Bazaar. Exit northwest from this room and you will enter the North Bazaar. Here you can find the Money Changer of Tarna. Problem: What should I do with the thief? Hint: The honorable thing to do here is to try to stop the thief. If events go by too quickly for you to figure things out, restore your game to the Automatic Save position and try reacting to the situation again. Any character can try to stop the Thief by either running after him (select "Run" from the Special Action Icon Bar) or by knocking over the fruit (click the Hand cursor on the obvious fruit basket. A Magic User can try to use spells to stop the running Thief. A Thief Character can try to use his throwing daggers. Some of these solutions are more honorable than others. Problem: How do I find my way around Tarna? Hint: Tarna is divided into two sections, the eastern section is inhabited by Liontaurs and you will not be able to enter there. The western section is where the game action takes place. There are three plateaus to the western section. You start out on the Middle Plateau. Here you can enter the Apothecary, the Welcome Inn, or Kreesha's House. The stairs up from here will take you to the upper plateau. The stairs down will take you to the bazaar on the lower plateau. If you exit past Kreesha's house you will arrive at the gates of Tarna. The Upper Plateau has entrances to the Hall of Judgment and the King's Chambers. You will need an invitation to enter the King's Chambers. The stairs up on the right lead to the Temple of Sekhmet. The stairs down lead back to the gates of Tarna. The Lower Plateau has four sections of bazaar and the boat docks. You have no need to go to the boat docks. Problem: What do I do in Tarna? Hint: Talking to everyone you meet and asking questions will give you a feel for what is going on in Tarna. You can always go mongering for rumors. Buy things at the bazaar. Chat at the Apothecary. Re-visit Kreesha and Rakeesh. Flirt with the Welcome Woman (to do so, click Talk on your character). If you really want some adventure, go out into the savanna and fight some monsters. That should keep you busy. Problem: How do I talk to people? Hint: Click the TALK icon (the mouth) on your character and others. This will bring up a list of things to talk about. Select what you want and hold the conversation of your choice. Problem: The bazaar is empty! What happened to the merchants? Hint: If you enter a plaza and the merchants are gone select the Hourglass from the Special Icon Bar. This will give you the time of day. The merchants of the bazaar fold up their stands at evening. Just because all the merchants are gone does not mean there is nothing to do in the bazaar at night. Later in the game, you might make an important contact here. Problem: What do I do if I encounter the thief again? Hint: Talk to the thief. It isn't easy being "Honorless" in Tarna. Tell him about things. Try giving him some food to eat. You might just make a friend. Remember, though, these things are against the law of Tarna. You will have to decide for yourself whether it is more important to obey the law or to help someone in trouble. 3 ... Specific Places in Tarna Problem: The Welcome Inn. Hint: The Welcome Inn is a place to stay the night and get meals, as well as a great place to get information. The Welcome Woman, Janna, is a good source of information and fun to flirt with. Just click the Hand cursor on an empty pillow, and she will be happy to serve you. Make sure to ask the "Survivor" some questions if he is here. Ask him about the Peace Mission. When you look at the bulletin board at the back of the room, you'll be able to learn more information about Tarna. Upstairs is your room. Here you can store those non-essential tourist items you've bought in the bazaar. You can also get a good night's sleep. Problem: The Apothecary. Hint: The Apothecary is the source of pills which will help you survive. Salim is quite a character. Ask him about his pills and potions. Ask him about his dreams and you may be able to tell him about something which he regards as very important. If you need more healing pills than he has you will have to help him obtain ingredients. You'll need to be sweet if you want to get the feather. If you want to buy a dispel potion search the jungle and savanna to get the things he needs. Problem: Kreesha's House. Hint: Kreesha's house is a good place to get information. Drop in several times during the game, particularly if you are a magic user. Kreesha will teach your Magic User a spell if you bring her some magic wood. Try looking in the jungle for a magical place where you would be likely to find wood. The guardian there may give you some information on how to get the magic wood. Problem: The Hall of Judgment. Hint: The Hall of Judgment is where all the laws and decisions concerning Tarna are made. You will be invited here several times during the game. Just make sure you act honorably. Problem: The King's Chambers. Hint: You can only enter here by invitation. Try to be polite and only speak when spoken to. Rajah is the king here, and his influence could send Tarna to war. Problem: The Temple of Sekhmet. Hint: After you enter, talk with the priestess. Someone very important will send you on a quest. Look in the jungle in a very high place to find this object. Just remember not to be too greedy when you get there. Problem: The Gem of the Guardian. Hint: Once you return to the Temple of Sekhmet with the Gem of the Guardian, you will be involved in the ceremony known as the "Weighing of Souls". Choose your answers carefully. If you are honest, you will receive an important prophecy. 4 ... Bazaar, City Gates Problem: The North Bazaar. Hint: In the North Bazaar, you will find the Money Changer, the Fruit Merchant, and the Leather Merchant. You will also watch a confrontation with a thief. It's up to you what happens with the thief. If you can't think of anything else to do, run after the thief. From the Money Changer, you can exchange coins by talking to him or answering his question. You need to exchange your money before you can buy anything. The Leather Merchant will sell you a leather waterskin which is useful. Later in the game you will need other things he sells. The Fruit Merchant sells fruit. Fruit is useful if you run out of rations or if you need to feed things that eat fruit. Problem: The Middle Bazaar. Hint: The Middle Bazaar is where you can buy some very useful items. Talk to all the merchants and see what they sell. A Thief can always use a few extra throwing daggers and there is something strangely familiar-looking for sale that you might want to purchase for later use. Everyone can use a tinderbox, and the Junk Merchants will sell you one. The honeyseller's honey will prove useful if you want to help the Apothecary. Later in the game you can meet a former thief here at night. Problem: The Open Air Bazaar. Hint: The Open Air Bazaar is a good place to buy something to charm the ladies. You can also buy dried fish in case you run out of rations while out of the city. The Rope Maker is most useful if you are a Thief - you need what he sells. You can also learn from his talent. Use the proper approach for your character and see what you can learn. Problem: The South Bazaar. Hint: The South Bazaar has many things of interest to see and do. The Katta merchant is from the land of Shapeir, where you started this game. You have something he wants. You also have information he would like to have. What he sells is not something you need right away, but it will be appreciated by someone else in the game. The Meat Merchant will sell you dried meat which will be useful if you run out of rations. The Amulet Seller sells mostly junk, but it is interesting to talk with him occasionally. The Cloth Seller will sell you something that will make a good gift later in the game. The Drummer will entertain you whenever you enter the bazaar. It might be nice to leave him a tip. Problem: The City Gates. Hint: The City Gates are east of Kreesha's House. Talking to the guards will give a little perspective on the Liontaur view of the world. Here you can come and go freely into the savanna. The gates are always open, except in times of war. Once they are closed, they will not open until you stop the war at its source. Problem: Buying and bargaining. Hint: Once you have visited the Money Changer and exchanged your money, you can purchase something you need from a merchant by clicking TALK on your character and selecting the "Buy" option, or by clicking your money pouch from inventory on a merchant. If the merchant has something useful to sell you, a Purchase Window will come up. Select the object, adjust the amount you wish to purchase, and then select the Purchase button. If you want to make a deal and try to save some money, you can select the Bargain button. This brings up the Bargain Window. Use the arrows on the screen to adjust the amount you wish to offer, then push "Make offer". The merchant will either accept, reject, or offer a counter amount. Try again until one of you loses patience or you come to an agreement. Once you both agree on a price, the Purchase Window will come back up and you can again adjust the amount of objects you want. The most important part of Bargaining is your character's Communication Skill. Improve your skill by talking to everyone and telling them things about yourself. Bargaining also helps improve your Communication. Problem: As a Thief what should I do in the bazaars? Hint: Make the Thief Sign wherever it is practical. This is done by clicking the TALK cursor on your character and selecting "Make Thief Sign" when you have the option. Most people around here will not know what you are doing, but there are two characters in the bazaar who will look more favorably upon you for making the sign. Thieves can always use throwing daggers and oil. Ropes are also something no self-respecting Thief can do without. If you played "Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire", you may recognize something in the bazaar that you've seen several times before in the other games of this series. Buying this object may be potentially useful, particularly in future games. Someone in the bazaar will teach you a useful skill if you approach him correctly and pay his price. Spare food can also be of use later in the game. You might want to pick up several different types of food for different circumstances. 5 ... Simbani Village Problem: The Village Center. Hint: The Center of the Simbani village allows access to several other areas. Off screen to the left is the Spear Throwing Area. The hut on the left is your guest hut. Use the chest inside to store unneeded objects and the bed to rest your bones. The hut at the center of the scene is the Laibon's hut. If you are a Thief, you might want to take a careful look at this place. The guard in front of the hut will let you in to see the Laibon occasionally during the day. Behind the Laibon's hut is the Prisoner's Cage and the Awari board. To the right is the hut of Uhura. Visit her at night when she isn't working. Exiting Right will take you to the Wrestling Bridge. If you walk south, you will come to the village overlook. The Elders who guard there will say useful things occasionally. If you enter the Center of the village in the evening, you might see the Storyteller telling a story to the Simbani. The center of the Simbani village is the place where all public meetings are held. If you obtain the object the Simbani are looking for you will be rewarded here. Problem: How do I deal with the Laibon? Hint: The Laibon is a very proud man, and wants the Spear of Death back. You may notice he has the Drum of Magic in his hut. He is very sensitive about the drum so watch what you say. If you decide to take a wife in this village (one may prove useful), you will need to talk to the Laibon to find out the bride price. If you are a fighter character, you must be initiated as a Warrior before you can buy a bride. The Laibon will tell you how to qualify for the Initiation Contest. Return here when you have what the Laibon wants. The Thief Character can enter this room at night by being particularly observant in the Center of the village and using his weapon. Take a close look at the Laibon's hut. Save your game before you go in. To steal the object of your desire will take all your stealth. If you get greedy, remember what your Explorer's manual says about Thieves' Tools and use some common sense. Problem: When and how do I meet Uhura? Hint: Uhura is usually in her hut at night. She will tell you some very useful things when you talk to her. Visit her after major events happen around you. Problem: Spear Throwing Practice. Hint: If you are a Magic User there is nothing useful you can do here. If you are a Thief practice dagger throwing. If you are a Fighter or Paladin, you need to earn the respect of the Simbani. Click the Hand cursor on a spear. Practice Spear Throwing here whenever you can. Uhura will give you hints at times and even compete in a friendly challenge. The more you practice the better you will become. If you are having too much trouble hitting the target you may not have enough throwing skill or Strength. Keep practicing or lower the Skill Level in the System Icon Window. If you set your skill above the lowest level remember to compensate for the wind. If you are a Fighter or Paladin and compete with Yesufu in the Initiation Contest, try leading the target when the target moves. If you are in low arcade, your character will do everything for you. Problem: The Wrestling Bridge. Hint: If you are a Magic User there is nothing you need to do here. If you are a Thief practice some acrobatic skills. To walk the bridge, click the Hand cursor on the left side of the bridge near the climbing rope. When your Agility is high enough, you will be able to practice maneuvers on the bridge - jump, duck, dodge, and move. The more you practice now, the better your chances of survival later. If you are a Fighter or a Paladin you need to earn the respect of the Simbani. They value a well-balanced individual. Increase your Strength by clicking the Hand cursor near the center of the bridge. Increase your Agility by clicking the Hand cursor on the left side of the bridge near the climbing rope, then click the Hand cursor on the center of the bridge. When you are sufficiently skilled, Uhura will teach you the wrestling moves of "Jump, Drop, Dodge Left, and Dodge Right". Practice with her and by yourself whenever you get the chance. When the Fighter or Paladin competes with Yesufu in the Initiation Contest, you may find it easier to win if you set your "Skill" level on the System Icon Window to low. Problem: The Cage Area. Hint: The Cage area is where you meet the young Simbani, Yesufu. Talk to him, play Awari with him, and make friends with him - he will become a good ally when you need him. You can find him at random times during the day. To play Awari, either ask Yesufu about the game, or click the Hand cursor on the Awari area on the rock. You can also talk to the Storyteller here one day. He has some very useful background information. He appreciates it if you tell him a bit about yourself. At some point in your game, the cage will contain a prisoner. This is triggered by different actions depending upon your character. The Magic User triggers this event by learning the Magic Staff spell from Kreesha. The Thief triggers this event by exploring the jungle up to the edge of the waterfall. Fighters and Paladins trigger this event by gaining enough skill at Spear Throwing and have been challenged by Uhura to a competition. Problem: The Awari game. Hint: The Awari game is a simple game of wits which is played throughout Africa. This is a good place for you to increase your Intelligence skill. You may also learn more about Yesufu and befriend him. Remember to talk to Yesufu and tell him things. It's easy to just have so much fun playing the game that you forget to ask questions. If you need to know the rules, just ask Yesufu about the game. Problem: The prisoner in the cage. Hint: You should talk to the prisoner to discover where the Leopardman village is. He can't talk as long as he's in leopard form. You need to use something which will cancel the spell which gives him his leopard shape. Once you break the spell you will find that many others are now interested in the prisoner. Go to the Laibon's hut and talk to the Laibon about the prisoner. He will ask for several objects. You can buy them at the bazaar in Tarna. Once you give the gifts to the Laibon, Uhura may be able to offer some suggestions. Kreesha will be able to help you once you tell her about what is going on. The three gifts for the prisoner may not seem to do any good at first but you will be rewarded for them later. Don't worry if the prisoner escapes. If you have shown him enough kindness, you will meet him again. Problem: Warrior Initiation. Hint: Only the Fighter and Paladin can be initiated into the Simbani Warriors. Build up your skills at spear throwing and wrestling. When you are better at them than Uhura, talk to the Laibon about Initiation. Once you have the item he requests, you will be competing with Yesufu to see who makes the better Warrior. The first contest is running. Yesufu is the fastest runner in the village and you don't stand much of a chance against him. At the end of the first race you arrive at the first puzzle. Watch Yesufu get the ring with his spear. You must get the ring with fewer moves. Don't copy Yesufu. Try a variation on what he does, or use a different skill. The second race ends at the Wall of Thorns. The method Yesufu uses is slow. Try to use a faster way to get past the Thorns to the ring. Once you arrive back at the village, you will compete at Spear Throwing and on the Wrestling Bridge. Even if your character loses, you may still win if you behaved honorably during the contest. 6 ... The Savanna and the Jungle Problem: Exploring the Savanna. Hint: From the Savanna maps, you can visit Tarna, the Pool of Peace, the Venomous Vine area and the Simbani Village. You can only get to the pool and the village after game day three. You can find the Honeybird if you are properly equipped. When you camp out at night make a campfire if you have the tinderbox. The fire helps keep monsters away while you sleep. The Pool of Peace is a safe place to spend the night without a fire. Problem: Exploring the Jungle. Hint: From the Jungle maps, you can visit the giant tree. You will need guides to lead you to the Leopardman village and the Lost City, so make friends whenever possible. Once you have friends they will take you where you need to go. The Magic User can find the flower he is looking for here. When you camp out at night make a campfire if you have the tinderbox. Problem: Venomous Vines. Hint: The Venomous Vines are hidden in a pile of rocks to the Southeast of Tarna. Be careful, they are nasty if you get too close. If they catch you show them who has the bigger weapons and take a poison cure pill afterwards. The Magic User can use one of his spells to retrieve the fruit. The Thief can use the gift he received from the Sultan to get the fruit. The Fighter and Paladin need to use kindness to get the fruit. Be sure to leave this area and return. Something may happen. Be sure to help if you can. When you return later, you will be rewarded. Problem: The Pool of Peace. Hint: The Pool of Peace is a great place to rest after combatting monsters. Nothing will bother you here. The water is tasty and good for you. You may take some along in your waterskin for later. You will require some of this water latter. If you are a Magic User try casting "Detect Magic" here. You may see the sign left by the person who created this place of peace. The Magic User can dip the flower in the Pool of Peace when the moon shines upon it. Problem: The Giant Tree. Hint: The Giant Tree is also known as "Mother of the World". Talk to the strange entity who lives here. Follow the path upwards until you come reach an entrance to the tree. There are two hollow areas to enter at upper part of the tree. In the lower hollow, you will meet an entity which will give you information to obtain a gift. He will give you a gem if you are searching for it. If you are a Magic User, the entity will tell you how to get find magic wood. In the upper hollow, you will enter the center of the "Mother of the World". Place the proper gifts on the center platform, and you will be rewarded. Problem: Fighting the Leopardmen. Hint: If you are a Magic User, a "Reversal" spell makes a good defense. The Fighter needs to close ranks as quickly as possible. In close combat, the Leopardman isn't as much of a problem. The Thief is better off retreating. The Leopardmen are defending their territory. The best thing to do might be to avoid them all together. Problem: Fighting the flying Cobras. Hint: The Flying Cobras are not extremely tough but they do spit poison. Keep some Poison Cure Pills around to counteract any encounter. Problem: Fighting Demon Worms. Hint: Demon Worms are one of the toughest creatures in the game. They are relatively immune to spells, particularly when they are underground. Avoid them whenever possible. If you are a fighter, you want to build up your abilities enough that you can defeat them. The worms are only found near the waterfall. You should be pretty powerful before you take these monsters on. 7 ... Leopardman Village Problem: How do I find the Leopard Village? Hint: The only way to get to the Leopardman village is to make friends with a Leopardman. You will meet one in the Cage area of the Simbani Village. You need to break the spell on the Leopardman. Afterwards, talk to the Laibon, Uhura and Kreesha. If you follow the advice you will be able to make a friend. Problem: How do I convince someone to take me to the Leopardman Village? Hint: If you freed the prisoner from cage in the Simbani village you will meet him again when you go into the jungle. Show him the Magic Drum if you have it. This will be your ticket to the Leopardman Village. If you are a Magic User or a Thief talk to him. It may take some time to convince the ex-prisoner to take you to the village. Try again another day. The former prisoner of the Simbani can teach the Magic User a new spell. Problem: I'm a Thief. How do I get to the Leopardman Leader's hut? Hint: Johari will be impressed if you can enter the Chief's hut. You need to use a certain gift you obtained at the beginning of the game. Attach it to another item you can buy in Tarna. Click the item where you want to go. Be careful of the hungry guardian that prowls there. If you feed the guardian, you shouldn't have any trouble. If you are a daredevil, set your skill level on high or medium, and don't feed the leopard. Keep your eye on the leopard as you cross to the hut. When it decides to strike, you need to get out of its way fast. This will take a lot of skill. Problem: I'm a Thief. How do I get the Magic Spear? Hint: Give the monkey what it wants. Once you are past the monkey, you can sneak over and get the Spear of Death. If you are curious or greedy, it may take some other skills and knowledge to get out of the Leopardman village alive. Problem: How do I deal with the Leopardman Shaman as a Magic User? Hint: For every spell the Shaman casts, use a good counterspell. Don't try to attack the Shaman directly - it's against the rules. Choose a good defense and you'll have a better time of it. Remember, you can only cast a given spell once during the competition. Once you counter all of the Shaman's spells he will become angry. He will do something that will set his entire tribe against him. Once this happens the contest is over. Your fight will begin in earnest. Forget about the rules; this is life or death! Problem: How do I deal with the Possessed Shaman as a Magic User? Hint: Once the Shaman is possessed, you can use any spell against him. However, before you go into close combat, you might want to use an object from inventory first. It will save a lot of wear and tear on your body. It's also the honorable thing to do. 8 ... The Lost City Problem: How do I get to the Lost City? Hint: You will not be able to get to the Lost City until after you have returned both the Drum of Magic and the Spear of Death back to their villages. You will need someone to lead you across the Waterfall. Problem: How do I get someone to help me find the Lost City? Hint: Listen to Manu. He is trying to help you. Follow him to his village and try to convince him you that you need to go to the Lost City. It may take a lot of fast talking, but he will eventually give in. Problem: How do I get into the Monkey village? Hint: If you are a Magic User one of your spells is most appropriate for rising to the occasion. If you are a Thief either use one of your natural abilities or the gift you received from the Sultan. If you are a Fighter you are going to have to talk to Manu and get him to help you. Problem: How do I cross the Waterfall? Hint: If you are a Thief use your gift from the Sultan. If you are a Fighter either use a rope or use some vines and get Manu to help you. If you are a Magic User, use some vines or rope, a spell which makes you weightless, and Manu to get across. Problem: How do I enter the ruins of the Lost City? Hint: Manu will tell you some important information about getting into the Lost City before he leaves. If you helped the Meerbat earlier in the game you will have an object you can use to open the magical door of the ruins. The Magic User will not be able to use the "Open" spell here. The door is magical. If you don't have the gift from the Meerbat you may find something here to use. Think of it as an eye for an eye. Problem: How do I get past the Demon guards? Hint: If you are a Fighter you will have to fight your way to the other door. If you are a Thief you can sneak to the door. Use the standard thief techniques for opening strange doors. If you don't have a crucial thief item in your inventory, you may have to fight. The Magic User needs to use a spell to relax the guards, and then a spell on the door. This door is not magically barred. Problem: What should I do about the Possessed Reeshaka? Hint: The best thing you can do against the Reeshaka demon is to use a particular inventory item. If you don't, this may be a fight to the finish (for at least one of you). 9 ... The Final Confrontation Problem: How do I defeat my demon counterpart? Hint: Fight your demon counterpart as best you can. Unfortunately, your best isn't good enough. The good news is that someone will come to your aid when you need help most. Don't give up! Problem: I am a Magic User. How can I defeat Demon Wizard? Hint: Make sure you have a defensive spell ready. Call upon your greatest magic. The Demon Wizard will be able to disarm you. But you may win by sacrificing your most valuable possession. Cast the forbidden spell. The results may startle you. Problem: I am a Magic User. How do I get rid of the Gate Orb? Hint: You need to knock the stand over with a spell to get rid of the Gate Orb. Problem: I am a Thief. How can I defeat Demon Wizard? Hint: Use your gift to get above the situation. You need to get to the pillar that is nearest the Gate Orb. Use your acrobatic skills to avoid an early death. Problem: I am a Thief. How do I get rid of the Gate Orb? Hint: Once you are on the top of the pillar nearest the Gate Orb, use the remainder of your gift and throw it at the Demon Wizard. Problem: I am a Fighter. How can I defeat Demon Wizard? Hint: Fight the Gargoyle and knock it over to form a bridge. Use a powerful magic item against the Demon Wizard. Problem: I am a Fighter. How do I get rid of the Gate Orb? Hint: Use your Shield against the Gate Orb to knock it into the World Gate. Problem: I am a Paladin. How can I defeat Demon Wizard? Hint: Fight the Gargoyle and knock it over to form a bridge. Use your most treasured possession against the Demon Wizard. Problem: I am a Paladin. How do I get rid of the Gate Orb? Hint: Use the Demon Wizard against the Gate Orb to knock them both into the World Gate.