DUNE WALKTHROUGH - First Draft:- This walkthrough is based on the tips given by James Follett in the alt.fan.dune newsgroup AGES ago! Many thanks James! SPOILER ALERT! You play the part of Paul Atreides, the central character of Frank Herbert?s novel. The game starts with your arrival at the Atreides Palace. Events at the palace itself are in italics Main Game Characters:- Paul Atreides (the player, yourself) Leto Atreides (your father) Doesn?t really do too much. Jessica Atreides (your mother) - Helps you with your ESP, water of life (later on!) Gurney Halleck Atreides Master at Arms, trains your Fremen troops more effectively Duncan Idaho - Primarily concerned with spice flow etc. Emperor Shaddam IV Emperor of the known universe.. Send him spice shipments and he?s happy! Baron Harkonnen Arch-enemy of the Atreides family. Actually your (Paul?s) maternal grandfather. Can?t seem to accept your claim to the planet Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen the na-Baron (heir to the Barony) and the Baron?s nephew. A nasty peice of work. Thufir Hawat Family mentat. (Human computer) Plans the attacks with you and Stilgar on the Harkonnen forts Harah Fremen woman who helps find Stilgar and smuggler villages. Goes back to her sietch after finding the first village. For a bit of fun, go back to her sietch (Tuono Timin) with Chani and listen to her reaction! Stilgar Fremen leader. With Stilgar you begin to form an army and start ecology. Also introduces you to Chani Chani Your partner in the game. Introduces you to her father who is the ecologist. Knows the Fremen well, and has an effect on their motivation. Liet Kynes Chani?s father and the planetary ecologist Abbreviations RFS Recruit for spice RFA Recruit for Army RFE Recruit for Ecology Palace Layout Game Plan:- Game starts in the palace · Talk to Leto He will ask you to find Gurney, who is in one of the sietches around the palace. · Talk to Jessica She will tell you of the properties of the spice you are mining and muse about the effects of it on you. · Talk to Duncan Idaho He will note that there is no spice left, and something has to be done. He suggests that you try and recruit the Fremen in the nearby sietches to mine for the family. · Go to Carthag Harg and RFS · Go to Carthag Tuek. RFS. Gurney Halleck is here, ask him to return to the palace with you When you arrive at the palace, Leto notes you have Fremen mining spice, congratulates you, and tells you to keep an eye on them. He then asks you to search for a stillsuit which keeps moisture in when you?re in the desert. · Talk to Gurney. He will tell you that the Fremen in Carthag Tuek mentioned a stillsuit maker · Return to Carthag Tuek and talk to the Fremen chief. He will comment on your interest in the stillsuit, and tell you of a stillsuit maker in a nearby sietch. · Fly eastwards to discover Tuono Tabr and the stillsuit maker. He will give you some stillsuits and explain their operation. He will then tell you of two other sietch leaders willing to meet you (Tuono Tuek and Carthag Tabr). He will also mention that there is a harvester there and say it would be easier with the troop using it. Click on the modify equipment option and give the troop the harvester to use. Note the difference in spice production · Go to Carthag Timin and RFS. This troop is v. important as they are able to ?prospect? for spice, discovering the amount of spice located in the area around a particular sietch. This allows you to send other troops to the most abundant areas of spice. They give you a map showing the spice density of the sietches you have already visited. As they move around the planet this map is automatically updated. When the chief has finished explaining, send the troop eastwards to Tuono Tuek. · Return to the palace. Leto will praise you and ask you to go with Jessica and search the palace. She is in the room in front of the Throne Room. Ask her to go with you, and you will both discover the communications room. Leto will make speech praising your efforts re: the Fremen recruitment. Jessica will be exhausted from sounding out the rooms so tell her to stay in the comms room. Duncan will say that mining would be more efficient if you had a spice harvester. He will then recall that you mentioned about a harvester at a sietch and ask you to look for more of them if possible. · Go to Carthag Tabr and RFS. Send them to Tuono Tabr · Go to Tuono Tabr and talk to the Fremen chief there. He will tell you that the troop found the harvester in an abandoned sietch north-east of them. He will give you directions to Tuono Harg. · Go to Tuono Tuek and RFS. They will say that the area needs to be prospected, but that?s OK because you?ve sent the prospectors there anywhere and they?re well on their way. Change their occupation and send them looking for equipment, they will head towards Tuono Harg as that?s the nearest sietch with a harvester. · Go SouthWest to discover Tuono Clam. A very rich sietch in spice terms. The prospectors should have arrived at Tuono Tuek by now · Go to Tuono Tuek and send the prospectors to Tuono Clam. · Go back to Tuono Clam and wait for the prospectors to arrive. Give them a crysknife and an orni, they?ll be really pleased with the Olin and it?ll make their prospecting easier with quicker movement between sietches. · Go to Tuono Tabr and ask the troop without a harvester (originally from Carthag Tabr) to search for one. They?ll return with one from Tuono Clam. Go back to the palace. There will be a message from the Emperor telling you he will be in contact regarding the first shipment of spice. · Talk to Duncan. He will ask you if you?ve seen the message and then say that the spice production has to be increased. He will tell you that the Fremen who told you about the harvesters mentioned vast spice fields to the south of the planet. · Talk to Gurney and he will tell you that the Fremen who told you about the harvesters also supplied the stillsuits i.e. the Fremen chief in Tuono Tabr · Go back to Tuono Tabr and talk to the Fremen chief face to face. He will be amused by your interest in spice and tell you of a sietch south-east of his. · Take an orni south-eastwards to discover Tuono Timin and Harah. She will tell you about mourning for Jamis and go with you to show you more sietches in the south. · Go to Habbanya Tuek. RFS and send them searching for equipment · Go to Habbanya Timin. There will be a warm welcome here! RFS and send them searching for equipment · Go to the prospectors. They should now be at Tuono Clam. Send them to Habbanya Tuek and Habbanya Timin · Go to Carthag Harg and send the troop searching for equipment. Return to the palace · Go into the Mirror Room. Jessica will be here. Talk to her. She will notice Harah and tell you to go out into the desert alone. · Tell Gurney and Harah to stay in the palace. Harah will make a lot of noise, but she will stay. · Walk outside past the orni and take one step away from the palace, any further and it?s harder to remember how far you moved. You can die in the desert as well! · Click on the wait until morning option and there will be a picture of Leto in reverse telling you that a message has come from the Emperor asking you for a spice shipment. · Go to Duncan and talk to him. When he asks you to send the amount the emperor requires, argue with him. He will ask you if you want to send all of it. Agree and go with him to send the spice. The spice will be shipped and the Emperor will thank you for it and tell you he will call again in 7 days. · Walk into the throne room. Jessica will stop you and say about the visions. Leto will say it?s all over his head and asks the family (including Harah) to go out onto the balcony. He praises you about the work going on, and turns to talk to Gurney. He then notices Gurney is missing and asks you to try and find Gurney with Jessica. · Ask Jessica to go with you and walk out into the corridor. She will discover a room on your right, and Gurney will be on the floor having been laid low by a trap in the door to the armoury. · Talk to Gurney and he will tell you about the trap. · Talk to Jessica and tell her to stay with Gurney · Go into the Throne Room and talk to Leto. He will send you through to the communications room where Thufir Hawat is standing, waiting behind the holoscreens · Talk to Thufir and ask him to come with you across into the room with Gurney and Jessica. · Talk to Thufir in the room and he will disarm the trap · Talk to Gurney and ask him to go with you. He will only go into the armoury. If you try and go anywhere else he?ll say something like ?No, I have to go into the armoury? · Go into the armoury and leave Gurney there to examine the weapons · Talk to Thufir and he will ask you to try and find a Fremen leader to help you drive the Harkonnens off Dune · Find Harah and talk to her, she will say that she?s heard of a great leader but can?t remember his name. · You should now have limited ESP (as a result of that desert walk!) Question all the tribes re: Stilgar · Go to Carthag Tuek and move the smaller group at Tuono Tabr to Tuono Clam. · Tell the troop at Habbanya Timin to search for equipment. As you ask here, the chief tells you of Stilgar and his reputation · Talk to Harah, and she will tell you that she knows where he was born. Shihaya Clam now appears on the map of sietches · Send the prospectors who are now at Habbanya Tuek to Habbanya Tabr and then back home to Carthag Timin. · Go to Shihaya Clam. · Talk to Harah, she will tell you to fly North-westwards to find Stilgar?s sietch · Go to Ergsun Timin and ask Stilgar to come with you. RFA, with Stilgar the Fremen are eager to fight for you and eliminate the oppressive Harkonnen regime. · Arm the troop and send them to Ergsun Tsymyn · Go to Ergsun Clam and RFA. Send them to Ergsun Tsymyn · Go Northwest a short distance to discover Ergsun Harg. Stilgar doesn?t know about this sietch. RFA and send them to Ergsun Tsymyn. · Go to Ersgun Tuek and RFA. Send them to Ergsun Tsymyn · ESP a troop at Ergsun Tsymyn and send them on espionage. · Go to Ergsun Tabr and RFA. Send to Ergsun Tsymyn · Wait here until all recruited troops are at Ergsun Tsymyn. The espionage troop will have found Bledan Tuek. · Arm the largest groups with crysknifes and send them to attack Bledan Tuek . These form the core of your army attacking the five forts E of the Harkonnen palace. · Go to Habbanya Tabr. RFA and send them to Carthag Harg · Return to the palace · Go to Thufir and talk to him. He will tell you to take Gurney Halleck with you to train the Fremen so they are an effective fighting force · Go into the armoury and ask Gurney to go with you · Go into the Mirror Room and talk to Jessica. She will tell you of your increase in ESP. (It?s worth talking to Jessica every time you go in the palace at the beginning as it increases the range of your ESP contact with your troops.) · Go to Carthag Harg and leave Gurney there. This is your training camp · ESP prospectors at Carthag Timin and get them to drop the knife. · Send them to any unprospected areas in the South · Any troops without any spice equipment, recruit into the army. You only need 4 expert mining groups to satisfy the emperor?s spice demands and any debts incurred by visiting smuggler?s villages. · Return to the palace. A message will arrive from the Baron Harkonnen informing you that he has devastated a sietch. · Talk to Thufir. He will make a comment about the Baron being a long-time enemy of ours, and another message will arrive from Feyd-Rautha despising the Fremen army and calling them scum · Thufir will tell you that it is best to attack the Harkonnens in Stilgar?s native area and ask you to inform Leto · Go to the Throne Room and talk to Leto. He will say that he will not listen to Thufir and takes a thopter to demand an explanation. · Talk to Duncan Idaho and he will tell you about the Fremen needing ornis. He will tell you of smuggler?s villages · Talk to Stilgar. He will tell you that Fremen don?t usually go to villages · ask Harah to come with you · Talk to Harah. She will tell you about a village in the fish?s mouth · Stilgar will comment about having seen a fish-shape out of the orni · Take an orni and fly south-westwards, towards the lowest tip of the mouth of the fish-shape. Harah will spot the village · Buy one item of equipment. This will locate the village on the map · Go south-east a short distance and you will find a deserted sietch, Habbanya Clam. There are 3 ornis here, so send any mining troops nearby to search for them. · Talk to Harah, she will ask to go back to Tuono Timin. Her job is over now, you won?t see her until the end. If you want a laugh, go back when Chani?s with you later in the game and talk to Harah. Great reaction! · Send nearby troops to search for equipment. · Walk out of Tuono Timin and to one side · Talk to Stilgar and he will tell you about Chani. Oxytn Tabr now appears · Take an orni and go to Oxytn Tabr. Go into the sietch and ask Chani to come with you. Walk out of the sietch and go to the right one step. Again, too far and you?ll forget how many steps you took! · Click on wait until evening · Talk to Chani. She will fall in love with you (aaaah!!) and more sietches appear on the map · Go to Oxtyn Tuek and RFA. Send to Carthag Harg (your training base) · Go to Oxtyn Timin and RFA. Send to Carthag Harg (your training base) · Go to Habbanya Harg and RFA. Send to Carthag Harg (your training base) *(While you?re here, Jessica appears and says something like ?Oh, Paul! How I wish you were here at a time like this!? Carry onto Cemilyn Harg.) · Go to Cemilyn Harg and RFA. Send to Carthag Harg (your training base) · Return to the palace · Jessica will stop you in the stillsuit chamber and tell you that Leto has been shot down by the Harkonnens and killed. She tells you to talk to Thufir · Go to the communications room and talk to Thufir. He tells you that the ornis were too conspicuous and muses on how the Fremen have managed before · Move out into the corridor · Talk to Stilgar. He will invite you to ride a worm · Go outside the palace and take one click back. This will activate the CALL A WORM option · Click on call a worm and click on the palace · Go to the communications room & talk to Thufir. He feels that there is something more than just the worms that keep the Fremen hopes alive and asks you to search the palace with Jessica · Go into the room where Gurney was caught by the trapped door · Ask Stilgar to stay there · Go to the Throne Room · Ask Jessica to come with you and go into the room where you left Stilgar · She finds a door on the right · Go through there and talk to Jessica. She will be amazed at the greenery and tell you she wants to stay here · Agree to her request She stays there until the final battle · Talk to Chani. She tells you about Liet Kynes, her father. She asks you to go with her and Stilgar to meet her father. · Ask Stilgar to come with you. If you don’t Chani will say “I’d prefer Stilgar to come with us” and won’t go with you · Go to Oxytn Tabr · Talk to Chani, she will tell you to travel westwards beyond the rocky line. · Go westwards to discover Shihaya Tuek and meet Chani’s father. Talk to him and follow him into the bulb growing room. (There will be a demand from the Emperor but ignore him for now) · Visit the water cache · Talk to Stilgar who will invite you to drink the water of life. At this point, refuse. · Go to Shihaya Harg. RFE and send them to Shihaya Tuek. Give them bulbs when the windtrap is finished · Go to Shihaya Timin . RFE and send them to Shihaya Tuek. Give them bulbs when the windtrap is finished · Return to the palace. · Send the emperor 50% more than he asked for. Do this by arguing with Duncan until he says “50% more than he asked?” and then agree. · Go into the conservatory · Talk to Jessica . It is vital that you do this, as she tells you about the water of life. Without this, you won’t win the game! Simple as that. · Send troops out searching for arms · Go to Tuono Tabr (nearest sietch to palace with water cache) · Go in and drink the water Stilgar offers you. The screen will blank out for a few minutes and Stilgar’s face will fade in gradually. Don’t worry about it! It’s meant to do that!) · Return to the palace · Go to the conservatory and talk to Jessica. She will say how amazed she is by the powers you have and tell you that you should be able to talk to all the Fremen now. · ESP a group at Bledan Tuek. Arm them with krysknives and send them on an espionage mission · Go to “fish’s mouth” village, Oxytn Pyons and buy some weirding modules. · ESP a troop to search for them. · Order the troops at Bledan Tuek to attack Bledan Harg · Go Northwest along the narrow gully just below the fish’s belly to discover an abandoned sietch - Oxytn Harg. There are lots of knives here! · Send army troops to search for knives · Go Northwest to discover the village Tsympso Pyons. This is a very important village as it supplies all arms. Buy all the arms you can. Don’t bother with spice equipment, it shouldn’t be needed. · Go Northeast to discover Tsympso Tsymyn. A very important sietch, now referred to as TT. Deserted but there are many arms including weirding modules here. A Harkonnen generated disease will soon strike at the most crowded sietch, so the object is to make the training base the most crowded so it will strike there. (see later for reasons). It won’t strike at recently captured forts (hence sending Bledan Tuek troops to attack Bledan Harg, making sure that the only big gathering is at Carthag Harg). · Divert all the troops searching for arms to TT · Go to Shihaya Clam · Take an ornithopter eastwards. There is a tightly wound spiral of highland there. Aim at the centre of the spiral. You will discover Tsymspo Harg. RFA and send to TT. · Check to see where your wandering troops are by clicking on the right hand mouse button. This will tell you the size, destination, occupation and motivation of your troop. In the case of the prospectors if they are a t a sietch, it will also tell you how far through prospection they are. All in all, a very useful tool. · Send the fully-armed troop to Ergsun Tuek, a long way for them. All will be clear later. · One of your troops based at TT should now be either expert or skilled. Make sure that they are fully armed and send them to the training base. The disease should strike at the training base about now · Go to Carthag Harg and leave Chani there to cure them · Go to palace · Pay any outstanding bills from the villages for arms and so on · Go to Carthag Tabr · ESP the troops at TT and send them searching for weapons · Take an orni Northeastwards to discover Arakeen Pyons, this is right by the Harkonnen zone. Ignore Stilgar’s warning and the village will be on the right. This smuggler doesn’t haggle at all. · Buy ALL WEAPONS AVAILABLE. A major source of weaponry for the training camp · When Chani sends you a message re: curing the troops at the training camp, send them looking for weapons. Send one of the troops from TT here ready for espionage. · Send the troops here searching for weapons, arm them with all the weapons bought from the smuggler. · Arm them to weirding module level · If necessary, visit the village again (but not before returning to the palace and paying the debt off by talking to Duncan Idaho. The smuggler will not allow you to buy any weaponry unless you pay him for the first lot!). You should aim to have 2 or 3 expert/skilled troops with kryknives, lasguns, and weirding modules · A message will have arrived at the palace from Feyd- Rautha informing you that Chani has been kidnapped · Go to the palace · Go to the communications room · Talk to Thufir - he will advise you to send a troop on an espionage mission to find her. Look at the motivation of the Fremen as she has been kidnapped. It goes right down. · Send the troop originally from TT on an espionage mission. They will find Chani at Arakeen Harg · Wait until the 2 or 3 expert/skilled troops are armed to weirding module level · Order them and the espionage troop to attack the fort · Tell the most experienced troop to change occupation · Tell them to search for arms · They will find atomics there. · When the battle starts going your way, pull out the group with atomics and send them back to the training base · When the battle is won, go to the fort and collect Chani. Again, note the effect on the Fremen. · There will be a Fremen troop there who have been forced to work for the Harkonnens. RFA and send them on an espionage mission. · ESP one of the groups at Tsympso Tsymyn and send them on espionage · ESP one of the groups at Bledan Harg. Send them on espionage · ESP the group you sent to Ergsun Tuek. Send them on espionage From now on, you’re on your own.. There are far too many things to be done for me to tell you. This should take you till about day 12 of the game, the following tips may also help:- General Tips The strategy of one troop attacking and then spying allows you to find the Harkonnen forts as swiftly as possible. As soon as you find a fort, send the nearest troops to attack. There are arms at the forts you can pick up as you work your way through them. It is vital that you improve the troops’ arms as soon as they capture the fort. They can only capture 2 or 3 forts with krysknifes. There are a few villages around, I’ve found 4 or 5. Don’t be afraid to send Fremen searching for arms there if there are none at the forts. As the forts are captured, visit them and liberate any captured Fremen. It’s easier to send them searching for equipment and leave the rest training. When you contact the prospectors to move them around sietches, if there are any arms there, modify the prospectors equipment. They’ll probably say something like “This equipment is of no use to our current occupation” but they will take them anyway. Then get them to prospect at recently captured forts. Modify their equipment again, and take the arms off them again. As they are specialised in prospection, they won’t complain about the arms being taken off them. This is very useful to move arms around forts quickly As soon as you get 5 or more troops at a fort, collect Gurney and take him with you. Leave him there for a maximum of 2 days or so and he will hone the army. Then, move him to the next troop. This way the troop will increase in experience very rapidly. As soon as the Fremen turn the fort into a sietch, move onto the next one. This should allow the forts to topple fairly quickly. End Scenario When the last fort has been captured, go to the Harkonnen palace · Talk to Thufir. He will ask you to gather Chani, Stilgar, himself, Jessica and Duncan at a sietch near the Harkonnen palace (Arakeen.) · Go to one of the sietches nearest to the Harkonnen palace · Talk to Thufir. He will ask you to gather 10,000 troops with atomics in the three sietches nearest the palace · Talk to Thufir. He will then tell you when it’s safe to attack. When he tells you, only then.. · Talk to Stilgar, he will ask you whether to launch the attack, agree with him · The shield around the Harkonnen Palace will fall. · Go to the Harkonnen palace and watch them credits roll....!