Walkthrough For Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father This is a step by step answer to solving Gabriel Knight game. If you want to figure out the puzzles for yourself, but are stuck on what needs to be accomplished DO NOT READ THIS. Instead read the Hints list first, and only refer to this when completely stumped. Day 1 1. Bookstore -- Read paper, take tweezers and magnifying glass off of table, read books on shelves (there are 3: a German-English dictionary, a book of German poetry, and a book on snakes). 2. Dixieland Drugstore -- look at ad on counter, question owner about voodoo murders. 3. Bookstore -- Ask Grace for messages. 4. Grandma's House -- question Gran about Knight family. 5. Grandma's Attic -- take Father's sketchbook, open sketchbook and look instead. Look at the clock on the trunk. To open clock you turn the hands on the face to 3 o'clock and the dragon to the 12 (Three dragons from the poem at mid-day). Use the key, take the picture and letter from the drawer. Read the letter and look at the picture. 6. Grandma's House -- question Gran about Heinz Ritter. 7. St. Louis Cemetery -- copy marks on tomb into sketchbook. Ask caretaker about cemetery and St. John's Eve. Explore the cemetery. 8. Bookstore -- ask Grace for messages. 9. Police Station -- ask desk sergeant for photos, then ask for Mosley, then ask about the crime scene 10. Jackson Square -- find the mime in upper left corner of park. Walk close to him and he will follow you, but avoid others or he will follow them. Take mime to motorcycle cop. When cop chase mime, use his radio to find the crime scene. 11. Crime Scene -- copy pattern in sand to the sketchbook. Use magnifying glass on grass around tree, then use tweezers to pick up snake scale. 12. Bookstore -- ask Grace to do research on Malia Gedde. Day 2 1. Bookstore -- read paper. 2. Voodoo Museum -- ask Dr. John about voodoo, historical voodoo, current voodoo, Marie Laveau. 3. Moonbeam Residence -- ask about snakes, St. John's Eve, animal masks. To get the snake skin from the cage, ask about Grimwald, then ask for a demonstration on how to handle Grimwald. While she is dancing take the snake skin. Compare skin and scale you found at crime scene. 4. Police Station -- ask desk sergeant about Mosley. Before going in the office turn the thermostat (repair man was working on when you entered) above the copier up as high as it will go. 5. Mosley's Office -- ask about patterns, and patterns from other crime scenes. Ask for cup of coffee. When Mosley is out of the office take his badge from his coat. 6. Police Station -- ask Officer Franks for the Voodoo Murders file. Look at file, then place it in basket on the desk. 7. Mosley's Office -- ask Mosley about photographs, check your hair. 8. Police Station -- take file from basket and copy it. Put file back in basket. 9. St Louis Cemetery -- ask about Marie Laveau and other marked tombs 10. Gedde Estate -- use Mosley's badge to gain entry. Ask Malia about herself, the lake, then flirt with her. 11. Dixieland Drugstore -- ask about animal masks. Ask about Madame Cazaunoux. 12. Bookstore -- ask Grace to do research on Madame Cazaunoux. Open cash register and take gift certificate. 13. Jackson Square -- Talk to artist in upper right corner. Watch him. When he loses his painting, go see hotdog vendor in lower left corner. Give hotdog vendor the gift certificate, give the hotdog to the dancing boy, and get the boy to get the painting from between the bars at the statue. Give the painting to the artist, then give him the pattern from the crime scene and the copied patterns from the file. Day 3 1. Bookstore -- read paper and get messages, then other messages from Grace. Ask for Wolfgang Ritter's number. Call Wolfgang. Call to find Madame Cazaunoux (555-1280). Call Animal Hospital (555-6170), ask for Madame C. Then say you are worried that Castro missed his dance lessons. Take hair gel from medicine cabinet. 2. Police Station -- go to Mosley's office and listen to interrogation. 3. Jackson Square -- talk to artist in upper right corner. Go to upper left corner and watch the gypsy. When see begins to dance, go to her and dance with her. Pick up her scarf. Look at it with magnifying glass. Use tweezers to take scale. Give the scarf back to the gypsy. Compare the scale to the one from the crime scene. 4. Tulane University -- listen to lecture. Go see the professor in his office behind the stage. Ask about cabrit sans cor, veves, Damballah, and Ogoun Badagris. Give professor the pattern from the artist. 5. Cathedral -- go to the room to the right of the altar. Take a collar and jacket from the closet. 6. Cazaunoux Residence -- put on jacket and collar. Use hair gel on hair. Knock on door. Ask Madame C. about cabrit sans cor, human sacrifice, voodoo queens, and voodoo hounfours. Use clay from crime scene to make impression of snake bracelet. 7. Bookstore -- ask Grace to research veve pattern. Sell Bruno your Father's painting. When Grace interrupts, tell her to mind her own business. 8. Dixieland Drugstore -- buy crocodile mask and get gamblin oil. 9. Napoleon House -- ask bartender about patrons, voodoo, Sam & voodoo. Give Sam gamblin oil. Give Sam the clay mold. 10. Grandma's House -- ask Gran about Wolfgang Ritter. 11. St. Louis Cemetery -- visit the Gedde tomb. Day 4 1. Bookstore -- Read paper, read newspaper clipping Grace gave you. 2. Jackson Square -- visit gypsy listen to her warning. 3. Overlook -- observe Crash talking to drummer. 4. Moonbeam Residence -- give symbols to Magentia to translate. 5. Cathedral -- question Crash. Show him the snake bracelet when he doesn't cooperate. Ask him about drummer and voodoo hounfour. After Crash dies, look at him, open his shirt, and copy tattoo. Day 5 1. Bookstore -- read paper, read Wolfgang's journal, and ask Grace to research Rada drums. 2. Tulane University -- look at Professor, take notes from desk, read notes. 3. Voodoo Museum -- when grabs you, turn on the fan to escape its coils. The switch is located on the wall just left of the entrance to the museum. 4. Bookstore -- use the tweezers to pick up scale in ashtray. Look at scale under magnifying glass, then look at scale from the lake the same way. 5. Police Station -- ask Mosley about case. Ask him to reopen the case. Tell Mosley about Professor Hartridge and Crash. Show him the two scales from the museum and the crime scene, show him the newspaper clipping, and the marks from the tomb. Day 6 1. Bookstore -- Read paper. Take envelope and read note. 2. Jackson Square -- listen to Rada drummer. Translate message, "Call conclave tonight swamp". Convince the beignet vendor to go back to his old route. Save game at this point in case you mess up. 3. Police Station -- Have Mosley's office key ready. When sergeant leaves, quick go to Mosley's office and use key on door. 4. Mosley's Office -- take tracker and transponders from lower left desk drawer. 5. Cemetery -- Leave message on tomb using brick,"DJ Conclave tonight bring Sekey Madoule". 6. Voodoo Museum -- place a transponder in the Sekey Madoule, the little coffin by the door. 7. Bookstore -- get Grace to copy Crash's tattoo onto your chest. Tell her its for a costume party. 8. Swamp -- Using the tracker, find the conclave meeting. Before entering meeting, put on crocodile mask. Answer Dr. John's questions: 1) Damballah and 2) Ogoun Badagris. Day 7 1. Bookstore -- call Wolfgang. Take flashlight from stand by bed. Read paper. 2. Gedde Tomb -- open the center coffin. After you wake up, open the coffin again and take Mosley's wallet. 3. Bookstore -- go to bedroom. Open Mosley's wallet. Call Travel Agency (585-1130) and book flight to Germany using Mosley credit card. 4. Get on plane at the airport. 5. Castle -- explore the castle. 6. Bedroom -- read inscription above door by the bed. 7. Chapel -- look at the wall hangings, altar, and stained glass window. 8. Entrance Hall -- ask Gerde about inscription, Wolfgang's library, the wall hangings, and the initiation ceremony. 9. Perform ceremony. 10. Bedroom -- take bedpan. Open case on wall and take scroll. Open window and use snow to wash hands. Take scissors and use to cut hair. 11. Entrance Hall -- take knife from wall by stairs. Take salt shaker by Gerde. 12. Chapel -- place bedpan on altar, add salt to pan, cut arm and add blood to pan, kneel and pray at altar (use altar), read scroll. Day 8 1. Bedroom -- take key from settee at foot of bed. Use key to open door with inscription above it. 2. Library -- look at bottom of center bookshelf on back wall (your view). Take book. Look at top of right bookshelf on back wall and take book. Look at top bookshelf opposite door and take book. Look at top of left bookcase on back wall and take book. Look at bottom of right bookcase on back wall and take book. This book you will keep and not put back. 3. Entrance Hall -- ask Gerde about key. Show Gerde book from library. Tell her to use Mosley's credit card to book flight. Day 9 1. Enter Mound. The room you are in is room 6. The room are numbered clockwise. Look at the plates with holes in them. Go around the mound picking up all the plates you find. When you find a blue snake rod take it as well. You may want to set the speed of the game as high as it will go at this point (it seems to help). 2. Now place the plates in the walls in order starting with room 4. The plates go 4, 5, 6, etc. in a clockwise rotation. The last plate you will put in the room 3. 3. Room 3 -- SAVE YOUR GAME. Use the rod on the plate in room 3. The zombies will now awake. Run to room 4 (up clockwise) avoid the zombie. 4. Room 4 -- continue running up and avoiding zombies. If you do not pause you can be past this zombie without doing anything. 5. Room 5 -- To avoid this zombie: 1) Let it start to come at you, 2) after it has taken about 2 steps, dart to upper left or right in a diagonal, 3) then run behind zombie for the door again in a diagonal. It may take a few tries to get this just right it does work. 6. Room 6 -- There are 3 zombies blocking all entrances. To get to room 7 use the vines. The vine you want to use is above and to the right of the entrance to room 7. It is light brown in color and runs from the top of the screen almost to the bottom. 7. Room 7 -- Wolfgang appears and holds off the zombies, while you take the rod and use it on the doorplate. 8. Tunnel -- follow tunnel. 9. Altar Room -- look at table. Look at lid. Take rods on wall one by one and place them through the holes in the lid. Use the rods. 10. Tunnel -- take knife and use it on the corpse. Day 10 1. Bookstore -- read paper. Take envelope off of desk and read note inside. Question Mosley and make plan. 2. Cathedral -- go to confessional on right. Look at knot hole in paneling. Use snake rod on hole. Leave transponder and snake rod under bench. 3. Hounfour Entry -- use pad by door to open door. Explore hounfour. 4. Enter all rooms that you can (NOTE: Do not stay in Dr. John's room very long). 5. Offices -- search for evidence to implicate the hounfour (Black notebook in desk basket. Read this book when you find it.) 6. Malia's Room -- listen and watch. 7. Storeroom -- take two robes and two masks. 8. Dr. John's Room -- here is the key to opening the locked rooms. To get the key follow these steps: 1) Go to center of hounfour, 2) Use the Rada drum book and the notebook from the office to send a message, "Summon Brother Eagle today hounfour", 3) Quickly run down a tunnel not near Dr. John's room, 4) quickly go to his room and take key on wall, 5) get out fast and run down hall away from room, 6) do NOT go back to his room. 9. Go to locked rooms and explore. Grace's room is the one with the two black hanging baskets. Save this room till last. 10. Vault -- take all the money that you can carry. 11. Grace's Room -- look at Grace. Use talisman on Grace. Give Mosley mask and robe. Put on your mask and robe. Don't chit chat because Dr. John will come for Grace and kill you. 12. Hounfour -- watch ceremony. When Malia/Tetelo goes to sacrifice Grace, use the talisman on her. Throw talisman to Mosley. When Malia/Tetelo tries to kill you, take the idol and smash it. You now have two choices you can 1) use the knife and kill Malia, or 2) take her hand and try to save her. GAME OVER