KINGS QUEST VI HEIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW ***************************************** THE BEST SOLUTION Ver 1.0 dd 17-01-1993 MADE BY HAFEEZ AHMAD ****************************************************************************** The direction will be given by >> followed by the direction NORTH, SOUTH, EAST ,WEST or just a place. You can use the maps to see where you can go to. This solution ought to give you 231 points, that's the maximum. And now off to the solution! ISLE OF THE CROWN ----------------- TAKE the Ring from the beach MOVE the wood on the beach ISLE OF THE CROWN: TAKE the Coin from the box (3) >>NORTH W--C W=Castle's Wall >>UPPER RIGHT / C=Castle TALK to the dog guard H--S--T T=Tree SHOW him your Ring (8) / | S=Shops >>SOUTH F B H=Girl's House >>WEST B=Beach TALK to the man F=Ferryman >>BOOKSHOP TALK to the man at the counter TAKE the Book from the desk near the door >>POEM SHELF TAKE book from poem shelf TAKE Page from floor TAKE book from counter (14) >>EXIT >>NORTH >>WEST >>SHIP OPEN door TALK to man until he repeats himself TAKE the Rabbit's Foot from the table >>EXIT >>BOOK SHOP TALK to man in the chair (=Jollo) SHOW him your Ring (21) >>EXIT >>PAWN SHOP TALK to man GIVE Ring TAKE the Nightingale from the counter GIVE him the Coin and TAKE the Nightingale TAKE a Mint from the bottle on the counter >>EXIT >>BEACH USE Map on Alexander (30) SELECT Isle of Wonder ISLE OF WONDER -------------- TALK to oyster 2x USE the Boring Book on him ISLE OF WONDER: When he yawns TAKE the Pearl TAKE the Partial Sentence from the sea C C=Chessland >>ISLE OF THE CROWN | G=Garden >>TO THE SHOPS G--S S=Swamp LOOK in the bin in front of the pawn shop | B=Beach >>PAWN SHOP B--W W=Bookworm GIVE Pearl to man, you'll get your Ring back >>ISLE OF THE MOUNTAIN TAKE Flower TAKE Feather >>ISLE OF THE CROWN >>TREE USE Nightingale on bird in tree GIVE Ring to bird TAKE the Ribbon LOOK at the Ribbon USE the Ribbon GIVE the Page with the poem to the bird TAKE the Note (50) >>ISLE OF WONDER >>NORTH USE Flower on first Gnome USE Nightingale on second Gnome USE Mint on third Gnome USE Rabbit's Foot on fourth Gnome USE Ink on fifth Gnome (60) >>NORTH TAKE a Bottle of Milk near the dog-tree >>WEST LOOK through hole in wall TAKE Rotten Tomato TAKE Iceberg Lettuce >>ISLE OF THE BEAST ISLE OF THE BEAST ----------------- >>NORTH USE Iceberg Lettuce on pond ISLE OF THE BEAST: >>NORTH TAKE the Lamp C C=Castle >>NORTH | G=Garden TAKE the Brik G P=Pond >>ISLE OF WONDER | B=Beach >>THE GARDEN WITH THE FLOWERS P OPEN door to chessland | >>NORTH B TAKE Red Scarf >>BEACH >>EAST LOOK at the spider PULL the web When the spider comes to see what you're doing, TAKE the Paper TAKE a book from the piles of books >>ISLE OF THE BEAST LOOK at creature in tree TALK to him a couple of times USE the Partial Sentence on him (75) >>ISLE OF WONDER >>EAST TAKE book GIVE Dangling Participle to bookworm READ the Book he has given you >>ISLE OF THE CROWN >>BOOKSHOP After you have talked to Jollo, GIVE Rare Book to the old man >>EXIT >>PAWN SHOP TRADE the Nightingale for the Flute >>ISLE OF WONDER >>GARDEN WITH THE FLOWERS TAKE Teacup TAKE Hole in Wall USE Flute on flowers TAKE Hole GIVE Bottle of Milk to baby USE Lamp on another baby >>SWAMP USE Teacup on swamp USE Tomato on Bump-On-A-Log USE Teacup on Swamp Ooze >>ISLE OF THE CROWN >>PAWN SHOW TRADE the Flute for the Tinderbox >>ISLE OF THE MOUNTAIN (90) ISLE OF THE SACRED MOUNTAIN --------------------------- LOOK at the riddle on the rock SELECT R from the first word ISLE OF THE SACRED MOUNTAIN: SELECT I from the second word SELECT S from the third word W W=Winged Ones SELECT E from the fourth word | T=Top of rocks >>WALK UP D--T--C--M D=Door to Catac. LOOK at the riddle | C=Cave SELECT S O A R with the codes from you manual R M=Cave with Mint >>WALK up | R=Rocks LOOK at the riddle B B=Beach SELECT stone 4,1,2 >>WALK UP LOOK at the riddle SELECT codes for Azure, Caterpillar Tranquillity and Air (=OQDG) >>WALK UP LOOK at the riddle SELECT A S C E N D >>WALK UP (95) USE hand on the rock at the right USE Tinderbox >>EAST GET Peppermint Leaves >>WEST USE Tinderbox >>WEST >>NORTH (99) IN THE CATACOMBS ---------------- >>2x NORTH >>2x EAST >>NORTH TAKE Skull >>SOUTH >>2x EAST >>NORTH >>WEST * 6 * * * >>WALK ON 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ====> 7 * 5 * 1 8 * 4 2 0 * * 3 * * >>WEST >>NORTH TAKE Shield CATACOMBS 1: >>3x NORTH >>2x WEST 3--*--* *--P 1=Skull TAKE Coins from skull | | 2=Shield >>2xEAST *--C--*--* 3=Coins >>SOUTH | | C=Ceiling Room >>EAST * *--* M=Maze Room USE Brick on machine's gear | X=Room with no >>2x EAST 2 floor >>NORTH | E=Entrance >>EAST X--C--*--M--* 1 *=Room After you fall, | | P=Entrance to USE Tinderbox (109) *--*--* *--*--* other Catacomb >>5x WEST | | | | S=Room where to >>2x SOUTH * * * * X look through >>EAST | | | wall to see USE Hole on east wall X--*--*--*--*--E Minotaur LOOK through Hole T=Tapistry >>WEST X CATACOMBS 2: M=Minotaur >>2x NORTH | * C=Fake Caleste >>5x EAST *--*--*--*--*--*--*--P >>4x SOUTH | | | | >>3x WEST * * X * >>2x NORTH | | | USE tapistry *--*--*--*--S T--M X--* >>EAST | | | >>EAST * * * USE Red Scarf on minotaur | | | >>ISLE OF THE MISTS *--* *--*--*--*--* | | | ISLE OF THE MISTS *--*--* X ----------------- | >>WEST (121) * TAKE Coal from fireplace ISLE OF THE MISTS: TAKE Scythe >>ISLE OF WONDER F F=Fire >>GARDEN WITH THE FLOWERS | B=Beach TAKE "Drink Me" Potion V--B V=Village >>CHESSLAND GIVE Coal to white Queen >>ISLE OF THE BEAST >>ENTRANCE TO GARDEN USE Shield on Alexander >>UP TAKE White Rose USE Scythe on hedge READ Spell Book >>ISLE OF THE CROWN >>BOOKSHOP >>EXIT >>NORTH GIVE White Rose to girl GIVE Ring to girl (139) USE Sacred Water on Lamp USE Lamp on fountain READ Spell Book TURN to page of "Make Rain spell" SELECT cast >>SOUTH TAKE White Rose >>ISLE OF THE CROWN >>TREE GIVE White Rose to bird >>ISLE OF THE MISTS USE Skull on fire USE Hair on Skull USE Egg on Skull >>ISLE OF THE MOUNTAIN >>WALK UP READ Spell Book TURN to page of "Charming a Creature of the Night spell" SELECT cast REALM OF THE DEAD ----------------- TALK to Queen Look out for the zombies! >>EAST TALK to spirit >>NORTH PLAY bones xylophone TAKE Key >>NORTH GIVE Ticket LOOK man TAKE Gauntlet >>NORTH, be carefull or you'll fall in the river! USE Teacup on water GIVE Coins to man >>NORTH TOUCH door TALK to door SELECT L O V E (171) TALK to guard USE Gauntlet on Lord of the Dead USE Mirror on the Lord >>ISLE OF THE CROWN >>PAWN SHOP DRINK "Drink Me" Potion in front of black-robed man Look at the genies lamp TRADE Tinderbox for the Brush >>EXIT TRADE Lamp with the old man for a Lamp that looks like the genie's lamp LOOK at sign on the north wall (181) >>CASTLE >>WEST USE Feather with Teacup USE Brush with wall READ spell book TURN to the page "Magic Paint spell" SELECT cast OPEN door (188) INSIDE THE CASTLE ----------------- OPEN first door >>EXIT THE CASTLE, 1ST FLOOR: OPEN second door on the right TALK to boy T T=Top of Tower GIVE Handkerchief to boy | S=Stairs up >>EXIT S B=Ball Room >>SOUTH | G=Guards >>EAST S K=Kitchen OPEN door at the right G | G SS=Stairs to TALK to Jollo | ____B____ | Basement GIVE Lamp to Jollo S--| |--S >>EXIT | BIG | >>NORTH K--| HALL |--SS >>LEFT (194) |_______| PULL suit's arm LOOK at hole >>NORTH LOOK at hole GIVE Cassima the Dagger >>WEST >>NORTH >>WEST LOOK hole >>NORTH LOOK at the end of the left wall OPEN door OPEN ebony box READ note OPEN box by using your Key TAKE a Letter >>GO BACK TO THE CASTLES HALL >>WEST TALK to the door at the left SELECT A L I Z E B U (208) PULL drapery from table LOOK at every object on the table >>EXIT >>EAST Wait until the guard dog disappers >>UPSTAIRS LOOK at door 2x OPEN door GIVE Salladin the Letter from the Vizier's bedroom TALK to Cassima >>FOLLOW THE VIZIER THE CASTLE, BASEMENT: USE Bottle on genie USE Sword from wall on Vizier V=Vizier's Room When Cassima stabs the Vizier, D=Secret Door USE Sword on the Vizier (231) H3=Hole to Room C=Hole to Cass. That's it, you got 231 points out of 231. ---.---C H1=Hole Now just watch the end. | | G=Guards H3 _H1_G___ J=Jollo See you at KINGS QUEST VII !! | | | D=Dungeon D-V | D |J B=BoyGhost X| B S | S=Stairs KINGS QUEST VI: HEIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW E| D | E=Entrance SOLVED BY: Hafeez Ahmad |________| X=Locked Ohmstraat 118 Store- 2561 SH The Hague Room The Netherlands.