The Curse of Monkey Island Walkthrough Talk to the pirate, go through everything. Pick up the hook, and the pole on the far wall. Use the cannon, sink all those ships. Now look out the window, attach the hook to the pole and use that on the sword. Talk to the skull, when done just bop him with the pole. Now use the sword on the cannon restraining rope. Fire the cannon one last time and have fun. Wow, lots of treasure... Hmmm, that bag of nickels looks valuable, best pick that up. While your at it, pick that diamond up. Now to get out of this mess. Use the diamond on the porthole. Poor elaine. Go to the right, pick up the ember. Switch screens, and walk towards the boat. Talk to Murray... Now enter the boat and pick up the pin in the doll. Use the bag of nickels in the gum. Examine the alligator, and pull its tongue. talk talk talk. On the hard mode there is some paste to pick up on the table. You can now leave. Head for the city. Try and get some lemonade from the kid. Now go to the right, there is a walk-thru speaker there. Much like drive-thru speakers, it doesn't work well. Going to the right a little more, there is a sign on a post you can pick up. To the right of the sign is a door you can "enter." You'll need a reservation. Going to the right again, there is a door on the side of the large building. Enter that door, you're in the backstage of a theatre. If you're in easy, pick up the glove, in hard examine the pocket of the jacket and pick the glove up. Examine the jacket, then look at the dandruff, pick them up. Pick the magic wand up and use it on the hat. Pick the book up. Go up, looks like you need instructions. Go backstage again, then go to the right. Talk to the "actors." You can now leave the theatre and return to the town. Go to the right and down the stairs into the barbershop. Talk to all of the barbers/pirates. You'll need to insult one, and find gold for another. That guy in the chair is pretty annoying, have to find a way to get him out of there. For the first pirate, the one in the top left, use the glove from the theatre on him. For the duel, you aren't very good with guns, so you'll have to find another way around this. If you close the middle case and pick up the case in the background, you can duel banjo's. When he pauses to strum a specific string, just remember which ones he does, and do that when its your turn. After he goes crazy, go pick up a gun and shut him up. One down, two to go. Go back to the barbershop, to get rid of the guy in the chair, you'll have to do something to the comb that he really doesn't want there. Put the lice on the comb. Sit down in the chair and pick up the paperweight. While Haggis is looking for another, use the lever on the chair and prop yourself up to the scissors. Get the scissors then leave the barbershop. Go inbetween the lemonade stand and the restaraunt. Use the scissors on the flower and the underbrush. Go and get eaten by the snake. Pick up all the things that the snake just ate, everything is by your right foot. Now use the flower on the syrup, and the syrup on the snakes head. Great, you're out of the snake, and right into some quicksand. You'll need to get that life-saving vine, but how? Pick up the thorn, and a reed. Use the thorn on the reed, now you have a blow gun. To get the vine, you'll have to make a contraption, send it over, then shoot it down with the blow gun. The contraption is a balloon with a rock on it, to send it over, blow it. Everything should be ok now. Now you are at danger cove, you see a ship, and you have a boat that can get you to the ship. In easy mode, the boat is good to go, but in hard it has a hole. Now that you're out, you have a reservation slip, so go into the restaraunt. He sure does have a nice tooth, quite a treasure. Once done talking, try talking to the quiet patron. In easy mode, he'll just topple, in hard you'll have to push him. Get the knife out of his back. Pick up a biscuit, its scrumptious. Eat it. In hard-mode, you'll get some nice maggots, use those maggots on the chicken. Pick up the membership card. In hard-mode you should pick up the pan and the biscuit cutter. Now leave the restaraunt and go all the way right, where the duel took place. Go to the grassy knoll and cut the leg of the saw horse. Use the ember on the trail of rum, kaboom. In hard mode, use the biscuit cutter on the rubber tree that is still there. Go back to the barbershop and talk to Haggis. To get him to join your crew you'll have to beat him in the caber toss. Normally you'd have no chance of beating him, but with that rubber caber, you'll be a sinch to win. Two down, one to go. Cutthroat Bill's jawbreaker is nice. In hard mode, push him and push him again. Pick the jawbreaker up. Now go to the restaraunt. Give him the jawbreaker, ooh, the tooth is loose. Give him some gum, he's blowing bubbles, and his tooth is in there! Use the pin from the voodoo doll on the bubble, pop goes the tooth. Pick up the tooth. In hard mode, you'll have to chew some gum, put the tooth in the gum, inhale some helium and chew the gum with the tooth in it. Leave, you'll pass inspection. Now where did that tooth go. Pan for gold in the mud puddle. Go back and give the tooth to Cutthroat Bill. You have your crew, now to find a map to blood island. Go to the map and go to the beach thingy whatever it is. Talk to the cabana boy. Pick up three towels, dip them in the ice and use them on the cabana boy. Get the oil. Go to the right and try to walk across. HOT HOT HOT!! Use the wet towels on the hot sand and go across. Talk to the sun bather. Once done, pick up his mug and leave via the gate. Go to the lemonade stand and switch mugs with the twerp. Pick up the pitcher and fill it up with red dye which is just to the right. Go back to Palido and give him the mug with the hole in the bottom. Pour him his drink of red dye, ooh, he showed you the map. If only you could find a way to copy that. Use the oil on Palido's back and peal the map off, yuck. Map down, now to get a ship. To danger cove. In hard-mode, you can plug the hole with the rubber you got from the tree, but it won't stick. Use the paste on the rubber and then put it in. Get to the ship and climb on the plank. After walking the plank, cut the plank with the knife. Climb back up. Wow, you look like a giant chicken, scary. Go to the restaurant and have fun. Use the ventriloquism book on LeChimp. Get that map, look at it, hmm, instructions on where to find Elaine... Open the window and climb out. You have a boat now, need Elaine. Now to use those instructions. Go to the theatre and up to the top. In easy mode, you just need to pull the lever, in hard you have to use the lever and follow the directions. If everything goes according to plan, you should be watching some juggling. Hmmm... how to make him drop something... Back stage, where the trunk is, you should see some cannon balls, use the chicken grease on them. Now that you can get on stage, pick up the shovel. Everything should be good. Let those pirates sing! Now for a little old fashioned fun. When Haggis asks you what kind of captain you are, he is asking what kind of difficulty you want for the next part. The easy is much easier than the hard, the ship to ship combat is much shorter, in most cases, it takes one shot to board. On easy, it goes quicker. Look at the navigational charts, you can go back to plunder island and upgrade your cannons, or attack pirate ships. You have to option of fighting whatshisface, but don't, your cannons are no match for his, and anyways you need to build your insult library. The ship to ship combat is relatively easy, regardless of difficulty just hit them a lot. Once on board, you are duelling(again) you want to learn all the insults and counters before attacking whatshisface. After you beat a few guys, go to town and upgrade your cannons, once you get the best cannons and you are comfortable with your insult knowledge attack whatshisface. His insults are different than the ones you know, but it isn't difficult to figure out which counter is correct. Once you beat him, blood island! Once on blood island, pick up the bottle in the sand, then go to the left. You should be in front of an inn, enter it. You can talk to the fortune teller, not very exciting though. At the bar, pick up the recipe book and the seat cushion(you can pick up the brochures, not necessary though). In the recipe book, if you flip to page 11(?) you can read about a cure for hang-overs which the bartender REALLY needs. To get the hair, exit the inn and go through the graveyard. That is the dog we need the hair of, if you look at the dog, you can find some hair. Still need the dog to bite you. Maybe if you fed it it might nibble on your fingers? In hard mode, feed it the rest of the biscuit, in easy mode, pick up the dog treats and feed them to the dog. Make sure you pick up the mallet and the chisel. To get the pepper, get to the map and go to the windmill. At the base of the windmill is some pepper, pick that up. The egg is a little bit more difficult. Get to the beach, you should see a rubber tree with an egg in the branch. It would be easy to get the egg out of the tree, but those rocks would crack the egg easily, we need to use something soft. Use the cushion on the rocks and use the mallet on the tree. Now back to the inn. Give the bartender the pepper, hair and egg, yay he's cured. Talk to him, make sure you get a drink from him. He did a good job, so grab the tip jar, we'll make sure to fill it with treasure. Go upstairs and go into the door on the left. Use the mallet on the nail in the wall. Now go back out and pick up the nail. In hard mode pick up the portrait(why can't i make him use the wand like that?!), go back downstairs and pick up the mirror by Goodsoup, he won't let you get away like that so use the scissors on the portrait and put the face where the mirror was. Go to the door that is right of the bar in back. Get the magnet off of the refrigerator, and use the chisel on the cheese. Now leave and go to the village. In the village pick up the tofu, and to the right a bit the auger and the measuring cup. Go to the right and talk to lemonhead. Afterwards use the mask. Now go up to the ceremony, and use the cheese on the volcano. That should make Goodsoup happy. Go back and get a drink from him, this time before drinking it put the head clear stuff in it. Once dead, use the chisel to get out of the casket, then use the chisel on the center casket. Not exactly what we wanted. We need to get that wedding band from the Goodsoup crypt, and the only way we're going to do that is by being a Goodsoup. Talk to Stan, leave the graveyard and come back to Stan. Get the life insurance from him and pick those nails that are on your casket. Go back to the inn, go upstairs. In hard mode, put the portrait on the left door, then go in and look out. Then go to the right door. In the hard mode, you have to get the door open, to do this use the business card on the door. Once inside you've got a bed that doesn't want to stay down, but that bed has a book with important information about the Goodsoups. Pull the bed down and use the nails on it, and the single nail. Now grab that book and examine and use it. Go downstairs and talk to Goodsoup, he should be ready to accept you into the family. Get a drink from him and die again. This time you are in the Goodsoup crypt. You can examine the crumbling wall for a little treat. Talk to the skeleton. Continue going to the left, pick up the crowbar. Go towards the crack. MURRAY!! Pick him up. Look through the crack, talk to Mort, he wants you to scare him. Hard-mode, use the paste on the skeleton arm. Use the skeleton arm on the lantern. Then go back to the crypt. Now use the murray on the lantern. Leave the crypt and go to the Inn. Talk to the fortune teller, get here to tell you your fortune. Pick up the card(s). In hard-mode, talk to her 4 more times. Go to the back room that had the cheese, pick up the death certificate. Go upstairs to the room with the skeleton. Use the crowbar on the boarded hole and use the crowbar on the bed. Pick up the wedding band and collect your life insurance. In the village pick up the tofu, and to the right a bit the auger and the measuring cup. Go to the right and talk to lemonhead. Afterwards use the cheese in the volcano. Now go back to the ship and talk to Haggis, try and get the hand lotion. He wants some tar-like substance. Go back to the inn, but don't go in. Put the cheese on the bbq, and drag that back. Pick up the the lotion and go to the clearing. Elaine should be there. Use the lotion on her ring finger and take the ring off. Go back to the Windmill. In hard mode, use the umbrella on the blades, easy mode go through the door. Once up top, use the tip jar on the barrel. Go back down through the window. Go back to the clearing. Use the jar on the stump. Before putting the lid on, make sure you put some holes in it with the chisel. Proceed to the lighthouse. Hard-mode, replace the mirror. Put the jar of fire-flies on the stand. Now that lost welshman should be able to find his way. Go down to the beach and talk to him. Hmm... needs a compass. If you read your encyclopedia you picked up way back in the snake, you'll know what you need. Hard-mode, use your mouth on the shaving cream. Use the needle on the magnet, and put the needle in the cork. Use the measuring cup on the seawater and put the cork/needle in the measuring cup, voila a compass. Give the compass and go to skull island. Pretty scary, eh? Talk to the guy and get him to lower you down. oops! Use the umbrella. Talk to those guys. Ask them about toys to get a nice LeChuckie toy. Play them in poker. When you get your cards, use your cards on the cards they dealt you, 5 of a kind. Now get back to Elaine, use the diamond on the band and give it to her. Talk to LeChuck, be really childish. Once done, open the door. Talk to dinghy dog(TM) and have him guess your age. I tried to choose Murray too. Hard-mode, use the shaving cream in the pan and use the anchor in your "pie", use the "pie" in the pile of pies. Easy, just use the anchor in the pies. Talk to the mouse and have him fire the cannon. Open the gate and examine the hole. Go back to dinghy dog and push him quite a few times. Go to the right and get the pepper mill, and get a snow cone. Lets see, we have meringue which is made from eggs, pepper, and hair of a dog that bit you. HEY!! Use them all on the snowcone(you can use the tofu and paste too, but they don't make any difference). Well, we're taller than that monkey's hand on the wall, so we can ride the roller coaster. Get off at each stop. The first one, you need to pick up the rope. On the torture one, you need the oil. Hard-mode you need to open the lantern, and blow out the lamp. Now pick up the oil. Use the oil on the rope. On the boat one, pick up the keg of rum. Finally, on the ice board, go up and use the key on the ice-monkey's arm. Use the oil dipped rope on the keg and go back down. Wait for LeChuck when he comes to visit, use the pepper on him. Woohoo!! Written by Martian -