The solution of "Flight of the Amazon Queen" by Martin Hjelm & Mikael Engver -------------------------------------------- When you play this game, try to remember that everything that is possible to do, always should be done, cause in this game you can't be killed, whatever you may decide to do. So action is always correct. Try everything you can think of. It took us 4-5 days for us to finnish off this sucker!!! I hope my spelling wasn't to bad. If you have question, contact me by email on : At hotell : ----------- Move curtain cord Pick up wig Pick up sheet Pick up other sheet Use sheet on other sheet Use sheet on radiator Use radiator with sheetrope Move ladder Pick up box of crowbars Pick up comedy breasts(TM) Enter left door Pick up key Talk to bellboy, and tell him you are a firend of Miss Lola Pick up key Go back Use sheetrope Use crowbar on chest Look at chest Use radiator with sheetrope (get towel) Use key on the red door Go in Give her the towel Use dress Walk to the white door Use the truck outside On a truck : ------------ Pick up chicken Use chicken on Rico in car Use crowbar on Rico in car Pick up hay Use hay on Rico in car Pick up oil Use oil on Rico in car In the crashed airplane : ------------------------- Open dufflebag Look in dufflebag (get knife & lighter) Talk to Sparky (get beef jerky) Look at waterlogged seats (get a comic coupon) Open hatch Use beef jerky on piranhas Pick up propeller Use knife on lily steam Use propeller on giant lily pad At crashsite : -------------- Go to the north path Use knife on vine Go to the south path Go south Use vine on bridge Pick up banana Go south Go north Go north Talk to gorilla (Tell him that he shouldn't be here) Walk to pinnacle Go to jungle In Jungle : ----------- Take the right path Go right again Talk to vicious dinosaur (until he disappears) Walk to hollow log Go north Go right Move buttons At the amazons : ---------------- Talk to tired prisoner Talk to bedraggled prisoner (get a handpuppet) Faye comes Apologise to her Go north Go left All around in the jungle : -------------------------- Go to pinnacle Go to Trader Bob Enter shop Give beef jerky to Trader Bob (get money) Pick up vacuum cleaner Talk to Noami (make her talk about her perfume) Goto pinnacle Goto jungle Go north Go right Talk to Bud (make him talk about his rash) Talk to skip (until you get a comic book) Look at comic book Go right Go right again Go right again Go north Use vacuumcleaner on orchid swarming with wasps Pick up orchid Go to pinnacle Go to Trader Bob Give orchid to Trader Bob Pick up net Go to pinnacle Go to crashsite Give comicbook to Sparky (get file) Use net on perfume (get perfume) Go to pinnacle Go to Trader Bob Give perfume to Noami (get scissors) Go to pinnacle Go to jungle Go right Use net on beetle Go right Go down Talk to Mary-Lou (about dictionary) Give her the file (get dictionary) Give banana to the middle monkey (get a coconut) Use knife on coconut Go to pinnacle Go to Floda Inc. Camp Pick up flower Go to jungle Go north Use flower on tree toed sloth Use scissors on three toed sloth (get sloth hair) Go to Trader Bob Talk to Witch doctor (about rash) Give sloth hair to doctor Give coconut halves to doctor Give vacuumcleaner to doctor You will get a lotion Go to Skip & Bud Give lotion to Bud (get money) Goto Trader Bob Pick up record Go to crashsite Go south Pick up banana Go to Floda Inc. Camp At Floda Inc. Camp : -------------------- Go in Go north Move book Move Rug Move painting Open grandfather clock Open couch Go north Go to kitchen Talk to chef (ask him about what he is doing) Give banana to chef Pick up dog food Pick up cheeze bitz(TM) Go right Open mailbag Look in mailbag (get letter) Open footlocker Pick up squeaky toy Go to library Use elevator Enter door Look at box (get can opener) Use can opener on dogfood go back go down Talk to John (about letter) Enter the north door Move cabinet Go back Enter the other door Look at duty roster Go back Go down Go down Go to fireexit Pick up super weenie serum Use super weenie serum on dog food Exit fire exit Enter the door Open door on left Pick up book Use scissors on book (get key) Go to the eating guard Talk to Klunk (about serum) Give Chef's surprise to Klunk Go to fireexet Go upstairs Use key on door Pick up pencil Use lightswitch Use mannequins Talk to princess Azura (make her say the door code) Use wall panel Go in again Go to library Use elevator Enter the room where the eating guard used to stand Use pencil on writing pad (get piece of paper) Go to the room with the safe Open safe Look at safe Go out to the dog Give squeaky toy to guard dog Open the "keep out" door Use padlock key on padlck Open box Look at box (get rocketpack) Go to amazon fortress Go to entrance Go to pinnacle Go to Jetty Talk to ferryman (about fishing) Give beetle to ferryman Talk to ferryman (about Sloth Island) Sloth Island : -------------- Go north Go left Go left Give cheeze bitz(TM) to dino rat Pick up all the bodies (if any bones falls out, then pick it up) Go right Do the same thing on all the bodies Go right Use armbone on socket Use skull in top hole Use rib cage in middle hole Use leg bone in the last hole Use lots of money on slot Use armbone Go to north Answer "I know, it's man in his three stages of life" Go right Go north Go right Talk to zombie woman (about sarcophagus, make them open it) Pick up mummy wrappings Talk to zombie woman (tell her that you pulled out a pile of rags) Open sarcophagus Use knife on sarcophagus with vines Close sarcophagus Move sarcophagus Go in Use knife on tree sap Pick up tree sap Use tree sap on fountain head Pick up blue jewel Pick up more tree sap Go left Go left Use handpuppet on stonedisc Go right Go right Use lever Go north Use stonedisc on spindle Use gnarled vine on stonedisc Go left Use loose vines on pulley Use bat on pulley Go right Pick up pick Go left Use bat on pulley Go left Go north Go north Use pick on stalactite Pick up flint Use pick on hole Go north Go left Go left Go left Use flint on lighter Use mummy wrappings on arm bone (get makeshift torch) Use lighter on makeshift torch (get lit torch) Use lit torch on snake Go north Go north Look at support rope Use lever Talk to Ian (about untieing the rope) Use lever Go back to the room with tree sap Go left Go left Look at Ian's pulverised body (get chunk of rock) Use chunk of rock on tree sap Go right Go right Pick up more tree sap Use tree sap on bat (get sticky bat) Use lever Go left Go left Go left Go north Go right Look at body (get Id & bit of stone) Use bit of stone on chunk of rock (get stone key) Go left Go right Go left Go left Pick up big stick Go to the stalactites Go left Use big stick on crypt Look in crypt (get deathmask) Go to the place with the two lizardheads Use rest of wrappings on deathmask Use deathmask on lizardhead Go in Go right Use stickybat on green jewel Go left Go left Go left Go left Use green jewel on eye (right) Use blue jewel on eye (left) Take the right door Use stonekey on statue Go down Go right Give the dino cheez bitz(TM) and follow him until you reach a room with a strange statue with a skull in the middle Look at wallmarkings Go right Use vacuumcleaner on mosaic Move the 2nd wallmarking in the 4th row Move the 3rd wallmarking in the 3rd row (the door will open) Go right Give crown to guardian Pick up crystal skull Go left Go left Use wallpanel (right) Use wallpanel (left) Use chair Back again.... : ---------------- Pick up mug Use mug on door Go to Trader Bob Pick up alcohol Use comic coupon on torn page (get Pocket Rocket blueprints) Look at Pocket Rocket blueprints Use alcohol on rocket pack Go to Pinnacle Use rocket pack Valley of mists : ----------------- Go right Go north Go north Use knife on branches Go down Use branches on large dinosaur Go down Go down Go left Use tyranno horn Go right Pick up dino ray gun Use dino ray gun on monster Frank Talk to faye (about turning her mirror around) Use dino ray gun on monster Frank Give deathmask to Sparky Use dino ray gun on monster Frank And that's the end of the game !!! Comment : I Havn't showed you all the funny stuff in my walk-thru of the game. The most of the funny things to do, is often to talk to peaple and listen to their replies. I've left them because they were unnessesary for completing the game.