INCA ][ : WIRACOCHA ******************* Review, Each part's saved game & Full Solve ******************* By Fanfan LaTulipe Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Coktel Vision remained true to it's tradition of great achievements. After the collosal release that was INCA I, I feared that the sequel would suffer from a deja-vu syndrome. I could not have been farther from the truth! Here again, the team analyzed their previous release and fixed anything that was remotely troublesome. The improvement is incredible, not only from the technical point of view, and the coding, but for the overall game structure... You will glide through space, battle waves of ennemy Dagger Interceptors, fight off sweeping areal bandits from a train, and use all your ressources to lead the Inca and his son toward their destiny... But it must be remembered that in the balance lay the universe. Mortals, the Great Inca included, are but tools to enact the will of Inti, the Sun. Will Wiracocha once again roam the universe through the body of his avatar? Those are the words of the prophecy. And your quest is to see it through. A dazzling mix of history and appropriate anachronisms, the game is rich from all angles. It exploits the mysteries of the Incan Empire, and its strong ties to a religion linked to the cosmic universe... It brings forth african witch doctor, Tibetan Llama and more in a exquisite mixture. The graphics are incredible. Human like characters animate the screen and breath life into the action. The sceneries also are life-like, and the landscapes used as models are simply breathtaking. Even the spaceships are nothing like they used to be, and bring a fantastic realism to the space battles... The sounds are perfect especially during battles... The music however was quite dissapointing compared to INCA I... The only really good indian-flute ( pan-flute ) tune is the one labeled Wiracocha, and that opens the game... As for the action, the arcade parts are a delight. One of the best space battle simulation I've played, with a minimum of keys and controls involved. The puzzles are relatively simple and logical... Couple of them can be quite annoying, especially the last puzzle on the asteroid. Overall the game is simple, and should not lock you on any given part... The last puzzle and the battle against the fleet are the only really challenging spots. The lack of challenge isn't a problem, for it makes the action flow, and you will feel like an actor in a movie. PTG proudly presents the complete solve & storyline to this game. We also have included the saved games to each and every missions. Once again, I remainded true to my belief that such documents should be worked in depth at the cost of speed; only then will they be of noticeable quality. About the Saved Games ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All you need to do is copy the 3 files: - CAT.INF - IMA.INF - SPACE.INF To your COKTEL\INCA2\SAVE> directory... You will then be able to choose to solve any of the 26 missions offered during the game... Here follow the two most challenging missions of each style: 1- Arcade: -ANNOBON -ASSAULT 2- Puzzle: -ASTEROID -PRAYERS The overall game play took me 3 1/2 hours to the last puzzle, and that one got me stuck for almost 10 hours... Otherwise, it should be a simple 4 hours of play. Controls: addenda ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> Well, Nexus came up first with the basic keys in the file: - NX-I2REF.ZIP So I won't fall into plagiarism, although anyone could figure them out for themselves... The weapons you need to use are included in the solve along with the way to select them. As a rule of thumb, except for the two battles against fleets only use F1:Guns, and in the rescue mission use F5:Grapnels. F2:Missiles are bothersome, you need to aim despite the auto-lock symbol, and they doesn't cause much damage ( forget about those ) F3:Torpedoes are effective when a ship (targeted or not) passes close to yours within your field of vision... One hit will destroy anything. F4:Are effective on regrouped formations at a distance. Like F3, keep Those for ANNOBON and ASSAULT. -> Another important info on the space battle screen: -The targeting cross: the number displayed next to it is your speed. The maximum is 234, and you should use SHIFT-+ to raise it. -> To play the game, use the mouse except in space battle. Use the mouse during the Locomotive battle also... The joystick should be exclusively used in space. -> There are several other controls, maps and charts, but only use those mentioned above, else you'll make things harder on yourself. Complete Solve and Storyline ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As the adventure begins, you are the young Atahualpa, son of El Dorado, Great Inca of the Empire. You walk through the capital, Cuzco, toward the Huarachico, where a challenge that will determine the nobility of your blood awaits... PART I - HUARACHICO The guard of the Huarachico, with his spear informs you that your father is waiting for you beyond both of the two gates facing you. You can select the gate of the force for a phisical test of your mantel, or the gate of wisdom for a mental test... You can select either and success will get you through... The fastest is the mental test though... 1-The Gate of the Strength... You find yourself aboard a spaceship (similar to your father's Tumi). Your goal is to destroy each of the Statues you encounter, in order of distance, without skipping any, at the risk of failing instantly... An average of 2-3 hits should take care of each statue... Use your initial weapon (F1:Gun), and try not to maneuver to harshly (do not alter your pitch unless you have to in order to center the target in the central visor..) Once you have a target in aim, fire 4-5 times to make sure you won't miss then immediately proceed to face the next target indicated by the yellow line: center the line so as to face it... The statues get closer to each other, and differ in pith position relative to you so stay attentive until the very end... Remember that a target is destriyed only when you see a bright blue flash coming from it... do not rely on the red explosions... If you succeed, you'll meet your father... Otherwise you can try again or move to the Gate of Wisdom. 2-The Gate of Wisdom... Pick up the stone on the floor, and the plume on the coiffe of the guard. Diverge the water flow to the first statue by setting the stone above it, then tickle the statue with the plume... That will open a gate. Then do the same with the stone then the plume on the second statue, and success! You then meet El Dorado, your father who praises your skill. He announces you that you are ready to attend at the council of Wisemen, to discuss the great imminent danger threatening the Empire. The assembly takes place in a large room, around a large table of massive gold... You are shown the last pictures from a space probe before its dissapearance: It scans the surface of a desolate rocky asteroid... The Inca believes that this asteroid is the center of the new problems recently encountered in the territories of the empire... He invites Kelt Cartier, a white-skinned foreigner in ancient aviator garb, and just returning from an intelligence gathering mission on the ancient lands, to continue... He repports that the forces of the ancient lands took armed control of the asteroid under the leadership of Lord Aguirre... The wicked Lord seeks to scramble all communications between the territories of the empire in order to enslave it in its totallity... You ask him what he believes the Inca should do about it, and dislike his reply, for he believes that Aguirre is too powerful for a direct confrontation... You burst and call him a coward... Only to be silenced and thrown out by your father, finding your behavior unnacceptable. Angry, you retire to a vantage point overlooking Cuzco and the Andes... Dona Angelina, lady from the south joins you and shares that she understands your ire... She distrusts Kelt and thinks that he manipulates the Inca. She calls upon you to save the empire... As you hesitate, she also points out that you have power and that you could acquire your father's Tumi, which is not heavily guarded... By the time she's done, you're filled with pride and anger, and decide to take action on your own PART ][ - STOLEN TUMI The Tumi lies on a ledge beyond a bridge linked toa guard post... There a single guard stands post... Take the coca leaves hanging from the rope, and then take the rope & post. Move to the right, where stand the Gate and fence. Place the post on top of the gate. Go back to left, pick up a rock from the pile on the floor, and hurl it at the guard... As you just throw it hurry and take cover behind the fence on the right -TIMING is everything, as soon as you throw, run right and click on the fence... if you fail, keep trying- As the guard comes down to the gate to investigate, pull the rope, and the post will knock him out. You now will take off with the Tumi... In space, you recieve a message stating that you have entered a zone controlled by Aguire, and that you are in violation of territorial agreements... They are sending Dagger ships to control you... You prepare for battle... PART ]I[ - FRONTIER You will now battle a couple of Dagger ships... Their basic strategy is to keep you trailing a ship far ahead of you, and send the other on your tail to take you out, unbothered... If you see that you are being attacked from the side or rear, you have to cancel your initial chase, press SPACE BAR to change opponent as you manoeuver steep to face the atacker... Repeat the process until you manage to kill them... Here and until you face the fleet ( later ) only use the F1:Gun, spare the rest, you'll need it... Meanwhile, back at the Palace in Cuzco, your mother blames your father for your behavior, as she thinks he gave you no choice but to react in this childish fashion... He his furious, for now he has no other alternatives than to follow you on a path more than uncertain... PART ]I[ - FRONTIER ][ From the frontier station, 3 more Dagger interceptors fly at you... You will kill them as previously suggested... In addition, the station lies before you... Use the same F1:Gun against it, it'll take a lot of hits, but eventually, you'll destroy it... You should worry about the interceptors first though... At the end of the battle, you are joined by El Dorado and Kelt, flying Kelt's Merchant Ship... They take control of the Tumi and force you on board. -"You idiot! Do you realize you have declared war on Aguirre!" your father bellows, explaining that it was the trap he had set for you to fall into... Kelt intercepts communications from a Conquistador ship, repport the attack on the border outpost and ordering all units to attack... The counter-attack takes place immediately, and your father boards the Tumi to attack, and Kelp takes the Ship's Fighter... You are left in the merchant's ships cabin with instructions to remain there and not touch anything! PART IV - CABIN Turn to face the back of the cabin... Go to the Control Screen, and press the button labelled 3. Type anything on the numeric keypad until you hear the alarm go off. Kelt shows up on the screen, and he remotely desarms the alarm... You now have access to the menus, but the gun turret is out of order because of a frozen joint. Go to the airlock, open it, and go to the ship's hold.Turn to the left, and inspect the Hose, beside it is a crowbar: pick it up... Move to the center of the hold, and open one of the case of vodka with the crowbar. Take a bottle and return to the hose... Open the hose -by clicking on it- and pur the vodka into it. Go back to the cabin, and swicth the throttle lever to the ON position...The ship heats up, and the joint de-freezes. Kelt briefly appears on the screen. Click on the screen and select between turret 1 or 2 for the position from which you will join the battle. PART V - TURRETS Initially, you dogfight 3 Daggers. Once you are done, the ennemy wave concentrates on you... An ace attacks you... Your father sends you messages in an attempt to help... But eventually, the merchant's ship is blown to atoms... *** YOU ARE NOW PLAYING THE ROLE OF EL-DORADO, INCA OF THE EMPIRE *** The ace and the remains of the wave have withdrawn, and despite your wish to avenge your son's death, you must fly after Kelt who lost control of his ship, and his drifting into deep space... PART VI - SOS KELT Just keep trailing the drifting ship, make sure to max your speed (234) using SHIFT-+... When you get in range, switch the weapon selection to the F5:Grapnels, and fire at Kelt's ship until out of ammo... You will then hoist it and Kelt will transfer aboard the Tumi. The drifting course has, however taken you too close to the gravitational pull of a nearby planet and you must prepare for an emmergency landing. PART VII - CRASH Kelt will give you directions to draw your landing itinerary on a topographic map of a planet's surface quadrant... Simply follow his directions to the letter: 1- Mark the water hole on the West ( blue , by clicking on it ) 2- Go up the valley ( green trail ) NE for 160 miles. 3- Cross the Pass by E-SE for 100 miles ( take the light brown crossing ) 4- Go south, but bypass the brown peacks for 150 miles. 5- You should be relatively ligned up with the water hole at 330 miles East, Click there and you're done... A rough landing follows... Kelt and you make it alive but the Tumi is damaged in the process... Kelt knows a friend, two days away from your current postion, in the desert... After two days of walking you reach a large marble building looking like an observatory... You meet lady Yuna, with her trim figure and nice green eyes... You tell her of the asteroid, and ask her if she can be of any help... SHe tells you that she has tools connected to sail-antennas to analyse celestial bodies that will indeed be of great help. PART VIII - ANTENNA Yuna gives you a remote control to direct an antenna's sail toward the asteroid. Just get the black orb to the intersection point of the 3 lines by using solely 2 directions ( A & C for instance ), by pressing + in a NON CONTINUOUS fashion : if you go to fast it'll take longer and you'll have to use - to come back down... Once you're done, she explains that the asteroid is in a rapid evolution phase, thus generating the energy Aguirre seeks. In order to destroy it, you need to lay down 3 great sources of energy on 3 planets... You are confident that the 3 powers bestowed upon you by Inti during your previous adventure (cf INCA I ) will be enough, but you need to know which 3 planets... It'll take 2 weeks to the computer to come up with the location of the planets. You decide to work on repairing the Tumi, but you need to find a way to get it here from the landing point... Yuna says that there is a locomotive nearby, and that you may use it to bring the Tumi here if you can get it to work. PART IX - LOCOMOTIVE Pick up the crowbar next to the fuel tower. Enter the wagon. Pick up the lubricator and the leather strap from the inlet. Open the Inlet and go back outside. Lubricate the pulley, and use the crowbar on it. The train gets fueled up... Go back inside the wagon. Press the Inniction button. Use the crowbar to remove the peg from the direction control, then pull up the lever, and success! PART X - IN LOCO Soon, the locomotive is under aerial attack. Click on the arrow flashing (that is the direction from which the ennemy wave is coming. I recommand using the mouse for this attack, since all you move is the targetting-cross, and the up/down direction are reveresed from what they where during spacial dogfights... The fight will last a little over 2 minutes, try hitting the ennemues as much as possible, that limitates the amount of damage they inflict to the locomotive. After you've repelled their initial attack, you decide to take cover in an old tunnel. PART XI - CAVE You discover a cave, that you suspect was once base to gold prospectors. You fan out in an attempt to explore it... Look at the chest on the the right. Take the mallet, the shaver, the mercury bottle, the ballasted thread and the key. Go back to the rope tied around the drawer to the left, and cut it with the shaver. Take the rope. Rub the rusted key on the sand next to the drawer ( after facing it ) The rust removed, use the key to open the drawer. Take the file. As you read it, you notice it is about something called the Boomerang, and find the numbers 1,8 & 3 scribbled on the bottom. Go to the safe on the wall, pour the mercury on the toothed wheels to remove the rust. Then enter the combination from left to right ( 1, 8 & 3 ). Inside the safe you find the blueprints of an archaic space vessel : the Boomerang. According to a legend, explains Kelt, it was both easy to build and deadly in battle. He decides that while you fix your ship, he'll attempt to build one... Two weeks later, back in Yuna's hideout, she gives you a memory crystal containing the coordinates to the 3 planets... She instructs you that you'll have to improvise at finding the exact spots on which to lay the 3 powers... Once laid, they will form a triangle, and the asteroid, laying in the center of the triangle, will explode. Kelt repports that the Tumi and Boomerang are operational. You send him back to Cuzco with a letter appointing him commander of the Empire's army before the counsil, and instruct him to build many Boomerangs & train pilots. You are set to meet again in the vicinity of the third planet. PART XII - LEAVE YUNA You are in the ship facing a blank screen. Turn the switch on. Put the crystal Yuna gave you in the memory lapse. You get a visual on the locations of the first 2 planets... Select between A and B ( take A first )... PART XIII - DE ALMAGRO Back in space, you are attacked by a wave including Diego de Almagro, the killer of your son who brags about his sordid accomplishment. You will be able to destroy 2 of the 3 ships. Then, De Almagro will break away and flee. You can select to fight or to continue toward the first planet. Fight YES or NO? Select NO: you must have priority: the safety of the Empire over revenge... PART XIV - IBIS You land on the planet and find yourself on a tropical shore. Look at the stems in the vegetation. They have been recently cut... Pick up the palm leaves on the floor, and uncover the footprints. They lead to the Mangrove. Follow them. Take an oyster, lay it on the flat rock and open it with your mallet. Take the magic pearl from the open oyster. Take another oyster. An ape will jump down from a nearby coconut tree, and threaten you. Throw the oyster at it. It will run away, frightening the Ibis away from its nest in the process. Inspect the nest. Merge the magic pearl and the jade egg... The Demon of the Mangrove materializes and tells you to take the egg and pearl, but to have them with you when you return, otherwise he'll have your immortal soul. PART XV - CROCODILE Still following the footprints, you meet a man beside a crocodile. He greets you and says that he read of your coming in Magic Smokes, that he can help you with the Power but that you must first bring back the breath of life to the crocodile. It was killed by the Mangrove Demon... Look at the crocodile. Insert the magic pearl and the jade egg in the orbits of the animal. It comes back to life, and the witch doctor takes you to the point of force in a transe. PART XVI - CRATER Circle around the crater until you face the scepters imbedded in the cliff. Take the scepters and the stone door will open. Go inside the opening. Cut the calabash in two with the shaver. Pick up bothe sides and go back to the steele location. Put a scepter in the stands on either sides of the steele and put a calabash half on the stand behind it. Then move to the keystone above an opening in the cliff, put the other half of the calabash in the keystone. The Power of Inti ( the sun ) shines and reflects on the items you set, thus breaking the glass egg around the steele. You lay the first power on it. You then return safely to the Tumi, as the crocodile took care of the Demon of the Mangrove. PART XVII - KELT CALLS Back in space, you are attacked by 2 Daggers... After destroying them, you recieve news from Kelt. He informs you that the production of Boomerang is doing great, but that Aguirre has sent a large fleet on the offensive. For Kelt's new forces to meet the approaching fleet would result in a major loss of production rate and amount: Should I help kelt since I'll need him later YES or NO. I suggest you select YES. PART XVIII - ANNOBON You suddenly face a huge fleet: dozens of Fighters preceeding five heavy bombers... The computer informs you that you have a 5% success chance... As soon as you get in the battle screen, switch weapons to F4:Bomb, and fire away from your position at the clusters of ships forming before you. Keep 3 things in mind: 1- To fire the F4:bombs you must face the targeted direction until the F4:bomb is away. 2- Wait for them to cluster up and fire all over the place... but keep in mind the fact that firing the F4:bombs has a little delay, and that if the ships break formation and attack, you'll kill less of them. 3- A way to assess your effectiveness with the F4:bombs is that if you kill a decent amount of them, you will see Kelt in the communication screen. The communication only takes place after a certain amount of ennemy ships were destroyed. If you fail to get it after firing the bombs only, your chances of survival are greatly jeopardized. After the F4:Bomb, try to fire the F3:Torpedoes at ships getting close to you ( they are relatively innefective on long distances )... One hit will automatically kill the target. Then fire away the rest of your arsenal until they are all dead. PART XIX - FORT You then land on the second planet, in the valley of the 3 dreams... You rescue a man trapped under beams in the ruined city... Thankfull, he tells you that the Venerable One is prisoner in a soldier's fort, and is waiting for you. Climb the cliff to the fort. Throw the ballasted thread onto the roots above. Tie the rope to the ballasted thread below. Pull the thread to hoist the rope. Put the peg in the big rock, and secure it there with the mallet. Attach the end of the rope to the peg. Remove the small rocks under the big one. Push the rock away, and up you go. You find the Venerable One in the fort. PART XX - PRAYERS He will help you, but first, you must gain the favor of the gods through prayer. He instructs you to find the best prayer... From the Left, click on prayer scrools number 2,4 and 7 ( the only ones that turn counter-clockwise )... You are then given a conch. PART XXI - CHORTEN The Venerable One takes you to the Chorten. Look into the opening, and take the chain. Tie up the chain to the point of the chorten... Lightning strikes down and melts the point, the metal collects into the tray... Remove the tray with the crowbar, and take it. PART XXII - AVALANCHE The Venerable one then takes you to a glacier, and tells you that the ice hides many things. Take the wooden logs from the floor, and make a tripod on the snow. Tie up the leather strap on the beam, and attach the tray to the leather strap. Hit the gong with the mallet, and give the conch to the Great Llama. As he blows into it, an avalanche clears away the entrance of a temple. PART XXIII - TEMPLE You enter the temple. Take the goatskin. Hit the stalactites with the mallet. Pick up the broken stalactites and lay them in the sunbeam. Use the goatskin to collect the resulting trickle of water. Put the full goatskin on the pedestal bowl. As a result, the glass egg shatters, and you can lay the second power onto the steele. PART XXIV - MEETING Back into space, you decide to head toward the third planet. You suddenly find yourself surrounded by Aguirre's full fleet. A first wave of 3 ships sweeps to destroy you. Once you have defeated them, you realize that you have no way of escape and are doomed, as the fleet slowly tightens the trap. You are then saved by the arrival of Kelt and his fleet of Boomerang. The ennemy faction retreats to form a formidable protection screen in front of the asteroid. Your fleet moves into position in front of them and stands by for your orders. Kelt informs you that you cannot go to the third planet yet, because of the double cross of a traitor. Dona Angelina left with no explanation aboard a Boomerang, kidnapping your wife Accla in the process. Accla is being held hostage on the asteroid. PART XXV - ASSAULT Soon you decide that Kelt and the Boomerangs are to distract the ennemy while you attempt to breack through the defenses and land on the asteroid. Thanks to your decision of taking upon the fleet on your own earlier, the force that you have to face this time is not as big as it could have been. Follow the same strategy as earlier... Fire the F4:Bomb you have left at the regrouped formation, kill the close ships with F3:Torpedoes, and finish off the rest with the other weapons. Eventually, you make it and land on the surface. PART XXVI - ASTEROID Look at the body of the guard you just killed. Cut his necklace with the shaver, and take the 3 pearls. Use the crowbar on the Hatch. Once it is is open, set the right shapes of pearls in the hollows, and hammer them in place with the mallet. The panel opens, revealing the key and the buttons. Here you must press each of the first 5 consecutive buttons ( from the left ) so as to return the key to an all dark color. Press and depress buttons 1 through 5 until they are all pressed and the key is dark... DO NOT TOUCH BUTTON 6 ON THE RIGHT. Once you're done, go to the right of the hatch to the opening. Locate the ledge under the hollows, and set the crowbar on it. Go back to the Hatch, press the last button, and the hatch closes, and the pearls fall off... Go back to the opening, and remove the crowbar. Insert the pearls in the hollows. The door to the asteroid's tunnels opens and you easily find your wife. She tells you that your plans were unmasked by Aguirre, that he had relocated his whole army on the third planet. She then explains that there is another way to get rid of the asteroid. It is to lay to power in it's heart. You tell he to take the Tumiand leave. You then complete your quest and lay the third power. >>> FINALE <<< "Thus Wiracocha, the legendary Incan God did come back. He combined what he was looking for: the Good and the Evil. A superior being who will travel the universe seeking new heights and dimensions of counsciousness is born..." Conclusion ^^^^^^^^^^ Vive la France! once again... I am totally biased in my review of this game and I make no apology for it. Just check it out, and I am sure that you will like it too, unless you are equally biased against it... It would be the best game released in a long time, but the musical score dissapointed me... Sierra won't be making an audio CD with the music of this one I think, or if they do, I won't get it... Also, the challenge thing... being easy, the game was fast paced and riveting but still I wish it could have been longer or slight harder... Then again I'm quite demanding. Greets: GENERAL: Well, enough groups certainly duped eachother on this release. The scene is deteriorating when we see so many major groups try to release the same game. NEXUS: Need crackers? TDT: Personally I used your copy of the game. RAZORDOX: Favorite? Who's favorite? Hello to the whole PTG clan... Until next time, Fanfan la Tulipe Sysop of the Kraal PTG