Monty Python's The Meaning of Life for Windows 95 Developed by 7th Level, Distributed by Panasonic FAQ/Walkthrough 2.2 3/22/98 Written by CJayC ( Updates can be found at Contents -------- I. Introduction II. FAQ History III. Known Bugs and Problems IV. General Information V. Video Clip Information VI. Act I: The Stages of Life A. Common Sticking Points B. Walkthrough VII. Act II: The Goals of Life A. Common Sticking Points B. Walkthrough VIII. Act III: The Cottage of Life A. Common Sticking Points B. Walkthrough IX. Codes and How to Use Them X. The Cheater's Walkthrough XI. The Really Impatient Cheater's Walkthrough XII. Game Information/Trivia XIII. Acknowledgements I. Introduction ------------------ -- About the Game -- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life is the third (and apparently final) Monty Python game from 7th Level. Following the "Complete Waste of Time" and "Holy Grail", the Meaning of Life takes you on a journey based on the 1983 film of the same name, through each of the stages of life represented in the film. Then it gets weird. The game was developed by 7th Level, who merged with Pulse Entertainment on November 17, 1997, to create P7 Solutions. Panasonic Interactive Media bought the rights to distribute the game (as well as the two previous titles), and are "in charge" of the game, its support, and its distribution. Personally, I think it's a wonderful game, despite the glitches. It's the first of the three games to actually make me laugh out loud for several mintues, leaving me barely able to click on the next item at times. Good puzzles, good design, good video-clip selection, and horrible bugs. -- About the FAQ/Walkthrough -- Well, I think I've uncovered every nook and cranny in this game... Full walkthrough, hints, 25 cheat codes, corrected mine map, info on going to almost every area of the game, how to add any inventory item... Whew! If you find anything I've missed, please let me know about it! The only things missing from this FAQ are probably a Cottage Story Guide (how to follow all of the stories through to the end), explanations for two cheat codes, and the identity of Larry and the two people shown in the credits. So, there will probably be at least two more revisions to this guide. One with final fixes/error corrections and a Story Guide, and one to announce the relase of a patch (hint, hint). So, feel free to contribute as you wish! II. FAQ History ----------------- Version 2.2 Added cheats for the DOOM level Added code explanations Fixed a few minor typos Version 2.1 Fixed Organ Donor code (whoops!) Version 2.0 Reorganized and re-wrote several FAQ sections Added twenty-two more codes! Woohoo! Nobody better have _any_ more trouble with the game. Added debug mode tips on getting to areas, inventory, and Organ Donors. Fixed up the Mine Map, removed the detailed guide, as it was flawed. Version 1.4 Added Video Clip Information - All found, plus a way to see them without actually having to play the game. Added "Optional" Notations Added more info in the "Codes" section Version 1.3 Added "Codes" Added "Getting Into the Attic" Version 1.2 Changed organization from two parts (discs) to three (game sections) Updated "Introduction" with tech support information Updated "Bugs and Problems" Added Map of the Mine Addded "How to Get Rid of Big Labour" to Cottage Sticking points Version 1.1 Added Cottage walkthrough (up to the attic) Added "Bugs and Problems" Added "Common Sticking Points" for both discs Version 1.0 First edition. Walkthrough up to the cottage III. Known Bugs and Problems ----------------------------- Yes, it's true that the version of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life that currently being sold in stores cannot be completed normally. There is a fatal bug in the next-to-last scene game that will prevent users from getting to the final scene. Luckily, there are a couple of workarounds that allow you to continue. Unfortunately, that's not the only bug. If you experience strange problems (items not working correctly, the screen goes blank), you should probably contact Panasonic technical support (7th Level no longer provides phone technical support for games). Panasonic Technical Support: Voice: (425) 889-7095 Fax: (425) 828-8715 E-Mail: WWW: Panasonic has confirmed the existence of two major bugs (the "X"/Shovel and Attic Entrance), and has agreed with the workarounds listed below. They have not confirmed that they are working on a patch, or indeed whether or not one will be released. However, PIM's technical support is collecting the addresses of everyone who writes their e-mail address, and will announce when/if a patch is released. PROBLEM: Game was playing fine, but suddenly there's no sound. CTRL+ and - keys don't do anything. SOLUTION: This is an undocumented feature. The asterisk (*) key on the number keypad disables/enables the sound. Just hit the key a second time to restore the sound. PROBLEM: In the cottage, I'm listening to the Potato's speech that begins with "Excuse me for a moment while I check with my liver...". When he's done speaking, he disappears, but the cursor doesn't come back! SOLUTION: This is a minor glitch. Just press your space bar to restore your cursor and continue with the game. PROBLEM: In the cottage, in the beach area, I can't use the shovel on the "X". PROBLEM: In the cottage, in the beach area, I used the shovel on the "X" and dug a hole, but I can't go into the hole! SOLUTION: This is a fatal bug. Once this has happened, you will not be able to complete the game. You must restore the game from a point before you entered the beach area, or use WorkAround 2 below. WORKAROUND 1: Do *NOT* enter the beach area until you have both the Shovel and Mr. Blowhard. Once you enter the beach area, do *NOT* save your game until you have retrieved the two items required from this area. WORKAROUND 2: Use the Event Manager to add the missing items to your inventory. (See Section IX) PROBLEM: When I go into the "Dental" area, the screen is black! SOLUTION: This isn't a bug; it's part of the game. Continuing requires using an item. PROBLEM: In the attic, I get to a screen with a ladder going up, and when I click on it, the screen goes black! SOLUTION: This is a major bug, stemming from the fact that the next scene of the game resides on Disc One, and the pop-up window to tell you to switch discs is invisible. WORKAROUND 1: Before clicking on the door, switch to Disc 1. Once you have switched discs and given the system enough time to recognise the new disc, click on the door. You should then receive a "blue-screen" error message asking you to re-insert Disc 2. Press ESC, and you will be returned to the door, and your cursor will have disappeared. Press the Space Bar to continue to the next scene. WORKAROUND 2 (Thanks to BettyCat): Once you get the black screen, switch discs. Press the ALT-TAB keys to bring up the Windows task switcher, and switch to another application. Or, press the "Windows" key to bring up the Start Menu. Either method will being the cursor back to the screen. Once the cursor is visible, click on a spot approximately 1/4 of the screen from the bottom and centered left/right to get to the next screen. If you miss, switch applications again and try again. You're trying to click on the "OK" for the "Insert Disc One" notification box, but it's invisible. You may wish to mark the spot earlier to make it easier. WORKAROUND 3: Cheat using the debug code. See Section IX. IV. General Information ------------------------- --Questions between screens What's with the questions between the screens? Well, it really doesn't matter what you answer as far as gameplay goes. The answers do eventually get used at the endgame, but it won't affect your playing of the game at all. There are a set number of questions (I haven't counted them up yet), and when you're done answering them, an "Intermission" screen will be shown instead between scenes. --Shortcuts Press space to skip non-interactive screens Press space to interrupt dialog or animations V. Video Clip Information ---------------------------- As with the other games, this one is full of video clips. The walkthrough below explains exactly how to find all of the clips in the course of the game, but you can also view them outside of the game. Video clips are stored in the \clips directory on each disc. They are Smacker video clips, and you can download the Smacker Video Tools to play them at: The clips are listed below by disc in the order in which you'll find them while playing the game (using the walkthrough). 12 clips on the second disc Clip 1 - "Movie Intro" - mix_ae.smk Clip 2 - "Every Sperm is Sacred" - mix_ag.smk Clip 3 - "Naked Women" - mix_aw.smk Clip 4 - "War Presents" - mix_ai.smk Clip 5 - "War Presents" - mix_aj.smk Clip 6 - "War Presents" - mix_ak.smk Clip 7 - "War Presents" - mix_al.smk Clip 8 - "Galaxy Song" - mix_ap.smk Clip 9 - "World's Fattest Man" - mix_ar.smk Clip 10 - "World's Fattest Man Explodes" - mix_as.smk Clip 11 - "Cleaning Woman" - mix_at.smk Clip 12 - "The Adventures of Martin Luther" - mix_ca.smk 15 clips on the second disc Clip 1 - "Self-Defense" - mix_bm.smk Clip 2 - "Self-Defense" - mix_bn.smk Clip 3 - "Crimson Permanent Intro" - mix_aa.smk Clip 4 - "Crimson Permanent Revolt" - mix_ab.smk Clip 5 - "Crimson Attacks the VBCA" - mix_ac.smk Clip 6 - "Funniest Joke" - mix_bf.smk Clip 7 - "Funniest Joke" - mix_bg.smk Clip 8 - "Funniest Joke" - mix_bh.smk Clip 9 - "The Bishop" - mix_bj.smk Clip 10 - "The Bishop" - mix_bi.smk Clip 11 - "The Bishop" - mix_bk.smk Clip 12 - "The Bishop" - mix_bl.smk Clip 13 - "Board Meeting" - mix_aq.smk Clip 14 - "Christmas in Heaven" - mix_ay.smk Clip 15 - "Death of Arthur Jarrett" - mix_av.smk VI. Act I: The Stages of Life ------------------------------- A. Act I Common Sticking Points -------------------------------- In Act I, the first six stages may be played in any order, but the last (Death) cannot be completed until the first six are finished. *** Live Organ Transplants *** -- How do I get past the operation section? -- Everybody seems to have problems on this one. I found that the following method to work for me every time: Use the chainsaw. To begin, position the saw right over the dash and press AND HOLD the mouse button. With the button held down, trace the pattern as it appears as quickly as you can. If you stray, move back to the path quickly. You only kill the patient when you stray from the correct path for more than about 2 seconds. From an anonymous source: "This game gets easier the more times you screw up. So if someone is having a real hard time with it they should just keep slaughtering the patient. Also using space to abort through the "you screwed up" linears would speed things up." Of course, you could always cheat (see Section IX)... *** The Autumn Years *** -- What's with the dishes? -- The puzzle here is just a balancing puzzle. You must keep as even as possible a weight on either side of the center dish. It's not as easy as that, though, as the dishes are weighted. You can tell the weight of each dish by the symbol on it: Triangle - 1 Square - 2 Circle - 3 Rectangle - 4 You can only have the dishes off-balance by 2 in either direction. This means that in order to remove a Circle dish, the dishes must be at least slightly tilting in the same direction, and for a Rectangle the dishes must be tilted even further in the same direction. Keep a running tally of how the dishes are weighted (-2 -1 0 1 2), and you should be just fine. Of course, you could always cheat (see Section IX)... *** Death *** -- How do you get into the house? -- Well, you've got to get Death to go there. To do that, just click on all of the statues, the mausoleum, the tree (twice), the sky to the upper left of the barn (twice), and then click Death three times. If he's not moving on the third click, make sure you've clicked everything again. -- How do you solve the cabinet puzzle? -- Well, if you don't have all six items (meaning you've solved the other six sections of Act I), nothing. All six items are required to continue. If you do have all six, just put each item in the bowl. No mixers, just straight in the bowl. That's it! You've won the game! Just kidding. You've just started. B. Act I Walkthrough --------------------- Optional sections of the walkthrough are denoted with a ">" - these bits are not required to finish the game, but they do let you see all of the video clips, as well as a few extra bits. *** Introduction *** Clip 1 - "Movie Intro" Disclaimer (UD) Scroll down to bottom Select any of the first four answers (answer 5 exits the game) *** Birth *** Wheel of Life Click Birth (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Delivery Room (LR) Click nurse (brings in equipment) Click patient's arm (she's hiding behind the first large white machine to your right) Click patient's arm Click nurse Click all machines to turn them on (11 total), administrator appears Click patient Click patient Click patient (baby is born) Get penny Click patient (another baby) Exit broken window Third World (LR) > Exit door on right House of 1,000 Children (LR) > Click Man > Click Man - Song Begins - Clip 2 - "Every Sperm is Sacred" > Click door (to the right and above man) > Exit door Third World (LR) Use penny on Harry's sign Get condom Click on man in window (on left of street) Exit window Protestant House Use condom on woman Get cream ** Growth & Learning ** Wheel of Life Click Growth & Learning (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Chapel (LR) > Click picture on left (above men in red) Picture > Click on picture - Clip 3 - "Naked Women" > Exit back Chapel (LR) Exit doorway on left Classroom (LR) Click door (teacher arrives) Click teacher Click student (the one raising his hand) Click teacher Click student (with Get cursor, Eric Idle) Click girl in window Exit "You Don't Know" on blackboard You Don't Know John Answer six questions, then play Final John (How many correct are required to win?) Get bottle of linseed oil Classroom (LR) Use bottle on student (Eric Idle) Get empty bottle Exit door Chapel (LR) Exit fountain Fountain Use bottle on fountain Get bottle *** Fighting Each Other *** Wheel of Life Click Fighting Each Other (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Modern Battlefield (LR) Click on tents Exit sign Zulu Battlefield (LR) Exit tent Tent Click John Cleese Click John Cleese Click Doctor (Graham Chapman) Click Patient's Head (Eric Idle) Click Doctor (Graham Chapman) Click Patient's Head (Eric Idle) Click Doctor (Graham Chapman) Click Patient's Head (Eric Idle) Click Doctor (Graham Chapman) Click Patient's Head (Eric Idle) Click John Cleese Exit Back Zulu Battlefield (LR) Exit Jungle Jungle (LR) Click John Cleese Click Tiger Head Click Tiger Tail Click Tiger Head Click Tiger Tail Click Tiger Head Click Tiger Tail Click Tiger Head Click Tiger Tail Click Tiger Tail Click Tiger Tail Click Tiger Tail (Scene moves) Click John Cleese Click bushes above sign Get Hand of God Exit Sign Zulu Battlefield (LR) Exit Modern Battlefield Modern Battlefield (LR) Exit Mound Mound > Click on screen - Clip 4 - "War Presents" > Click on screen - Clip 5 - "War Presents" > Click on screen - Clip 6 - "War Presents" > Click on screen - Clip 7 - "War Presents" Use Hand of God on soldier Get leg Exit Back Modern Battlefield (LR) Click on tents Exit sign Zulu Battlefield (LR) Exit tent Tent Use leg on stump Get Canned Salmon *** Middle Age *** Wheel of Life Click Middle Age (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Middle Age Restaurant (LR) Click Man Click "Start" Pick topic: Click "Our Endangered Ocean Ecosystem" Conversation: repeat the first sentence Mrs. Henders said by clicking on it (5 times) Get Hay Use Hay on Cow Click Manure Conversation: rhyme the first sentence Mrs. Henders said by clicking on it (6 times) Click rat Click faucet Conversation: alliteration. Pick the answer that has words that start with the same letter as Mrs. Henders' first sentence (5 times). Click dam Click dam Get dill *** Live Organ Transplants *** Wheel of Life Click Live Organ Transplants (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Live Organ Music Scroll cursor over bottom of screen (announcer appears) Click announcer Live Organ Transplants Click chainsaw, trace pattern on screen with mouse button held down Straight line Stairs Spiral Penguin Gumby Move fast... speed tends to count more than accuracy (i.e. if you're slow, the patient tends to die more often) You get three chances (blood splatters) If you goof, just try it again - it gets easier each time! When done with Gumby pattern, exit fridge Kitchen (LR) Click Man Click Man Click Man Click Woman Click Man - Clip 8 - "Galaxy Song" Get liver Exit Live Organ Transplants Live Organ Transplants Use liver on hole Get vacuum cleaner Exit Fridge Kitchen (LR) Exit Fridge Use vacuum on items in fridge (8) Use vacuum on space (4) Get onion *** Autumn Years ** Wheel of Life Click Autumn Years (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Clip 9 - "World's Fattest Man" Restaurant (LR) Click Man Dish Puzzle Click on all of the dishes to get rid of them Only top dishes can be taken Don't topple the pile - tolerance is +-2 Dishes are weighted Triangle - 1 Square - 2 Circle - 3 Rectangle - 4 Distance from center doesn't affect weight - only left or right Click bottom plate Click mint - Clip 10 - "World's Fattest Man Explodes" Get gelatin Wheel of Life > Click Autumn Years (if not already selected) > Click pull-chain > Clip 9 - "World's Fattest Man" Restaurant (LR) > Click Man > Dish Puzzle > Yes, play it again... > Click bottom plate > Click mint - Clip 10 - "World's Fattest Man Explodes" > Click "Accept" - Clip 11 - "Cleaning Woman" *** Death *** Wheel of Life Click Death (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Death Landscape (LR) Click clouds (up and left of house) Click clouds Click tree Click tree Click tree Click leaves Click each statue (5) Click mausoleum Click Death Click Death Click Death (moves to house) Click Door Exit House House (LR) Exit Cabinet Cabinet Put each item in bowl (not mixers) House Shoot fish VII. Act II: The Goals of Life ------------------------------- A. Act II Common Sticking Points --------------------------------- In Act II, the first two stages may be played in any order, but you will need to complete "Spiritual" before completing "Material. The last (Dentistry) cannot be completed until the first two are finished. *** Material World *** -- What do I do with the VBCA? -- On the farm, you need to start a war by first clicking on the woman (she's hiding on the ground below the cow), and then clicking on the animals and various scenery until they quit talking and start preparing for war. Once that happens, click on the tractor. You'll then have a place for the VBCA. -- I'm lost in the mine! How do I get out? -- Try following the map below, or cheat (See Section IX) for other ways to get out. -- What do I give the guard? -- You can't solve the Material world without solving the Spiritual World, and vice versa. Once you've found the guard, head to the Spiritual World. *** Spiritual World *** -- How do I find the Bishop? -- To discover the Bishop, click the floor of the building in New Age World. There are three areas in the Spiritual World where the Bishop appears once he's been discovered, and you can spot them beforehand by the theme music. He may go to the areas randomly - you may have to visit each area more than once before you actually get the item you need. The areas are: Religions of the World - Catholic Church - Back of church Buddha World - Water right around waiter's feet Hell - window of the wedding chapel There are three video clips once you've found the first once, making four total. After the last one, you'll get an item. -- What's with the Buried Statues area? -- It's a meditation garden. Meditate. Walk away from the computer, get yourself a drink. You have to wait several minutes and not take the first item offered to get what you really need. -- How do I survive the "Doom" level? -- You'll need the Flak Jacket (give Ghandi what he wants most) and the Sword (which you'll find after you find the Bishop). Just be fast, and shoot to kill. It may take you a few times to pass it, but don't be too discouraged! I just move from left to right, shoot the first person I see until they explode, then immediately move on to the right to the next one. It is possible, trust me! -- No, really, I can't do it! How do I get past the level? -- There isn't an easy way to do it, and the level doesn't get any easier no matter how many times you get killed. If you're completely stumped, you can always cheat (See Section IX). -- What do I give the guru? -- If you haven't placated the guard in Material world yet, return there and try to change his feelings towards you. Once puzzle solves the other. *** Dental World *** -- It's pitch black! What's going on? -- You can't do anything here until you've completed the Material world. Once you are properly Enlightened, you should do the same to the Dental world. A. Act II Walkthrough ---------------------- *** Material *** Wheel of Life Click Material (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Level 1 (LR) Get headphones Exit ladder Level 2 (LR) Exit ladder (up) Level 3 (LR) Get Algon probe Exit ladder (down) Level 2 (LR) Exit ladder (down) Level 1 (LR) Exit painting Ocean (LR) Use probe on rocks Click probe Get bra Click on ship Click down Underwater (UD) Click first chest on right Get shares (1%) > Click second chest on left > Click men - Clip 1 - "Self-Defense" > Click men - Clip 2 - "Self-Defense" Click fourth chest on right Get shares (10%) Get Victrola Exit up Ocean (LR) Exit arch Archway (LR) Exit Paradise Paradise (LR) Use bra on man (staring at you in front of Sissy Sally's) Get chainsaw Click middle "EAT" Get raspberry Click "BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS" Get Salesman Exit arch Archway (LR) Exit cross Religions of the World (LR) Convert the Natives: Click on each building except the blue man's (19) Get Friar Convert the Churches: Get each church, put in machine, get Insurance Building (20) Exit Nature Preserve Nature Preserve (LR) Click on foliage (5 times) Use chainsaw on foliage, cut away as much as possible until it dies Click phone Click phone Use Victrola on ruins Get horse. almost! Use Friar on seal Use Friar on seal Use Friar on seal Use raspberry on man Get Pantomime Horse Development Time: Use insurance buildings on ground (20) - anywhere there's a highlighted spot (VBCA then appears) Click on VBCA Get Hatchet Man Exit Ocean Ocean (LR) > Click on Crimson Permanent - Clip 3 - "Crimson Permanent Intro" Use hatchet man on Crimson Permanent - Clip 4 - "Crimson Permanent Revolt" Exit Trophy Level 1 (LR) Use Pantomime Horse on empty trophy Click Horse Use Salesman on safe Click safe Get shares (40%) Nature Preserve (LR) Use shares on Crimson Permanent - Clip 5 - "Crimson Attacks the VBCA" Get VBCA Exit Ocean Ocean (LR) Exit Barn Farm (LR) Click ground at bottom of screen underneath cow Click on dog, haystack, cow, sheep, cat, squirrel, tractor, woman, barn, etc. Eventually, they'll do something other than talk! Click tractor Use VBCA on concrete slab Click missiles Exit Mine Mine 1 (UDLR) Get Whiskey Exit Entryway Farm (LR) Exit Barn Barn (LR) Click Map Use Whiskey on Unexploded Scotsman Get Unexploded Scotsman > Click screen - Clip 6 - "Funniest Joke" > Click screen - Clip 7 - "Funniest Joke" > Click screen - Clip 8 - "Funniest Joke" Exit Back Farm (LR) Exit Mine Mine 1 (UDLR) Get Mine Cart Use Scotsman on wall (near drawing) Exit Hole in wall Mine b N U 11A-PAL |/ | W--*--E 10A 17A /| | / | b / j b D S 9A 1E 16A-18A-19A 6B-5B j/ | / | / | / / j 8A-7A-6A 15A 4B 4D-3D-2D-1D 1F-2F-3F-4F / | | | / / / 5A 14A 3B j | b | | 3C-2C-1C 4A-3A-2A-12A-13A 2B / / | | / 1A 1B | Farm Middle Level Lower Level Upper Level 4A down to 1B 3B up to 8A 1F down to 1E 8A down to 3B 1B up to 4A 4F down to 19A 8A up to 1C 4D up to 1E 1C down to 8A 19A up to 4F 1D up to 19A 19A down to 1D 1E down to 4D 1E up to 1F Beasts (marked with a b) Jokes (marked with a j) Chinese: 5B Chinese: 8A Arabic: 11A Arabic: 1F German: 12A German: 6B French: 18A French: 3C Use the unexploded Scotsman to blow holes in walls to find your way through. When you encounter a monster, use the corresponding joke on the monster to clear the way. Hints on Finding your way: There are two ways to find your way through the caves: 1) Take special note of the walls, and keep the directions in mind. North - A flat wall, nothing of note. East - A sunken wall, here you can move the cursor up. South - Wall with a raised area in the middle. Rocks blown up here usually contain a set of initials. West - A sunken wall, here you can move the cursor down. 2) Cheat (see section IX) Additionally, there are 11 Treasures randomly scattered throughout the mine: Tea Tray, Stamp, Jewels, Uranium, Ark of the Covenant, Fur Coat, Caviar, Sunflowers, Car, Gold Ingots, and a Pearl. But, Denis Moore will just come and take them all anyway when you try to leave, so it's best to just ignore the Mine Cart and all of the treasures, and use the treasures as guideposts (with the above map) to find where you are. They're random, so mark where you see the treasures on the map. Palace Grounds (LR) You made it! But there's nothing more to do here right now... Exit Wheel of Life *** Spiritual *** Wheel of Life Click Spiritual (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Archway (LR) Get Buddha Head Exit Hell Hell (LR) Exit World Class Topless Fortunes World Class Topless Fortunes Click Mona Lisa Click Mona Lisa Get Book of Horoscopes Exit Back Hell (LR) Use Horoscopes on Woman Get Giant Frog Exit Middle "EAT" Almighty Big Burger > Click "Ma'Hot'ma Coffee" > Get Coffee Click "Hopi Meal" Get Lunch Exit Back Hell (LR) Exit Arch Archway (LR) Exit Cross Religions of the World (LR) Converting the Natives, Part II: Click on each building to convert the natives (18 times) Exit Mosque Mosque Get Buddha Head Exit Back Religions of the World (LR) Exit Protestant Church Happy Church Exit Pedestal Pedestal Click Bible Click Page (12 times) Note the recipe for Paul's Party Punch Exit Back Happy Church Exit Back Religions of the World (LR) Exit Catholic Church Catholic Church Click left pillars Click Spanish Inquisition Use lunch on woman Get Comfy Chair Exit Back Religions of the World (LR) Exit Beer Bar (LR) Get Buddha Head Give "Paul's Party Punch" to Marx (Tequila, Gin, Vodka, Sherry, Milk) Get Sledgehammer of Humility Exit Sphinx Head Egypt (LR) Click "Renew Membership" Exit Building (first doorway to right of building with four pillars) Building Get Buddha head Click Fridge Exit Panel Secret Panel Click Triangle Exit Back Building Exit Back Egypt (LR) Exit New Exit (two doorways to your right) Tomb Entrance Click on head over doorway Get handkerchief Exit Back Egypt (LR) Exit Gumby Head New Age Land (LR) Click on various drawings (6 times, until the professor is taken away) Rotating puzzle Rotate the columns to free the staff Top: Rotates top twice, middle once Middle: Rotates middle twice, bottom once Bottom: Rotates bottom twice, top once Very Bottom: Resets Puzzle Get Cattle Prod of Courage Use Handkerchief on uncovered head Click statues for clues about combination Use Giant Frog on Lily Pad Exit Building Building (LR, UD) Get Buddha Head Click on yellow archway gate Exit Gate New Age Land (LR) Exit Sphinx Egypt (LR) Exit New Exit Tomb Entrance Exit Doorway Tomb Exit Coffin Coffin Puzzle The proper combination: Hedgehog, Larch, Mrs. Trepidatious, Spam, Occarina Tomb Use Comfy Chair on Mummy Get Steak Dinner Exit Back Tomb Entrance Exit Back Egypt (LR) Exit Beer Bar (LR) Use Steak Dinner on Ghandi Get Kevlar Vest of Faith Exit Temple Bruce World (LR) Buddha puzzle Put all five Buddha heads on the headless statues, and a button will appear Press the button to hear the limerick. most likely, it will be out of order Arrange the heads to have the limerick read correctly, then press the button The limerick: There once was a Sheila from Sydney, Who was missing ten teeth and a kidney, But her Bruce found her dear, `Cause she brewed her own beer, He made out fair dinkum now didn't he? Get Helping Hands of Self-Denial Exit Pathway Buried Statues Just wait. Don't move the mouse, just wait. In about two minutes, you will be rewarded! > Get Moist Towelette Wait again. The Towelette will be offered again, but don't move, just keep waiting. Trust me! Get Rubber Hose of Purity Exit Back Bruce World (LR) Exit Cross Religions of the World (LR) Exit Arch Archway (LR) Exit Gumby New Age Land (LR) Exit Building Building (LR, UD) Click Floor below green archway facing you Click desk - Clip 9 - "The Bishop" Click on yellow archway gate Exit Gate New Age Land (LR) Exit Arch Archway (LR) Exit Hell Hell (LR) Click window of Wedding Chapel Click window of Wedding Chapel - Clip 10 - "The Bishop" Exit Arch Archway (LR) Exit Cross Religions of the World (LR) Exit Catholic Church Catholic Church Click organ Click Vicar - Clip 11 - "The Bishop" Exit back Religions of the World (LR) Exit temple Bruce World (LR) Click water near waiter's feet Click vicar - Clip 12 - "The Bishop" Get mitre Use mitre on hatless Buddha Get Moses Exit Cross Religions of the World (LR) Exit Temple Temple Use Moses on Temple Exit pedestal Pedestal Click right edge of scroll (14 times) Click sword Get sword Exit back Temple Exit back Religions of the World (LR) Exit arch Archway (LR) Exit Gumby New Age World (LR) Exit Building Building (LR, UD) Exit mouth (look up above the yellow archway) Doom (LR, UD) Use sword on attackers in doorways - this can take anywhere from 1 to 5 shots Exit doorway (when done) Path of Enlightenment (LR) Click rocks Use cattle prod on man Use hands on man Use sledgehammer on man Use hose on man Mountain of Enlightenment (UD) Click church Get sheep (a.k.a. Angel of Love) Click church Click guru Click guru Click guru Exit Wheel of Life *** Material (again) *** Wheel of Life Click Material (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Material Archway (LR) Exit Picture Ocean (LR) Exit Barn Farm (LR) Exit Mine Mine Make your way to the Palace Grounds Palace Grounds (LR) Exit Palace Palace Click Bed Exit Bed Bed Use Angel of Love on guard Click safe Get Ultimate Wealth - Clip 13 - "Board Meeting" Wheel of Life Click Spiritual (if not already selected) Click pull-chain *** Spiritual (again) *** Archway (LR) Exit Gumby New Age World (LR) Exit Building Building (LR, UD) Exit mouth (look up above the yellow archway) Doom (LR, UD) Exit doorway Path of Enlightenment (LR) Click above church Mountain of Enlightenment (UD) Use Ultimate Wealth on guru Get Enlightenment - Clip 14 - "Christmas in Heaven" Wheel of Life Click Dental (if not already selected) Click pull-chain *** Dental *** Dentist's Office Use Enlightenment on darkness Click Mirror VIII. Act III: The Cottage of Life ---------------------------------- A. Act III Common Sticking Points --------------------------------- -- What's the password? -- Ths password can be found by carefully noting the names of the two computers, listening to the story given by the mask, and watching a video... -- How do I make the salmon mousse? -- Follow the recipe! It's pretty easy, well, once you realize what the six machines are! 1 - Heater 2 - Chopper (use twice for FINELY chopped items) 3 - Whipper 4 - Can Opener (AHA!) 5 - Chiller 6 - Mixer -- How do I play the organ? -- The Concerto and the Poem need to be placed on the organ (they're both in the computer room), and the key guide is on the bookshelf. -- The mouse hates all the cheese! What can I do? -- Pesky little bugger, isn't he? He won't run the wheel, no matter what you do. You need some thing different. Try recording and then playing the correct tune on the organ first, and then check the window to the left of the screen. -- I can't use the shovel on the "X"! What gives? -- See section III. -- What's with the sliding puzzle? It doesn't do anything! -- That's because it's not a sliding puzzle. It just looks like one. Hints for what to do with it can be found in a book on the desk behind you, and on the Shaka computer. -- What's wrong with the parrot? -- He's insane. He mixes up the notes you play to him on the Rose and Weight scales. One of them he transposes, and the other he mirrors. Just record the keys so he'll error in your favor. -- How do I get rid of Big Labour? -- Once you teach the parrot to speak correctly, you'll need to place him on the perch in the back room. Click on him to have him speak, and if you got it right, you'll hear a chord. If you exit, you'll hear a higher chords (the same one you hear when you see Big Labour). Enter, the low chords. Exit, the higher chords. You've got to shut the parrot up so he won't speak a second time. -- How can I shut the parrot up? -- Beat him to death. Fun, isn't it? Just be sure to do it after he speaks an odd number of times. -- Where's the cheese? -- There are eight pieces of cheese in total, seven of them in random locations. The Gouda is always found indide of Timmy the Computer, and the possible locations for the remaining pieces are as follows: Computer Area, on rug beneath Shaka Computer Area, on floor beneath Statue Computer Area, on top of Shaka's scanner. Computer Area, above the entry door (left of the elephant picture) Middle of Cottage, on the rug in the Computer Area Middle of Cottage, on the couch Middle of Cottage, on the dresser to the left of the doors TV Area, beneath the three masks TV Area, in the urinal doll TV Area, next to the Crimson Permanent Bookshelf Area, Beneath the urinal doll Bookshelf Area, Above the white mask Bookshelf Area, on the shelf Bookshelf Area, On the radiator Bookshelf Area, On the pile of CD's (below and to the left of the mouth) If you've found cheese in a different location, let me know! -- The hand in the sofa keeps disappearing! -- Just click on it again. Everything you stacked on it will return. -- The screen just went blank! -- See section III. B. Act III Walkthrough ---------------------- *** The Cottage *** IMPORTANT NOTE: Save your game here at the beginning, and keep a saved game here! There is a fatal bug in the Cottage that may prevent you from progressing in the game in some situations. NOTE: There are 8 pieces of cheese in the cottage, and seven of them are located randomly in open areas throughout the Computer Area, TV Area, Middle, and Bookshelf Area. You need to collect the cheese as you run into it over the course of this area. If you can't find all seven by the end of the section, see "Where's the cheese?" above. Wheel of Life Click pull-chain Entryway Exit Cottage Computer Area (LR, UD) Click Picture Drawers Picture Drawers Click Upper Left Drawer Click Upper Middle Drawer Click Upper Right Drawer Get Party Horn Exit Back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Cabinet Cabinet Click upper cabinet Get Baked Beans Exit Back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Pig Pig Click Mouth (10 times) Use Baked Beans on Mouth Get Spam Exit Back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Shaka Shaka Exit Books Books Click book Get poem Exit Back Shaka Exit Back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Statue Statue Click statue Click paper Get concerto Exit Back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit TV Area TV Area (LR) Exit thinking statue Thinking Statue Click statue Get Gumby Exit back TV Area (LR) Exit Book Good Gardening Guide Click left page Click Chapter 11 Click raft Get raft Exit back TV Area (LR) Exit Crimson Permanent Crimson Permanent Use raft on building Get Pirates Exit Back TV Area (LR) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Bookshelf Area Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Ship Ship Use pirates on ship Click mast Click mask Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit cabinet (that was below the ship before it moved) Cabinet Get mouse Exit back Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit statue Statue Use Party Horn on hand Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Organ Organ Use concerto on organ Use poem on organ Press "Record" (red arrow) Click foot (if not already be clicked) Click Y Click weight Click E Click rose Click S Click weight Click Z Click foot Click I Click weight Click T Click rose Click F Click weight Click L Click foot Click Q Click "Play" (black arrow) Exit back Bookshelf Area (LR) Click window Window Use mouse on man Get elephant Exit back Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit bookshelf Bookshelf (LR, UD) Click books (immediately in front of you) Click doors Clockwork Exit paper under wheel Get recipe Exit back Bookshelf (LR, UD) Exit back Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Computer Area Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Timmy Timmy Exit terminal Timmy the Computer Type "NGATA", press Enter Double-Click Demo Meaning of Life Demo Use recipe on easel Put water in device 1 Put results in device 6 Put onion in device 2 Put results in device 2 Put results in device 6 Put dill in device 2 Put results in device 6 Put cream in device 3 Put results in device 6 Put salmon in device 4 Put results in device 2 Put results in device 6 Put gelatine in device 6 Click device 6 Put results in device 5 Put results in mold Timmy the Computer Click peanut Put peanut in Recycle Bin Exit back Timmy Exit back Computer Area Exit Recycle Bin (below and to the right of Shaka) Recycle Bin Get peanut Exit back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Timmy Timmy Exit terminal Timmy the Computer Click peanut Put gouda in Recycle Bin Exit back Timmy Exit back Computer Area Exit Recycle Bin (below and to the right of Shaka) Recycle Bin Get gouda Exit back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Bookshelf Area Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Bookshelf Bookshelf (LR, UD) Click books (immediately in front of you) Click doors Clockwork Use elephant on wheel Use peanut on pedestal Click peanut Exit back Bookshelf (LR, UD) Exit back Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Computer Area Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Fireplace Back Room Entryway (LR, UD) Exit Tibetian Book Tibetian Book of Just Dying Click book Click right page (4 times) Get Naked Girls Exit back Back Room Entryway (LR, UD) Exit desk Back Room (LR, UD) Exit pot (under left window) Pot Click pot Get Dennis Moore Exit back Back Room (LR, UD) Exit shelf Shelf Use Naked Girls on man in suit Back Room (LR, UD) Exit right window Cliff > Click sky - Clip 15 - "Death of Arthur Jarrett" Exit Mourners Mourners Get shovel Exit back Cliff Exit back Back Room (LR, UD) Exit bookshelf Sliding Puzzle Shift tiles as necessary to click on the following breasts in order: Top row, third from the left Second row, second from the left Top row, second from the left Bottom row, third from the left Click butt-head (4 times) Get Mr. Blowhard Exit back Back Room (LR, UD) Click door Exit door Middle of Cottage (LR) Click door Exit door Beach Use shovel on "X" Exit hole Hole Click bikini Use Mr. Blowhard on tube Click breasts Get dead parrot Get peg leg Exit back Beach Exit back Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Computer Area Computer Area (LR, UD) Click window Window Use Dennis Moore on Lupin Express Click chest Get lupins Exit back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit doctor bag (on sofa) Doctor bag Use Spam on tab Use lupins on syringe Use Gumby on mask Use parrot on spam Get parrot Exit back Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Bookshelf Area Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Organ Organ Use parrot on perch Press "Record" (red arrow) Click foot (if not already be clicked) Click Y Click weight Click V Click rose Click Q Click weight Click A Click foot Click I Click weight Click G Click rose Click D Click weight Click O Click foot Click Q Click "Play" (black arrow) Get parrot Exit back Bookshelf Area (LR) Exit Middle of Cottage Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Computer Area Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Fireplace Back Room Entryway (LR, UD) Exit desk Back Room (LR, UD) Exit "Who Can You Trust?" Picture Picture Click picture Use parrot on perch Click parrot Use pegleg on parrot Exit back Back Room (LR, UD) Exit left window Left Window Click building Get Tory Housewives Exit back Back Room (LR, UD) Click door Exit door Middle of Cottage (LR) Exit Computer Area Computer Area (LR, UD) Exit Shaka Shaka Exit terminal Shaka the Computer Click Delete Click screen Exit Door Inside Computer Use Tory Housewives on workers Get platter Shaka the Computer Exit back Shaka Exit back ** If you don't have all the cheese yet, see the "Where's the Cheese" question in Section A. Computer Area (LR, UD) Click middle of sofa Use platter on hand Use cheddar on platter Use stilton on cheddar Use camembert on stilton Use gorgonzola on camembert Use limburger on gorgonzola Use gouda on limberger Use sheep's milk cheese on gouda Use beaver cheese on sheep's milk cheese (Note: if you're not fast enough, the hand goes away. Just re-click the middle of the sofa for it to re-appear with the things you've placed on it) Ladder Click door ** If you are playing a non-patched version of the game, the screen will probably go black right here. See Section III for more information. Attic Click Black Box Enjoy the end story Click Spectators Enjoy the video clip Clip 12 - "The Adventures of Martin Luther" IX. Codes and How to Use Them ------------------------------- -- The Codes -- Yes, there are codes! After reading through the resource files with a Hex Editor, I am now proud to present the following... ** Global Codes ** These codes should be typed in to the keyboard, presumably at any point in the game where you have a cursor to control. REPEATEDDEVASTATION This is the debug code, which brings up the game's event viewer. This lets you change scenes, add inventory items (even a few that aren't in the game), and generally muck about. Of course, typing in invalid entries can cause the game to crash (the CurrentBinName and CurrentViewScript in particular), but feel free to explore otherwise! NOWCOMEONITSFUNNYRIGHT This makes the cursor point with a different finger. You guess which one. >From an anonymous source: "There is a story behind this one and I am telling this story because everyone on the team secretly wants the world to know about it. Our producer's name was David Feldsetin, of course that appears in the credits, but this quote is from him. Needless to say he was a thorn in the programmers side, especially during the final days of the project. We would always question some of the humor in the game, and some of it we just didn't get. Yet every time he would come up with a new idea or we would question his humor he would say, "Now come on, it's funny right?" It's really a shame we didn't put in a wave file." THEREARENOMORALSATALL This code skips over all of the "Moral Dilemma" questions (they're all automatically answered with the first answer for each question). >From the same source: "I actually added this one near the end of the project. All it does is answer all of the Moral Delima questions. So if you type it at the beginning of a new game you won't have to answer any of those questions. It was left in for the programmers and QA who might want to play the retail version. This was one of those things none of us found funny, well no one except David." **Location Codes** These codes can only be typed in at specific locations in the game. IMNODOCTOR Location: Act I, Live Organ Transplants, Live Organ Transplants Type in the code to automatically complete a slit. Once you've selected a tool, type in the code and you'll be done with that round. ICANTLOOSE Location: Act I, Live Organ Transplants, Live Organ Transplants Type in the code and it will be almost impossible to kill the patient, no matter how bad you are. (Note: This is I can't "loose" not "lose". IWANTTOWIN Location: Act I, Autumn Years, Restaurant Type in the code to automatically win the stacked dish game. ILOVETOCOOK Location: Act I, Death, House, Cabinet Type in the code to automatically get all six items needed to complete the game. IHATETOCOOK Location: Act I, Death, House, Cabinet Type in the code, and you'll get taunted as if you made a mistake with the items. Hmmm... GIMMESTUFF Location: Act II, Material, Level 1 Type in the code to receive the Pantomime Horse and the Encyclopedia Salesman. GIMMESTUFF Location: Act II, Material, Nature Preserve Type in the code to receive the Chainsaw, Victrola, Raspberry, Friar, 20 Insurance Buildings, and 51% VBCA stock. LOBSTERGIRL Location: Act II, Material, Heaven, "SEX SEX SEX" After (or while) being chided for being a goat lover, type in the code to hear Lobster Girl! LARRYPREFERSSHEEP Location: Act II, Material, Heaven, "SEX SEX SEX" Type in the code to hear, well, I'll let you listen for yourself. Not for the tenderhearted. I wonder who Larry is... COMPASS Location: Act II, Material, Mine Type in this code to display... a compass! NOCOMPASS Location: Act II, Material, Mine Type in this code to remove the compass. LETSGOHUNTING Location: Act II, Material, Mine Type in this code to equip yourself with all four Funniest Jokes. CRYPTWEAPONS Location: Act II, Spiritual, Doom Type in the code to get the Sword of Righteousness CRYPTSHIELDS Location: Act II, Spiritual, Doom Type in the code to get the Kevlar Vest of Faith CRYPTRESET Location: Act II, Spiritual, Doom This resets the Doom level without looking down and pressing the button. Of course, resetting seems to make the level harder, as the fanatics start firing at an amazingly fast rate. CRYPTCOOKIES Location: Act II, Spiritual, Doom This code doesn't appear to do a thing. From the sound of it, I'd guess that it's _supposed_ to increase your hit points. Doesn't work, and it doesn't seem to affect anything else either. If you can find out anything about this one, let me know. GIMMESTUFF Location: Act II, Spiritual World, Path of Enlightenment Type in the code to receive the Cattleprod, Helping Hands, Sledgehammer, and Rubber Hose. CHEESYWEAPONS Location: Act III, Cottage, Computer Area Type in this code to receive all eight pieces of cheese and the Serving Platter. CHEESYWEAPONS Location: Act III, Cottage, Meaning of Life Demo Type in this code to solve the puzzle and receive the Peanut. ALPHA Location: Ending Credits Type in this code to see somebody's baby. OMEGA Location: Ending Credits Type in this code remove the picture of somebody's baby. ROBBIETREK Location: Ending Credits Type in this code to see a picture of someone else, along with a Star Trek picture. Once typed in, you can't get rid of this picture. If you find any more codes (although I think that this is it), let me know! -- Using the Event Manager -- If you've ever used a Windows registry editor before, you should feel right at home here. If not, well, you can figure it out. Just use the left window to explore the various nodes, and double-click values in the right window to change them. If you can find more tricks with the Event Manager, feel free to pass them along. I'd be glad to add them! ** Getting from place to place To get to any location in the game: 1) Bring up the Event Manager 2) Under "SYSVAR" edit the "CurrentBinScript" and "CurrentViewScript" variables to get to the desired location. 3) Save your game before you do anything else. 4) Restore that saved game. You should be in the new location! Note: This list isn't comprehensive, but it does allow access to all major areas of the game. If you want to send me more locations, I'd be glad to add them in. Another Note: Going to locations you're not supposed to be in can cause problems, especially if you haven't triggered the correct event or picked up the right inventory item. Use at your own risk. Act Area Location CurrentBinScript CurrentViewScript -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Wheel of Life Wheel of Life Fludd.bin 0 1 Birth Hospital A1.bin 0 1 Birth Third World A2.bin 0 1 Birth Catholic House A3.bin 0 1 Growth/Learn Chapel A5.bin 0 1 Growth/Learn Classroom A6.bin 0 1 Growth/Learn You Don't Know John A7.bin 0 1 Fighting Modern Battle A8.bin 0 1 Fighting Zulu Battle A9.bin 0 1 Fighting Forest B1.bin 0 1 Middle Age Restaurant B2.bin 0 1 Live Organ Live Organ Transplnt B3.bin 0 1 Live Organ Kitchen B4.bin 0 1 Autumn Years Restaurant B6.bin 0 1 Death Field B7.bin 0 1 Death House B8.bin 0 2 Material Level 1 Z6.bin 0 2 Material Level 2 Z8.bin 0 2 Material Level 3 Z9.bin 0 2 Material Nature Preserve F1.bin 0 2 Material Archway F2.bin 0 2 Material Heaven F3.bin 0 2 Material Ocean F7.bin 0 2 Material Underwater F8.bin 0 2 Material Religions o/t World F9.bin 0 2 Material Farm G0.bin 0 2 Material Barn G0.bin 2769 2 Material Mine G5.bin 0 2 Material Palace Grounds G6.bin 0 2 Material Palace G6.bin 1288 2 Material Bed G6.bin 1514 2 Spiritual Archway H1.bin 0 2 Spiritual Hell H2.bin 0 2 Spiritual Topless Fortunes H2.bin 3144 2 Spiritual Almighty Big Burger H2.bin 2829 2 Spiritual New Age Land H6.bin 0 2 Spiritual Palace H7.bin 0 2 Spiritual Doom H8.bin 0 2 Spiritual Buddha World H9.bin 0 2 Spiritual Bar K1.bin 0 2 Spiritual Religions o/t World K2.bin 0 2 Spiritual Egypt K9.bin 0 2 Spiritual Path/Enlightenment M5.bin 0 2 Spiritual Mountain/Enlighten M6.bin 0 2 Dental Dentist's Office M9.bin 0 3 Cottage Entrance N0.bin 0 3 Cottage Computer Area N1.bin 0 3 Cottage Drawer Puzzle P2.bin 0 3 Cottage Middle of Cottage Q9.bin 0 3 Cottage TV Area R4.bin 0 3 Cottage Bookshelf Area S4.bin 0 3 Cottage Organ T0.bin 0 3 Cottage Bookshelf T5.bin 0 3 Cottage Back Room Entrance U0.bin 0 3 Cottage Back Room U3.bin 0 3 Cottage Sliding Puzzle V4.bin 0 3 Cottage Attic Y9.bin 0 ** Getting Inventory Items To add/remove items to/from your inventory: 1) Bring up the Event Manager 2) Under "SYSVAR" open the "INV" menu for a list of items. 3) Click on the item to change To add an item into your inventory: 1) Note the number stored as "INTEGER 2", but don't change it. 2) Click on "BAG OF ITEMS" 3) The first free inventory slot will have a value of "-1". Change it to the number you noted under "INTEGER 2" for the item. To remove an item from your inventory: 1) Change the "INTEGER 1" value to 0. Changing/adding/removing inventory items can cause problems, especially if you find that item later. Use at your own risk. Note that you can add inventory items that aren't actually in the game, such as "Winnings", "Perfect Smile", and "Arthur Lemming DBA". Leads me to wonder if the "Dental" area had a little more planned than implemented. ** Getting Past Live Organ Transplants Hate playing the game? Here's a few helpful cheats (from Mark Young): 1) Bring up the Event Manager 2) Under "Act1" open the "B3" menu for a list of items. 3) Change the "BellyOpen" value to "1" 4) Save, then Restore Or, if you still want to play: 1) Bring up the Event Manager 2) Under "Act1" open the "B3" menu for a list of items. 3) Change the "FudgeFactor" value to a high value (like "850000") 4) Save, then Restore This will make it a lot harder to kill the poor sod... ** Getting Past Doom The Doom level is the one that tends to give the most people the most heartache. Well, here's the easy way around: 1) Before going into the Doom level, activate the Event Manager (type in "REPEATEDDEVASTATION"), and minimize it. 2) Once you've entered the level, bring the manager back up quickly. 3) Under "Act2", open the "H8" menu. 4) Now, change the "HitPoints" number from 40 (or 20 if you don't have the Flak Jacket) to an outrageously high number of your choosing. Of course, that may be too much trouble for some people, so here's the wimpy way around: 1) Enter the Doom level, then look down and exit right back out. 2) Activate the Event Manager ("REPEATEDDEVASTATION") 3) Under "Act2", open the "H8" menu. 4) Now, change the "CrpytDefeated" (sp) number from 0 to 1. 5) You wimp. X. The Cheater's Walkthrough ------------------------------- *** Introduction *** Clip 1 - "Movie Intro" Disclaimer (UD) Scroll down to bottom Select any of the first four answers (answer 5 exits the game) *** Death *** Wheel of Life Click Death (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Death Landscape (LR) Click clouds (up and left of house) Click clouds Click tree Click tree Click tree Click leaves Click each statue (5) Click mausoleum Click Death Click Death Click Death (moves to house) Click Door Exit House House (LR) Exit Cabinet Cabinet Type ILOVETOCOOK Put each item in bowl (not mixers) House Shoot fish *** Spiritual *** Wheel of Life Click Spiritual (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Archway (LR) Exit Hell Hell (LR) Exit World Class Topless Fortunes World Class Topless Fortunes Click Mona Lisa Click Mona Lisa Get Book of Horoscopes Exit Back Hell (LR) Use Horoscopes on Woman Get Giant Frog Exit Arch Archway (LR) Exit Gumby Head New Age Land (LR) Use Frog on lily pad Exit Building Building (LR, UD) Click Floor below green archway facing you Exit mouth (look up above the yellow archway) Doom (LR, UD) Type CRYPTSHIELDS Type CRYPTWEAPONS Look down, press Reset button Use sword on attackers in doorways - this can take anywhere from 1 to 5 shots Exit doorway (when done) Path of Enlightenment (LR) Type GIMMESTUFF Click rocks Use cattle prod on man Use hands on man Use sledgehammer on man Use hose on man Mountain of Enlightenment (UD) Click church Get sheep (a.k.a. Angel of Love) Click church Click guru Click guru Click guru Exit Wheel of Life *** Material *** Wheel of Life Click Material (if not already selected) Click pull-chain Level 1 (LR) Get headphones Exit painting Ocean (LR) Exit Nature Preserve Nature Preserve (LR) Type GIMMESTUFF Click on foliage (5 times) Use chainsaw on foliage, cut away as much as possible until it dies Click phone Click phone Use Victrola on ruins Get horse. almost! Use Friar on seal Wait until seal begs you to stop. (you may need to move the screen away) Use Friar on seal Wait until seal begs you to stop. (you may need to move the screen away) Use Friar on seal (dead seal) Use raspberry on man Get Pantomime Horse Development Time: Use insurance buildings on ground (20) - anywhere there's a highlighted spot (VBCA then appears) Click on VBCA Get Hatchet Man Exit Ocean Ocean (LR) Use hatchet man on Crimson Permanent Exit Nature Preserve Nature Preserve (LR) Use shares on Crimson Permanent Get VBCA Exit Ocean Ocean (LR) Exit Barn Farm (LR) Click ground at bottom of screen underneath cow Click on dog, haystack, cow, sheep, cat, squirrel, tractor, woman, barn, etc. Eventually, they'll do something other than talk! Click tractor Use VBCA on concrete slab Click missiles Exit Mine Mine 1 (UDLR) Get Whiskey Exit Entryway Farm (LR) Exit Barn Barn (LR) Click Map Use Whiskey on Unexploded Scotsman Get Unexploded Scotsman Exit Back Farm (LR) Exit Mine Mine Type COMPASS Type LETSGOHUNTING Use Scotsman on North Wall and Go North 5 times Use Arabic Joke on Beast Use Scotsman on East Wall and Exit Palace Grounds (LR) Exit Palace Palace Click Bed Exit Bed Bed Use Angel of Love on guard Click safe Get Ultimate Wealth Wheel of Life Click Spiritual (if not already selected) Click pull-chain *** Spiritual (again) *** Archway (LR) Exit Gumby New Age World (LR) Exit Building Building (LR, UD) Exit mouth (look up above the yellow archway) Doom (LR, UD) Exit doorway Path of Enlightenment (LR) Click above church Mountain of Enlightenment (UD) Use Ultimate Wealth on guru Get Enlightenment Wheel of Life Click Dental (if not already selected) Click pull-chain *** Dental *** Dentist's Office Use Enlightenment on darkness Click Mirror ** The Cottage *** Wheel of Life Click pull-chain Entryway Exit Cottage Computer Area (LR, UD) Type CHEESYWEAPONS Click middle of sofa Use platter on hand Use cheddar on platter Use stilton on cheddar Use camembert on stilton Use gorgonzola on camembert Use limburger on gorgonzola Use gouda on limberger Use sheep's milk cheese on gouda Use beaver cheese on sheep's milk cheese (Note: if you're not fast enough, the hand goes away. Just re-click the middle of the sofa for it to re-appear with the things you've placed on it) Ladder Click door ** If you are playing a non-patched version of the game, the screen will probably go black right here. See Section III for more information. Attic Click Black Box Enjoy the end story Click Spectators Enjoy the video clip XI. The Really Impatient Cheater's Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------- Wheel of Life Type THEREARENOMORALSATALL Type REPEATEDDEVASTATION Click SYSVAR Click CurrentBinScript Double-Click STRING Type Y9.bin Save the game Restore saved game Attic Click Black Box Enjoy the end story Click Spectators Enjoy the video clip XII. Game Information/Trivia ------------------------------- * The Cottage is a real Cottage, owned by Terry Gilliam. Apparently, it was seen on a TV interview some months back. (I can't remember who sent me this information... Anyone care to own up, or to confirm?) * There are three never-before-heard full skits in the Cottage, located on the sofa in the Computer Area, as the last page of the book sitting there. Just click the radio for each one. (Does anyone have more info about these?) Yep, that's it. I'd love more info for this section, however... XIII. Acknowledgements ------------------------ This FAQ was written by Jeff "CJayC" Veasey, but I was lucky enough to have the help of several people during the course of this project. I'd like to thank the following for their direct (and indirect) contributions: Zach Garland Kao Megura BettyCat Andrew Cohen MusikNFilm Chuck Antinoro Al Rudiger Mark Young A 7th Level Developer Who Wishes To Remain Anonymous, and All The Contributors to the MOL Message Board LEGAL NOTICE: This FAQ cannot be reproduced without first contacting me by mail or e-mail and receiving a written reply allowing you to do so. Also, it cannot be reproduced in any way other than electronically, and cannot be reproduced electronically without being shown in it's unaltered, original form and entirety, including this disclaimer. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes (this includes the FAQ being sold, added on, or 'given away' as a bonus, free or not), nor can it be used to get prizes or to receive recognition from game magazines, contests, etc. It is for private and personal use _only_. If you want to reference it or use any part of it in a guide of your own (even if you are a magazine or publishing company) you must contact me by mail or e-mail and recieve a written reply giving you permission to go ahead. In addition, allowing you to use any part of this FAQ does not give you ownership of this document. You may put it up on your site, etc. as long as you do not alter it in any way. This FAQ was created and is (c) and owned by me, Jeff Veasey