

Color Orb

Sin (Sin Room)

Yellow = Red & Green

Magenta = Red & Blue

Cyan (Light Blue) = Blue & Green








Mani, Yin-Yang, Pride

Ivan the Terrible, Sword, Pride

Aleister Crowley, Cross, Pride

Dagmar Hirt, Scalpel, Pride

Osira, Flower, Anger

Tiplotezca, Heart, Anger

John Wayne Gacy, Clownface, Anger

Tirinia, Rope Noose, Lust

Anka, Jolly Roger (Cross Bones), Lust

Wa-No-Te, Horse, Lust

Serguis Orata, Oyster, Gluttony

Xuanchiquel, Spoon, Gluttony

Man of No Name, Abacus, Avarice/Greed

Droessus, Necklace (Wreath), Avarice/Greed

Alfred Krupp von Bohlen, Cannon, Avarice/Greed

Raj, Branding Iron, Envy

Shaamra, Chisel & Stone, Envy

Zanazca, Mirror, Envy

Jimmy Ray Christian, Guitar, Accidie/Sloth

Koobooragong, Round Stone, Accidie/Sloth

Piankhy, Square Stone (Plans), Accidie/Sloth

Heung Po-Chi, Silk Square, Accidie/Sloth

Caligula, Dagger, Nightly News/Plague Room (Level 3 Only)

Carlos Marcello, Cigar, Nightly News/Plague Room (Level 3 Only)

Marie Antoinette, Money Purse, El Dorado Room (Level 3 Only)

Shakem Ben-Jamin, Sheep Hide, El Dorado room (Level 3 Only)

Cain/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle

Quechua/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle

Alexander the Great/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle

Amratus I/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle

Admah-Najeh/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle

Saman, Druid Priest/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle

( Extra Tip : Whenever you go to Save Game or Load Game, that Robot will appear. If you don't feel like listening to him go through his whole routine everytime, then just as he is about to turn around to face you, Left-click on your mouse button and it will skip his repetitive sequence; because after a while, this gets tedious ! )