COMPANIONS OF XANTH WALKTHRU Written by Deep Note Sitting at my computer, I grab the yellow post-it and read the phone numbers on it. I also take and open the pink envelope, reading the letter inside. Depressed, I head to the kitchen to the west, stopping in the hallway long enough to flip the light switch by the door. There's just enough time to grab a sandwich from the 'fridge when the phone rings. Telling Edsel everything's ok, he offers a bet. After asking about the bet, I can't imagine why Edsel would think I want to get involved in a computer game. Further inquiry makes me suspect this even there a catch here I'm not seeing? The deal seems clear-cut and I end up accepting. I go back to the hallway and open the door, waiting for the mailman. I open the package and the game inside, walk back to the computer, put the disk in the drive (closing the drive) and flip the power switch on. A close look at the screen shows a small figure there. He starts talking directly to me when clicked on. After learning about the Com-pendium and the choices for companion, I select Nada (Note: Nada is the only one that will let you survive the first puzzle). We appear in a room with four doors; after a few seconds Nada chooses the right door and we exit the first puzzle. After meeting Kim and her companion, Nada and I continue on to a Path Crossing. Having played some computer games before, I know to grab everything I can, so I get a cherry bomb from the tree and a buttercup from below it. I try to free up the log jam, but can't. Continuing on to the east, we go through a dark forest where we find a bush that Nada says is a cough drop bush. To the southwest we come across Isthmus Village and a local woodwright. When I agree to help, he hands me a key as well as mentioning a pail and someone called Fairy Nuff. Noticing a rock on the ground, I add it to the inventory and we continue on. THE PAIL A lone, flat boulder sits between two cliffs along the path. Past it we come to a pail that flies away when I try to get it. After one or two attempts at throwing the rock at it to load it down, I have to agree with Nada that the rock needs to be thrown from a distance. But, a screen is hardly set up for that. Still, the Greeks had a weapon for just such a problem....but I'll need a piece of wood, like the log I saw earlier. As this is a dead end for now, I head back to the village. The key unlocks the gate and gives access to the boat and the docks. Curious, I step aboard the ship, but the smoke from the two censors quickly drives me back. On the dock, I pick up a piece of white sailcloth from the censor-ship and notice a rope tightly wrapped around a dock plank. Consulting with Nada, she goes underneath and retrieves the rope and attached anchor. The anchor makes a handy prybar on the large log in the log jam back at the Path Crossing and the woodwright quickly makes it into a flat wooden plank. Back at the flat boulder, the plank is laid down and the rock put on top of it. A polite request gets Nada to hit the plank with her tail and the pail is easily scooped up. THE SCREEN DOOR EYE Further on, we come to a screen door with an eye. Going for broke, I threaten it with a pointed remark - asking about the Ice Queen and then Fairy Nuff allows me to tell the eye that only Fairy Nuff might hold the solution to our quest. Deeming us worthy, the door lets us through. Before opening the door, I open the mailbox and take the letter inside addressed to Fairy Nuff. I pick up a small red tee and an egg, from the ground, on our way to the pavilions ahead. In them, I find Fairy Nuff. FAIRY NUFF Giving the letter doesn't help, so I try a little conversation. Explaining our quest, Fairy Nuff gives us a recipe to combat the ship. The pail makes a handy mixing bowl and the first ingredient is found at the Screen Door. The butter from the buttercup goes in next. Three dunks in the waterfall back at the Path Crossing are followed by two cough drops that Nada grabs from the bush in the Dark Forest when I ask her nicely. The empty buttercup makes a sticky, but tempting trap for the firefly, the egg next and the sail fragment from the ship is the last item. We head back to Fairy Nuff and then off again in search of two containers. In the village, noticing the lamps, we return and hand Nuff the covers from atop the poles. Back at the boat, I pour one of the solutions into each censer. Following the woodwright's advice, we go back to Fairy Nuff and relay the woodwright's comments about a path. The Void sounds like a dangerous place, but what other exit is there? We head northwest. THE VOID After wandering around for awhile, I start seeing a doorway illusion. I comment on it to Nada. It seems so _is_ real, I'm sure of it. I try to convince Nada. As the Com-pendium mentions, concentration and belief is the key. It takes several attempts, but finally the door stays and solidifies. We walk through. REGION OF EARTH The barrow door refuses to open so we head Southeast and come across the demoness Metria. Having read the Com-pendium's entry on water springs and remembering Grundy's description of the lady, I'm more than a little suspicious; instead of taking her up on her offer I ask her about the barrow. When Metria encourages me to drink, Nada confirms my suspicions. Asking her about Metria, I learn the penalty to succumbing. Repeated attempts to walk away angers Metria, who leaves in anger - but not before unlocking the barrow door. THE BARROW MAZE After several steps inside the barrow, an odd darkness envelops me. When it leaves, everything seems normal but then Nada encourages me to drink from the spring. She claims to have changed her mind, but after several attempts to leave the area my suspicions are concerned when 'Nada' turns back into Metria. Her only answer to where Nada has been taken is to give me a small box, claiming it will indicate her position. Yea, like I'm going to believe that! Still, I turn it on and head back into the barrow. Most of the rooms are empty, but I find a few interesting things....a pestle, a mirror with a view, a stone plaque with lettering so faded I wish I had a pencil to go with the brown paper, as I'd seen done on so many TV detective shows. Stepping on a dark pad in one room teleports me to another, separate part of the barrow. There I find a mortar for the pestle and a door ajar. Realizing a pun, since the if the door is ajar, then it could be used as a container, I take the door and a jar shows up. The tree defeats all my efforts, so I go back to the main maze and continue my efforts. A room with a I flip each one another appears until there are sixteen. Nothing happens. I flip each one again and press the button that appears before heading down. Nada, at last! Seeing how distraught she is, I respect her wishes not to look at her - I'm careful to make no reference to her looks as we talk. I also notice the 'detector' is pointing to 0 - figures. The blue agony moss, put in the glass jar, is no help with the manacles. Asking Nada for help, she mentions that Metria talked to something in the room as Nada was chained. Voices near Nada's arms obviously belong to whatever Metria talked to, but there is nothing there but the manacles. Shrugging at the absurdity, I tell the manacles to let Nada go... and they do! IRONWOOD TREE Nada suggests we attempt passing the ironwood tree at the doorway. After reading about the moss in the Com-pendium, we pass through the tree's remains with ease. REGION OF FIRE As we start to cross by a molten lake, a large lava dog appears and blocks our passage. Talking to Nada, I have her put her hair up into a bun and then take the pun-altered hot dog bun from her. One more thing to add... I tell Nada I'd like a break from the game, get up from the computer and go into the kitchen. Squirting mustard onto the bun back in the game is just the sight to terrify any 'hot' dog. The fireman is chatty; he certainly doesn't mind the heat. Moving on, the lump of charcoal I find will work as a pencil substitute and I head back to the plaque. THE PLAQUE Now that I have the charcoal, I place the flattened brown paper over the plaque and rub it with the charcoal. The recipe doesn't seem useful now, but maybe later. THE WALL OF FIRE I'm kinda stuck at the wall of fire where I found the charcoal - it appears to be the only way forward but I have nothing to use on it. The only interesting thing he remembers is a predecessor of mine and he mentions how Mack got through the wall. Ah, an explosive device.... like a fire cracker. ...and Mack wrote the recipe. As we talk, the fireman hands me a wineskin of firewater, which I pour into the mortar. Throwing in the flower and grinding it into flour with the pestle, the resulting blob of dough bakes easily in the small opening by the lake. Once it turns a golden brown color, the cracker is ready. When the hand threatens me, I try finding out why, but when it sees the cracker it too flees. A few seconds in the firewall and the path is cleared. REGION OF WATER Using the anchor and rope as a grappling hook, we exit the Region of Fire. At the bridge, after asking about the toll and being reluctant to be eaten, I offer to do something for the troll. Down below, the lab off to the side holds the most promise. In fact, a quick glance down the well confirms the key's location. If the well is too steep to climb, then I need to get down another way. Exiting the abode and crossing the bridge, I remove a hose there. This makes a great channel for moving water from the sink into the well. However, to keep the room from flooding I also press the upper drain button on the wall. When the water rises, I can get the key. After solving any one of the three puzzles the troll provides, we leave and continue on to the signpost, taking the short cut. COM-PUTER Obviously Com-puter doesn't know I have the Com-pendium for reference. With that, and his pun-referenced hints (really often the answer with the letters jumbled and the needed letter removed), the answers are easy. First, the hint of "REAPS" is the key to Asparagus SPEARS and so I open the metal door and put in a 'S' block. The fruit with the hint word "SEAT" is obviously Blind DATES and I put in 'D'. The shells with the hint "CANES" is, of course, actually the plant type Papershell PECANS and I add a 'P'. The Com-pendium tells me that a beast with bad advice, that fits with the hintword "REST" would be a Bum STEER and I put in the missing 'E'. I put an 'A' for the hint "MAIL", as the creature is a LAMIA. So ends Round 1 The duck-annoyed creature is a chocolate moose, which is "SOME" mixed up and the second 'O' missing, so in it goes. "OCRA" is the hint for the COBRA vine - the 'B' is put inside. Golden FLEAS were pursued by Ja-son and the 'F' is pursued into the cylinder. I blush as I put in the missing 'E' from "PAINTS", the hint for multicolored PANTIES. I start to follow that with the missing 'T' for TANGLE trees in the hint "GLEANS", but realize Com-puter has not provided me with a 'T'. Smiling, I drop into the cylinder the red tee that I've been carrying. Again, Com-puter tries to cheat by forcing me to resign. Grundy steps in to help, despite his virus. When done talking to him, I find I now have his (computer) virus and promptly drop it into the cylinder. We head northeast. REGION OF AIR Talking to Ma Anthe inside the cottage, you learn that to reverse her condition she needs to see a sign from the mountain. Here is a quest, one that will net you the potion she mentioned. You grab the red wind sock before exiting, then the brown windbag northeast of the shack. Further north we come to the mountain and a sailboat. Yet, without a sail, it's useless. Recalling the sign on the cart at the cottage, I go and try to use the crowbar on the wheel without success. Someone stronger is needed. Exploring more I come across a female ogre wishing to be uglier, one who knows about the gap. I also come across a young ogre, who is so happy to get the ball once you put the windsock on the vent (not the spray) that he follows you back to the cottage and puts the wheel back on the cart. After pushing the cart off the sail and taking it back to the sailboat, I release the windbag and sail across the water. THE GUARDIAN OF THE MOUNTAIN The answers to the guardian's 10 riddles are ERROR, AIREDALE, WINDOW, AIR CONDITIONING, AN ERRAND, A WINDBAG, AN AIRPLANE, AN AIRBAG, THE WINDMILL, and finally A BREEZE. And those questions were, too! I head into the doorway and up the stairs until I find a sign (from the mount-ain). Giving it to Ma Anthe, I receive the ugly potion which I then give to the female ogre. We head southeast into the Gap. THE GAP After heading northeast and being warned and then bored, we meet up with Kim and her companions Jenny and Sammy. After exchanging companions, we head down into the gap and encounter the Gap dragon. Noting the cloud above the dragon and remembering an entry in the Com-pendium, I converse with the cloud, constantly insulting it and abusing its rain-making capabilities... all the while trying to ignore the dragon closing in. The resulting snowstorm comes just in the nick of time, as does Che Centaur. HUMPHREY'S CASTLE Sammy the cat easily indicates that the best path is straight through the locked gate. Wait, maybe Sammy's even more accurate - a loose brick above where Sammy dug is the 'key' to opening the gate....and raising the drawbridge. But, since it's a drawbridge, I just draw the bridge back the way it was and cross it. Knocking on the wee door gets a curt answer. Repeated attempts at conversation as to how we get in gets us a cryptic clue "For one to get final entrance to this castle, he must only listen to me". Huh? Makes on sense, but the eye is no more help. I back up and circle the moat, spotting a grate to the northeast and a sea monster to the northwest. A black cricket, keeping the monster awake, finds its way under my glass jar. Crossing over to the grate, I pick up a lok pick and use the crowbar to open the grating. Below, I'm bemused by the five switches. Although, at first, I thought the blinking eyes had something to do with it, a Legend- ary voice told me that isn't true. Then I recalled what the eye in the door said and tried flipping down, from the left, switches four, one, and then two. Humphrey, at last! THE GOURD Once I look into my gourd, I'm transported to another place. In this place, zombies are the residents and I have no interest in harming them. So, I head to the northwest side of the house and use the lok pick to open the cellar door. Holding our noses, we go down. Trapped! In the darkness, I can feel around and find a skeleton on the right, holding a key. After a bit of searching in the dark, I get the key. Above there, I feel and take some twine. Unlocking and opening the door at the top of the stairs lets some light in and we quickly exit the room. The books on the fireplace appear to belong to some programmer. The window seems intact, so the only exit it the stairs. Lassoing the bannister lever with the twine prevents any 'fun house' antics. I can't reach the trapdoor in the ceiling, but the sign seems obvious so I push it. Well, maybe a bit too obvious - apparently that last person to press it never got out. The bottle by the chair turns out to be "Pain-B-Gone" pills. The third book on the left side of the fireplace mantle puts me in my place and the pills easily remove a pane of glass so I can get the cane outside the window. Running up the stairs, I snag the ceiling hook with the cane and we rush up the stairs. Nothing is more important that keeping Kim from touching that trophy; the appearing jewel on the sword catches my eye. I grab the sword and throw it at the Prize. Back in reality, I turn off the computer and get up. The phone rings.... This walkthru is Copyright (C) 1994 by Deep Note for Game Bytes Magazine. All rights reserved.