Blue Ice Notes, Game Glitches and Partial Walkthrough Notes: I suggest making yourself familiar with the game controls before starting play as they are quite fiddly and it takes a bit to get used to them. Or if you just can't seem to grasp the controls, you can always run the game in a window by pressing the letter T on the keyboard after the game has commenced. The way through the game in this walkthru is the route I have chosen. There may be a shorter way. The five colours of life may be solved in a different order other than what is presented here. If you are looking for the solution to the video screen or keys puzzles the answer isn't here. Nor have I been able to figure out what to do about all the numbers strewn about the game. I was also unable to determine the significance of Hope shouting out the names of colours: Hall - red/orange Cellar - orange/yellow Diningroom - yellow/violet Drawingroom - violet/orange Chimney - orange/indigo Library - orange/yellow Music room - red/indigo Pond - red/green Mouth - red/blue Be sure to click the magnifying glass on the ? in each scene. In some scenes it may be cleverly hidden but it is there. Click the hand icon and magnifying glass on each person in every room. When the game requires you to drag an object, the object itself will remain stationary, only the hand/fist will move. As you pick up various objects you can find more information about them on the Eye screen. Just click the object on the info icon. Information on liquids, powders, plant life and insects may be found in the Library. The appropriate book will flash. Click the magnifying glass on it to read. Hints may be found at the top of the screen under the Blue Ice icon and in the law scrolls, also located at the top. The five colours of life you must discover are: love(Amor), food(Cibus), nature(Natura), music(Ars Musica) & art(Artes). As you complete each one there will be a dove inside the fireplace chimney. The red law books on the table in the Library will turn green (Edward is reading the one on food). Their names are: Red book Green book The Laws of Art becomes Art of Colour The Laws of Love " Joy of Love The Laws of Nature " Nature of Icia The Laws of Music " Music to Your Ears The Laws of Food " A Feast of Food Room Keys To find out which room a key will open look at the grandfather clock in the hall. You can never carry more than one key at a time. While playing this game I picked up a key forgetting I already had one in inventory. The inventory key disappeared and I was unable to get it back. I suggest you use a key as soon as you find it. Here is the list of keys, where they can be found and what room they open: Pond - hand icon on fish - housekey Hall - magnifying glass on Edward - library key Hall - magnifying glass on Mrs Scraggend - pantry key Library - magnifying glass on Edward - music room key Music room - magnifying glass on Edward - drawingroom key Pantry - magnifying glass on Mrs Scraggend - diningroom key Diningroom - magnifying glass on Mrs Scraggend - kitchen key Kitchen - magnifying glass on Mrs Scraggend - bedroom key Bedroom - magnifying glass on Mrs Scraggend - first garden(cow) key 1st Garden(cow) - magnifying glass on Olly - loo key Library - magnifying glass on Mrs Scraggend(curtain on the left)- lab key 1st Garden(cow) - magnifying glass on Pollyanna - bathroom key Audio clues (?) Eye - At twice midnight I give you life. House - A key cannot unlock a door which is locked by ice. Pond - A warm maggot helps catch a cold fish. Sky - A glass may hold more than wine. Sun - If you can see me, I'm watching you. Hall - In time you will find the right door. Be patient. Think about it. Pantry - Rotten smells which often repel can sometimes attract. Library - One drink which can quench the thirst, at another time may knock you out. Drink - Be careful not to slip on grease or you'll look a pretty picture. Music room - If music blows you away, you have found its secret. Loo - Indigestion caused by raw food can have embarassing after effects. Diningroom - I shall draw you in to make a toast. Mousehole - A collection of food can create a jam. Kitchen - Mind your manners. Give a drink before you take a drink. Cellar - To make one you must find six. 1st garden(cow) - Spilt milk spreads easily. Secret garden - A few cockles might help to melt her heart. Flower - For whom is death more sweeter smelling than life. Drawingroom - It is in my nature to bring you colour. Painting - Reach for the stars but don't burn your fingers. Stairs - A secret is mapped out here. Bedroom - You may catch this without harming a hair on it's head. Bathroom - To see clearly is not a mystery, just a laborious task. Mouth - The sky's the limit if you can stand the heat. Lab - Colours can sometimes be a grind. Attic(spider) - Fruit can provide a small sweet meal. Video - Press all the right buttons and you'll find the answer. Win - Nothing is as it first appears. To look is not to see. The beginning is carried by the moon and your journey follows through tears. Game Glitches: The 6 Pieces of Paper During the course of the game you will pick up six pieces of paper (you can only carry one piece at a time). You may dispose of them by burning them in the fireplace or by placing them in the book on the floor in the Library (for later retrieval and burning). However, if you choose to place them in the book there is a problem retrieving the 6th piece of paper. I recommend you burn each piece as you find them. Lab At one point in the game you will be required to combine two different substances in the beaker to cook them down to a powder. The first cooking produces a blue powder, further cooking produces a white powder. If you collect either of these powders and dump them out in the pantry there seems to be no way to retrieve them nor are you able to find more of one of the substances to make another batch. Partial Walkthrough: At the Eye screen click the hand icon on the King (bottom) to get his crown. Set both clocks to midnight and enter the game through the centre of the eye using the pointer icon. You will find yourself standing in front of a House. Use the hand to get the paper airplane and the sun from the sky. Use the sun on the Pond to melt it. Enter the Pond by using the pointer. Once inside the Pond use the hand on the fish located at the top centre of the screen to get the key. Pick up the coins for later use. Exit the Pond and use the key to unlock the House door. Use the pointer to enter the House. First thing to do in the Hall is to start collecting keys. See above Notes on keys. Once all the rooms requiring a key have been opened other rooms will open up as you solve puzzles. In the Kitchen collect the salt shaker, knife, match (light it on the match box) and bottle. To get the bottle, place the hand on the bottle, depress your left mouse button and when the hand becomes a fist drag it toward Mrs Scraggend. This may take a few tries. Use the knife on the bread to get a slice. First order of the day is to make breakfast. The menu can be read by clicking the magnifying glass on the Diningroom table. Return to the front of the House. Empty the wine bottle into the Pond and refill it with pond water. You can also get water from the Loo or the Bathroom. Click the sun on the flower bud to bring it to bloom. Pour the water on the flower to get a green berry. Use the sun on the berry to ripen it. Using the hand, pick the ripe berry. Go to the Library and place the berry in front of the Mousehole(the mouse will pop out and pick it up). Bring two more berries to the Mousehole using the same procedures as above to grow and ripen them (you can only carry one berry at a time). After getting the last berry, refill the bottle of water. Interesting note: if you double click the sun on the flower bud, it will die. Wait a few seconds and a new one will grow. Once there are 3 berries inside the Mousehole, enter and pick them up. While there pick up a piece of cheese for later use. Take the berries to the Kitchen and place them in the saucepan. Add water. Go to the Pantry and click the salt shaker on the sugar (top leftside of shelf). Get a pickled onion (they're beside the sugar) for later use. Add the sugar to the saucepan in the Kitchen. You now have blackberry jam. Go to the Bedroom. Click the hand on Mrs S head to get the net. Click the hand on her Mouth to open it then use the pointer to enter. Pull out her gold tooth(use hand) and go to the Music room. Enter the Loo by using the pointer on Venus' backside. Put the gold tooth in the plus or minus sign. Feed Olly the onion and when he breaks wind use the hand on his backside to collect a puff of air (this may take a few tries, but you have to get another onion each time). While here pick up the toothbrush for later use. Go to the Drawingroom and use the lit match on the candle. Take the candle. Use the hand/fist on the coal bucket to empty it into the fireplace. Use the candle on the fireplace and quickly use the puff of air on the flames. Now use the slice of bread on the fire. You have toast. Take it to the Diningroom and place it on the small plate. Go to the 1st garden(Olly & cow). Click the hand/fist on the cow's teat and drag it down towards the bucket. Do this until the bucket is full. Learn this milking technique as you will have to milk the cow a couple more times later in the game. Use the empty bottle on the bucket to get milk. Go to the Kitchen, use the bottle of milk on the churn (top left of screen) to make butter. Use the knife on the churn. Now take the buttered knife to the Diningroom and use it on the toast. Return to the Kitchen, use knife on the saucepan, back to the Diningroom. Put the knife on the buttered toast. You have made toast, butter and jam. You can find out your breakfast progress anytime by clicking the magnifying glass on the menu. Back to the Kitchen. Clicking the magnifying glass on the lower right screen brings up the recipe for cheese sauce. Go to the Pantry and fill the salt shaker with salt (it's on the second shelf). Return to the cow, milk it again and fill the bottle. If you didn't pick up the cheese earlier, go to the Mousehole and get it now. Add cheese, salt and milk in that order, to the saucepan. Click the knife on the saucepan. Return to the Diningroom and click the knife on the silver jug. At this point you have made Cheese of Edam sauce but it will not show up on the menu under current status. Go to the front of the House and use the hand on the moon. You now have a sickle, very handy for cutting. Fill the bottle with water. Return to the cow and use the moon to cut a leaf from the branch in the upper left corner. Take the leaf to the Diningroom and put it in the teapot. Go to the Lab and click the hand on the switch on the left side to turn on the gas. Use the lit candle on the Bunsen burner. Pour the water in the beaker. When it comes to a boil, fill the bottle. You can also boil the water right in the bottle by holding it over the fire in the fireplace. Back in the Diningroom, pour the boiling water into the teapot. You have made Yerba de Mate tea. Use the hand/fist to drag the teapot to the cup. To get Royal Yerba de Mate tea add milk and sugar in that order to Edward's cup. Drag the cup to Edward and he will drink. Smoked Tiger Eel cannot be made until other parts of the game have been completed. Go to the front of the House and "grow" another ripe berry. Don't pick it. Wait a few seconds and a fly will appear. Quickly use the net on the fly. If you miss it use the hand on the berry and another fly will appear. If you miss it a second time you will have to grow another ripe berry. Enter the Mouth. Use the pointer on the Attic door(spider door) at the left. You must have a lit candle in your inventory before this room will be lighted. Place the fly in the upper right corner of the web. The spider will appear on the left side of the web. Move the spider along the strands which have no water droplets until you reach the fly (wait a few seconds). You will get your 1st piece of paper. Burn it in the fireplace. Tip: The spider can only move to one junction at a time. Click on the first junction where you want it to move to, then click on the second junction and so on. If you wait too long before moving the spider will jump back to the previous junction. It will keep doing this until it is back at the start so it is best to map out your route before you start. Before removing the paper from the web look at it with the magnifying glass. Already removed the paper before reading this? Just put it back in the web to view it. Return to the Diningroom. Use the pointer on the right door to go to the Cellar. Be sure to have the lit candle in your inventory. Use the magnifying glass to view the 2nd piece of paper located just above Hope's head. Pick up the paper. Burn it. Go the Bedroom. Use the empty salt shaker on the ZZZ mug to get the sleeping powder. Go to the Library and use the sleeping powder on the wineglass in Mrs Scraggend's hand. Use the hand/fist to drag the bottle from the floor to the glass. Go to the Bathroom (through the "mirror" in the bedroom). Pick up the pig sponge and use it on the foggy window. It clears the window temporarily so another method will have to be found. Go to the Loo. Use the empty bottle on the plus or minus sign to get oil of vitriol. Off to the Lab where you pour the oil into the beaker and add the coins (in that order). The first cooking will give you a blue powder (the Library says it will dissolve in water, it's ornamental, made from copper and much sought after). I could find no use for this powder, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. Let the powder cook a little longer until it turns white. Collect it in the salt shaker(see Lab under Game Glitches). Return to the Bathroom and use it on the window. Return to the 1st Garden and use the pig sponge on Olly's arm. This opens up the Secret garden. Click the pointer on Pollyanna. Pick up the stick. If you don't have the moon in your inventory, go and get it, then use it to cut a leaf from the upper right corner. Take this leaf to the Lab and place it in the mortar. Use the toothbrush on the blue paint. Go to the Drawingroom and use the toothbrush on the blank canvas in front of Edward. You now have the first of three colours. Go to the Loo and use the net on the plant above the sink. Take the fly and place it in the mortar in the Lab. Use the toothbrush on the red paint and then on the blank canvas in the Drawingroom. You have the 2nd colour. Off to the front of the House now. Click the stick on the tree to get a walnut. Take the walnut to the Lab and place it in the mortar. Dip the toothbrush in the yellow paint and then use it on the blank canvas in the Drawingroom. You have the 3rd colour and thus have completed the art portion of the game. If you look inside the Drawingroom chimney there will be a blue dove and the star at the top glows a little brighter. One of the books in the stack sitting on the table in the Library has turned green and has been renamed. Back to the Loo. Use the hand on the toothpaste tube, then the toothbrush on the glob of toothpaste. Put the toothbrush on Olly's face to get him to brush his teeth. Go to the Secret garden and this time cut a leaf from the upper left bush. Toss this leaf into the bathtub (remember you can only carry one leaf at a time). Fill the bottle with bath water. You now have lavender water. Return to the Loo and click the magnifying glass on the scroll to read and then the hand to pick it up. Take it to the Bathroom and drop it in the tub. Return to the Loo and pour the lavender water on Olly. Back to the Bathroom, read the scroll then take it to the Loo and click it on Olly. You have brought Pollyanna and Olly together and completed the love portion of the game. There is a red dove up the Chimney and another book in the Library has turned green and changed its name. Return to the Secret garden and use the pointer to enter the second red flower from the right. You will see the lovers about to share their first kiss. Back out to the Secret garden and use the hand on the fly which is flitting from flower to flower, to get it to land on the entrance to the Flower room (second red flower on right). When it lands on the correct flower, use the pointer to enter. Once inside use the net to pick up the fly. Take the fly to the Pantry and place it on the meat (bottom shelf). Pick up the maggot from the meat. Take the maggot to the Hall and place it on Olly's lips. He will blow on it to warm it up. Enter the Pond, use the maggot on the upper most fish. It may be a bit resistant but keep trying, you'll eventually get the fish. Leave the Pond and lay the fish at the edge of the water. When it has finished flopping around, pick it up and re-enter the Pond. Click it on the fish in the lower left corner. You will get an eel. Before leaving use the moon to cut a reed for later use. Use the hand/fist to open the shell, then the magnifying glass to read the paper within. Open the shell again and take the 3rd piece of paper. Burn it. You will also find after catching the eel the nature portion of the game is done. (yellow dove) Go the Drawingroom and enter the fireplace. Use the eel on the bright star at the top of the Chimney. Go to the Diningroom and place the eel on Edward's plate. Use the hand/fist to drag the pitcher of cheese sauce to the eel. Click the magnifying glass on the menu. Exit the menu and wait a few seconds. You have now completed the food portion of the game. (light orange dove) Enter the Mousehole, pick up some cheese. Return to the Library and place the cheese in front of the Mousehole. When the mouse appears, use the hand to pick him up. If you miss him, get more cheese and try again. Go to the Kitchen and dip the knife in the butter churn. Now head off to the Music room. Place the mouse on the wall shelf. Use the buttered knife on the trombone to unstick it. Use the puff of air to blow the trombone. While it is extended, blow the tuba, then blow the trombone again. Pick up the cat. Place him on the cello and keeping the left mousebutton depressed, run him along the length of the cello. He should stretch out the entire length. Place the reed in the clarinet. You have completed the music portion of the game. (green dove) At this juncture you can take Edward up the Chimney but if you do so you will not be able to read the law scrolls in rooms that open up after this point. Go to the front of the House and click the pointer on the smoke coming out of the left chimney. You have now entered the Sky room. Place the hand/fist on the bright star in the upper left corner and drag it to another star. If it won't connect, try dragging it to another star. Keeping using this method until you have formed the big dipper with the gray planet inside the saucepan part. The planet will then rotate to its brown side. This opens up the Drink in the Bedroom. Go to the Bedroom. Use the pointer on the wineglass then the hand on the ice cube at the bottom of the glass. Take the ice cube to the Lab and melt it in the beaker. Pick up the 4th piece paper as soon as it appears. I was not able to read this paper. Take it to the Drawingroom and burn it. While in the Drawingroom enter the remaining black and white picture. Click the paper airplane on the Painting within, wait a few seconds and take the 5th piece of paper. Burn it. I was unable to read this paper. Go back to the Sky room. Click the pointer on the bright star on the right side of the screen. You have entered the Sun room (this room can only be accessed after the 5th paper has been found). Go to the Pantry and fill the salt shaker with sugar, return and pour the sugar on the sun. Eight candies will appear. Head over to the Mouth. Click the hand on the screen over the door. Listen carefully. I am unsure what is being said here. I think it is something about being hot. And I'm even more unsure what it all means. Now click the pointer on the screen and enter the Video room. Click the hand on all 16 buttons and they will begin to flash. You are on your own here. I have no idea what is supposed to be done. Now you may return to the Chimney and go to the Win room. Use the magnifying glass on the post to view the pieces of paper you burned. After you are finished in this room go to the Eye screen and place the crown on Edward's head. He won't refuse it now. Go to the Library and use the hand on the book laying on the floor and you will get the 6th and last piece of paper. Burn it. Return to the Win room and look at the post again. Here all 6 pieces of paper are assembled and they still don't make any sense. Go to the Stairs. Use the magnifying glass on the map. The translation of the motto on the right is: "To find the prize you must open your eyes". Now look at the map. The place names with a red dot and connected with a yellow line are anagrams of face parts: Horfeade - forehead West Hecke - west cheek Lamor - molar South Hinc - south chin Trilson - nostril The map itself is the wrong way around.....the west is on the wrong side. And that's all I could determine on the Stairs. Head off to the Mousehole. Use the hand/fist on the bag of cats' heads to drag a "tear of hope" to the fish head on the left. Use the bottle on the tear. Pour the bottle out by clicking it on any part of the room. You now have what I call "sparklies" swirling around the room. Collect another tear and pour it out in the next room. Continue to do this until every room has sparklies swirling in it. You will have to go back to the Mousehole each time to refill the bottle. There is a "one time only" tear in the Win room. Interesting note: You may pour the sparklies out before Edward has found all five colours of life but they won't swirl. They only do their little dance after he has gone up the Chimney for the first time. Now study the swirling sparklies carefully. They are tracing out a letter in the air. The audio clue from the ? in the Win room says to click the moon on the spot where the letter starts and where it ends. That's the tricky part...determining where it starts and ends. As each room's letter is discovered, letters will begin to form a quotation under the law scrolls (if the letter is necessary in the quotation). You are given Y and A to start you off. Finding the rest is up to you. Here is a list of the rooms, their letters and the quotations in each. As there are 28 rooms (not counting the Win room) and only 26 letters in the alphabet you will notice that three of the rooms use the letter W. Eye - O - The child is the father of the man House - N - Some stars fell like a falling tear Pond - F - Everything flows and nothing stops Sky - C - So many worlds so much to do Sun - W - Stolen sweets are best Hall - L (sparklies trace it out as l)- Why this is hell nor am I out of it Pantry - Q - Doth not the appetite alter Library - T - Why art thou silent Drink - R - Drink to me only with thine eyes Music room - I - Silence is the virtue of fools Loo - H - She is Venus when she smiles Diningroom - W - O tempora O mores (with time old habits change) Mousehole - A - Mehr licht (more light) Kitchen - B - One should eat to live not live to eat Cellar - J - Birth and copulation and death (the letter J does not appear in any quotation) 1st garden (cow) - K - Oh she is the antidote to desire Secret garden - Z - And a heaven in a wild flower Flower - V - My love is like a red red rose Drawingroom - M - Time quietly kills them Painting (tiger) - D - It is clever but is it art Chimney - E - After all tomorrow is another day Stairs - S - Oderint dum metuant (let them hate me so long as they fear me) Bedroom - U - Dream your dreams away Bathroom - P - She walks in beauty like the night Mouth - X - Into the mouth of hell Lab - Y - Falser than vows made in wine Attic (spider) - G - Man fears only the stroke of death Video - W - Think too little talk too much Win room (haven't figured out what's happening here) - BUZXEFREP By now you must have noticed the gaping big holes in the Drawingroom, Library and Video room. Use the pointer to enter each one. This is the keys puzzle and I have not yet figured out what has to be done. You can type on the keys themselves and then turn it but to what end????? Noodle around in here and maybe you will come up with something. And we come to the end of the game, at least for me, as that is as far as I could solve it. If you have any questions, or come up with puzzle solutions for the video, keys or any other puzzle I may have missed, feel free to email the author of this walkthrough at