Innocent Until Caught Walkthrough written by This walkthrough is the steps needed to solve the game Innocent Until Caught. The Game is owned by Psycnosis and is copyrighted 1993. This walkthrough is done without Psycnosis' permission and I am offering it for free. So there shouldn't be any problems there. I also wanted to point out that early versions of this game needed a patch disk which can only be gotten from Psycnosis. The way to tell if you need the patch is to try to ride the subway (you need to have a token to get to the subway). If a subway train stops and you cannot get on it, then you most likely need the patch disk. The patch has files that Psycnosis considers vital to the game and is copyrighted, so I can't put it on the net and will not e-mail it to you if you ask, so don't. THE TAYTE SYSTEM ---------------- The part of the game on the Tayte system can be split up into four parts. Getting the Pawn broker to notice you, then going and getting three items for him. I have tried to limit the parts to just what you need to get that done. So there is a considerable bit of running around. Starting Out. After the introduction, you land on the planet Tayte in the Tayte system and will walk into the spaceport. If you talk to the guard correctly, he will tell you about a pawn broker who can help you out. You don't need to talk to him, and depending on what you say, he may fail to give you any good information. When you leave the spaceport, you will find yourself on a road with another road to the left of where you come out, and a subway station to the right. Go down the road to the left. This will take you to a longer road, which you will be at the far right of. The fist door is to a bar, which is where you want to go. (You need a drink, but unfortunately, you are broke). In the bar, there are two barflies sitting at the bar itself. In one of their back pockets is a pawn ticket. Steal this ticket and leave. Walk left along the road, passing the next door (which leads to a brothel) and an alley. You will come to a pawn shop that is next to a subway station. Go in. Give the ticket to the pawn broker and he will give you a camera. Also, use the vase and you will find a gum wrapper inside. Leave the pawn shop and enter the alley that you passed to get where you are. Walk all the way left across the alley and out into an area with a food booth and a bunch of bikers. There is an electrical outlet on the side of the booth. Put the camera on the outlet to charge it up. Return to the alley. There is a tramp here who has a hat and won't let you take it. Use the camera on the tramp and you will flash it in his face, then steal the hat. Head back to the bar. Inside the hat you will find some change. Sit at the bar. Talk to the bartender and order a drink, then give him the change and he will give your drink. While you are drinking your drink, a shootout will occur in the bar and all four people involved will be disintegrated, one of them dropping a ring. After the bar fight, the bartender will give you your change which is one coin. Use this coin with the gum wrapper to make a token. Then get the ring and go back to the pawn shop. Talk to the pawn broker and tell him you have something he might be interested in. Then give him the ring, he will tell you about a job he can give you where you have to steal three items. The items are an Egg of a Giant Kahoula Bird, a Sculpture by Renato Spangle, and some Bonds for Quargian Plenocredits. And you are on your way. By this point you should be 6.9% of the way through the adventure, giving you the rank of "offender". The Egg of a Giant Kahoula Bird Leave the pawn shop and return to where the bikers are. Get the oil can. Go to the subway entrance that is beside the pawn shop. The first time you enter a subway station, you will have to use the token on the gate before you will be able to go down to the train platform. At the platform, get the radio. Put some oil on the screwdriver, which is stuck in the vending machine. Now you can get that too. Now get on a subway. There are five subway stations, you must ride to each, but after you have been there, it's name will appear on the map inside the train. Then you can just use the map to enable you to travel from station to station faster. The five stations are... 1. Badside: Next to the pawn shop. 2. Spaceport: Next to the spaceport. 3. The Hill: Next to the museum. 4. Regurgi: Next to the bank and police station. 5. East Eruk: Next to the Zoo. At Regurgi, leave the station, next to it, you will find a hotdog stand with a hotdog on it. Get the hotdog and go back on the subway. At the East Eruk station, get off and go outside. There is a man taking his kid to the zoo. The kid has a balloon. Use the screwdriver to pop the balloon. Then get the string and take the subway back to Badside. Leave the station and use the passport on the bouncer standing outside the brothel. He will tell you that you can go in, so go in. Get the atomizer off the table and the cane off the floor. put the cane on top of the string in your inventory to create a bow. Now leave and go back to the bar. Tell the robot waiter that you want to talk to him. When it comes over to talk, use the screwdriver on it to remove a circuit board. Put the circuit board on the radio to make a remote. Now leave and return to where the bikers are. On the other side of the room there is another exit. Go through it and you are at a port. Step on the ship and a watch robot will come out. Use the remote on the watch robot and it will go nuts and leave. Go back to the room with the bikers. Inspect the trash sitting next to the food stand. Somewhere in their you will find an egg. Go back to the port. You will hear something and hide on the boat as a truck comes to get food for the zoo. You will climb onto the back of that truck. (You may have to leave and enter the port several times before the truck comes.) You will find yourself at the zoo again, but inside one of the exhibits. There is a pile of straw next to you. Throw it off the cliff your on and you will reveal a grate. Throw the grate off too. Now pick up the stick and one of the vines and put the vine on the stick to make a grappling hook. Get the other vine and use it on the hook next to the hole in the ground. Use the atomizer on the monster on the pinnacle and it will fall off. Now, use the bow on the roof and you will shoot the grappling hook up there with the vine trailing down to where you are. Use the vine to swing across to the ledge on the left end of the screen. Walk off the left end of the screen into another area. You are at the egg, but there are three man eating plants between you can it. To get by them you must, 1) wait for the butterfly to fly to close to one and get eaten, 2) try to get the rabbit on the ground (it will run away and be eaten by the second plant), and 3) feed the hotdog to the remaining one. Now swap the egg in your inventory with the one in the nest. Go back to the room with vine swing and swing back across. Go to the hole and climb down into the sewers. At the other end of the sewer there is a tunnel, go into the tunnel and you will come out at the East Eruk subway station. Ride the subway back to Badside and go into the pawn shop and give the egg to the pawn broker. Your should have 20.8% of the adventure completed now, making you a "petty thief". The Sculpture by Renato Spangle This is the easiest of the three items to get. First go back to the port. On the rail of the boat is a hat. Take it. Now head back to the pawn shop, stopping off at the alley on your way. Get the hose off the ground in the alley. Enter the pawn shop and give the hat to the pawn broker, he will give you a rug in return. Go to the subway station and get on a train. Get the aerosol can off the train floor. Put the can on the hose to make an air gun. Get off the train at The Hill. Enter the museum. There is an exhibit that looks like a small round pebble, take it. Head further right and you will find the sculpture you want in a glass case. Put the rug on the floor under the glass case. Now use the air gun to shoot the pebble at the case. Pick up the pebble and shoot the case again. Pick up the pebble and shoot the case a third time. The sculpture will fall out and land on the rug. Get the sculpture. Take a subway back to Badside. Give the sculpture to the pawn broker. You have now finished 26.2% of the adventure which leaves you a "petty thief". Bonds for Quargian Plenocredits Enter the alley and pick up the empty bag. Then, go to the room with the bikers and ask one of them if you can borrow a coat made of half-credit pieces, he will ask you to get an ornament for his bike that he had given to the owner of the brothel. Go to the brothel and ask for the ornament, she will ask you to get a vase that she pawned when she needed money. Go to the pawn shop. Now you need to steal the vase. To do this, get the vase, then click on the status bar. A larger picture of you appears. Put the vase in the pocket of your coat. Then click on the status bar to go back to the original picture. Now you can leave and go into the brothel. The woman at the desk is chewing gum and putting it under her desk, get the gum from under the desk. You have to get the vase out the same way you put it up. Now give it to the owner and ask her for the ornament again. Get the ornament and bring it to the biker. Ask him for the coat of change again and he will give it to you. Go to the bar and get the jar and the jar top. Put the jar top on the jar. Go to the subway and ride a train to the Hill. To the east of the museum, there is a mushroom. Get the mushroom. Ride the subway to Regurgi. Leave the station and use the jar on the hot do stand, you will fill it with mayonnaise. Now use the jar on the fly. When you get it right the fly will dive in and you will put the top over it. Enter the door to the far left. You will be in the police station. Ask the desk sergeant what's happening. When he mentions a drug bust, move the pointer over the word drug and click. He will tell you that they had to let them go because the drugs were actually flour. He will give you the flour if you ask for it. Get the flour and leave. Go in the middle door. You will be in a bank. Talk to the teller windows and one of them will open. Talk to the teller and say you want to open an account. When she asks for your money, give her the bag with the coat-of- change in it. She will tell you that it's too much for her to take and ask you to take it to the door. Ring the bell and give the bag of money to the guy who opens the door. Ring the bell again. While he has the door open, put the gum on it, so that it won't lock when he closes it again. Open the door and walk through. Use the screwdriver on the file cabinet twice. You will get two papers, one is just an account number, the other is a map of the sewers. Ride the subway to East Eruk, and enter the back door which leads to the tunnel in the sewer (The one you came out of when you got the egg). Use the map and you will walk to another part of the sewer. Use the map again and you will walk up to an alcove. Put the mushroom in the alcove, then use the jar. You will let the fly free and it will dive bomb the mushroom which blows up opens an entrance to the bank vault. Enter the bank vault and use the flour. You will smash the bag of flour and it will show you where the laser beams are. Now you can cross the vault and get the bonds, which are sitting on top of the safe, rather than in it. Leave and return to the East Eruk subway station. Ride the subway back to Badside and go to the pawn shop. Finally, give the bonds to the pawn broker. You will be beaten up and hidden in a cake and when you wake up, you will be arrested and put on a prison planet. So much for being rewarded. You should have 39.5% of the adventure finished. Your rank is "Burglar". Alkaseltz Prison ---------------- You find yourself locking in a one room sell in Alkaseltz Prison Planet. Nothing to do but use the bed. While you are sitting on the bed feeling sorry for yourself, a device will come in through the window. Get it. Inspect it. Use it. It puts a hole in your wall, walk through it. You enter another cell, this one occupied by Narm N'Palm. You must talk to him before you can leave this room. Get the mat in the middle of his floor, it will reveal a trap door, which Narm never knew was there. (I didn't say he was very bright, in fact he isn't bright at all) open the trapdoor and go down. You will find yourself in a maze of passages and ladders. Narm will follow, you into the maze, but don't follow him through it too closely, he gets lost and gives up. The maze is made up of square sections that are connected, from any section you might have the ability to move in one of four directions: Up, Down, Left, Right. As soon as you enter the maze, you automatically move down one space and right one space. From there, the path to the exit is... 1 right, 1 up, 7 right, 1 down, 2 left, 1 down, 2 left, 2 down, 3 left, 2 up, 2 left, 6 down, 3 right, 1 down, 3 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 2 right, 1 down, 1 right, 2 up, 2 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 2 right, 3 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 right, 2 up, 1 right, 1 up, 2 right, 2 down, 2 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 4 up, 1 right, 1 down, 2 right, 1 up. You and Narm exit the tunnels, Narm goes off to explore. All you need to do is use the device again, a shuttle materializes, get in. When Narm joins you, you leave the planet. You end up in a room with two others, one you can talk to the other you can't. Talk to the one you can and he will tell you that he works for a secret government agency and he wants you to steal a weapon called the "Transatron" from a dictator of a planet called Shmul. You have completed 43.8% of the adventure. Your rank is "criminal". Cruise Liner ------------ You are aboard a Cruise Liner on your way to the planet Shmul. You need to find something to relieve the boredom. Take the flowers off the desk and leave the room. In the room you will enter is a couple. Give them the flowers, they will hug, and give you a chance to steal the mans wallet. Use the wallet twice to get as credit card and passport. Now use the exit that leads to the ship bar. Give the bartender the credit card, and when he asks for it, give him the passport. You will get drunk and pass out. When you wake, you'll be on the planet Shmul. Shmul ----- You wake up in a pile of baggage at the Shmul spaceport. Get up and ask Narm to distract the old lady. While he's doing that, steal her fur off of her luggage. Tell Narm to go to the bar and wait for you. When you try to leave you will be forced to talk to the customs officer. Leave and you will be in an area with two buildings and two roads heading towards the bottom of the screen. Go into the building on your right. You will be in a warehouse. Take a screwdriver from the shelf. Talk to the shop keeper and ask if he is loyal to P'PauD'P'Pau. He isn't and will give you a book on palace etiquette. Inspect the book and you will find a password that will get you into the palace. Talk to the shopkeeper again and ask if he has anything for free, he will give you a box of spare parts. Use the screwdriver on the parts and you will make a little car. Put the fur on the car. Leave and go into the building on the left. You are in a bar. Talk to the man at the bar. He will agree to help you if you take a note to the princess. Leave the bar and walk down the road to the right. You will find yourself in front of the palace. Say the password to the guards, they will let you pass. Go in and walk to the building on the left. You will find yourself in a garden with a vicious dog. Use the car and you will set it on the ground and it will start going in circles, if the fur is on it, the dog will attack the car and you can go past. You will be in another part of the garden, next to the building. Climb the trellis to the balcony and go in. Talk to the princess. You will end up making a date with her and tear up the man's note. Leave and return to the bar. Talk to the man and tell him that you have set up a date. He will give you a set of keys. Ask Narm to get you a uniform. When Narm gives you the uniform that he goes and gets, tell him about your plan (You have one, weather you know it or not). You will see a scene about what happens when the man gets to the princesses bedroom, it will then show you in front of the lab. You need to put on the uniform. To do this, click on the status bar, when it shows the large picture of you, put the uniform on the body. Click the status bar again to go back to the game. Walk into the lab. Uh oh. Someone is waiting for you, and you are put in jail again. This completes 74.8% of the game and earns you the rank of "Fugitive". Narm will come to your prison cell window and offer to help you get out. Tell him to go to the princess and give her a poem from you. She will come and save you just before you get tortured. Leave the palace and go to the bar. Ask the princess about the Transatron. She will tell you about a crystal on in the SkyCity. Ask her to get a travel warrant and she will go get one for you. Leave the bar and walk down the road to the left. Narm will be there, tell him to go to the spaceport and get a crate. Go to the spaceport, put the warrant on the crate and climb in. You will be loaded on a ship and sent to sky city. While on the ship, you remember that the crates will be searched on arrival, so you get out. Go into the escape pod in the hatch to the right. Narm will follow and accidently cause it to release from the ship. You find yourself at the base of sky city. You should have 80.2% done and be called a "Master Criminal". SkyCity ------- Enter the base of the pillar that holds up SkyCity. Narm will break the lift and dumbwaiter like thing, leaving you with the long task of climbing the stairs. When you get to the top, you will come out in a storage room. Leave the storage room through the door to the right, and you will find yourself on a catwalk, follow the catwalk all the way right and you will be on the floor of a landing bay. Get the crowbar off the floor. Cross the floor and enter the door, and you will be in a control room. The princess is here, ask her about the crystal. She tell you it's in the vault and that there may be a secret door to it. Go back to the storage room. There is a crate at a wall with a door outline behind it. Move the crate and enter the door. You will be in the vault. Jump down from the catwalk you are on. There is a cylindrical storage device in there. Try to use it, you will find you need a passkey. Use the crowbar on one of the crate and you will open it. Get a balloon and a helium tank from it. Use the helium tank on the balloon to float back up to the catwalk. Return to the control room and ask the princess about a key card. She will give you one. Go back to the vault and use the key card on the cylindrical storage device. It open and you can get the crystal. To get out of the vault, you will need to get another balloon and use the helium on it. Go back to the control room and put the crystal in the machine. Try using it, it won't work. Leave the room and come back in. The dictator will be there. Talk to him and bet that it won't work, he'll ask you what you want to bet and you wont have anything. Talk to the princess again and she'll agree to marry you. Now bet the dictator that if it works, he can keep the dowry from the marriage. Then sit back and watch the finale. You have completed 100.0% of the game. Your rank is "Jack T Ladd!!!". If you want to stop the credits, press the space bar and you will go to the status screen. Notice that at the end, they threaten you with a sequel.