Beavis and Butt-head are not role models, their not even human.... So to put it another way... TRY THIS AT HOME ........ HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH YEAH RIGHT !!! Beavis and Butt-head kick ass and so does this game. I can't wait till Viacom make a sequel. I'm there dude. MTV'S BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD IN VIRTUAL STUPIDITY Written by WOODRUFF Even though certain things are not written in this walkthru I highly recommend that you look and feel everything in each room or store. Even though the game is not run by points you get a better feel of the game and of these 2 wacky cartoon characters. So to make a long story short (HUH HUH you said long) don't leave anything out. Now onto the good part... After the very cool intro you start off in science class. Science sucks... SCHOOL - Take hall pass from next to door and show it to the teacher. Try talking to all of your classmates and "Use" their experiments. Leave classroom. SCHOOL HALLWAY - Open your locker and then look at the vent towards the left. Get the gum from the water fountain. Enter open class door to Spanish class for some kicks. Go through the double doors to get to the gym. GYM - Jump on springboard then onto the pummel horse. Jump back down onto the springboard and you should jump to the ladder. After Beavis gets his turn climb the ladder. ROOF - Get the stick. Look out the roof top to play HOCK-A-LOOGIE. After you get ten hits you will see a green loogie on the bottom left of the screen. Hit the right mouse to release the green loogie. You must make sure that the green loogie hits the principal in order to continue. After you hit Mr. McViccar quickly use the stick on the fan and go down. Leave school and go to the gas station. GAS STATION - Try to take nacho's and the owner will tell you that it costs a buck. Talk to the owner. Ask him about Todd. Go to the park. PARK - Talk to Todd's friends. They want FOOD. Play COURT CHAOS if you like. Knock over garbage can and pick up flyer. Go to Burger World. BURGER WORLD - Ask manager about food. He tells you that the only way to get food is through drive-thru. Go to gas station. GAS STATION - Talk to Mr. Anderson. Ask him about nacho's and then about a dollar. Go to your house. HOUSE - Pick up magnifying glass. Now you can go play BUG JUSTICE wherever there is an ant hill. Look at vent. You can also watch some videos if you please. Go to veteran's hall. VETERAN'S HALL - Talk to BuzzCutt. Ask him about Mr. Anderson. Clean up the tank and try to open the lid. Talk to Van Driessen and ask him about sperm whales. Go to coffee shop. COFFEE SHOP - Talk to the chick at the front door. Give her your flyer. Tangle up the video machine if you like. Get the poetry book from on the table. Talk to Wilbur. He will tell you about open MIC night at the club. Drink the cups of coffee on each table. Go to the end of the room and talk to the man in the brown sweater. Ask him about coffee. When he leaves "Get" coffee and then something cool will happen... " I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO. I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE ". Under the influence of Cornholio go to the VETERAN's hall. VETERAN'S HALL - Now you can open the lid on the tank (because of Cornholio). Enter tank. This kicks ASS.. Now you are able to get food from Burger World. Thank you drive-thru... After video sequence you get sent to jail. JAIL - Look under bed and then sit on bed. Get the toliet paper and the soap. Use soap on Beavis and then talk to the inmate. Ask him about todd, the quarter and the dude under the bed. Then have Beavis talk to him in order to get the guard into the room. After the guard slips and gets turned in lunch get his keys. Use keys on cell door. JAIL COURTYARD - Talk to Kyler. Ask him about quarter. Get the pillowcase that's next to him. Get the towel from near the guard lady and talk to the bald dude for an anal surprise. Enter the insane wing. INSANE WING - Get the teddybear and the camera from the shelves and the blocks from under the table. Open the cabinet and get the shock treatment. Talk to dude with book. Ask him about book. If you want that book you're gonna have to get him an eye. Go back to the courtyard. JAIL COURTYARD - Pick up basketball to knock out the guard. Talk to woman guard and ask about Kyler. She will tell you that he's afraid of flash cameras, hmm... Go back to your cell. JAIL CELL - Give the blocks, teddybear, poetry book and pillowcase to the dude under the bed. Pick up flash. Use flash on camera. Go to courtyard. JAIL COURTYARD - Use flash camera on Kyler 3 times in order to start a riot. After riot use keys on door to go back to the courtyard. JAIL COURTYARD - Pick up quarter and give it to inmate in cell. ON THE OUTSIDE - Use shock treatment on sleeping policeman and get into the van. After video sequence you end up outside of Todd's slaughter house. Cool... SLAUGHTER HOUSE - Pick up wood next to Butt-Head. Use it on cannon ball. "Use" wood and you're free. After video sequence Todd's in your house and he's hurt dude. He tells you that in order to enter his gang you gotta get his car. Go back to the slaughter house. SLAUGHTER HOUSE - Pick up license plate "TODD" outside. Enter house and move the swithch on the machine. Now pull the lever. Pick up axe and meat. Go to farm house. FARM HOUSE - Talk to farmer. Ask him about Todd and about the barn. Get the chicken for one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. After talking to the farmer dude you find out that he needs some teeth. No problem... Go to burger world. BURGER WORLD - Talk to Gena. Ask her about Todd to find out where the keys to his car is. Pick up her burger to get the employee out of the WORLD. Pick up spatula at the back and fry the rat. Go to the veteran's hall. VETERAN'S HALL - Talk to Mr. Anderson. Ask him about Todd and the garage door opener. Go to the park. PARK - Try to pick up the squirel. Excellent roadkill dudes... Go to the stuffed animal shop. (TAXIDERMIST SHOP) ANIMAL SHOP - Talk to the lady. Ask her about roadkill. Get marker and pick up rabbit to get a piece of string. Also pick up a snake eye from the box near the raccoon. Combine the piece of string with the gum. Go to your house. HOUSE - Use Gum on a string to get the quarter from the vent. Go to the coffee shop. COFFEE SHOP - Kick Wilbur off the stage and then you can play AIR GUITAR. Go to the bathroom and use the quarter on the condom machine. Get the jimmy. Take a dump and wipe if you please. Go to the gas station. GAS STATION - Use condom in air tank between the two gas pumps. Go to School. YEAH RIGHT. SCHOOL - Talk to janitor about combinations on lockers. Give blown up condom to janitor. You will get a dog balloon. Go to jail. COOL... JAIL - Use meat on the dog. Hmm.. that didn't work. How about using the pliers on his chain, that didn't work either. Just use the dog balloon on him, DUMBASS. Now cut the cheese, Oops I mean cut the chain. Pick up hammer. Go to park. PARK - Use marker on sign. Try to pick up squirel. Use spatula then the hammer on him. Pick him up and go to the animal store. ANIMAL STORE - Give the lady the roadkill. Ask her about the bear. Get the stuffed squirel go back to the school. SCHOOL - Give the janitor the stuffed squirel. Now you can pass to the gym. GYM - Climb the rope. Once beavis is on the rope use the towel on his butt. Once he's all the way on top use the ax on rope. You will fall into the boiler room. BOILER ROOM - Get the jar of paint and open the file cabinet. Get the combination folder. Leave the boiler room and use the folder on locker..... 69 dudes, (bet you couldn't guess that.) Go to the Jail. JAIL - Go to the insane wing and give the guy with the book the snake eye. Talk to him and you will get his book. Give the book to the dude under the bed in the cell. After they give him the TEIZER (the chair) take his teeth. Go to the coffee shop. COFFEE SHOP - Talk to BuzzCutt. After he grabs you kick him good and hard in the NADS. Go to the veteran's hall. VETERAN'S HALL - Stick your hand up the bear's ass twice to get the garage door opener. Go to the farm. FARM - Give the farmer the teeth and the the opener on the barn door. STEALING THE CAR - In order to get the car you gotta like disguise it and stuff so like use the paint on it. After that pull the license plate off and putt on the TODD license plate instead. The chicks will join you and it'll be cool. You'll end up at the gas station. GAS STATION - Talk to Daria. Use keys on car to finish the game dude. I must give this game 69 thumbs up because it just plain kicks ass. If anyone has any Questions, Comments or anything else about the walkthru please feel free to e-mail me at: WOODRUFF HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. SEE YOU GUYS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!