Police Quest 4 Walkthrough Hi. sierraMan1@aol.com here. here is a wlakthru of PQ4. :) free, E-mail me if you need help with any other Sierra games DAY 1 This is the first day in the game that totally rules!!! It is nighttime and people usually don't consider this a day, but it is. Show your badge to two-jack and to Jones. Talk to both. Note them both. Get a closeup of hickman. Chalk the cigarette. note the cigarette. note the body, chalk the body. Talk to officer woodbury and get the piece of paper. Open you trunk using the keys in your inventory. Get the big box. Open the dumpster. note the body. Click the hand icon on the graffiti on the wall that says RBGB. use the notebook on it. Talk to chester (the person standing beside the dumpster). This may have seemed easy, but it gets one helluva lot harder. DAY 2 The scene opens with a shot of the Los Angeles pd in parker center. after the old dork shuts up, use the hand icon on your desk and get a closeup view. get the memo from the basket. open the left drawer and get the picture. look in your inventory and look at the picture. *sob* open the right drawer and get a piece of paper. the lieutenant said that the case was assigned to CRASH, so call them. their phone number is on the photo. 8-8326. open your inventory again. use the notebook on the piece of paper you got from the drawer. give Hal (the dude sitting across from you) the filled out paper. talk to him. turn on the computer against the wall. your id is on your id card (612) and your password is on the photo (gunner). if you have played any other pq games, you will get a kick out of his login name. choose gang information and see if you can figure out if the murder was done by a gang. rude boys get bail. rbgb! if you clicked the hand icon on the graffiti on the wall the day before, that is what the graffiti said on the wall that was wet. RBGB. turn off the computer after reading the info on rbgb. leave the bullpen and go to the elevator. go to the lobby. leave the building. push the reporter to get past her. go to the morgue. after showing your badge to sherry, go past her and enter the cold box area. go to the right. his name is Sam Nobles. talk to him about everything and leave the room. take the envelopes and leave the morgue. go to Hickmans. go inside and save your game. open the closet and get the pills from the coat. talk to her but only click on the first choice of what to talk about until the end. give her the envelope before you talk to her though (hickmans envelope).talk to Valerie when Hickman's wife runs out crying. go to south central la. travel down the alley. Look at the graffiti on the wall of the burned down building. get a closeup view. not the graffiti and the bullet holes. open your homicide kit and use the knife to get the slugs out. put them in the bag. open the door. talk to both. show your badge to both. talk to them both again. use your notebook on them. go right twice. show your badge to both and talk to them both. give the drunk (the one that isn't on the phone) some change. do this three times and he will talk. note what he says. open the door to the mini-mart. use the notebook on the clerk. Buy a can of glue and an apple. leave. go to the right twice and find a little girl. talk to her about everything you can. give her the apple. go right. talk to the mother. give her bobby's folder. Go back to headquarters. use the id card on yourself. take the elevator to the basement. Walk to the window. talk to her about stuff. give her the glue and hickmans pills. Go to floor four. Give the man the bag of slugs. Say shelf storage. Go to floor 3. Go to the detective's bullpen. The phone starts to ring. Pick it up. Go to the lobby. Save your game. Go to South Central LA. Duck behind your car when he starts to move. Use the kelvar vest on yourself. Move to the end of your car and unlock the trunk. Get the shotgun. Save your game. Leave the view of your trunk and click the shotgun icon on yourself. Shoot the bad guy when he appears. When he dies, Day 2 ends. DAY 3 After Block shuts up, go to your desk and fill out a 3.14 report. Give it to Hal. Go to SID in the basement. Get your gun and talk to her. Go to the lobby and map yourself to Yo Money's house. Use your notebook on the chalk outline. Walk toward the door. Look at the bushes. Take the shoe. Go inside. Talk to money's girlfriend. Show them the shoe. Talk to Yo Money. When the phone rings, save your game. Now, this requires extreme speed so you may want to turn the speed up in the control panel as high as it goes before entering the house. When the phone rings, the girlfriend will get it, the Yo Money will go over there. Get the cigarette out of the ashtray (the guard can't be in the hallway either). Go to south central. Walk to the washington house. Talk to both of them. About now, you are realizing that it is money's girlfriend. Use your notebook on the girl. Go back to parker center and show SID the cigarette. Show Chester the red shoe. Fill out a 3.14 report and give it to Hal. Log in to the computer. Use hate crimes. Type in walker. Go to his house. save your game. get inside after showing your badge. Talk to him. Then talk to him about the stereo. Save your game. When you turn around to fiddle with it, he will run. A girl come in. Click the walk icon on her to turn around. This requires alot of speed. Use your gun on her and then click the talk icon on her twice. Cuff her. Get the memo from the tray and fill out another 3.14 report and give it to Hal. Go to the Police Academy. Get some shooting practice. E-mail me if you need help here. After practice, go to Hickman's house. If she isn't there go somewhere else and kill two or three minutes and then go back. Do this until she is home. Talk to her. Leave the house. At the bar, don't get drunk. Keep talking to chester and Nobles until the lieutenant enters. Day 3 ends. DAY 4 You start at city hall. Approach the bench. reply to Bliden's question and save your game. Reply to the mayor. then get out your gun and have it ready. Use the gun on the man that attacks you. Talk to him until he gives in. Cuff him. Fill out 3.14 report and give it to Hal. Talk to him about Hollywood and vine. Go to the impound lot. Show your badge at the window and get the password. Give it to the other guy. Look at the car. Open the door. get the paper from the front seat. look at it. Go to the morgue. Go inside the examination room. Talk to him about everything you can. Go to Hollywood and vine. Talk to the male hooker outside and show him your badge. Go inside the bitty kitty. Talk to the woman sitting at the bar. show her the shoe. Talk to her about everything. She will ask for a light. Pick up the lighter and light her cigarette. "Hey get away from my car!" Pick up the mirror. Go to griffith park. To get rid of the dog, either give it some pretzels (that you got from the short stop bar) which is worth two points, or use the mirror on it, which is worth 4. Walk to the taped off area. Dig in the dirt. put the bone in a baggie. Go back to Hollywood and vine. Go inside the strip joint. Talk to the person after showing her your badge. Show her the red shoe. Go to the police academy. practice your shooting except, instead of filling out a practice form, fill out thegreen one, which is 13.5.0. When you finish, go to the morgue. head into the examination room. Huh huh huh huh.Give nobles the bone (but I bet he already has a bone. that was a joke) Talk to him about everything you can. Go to parker center and fill out a 3.14 report and give it to Hal. go back to the morgue. Get Sherry out of there. Day 4 is over. DAY 5 After Sherry shuts up and stops apologizing, talk to Nobles about everything that you can. Go to Parker center and talk to S.I.D. Go to the impound lot. Look at the liscence plate #. [E]2BSY669. Go back to Parker Center. Use the computer. Select DMV records. Use the liscence plate # you got. Go to South Central L.A. Get the piece of rope. Go to the Social Services Office. Talk to the woman there. Look at the desk that she brings you to. Pick up the envelopes and the tape(the audio one, dimwit :-)) When they are in your inventory, look at them. Talk to the woman again. Go to where the strip club is. Next door is Ragin' records. Show your badge to the man at the counter. Click the tape on him. Get the drumstick. Select which one very carefully. Just kidding, it doesn't matter which one you take. Go inside Bitty Kitty. Talk to Barbie. Go to the third eye theatre. Talk to the guy. Show him your badge. Talk to him again. When he offers you tea, Drink up. Kidding again! DO NOT DRINK THE FRIGGIN' TEA!!!! Go to the right. Go inside. Go back to the cosession stand. Talk to Thurman about the dress. Show him the shoe. Drink the tea. Go into the theatre. SITTOWN!! During your dream, feel free to puke at any time. Go back to Griffith park. Play cowboy. Use the rope on pooch. After your little ride, use the crowbar on the door on the right side of the screen. Use the flashlight. Use the putty knife on the door. Okay, this is cool. You have to check through the crack in the door. Go into your inventory and use the glue on the drumstick and the drumstick on the broken mirror. Use the mirror-stick on the crack in the doorway. Go into the kitchen once the coast is clear. Open the fridge. What is for dinner? Ale, potato salad, leftover lasagna, a severed head, you know, the usual. Note the head. Walk left. Feed the mutt the pills. Enter the first door on the left. leave and enter the other door. Note the bed. Use the mirror-stick to look under the bed. Open the closet. Note the shoe. Move the rug. Open the trapdoor. Climb down the ladder and exit that room through the door on the far side. Walk over to the woman. Push her. Note her. Talk to her.Head to the front of the theatre. See the cans? Take the cola can on the right. Go into your inventory. Shake your can! Go into the womens bathroom and notice that the dress is gone. Use your new key on the paper towel despenser. Note the needle and put it in your baggie. Go back to the theatre. Use the key on the stagedoor on the right. Turn on your flashlight. OWCH!! That's gonna leave a mark. Get the ball under the couch and throw it out the window. Go back to the kitchen. Open the fridge and get the lighter out of his mouth. Go to the bathroom (no, don't pee, go into the bathroom) Open the medicine cabinent and get the hairspray. Open your inventory and use the lighter on the spray. Save your game. Go right in front of the last door. Save this game as "ENDING". I think you can handle the rest (you use the torch on mitchell once you enter, DUH!!)