H A R V E S T E R Walkthrough by Crash This is the bloodiest and the most disgusting horror adventure game I've ever played. The gore is really sick, an axe in the head, head blasting, and more. But the story is quite good. Although the interface and the sequence is a little out of date. But hey, what the heck. So here it is : THE MAP OF HARVEST | Home Pottsman Abandoned Johnson residence house residence | Barbershop Post | office | Mortuary ------- Missile ------------- THE --------- Cemetery ---------------- base LODGE Wayward hotel | | Meat School | Edna's Police Fire supplier | diner station station | TV | Newspaper station | building | DAY 1 Main goals : Submit the lodge's application Open the drawer in your room. Get money and pen. Go out. Talk to Hank, your little brother. Yikes, he likes blood and gore. Go to the kitchen and talk to your dear mother who locked your dear dad up in his room. And watch your little brother, the baby in the craddle, swallows a wasp. Yuck. What a family !!!! Pick up the newspaper in the living room, then go out. Give the paper to Jimmy, such a strange boy. Now it's time to look around this strange city and gain info. - Post office : Talk to Boyle. Learn about Lodge application - Barbershop : Talk to the visitors. Learn about some aliens at military base - General Store : Talk to the owner. Learn about deputy Loomis that adore some dirty pictures. Notice the copier machine. Operate the shelves and buy the dirty magazine ( pay the woman with your nickles ). - Pottsdam residence : Talk to Mr. and Mrs Pottsdam. Learn about the wedding and the Lodge. Go upstair. Enter the first room on the right. Move the picture on the wall. Hmm.. nice act. Open the medicine cabinet. Get aspirin, cough medicine, vitamins, tampons, and a jar of Oralube. Try the sink and the closet if you wants. Go to the next room. Talk to Stephanie. Learn more about the Lodge and his dirty oldman. - Abandonned house : Talk to wasps woman. Learn about the wasps. - Mortuary : Talk to the owner. Learn that all the visitor in Harvest has been found dead. What a NICE town !!! Get the mortuary ledger. - Cemetary : Just look around now and notice the Pottsdam family crypt - Fire station : Talk to the fireman. Learn about their habit on drawing nude man ( that sick man !! ) and about the newspaper fire. - Newspaper building : Get the shovel and use it on the ashes. Get the burnt flyer and the button. - Police station : Talk to Deputy Dwayne. Learn about the fire. Talk to Deputy Loomis. Find out about Dwayne habit. - Edna's diner : Talk to Edna and Karin, her daughter. Talk to Dwayne. Open the drawer on the left. Get the screwdriver. - Police station : Give Loomis the dirty magazines. Check out the desk drawer. Get the checkbook, key, and the note. Read them. Hmm.. blackmail. Use the key to unlock the evidence room. Get the sneaker, gas can, and the camera. And watch how Loomis get spank on his head. - TV station : Talk to the ranger and ask about TV violence. Enter Knight's room. Talk to him. Notice his secret safe behind the picture. - School : Talk to Principal. Enter the class. Talk to the teacher. See how she beats up her students. That's cruel and whacko !!! - Meat plant : Talk to the butcher. Received the meat slip that has to be signed up by your father if you want the meat. - Missile base : Talk to the guard. Be careful about your answer. Don't make him angry or your head will be blown out. Learn about the Lodge and Harvest - Lodge : Talk to the guard. Learn about the application. - General store : Use the checkbook and note on the copier. - Post office : Shows the button and the copies to Boyle. Received the Lodge application. Use your pen to fill in the application. - Edna's diner : Shows the copies to Boyle. In return, he'll give you the free jail ticket ( hey, it's some kind of monopoly of what !!! ). - The Lodge : Give the application to the guard. After this, you'll take a rest in your house. That's the end of Day 1. Brrrr.. this town's peoples are very weird. DAY 2 MORNING Goals : Receive first assignment Get the newspaper. Go out. Give the paper to Jimmy. Talk to him. Give him the sneakers. In return he'll give you the school's broom closet and some tips about the principal's affair. Go to school. Use the key to unlock the broom closet. Use the camera on the storage cabinet to blackmail the principal. Accept the offering and received the bat. Go to post office. Use the jar of Oralube on the manhole key. End of the morning. DAY 2 NIGHT Goals : Make a scratch on Johnson's car Go to the cemetary. Watch Pottsman digging something. Hmm... strange. Talk to him and notice his nervousness. Get the matches lying on the ground. Go to the Johnson's resident. Use the manhole key to open the manhole cover. Then enter. Use shovel on the corroded wall on the right side. Enter the hole. Go right until you arrive in Johnson's garage. Get the dolly and the fork. Operate the working bench. Get the Phillips screwdriver. Use it on car. Go back out. Report this to the lodge. End of night. DAY 3 MORNING Goals : Save Karin and find tools for breaking in the fire station Go to Johnson. Hear news about Karin being kidnapped. Go to Edna's. Ask her about it. Then go to police station. Ask Dwayne about it. Go ask Pottsdam about it. He gives you an alibi. I know this dirty old man is tricky. Tell Stephanie about the scratching ( actually it's not important wether you tell Stephanie or lie about your activities in stealing things ). Go to the cemetary. Go right twice. Operate the picnic bench. Use shovel to dig the grave under it. Hey, that's Karin. Talk to her. She'll explain about Mr. Pottsman. Bring her to her mom. Receive the reward money. Ask Pottsman about it. He'll keep denying it. Go to the school. Break the fire alarm. It should attract the fireman's attraction. Go to the fire station. Get the fireaxe and the ladder from the garage. Go back to your house. Use the dolly with the shelves. Hey, it's an alarm button. Turn off the alarm. Go out. Use the phillips screwdriver with the security bar at the window. Enter the room. Talk to your father. He'll sign up the meat slip. Go to meat plant. Give the meat slip to Pat, the butcher. He'll give you a meat. Go out. It should end the morning. DAY 3 NIGHT Goals : Get the clothes from the fire station Go to the fire station. Enter. Give the meat to dog. Open the blanket on the table. Hey, that's the man model. What he's doing here in the middle of the night ? He's another nutcase in Harvest. Talk to him. Answer yes, and he'll give you a clue about the clothes hiding place. Turn on the lamp switch. Use ladder with the left light glass to get the clothes. Go out. It should end the day. DAY 4 MORNING Goals : Find the tools for breaking the barbershop Get the newspaper. Give it to Jimmy outside. This become an annoying habit. Go to the store. Pay Mr. Phelps some money. Pick up the wrench and the ducktape from the shelves. Visit Pottsdam residence. Talk to Mr. Pottsdam. Go up to Stephanie. Talk to her. And if you answer yes to her offering of making love, you'll get a nice love scene with a pervert peeping from the bathroom ( that's his oldman, that dirty oldman !!! ). Talk to her again about the stealing or just lie to her. Report the stealing to the lodge. This end up day 4 morning. DAY 4 NIGHT Goals : Steal the Pastorelli's barberlamp Use the ducktape on the door. Break the door using the fireaxe. Enter the barber. Turn off the lights with the right switch on the wall. Use the screwdriver from Edna's to open the barberlamp. Gotcha !!! Go out. End of day 4. DAY 5 MORNING Goals : Find tools to set fire at Edna's Diner Take to your mother about the bake sale. Get the newspaper and give it to Jimmy. Report the stealing to the Lodge. Heard that Pastorelli is dead. Receive the next assignment. Go to barbershop. Talk to Swell. Poor Pastorelli's, electrecuted to dead. Talk about it with Stephanie at Pottsdam residence ( or just prever lie to her, it's your choice !! ). Talk around to the other people in town about the late incident. Go to mortuary. Enter the chapel. Look at the casket. Open it. Take a picture of it with your camera. Enter the morgue. Talk to Moynahan about the corpse. Try to pick up the glue. Agree with his offering. Receive the glue. That should wrap up day 5 morning. DAY 5 NIGHT Goals : Burn down Edna's Diner Go to the school. Enter the hall. Talk to PTA mom, then go out. Someone will shout about the fire at TV station. Go there. Look Boyle walk in a hurry. Go to Edna's diner. Use ducktape on glassdoor. Use axe to break it. Enter. Get the cake cover. Use glue with the cover. Use the cover with the smoke alarm on the ceiling. Then turn on the stove. Use matches to lit it up. Run like hell to outside or you'll be burnt. That's the end of day 5. DAY 6 Goals : Get into the Lodge Get the paper and give it to the boy outside the house. Yup, another delivery service. Visit the TV station. Talk to Range Ryder. Hey he looks like Fred Krueger, Nightmare in Harvester ?? Go to Edna's diner. Enter. Watch the sad scene about Edna's suicide and she killed her own daughter. What a tragic family !!! Go to Pottsdam residence. If you want, just make love with Stephanie. Talk about the fire at Edna's. This time lie to her to make her happy. Go back to your house. Talk to your mother about the fire. Then, watch the sickest and most disgusting scene in the game. Your mother poke the eye of the baby, YUCK !!!! How can she does that kind of thing ??? Anyway, she'll inform you to go to see Stephanie. Something is happening to her. Go there. Climb up. Talk to Mr. Pottsdam. Watch Stephanie becoming a skeleton. And that sherrif keeps eating the pie ??? This town's peoples is really sick !!! Get the Lodge invitation on the bed. Go to the Lodge. Show the invitation. Unfortunately it isn't enough yet. You must steal the skeleton and show it to him. Talk around the town for more info about Stephanie. Then go to cemetary. Use ladder on the crypt. Break the glass with axe. Climb down. Kill the wolf. Open the casket. Get the spine inside. Give ot to th Brother in Arms at the Lodge. Now, enter the Lodge. Prepare to die mister !!!! LODGE LEVEL 1 Goals : Find a way to level 2 ( there are 2 ways you can use ) Talk to Valvet. Then go out through the trapdoor. Yooooooo, you slides down to the slimy tunnel. Kill all the creatures insight. Then slide into the room with many eyeballs on the wall. Pops off the biggest one with your Lodge blade. Then, there's a way to the level one. Hmm... secret door. Enter the main room. First of all, you must find a way to clean your jeans from the acid, or you'll die soon. First, go up to the door. Open it. Kill the wolf. Go right to the bar. Operate the liquor shelves. Drink the strong beer on the top shelves. Now, quickly kill your image. Get the bar key. Use it to unlock the cash register on the bar. Get the 200 dollars bill and the 5 dollars bill. Go to the left door back to dining room. Go left to the kitchen. Get sandwich, the torso and the leg that scattered around. Talk to the cheff. Kill him to get his cleaver if you want. But it's not a good weapon. Head back down to the main room. Go left to the laundry room. Pay the servant with 5 dollars bill to clean your clothes from Acid ( If you fight carefully before, you shouldn't have an acid on your clothes ). Kill him to get his shotgun. Woww this game is full of blood !!! Get the clothes that hangin' on the rack. Put it on the peg, second from the left. It should trigger the secret compartment. Enter. Get the schyte and the bullets. That's a good weapon. Go out. Operate the light switch. It should unlock the door on the left. Enter it. Kill the creature ( use your schyte for easy killing ). Get the baseball bat and the billiard stick. Eat the candy to gain your health back. Enter the left door. Throw the torso to the bubble on the pond. Quickly cross the bridge to the locker room. Get the weed's killer on the locker. Go back to the bridge. This time throw the legs to the bubbles. Go back to main room. Head back into the bar. Now take the right door. Use the weed's killer on the plant. That should kill that disgusting thing. Open the fountain gate. Operate the fountain. Pick up the fountain key. Can you see it ??? It's near your right shoulder ( the small thing ). Then use it in the hole on the right column. It should open the door. Enter. Kill the gigantic creature. Then climb the rope. P.S : You can go to the level 2 through the fireplace behind the right door at the main room. Just distinguish the fire with water. Then climb up. LODGE LEVEL 2 Goals : Gain access to level 3 Talk to the art collector. Kill all the living statue ( use your schyte ). One of them should drop a key. Use it to unlock the door nearby. Enter. First go to the left door into the library. Talk to the librarian. She'll help you if you give her the book from Mc Cain. Go to the right. Follow the right track until you find a door at the edge. Open it. Kill Mc Cain, the big guy. Retrieved the book. Give it to the librarian. She'll give you a clue about the chessmaster's key. Now go right, then up. Open the left door. Operate the right column for a weapon. Get the snail ( search the vines carefully to get the snail ). Go out, then open the north door. Talk to the level 2 Director. He'll give you a clue about kewpie doll. Is this some kind of festival or what ??? What the heck, just find the "kewpie doll". Follow the path to the right. Find a door between two ashtrays. Operate the ashtray to get some bullets. Open the door. Talk to the chessmaster. Beat him in the game of chess. Follow this order : 1 2 3 . Xd6 move to b7 4 Xb8 move to a8 5 . Xb7 move to c5 6 . . x That's should do it. And the axe split the 7 chessmaster's head. Ugggh gross !!! 8 x Get the chessmaster key. A B C D E F G H Go out. To the left. Left again. Open the door. Go down. Use your shotgun to kill the janitor. Retrieved his nailgun. Go right. Unlock the door using the chessmaster's key. Enter. Kill the clown and retrieved the kewpie doll and the kewpie key. Hmm.. cute. Go back to the director room. Show him the kewpie doll. He'll tell you to find your girl at the Chapel of Love in level 3. Go out. Now follow the path until you find double doors. Use kewpie key to unlock it. Enter. Get the 2 flags. Enter the gap at the curtain. Collect 3 wooden plank in that big room. Get the sandwich too. Eat it if you're injured very bad. Open the door. Kill the skeleton. Get the lighter near the sofa. Go out. Operate the mask on the wall. Move the happy mask 4 times to the right, and the sad masks 7 times to the right ( I guess 7 is his lucky number isn't it ). This will open the secret door. Enter. Now it's a scene with limited time. You must hurry or you'll be fried. OK, let's see .... a broken pipe has released the steam out. Collect the 3 pipes that scattered around. Then get the wrench. Turn the valve near the broken pipe. Release the broken pipe using the wrench. Combine the 3 pipes in your inventory to make an S-pipe. Use it with the shortcut pipe to release the steam up. That should open the boiler and voila there's a key inside. Use it to unlock the door to the left. Enter. Use the planks with the lava then quickly cross the handmade bridge. Use the two flag with the cement pedestal. It should trigger the escape door when the ceiling reach the flag. Then climb the rope to level 3. LEVEL 3 Goals : Find and release Stephanie. Destroy the brotherhood. It's killing time. You should pass this level if you kill everyone. First, see that fatso eating the burger. Operate the burger and he'll get mad. Kill him. Then kill the guard too with your nailgun. Enter the door. Welcome to the temple of motherly love. Look at the children. They're eating their mom. Uuugh, sick scene. Kill them all. Next things to do are just kill all the people you meet. Then you'll see the leader. It was the principal. Then you'll be given 2 different endings, but both are ...... sick !!! - If you marry Stephanie, the you'll live happily ever after ....... in Harvest. But dead in the real world. - If you kill Stephanie, then you become a ...... serial killer. So, just choose as you wish. And the ending scene, both are bloody. Sleep well, guys !!!! Ha ... ha... ha... ha... ha..