Quest for Glory I (Hero's Quest) Additional Observations Raven - A few things are included here that weren't mentioned or glossed over in the walkthrus - if you're one of us who like maximum points. BRIGANDS' HIDEOUT (Avoiding the Archers): There's another way into the Brigands' hideout (the Baron mentions this after you return his son). At the Antwerp screen, carefully edge by him so you're at the rock wall. He should move out of your way - DON'T attack it with spells, weapons, or thrown stones! Cast Open. Your spell is probably not good enough to open the secret door, but you'll spring the lock. Grab the large stone to open it (if you're strong enough). Careful here - there's a troll just inside. You'll need a good fighting skill, or a Flame Bolt of 50 or better (and lots of mana). Battle it out, than search him until you get his beard - the healer wants Troll's Beard, remember? (As for the Cheetaur claws, Cheetaurs only come out at night.) You can rest a bit here before continuing through the cave to the Minotaur. THE MAGIC MAZE: If you're a Spellcaster, it's worth playing Erasmus' Maze. Use Open to open the rock-like "doors"; Fetch to move ladders and bridges; Trigger will change your size - small to go through doors, large for traversing ladders. MISCELLANY: Also - run (or sneak) wherever you go if you've got the stamina for it. You'll get an occasional increase in Vitality, Strength, and Agility. East of the city near the road is a fox. Freeing it will get you points and advice.