BROKEN SWORD ============= "THE SMOKING MIRROR" ==================== THE COMPLETE SOLUTION : By DANNY.P """""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" OUBIER'S HOUSE : -------------- Look at the bookcase. Remove the block of wood from the bookcase. Hook on to the metal bracket. Open the writing bureau, and take the tequila worm from the bottle. Open the small drawer. Take the pot. Examine the pot, and find the key. Take the nylon panties, lipstick and the letter from Nico's bag. Read the letter from Andre'. Pick up the poisened dart on the floor. Use the dart on the cabinet. Pick up the cylinder by using the panties. Use the cylinder with the syphon. Use the syphon on the flames. Downstairs : Take the newsclip beside the telephone. Look closer on the newsclip, and you will find a bank statement. Call Andre'. Unlock the front door, and head for : MONTFAUQON : ------------ Talk to the waiter until he serws you your coffe. Andre' arrives. Show him the little pot, and he will give you an adress. Keep talking to the gendarme until he gets depressed. Take his bottle of absinthe. MARSEILLES : ------------ The Glease gallery : Put some absinth in the critics vine glas - two times. Walk over to the packing case, and remove the label. Harbor : Take the hook, and the bottle in the water. ( use the hook ) Use the bottle two times on the chimney, then remove the metal cone. Plug the chimney with the bottle, and go inside the hut. Take the piece of coal, and the dog biscuits. Go down and out. Throw one biscuit on the platform below, and then use the hook on the same platform. Get over the fence. Condor Trans Global's warehouse : Open the first window, and block the fan with the hook. Knock on the door below, and then hurry back up. Notice that Pablo comes out. Release one barrel, then one more. Enter the warehouse. Check the noticeboard. Open the drawer, and pick up the key. Show Titipoco the key. Take the elevator upstairs, by pressing the button. Move the closest crate, so that it blocks the photo electric cell. Turn on the light by pressing the switch. Check out the scratch marks on the floor. Open the secret door, and release Nico. Pick up the little statue and the tape. Use the tape on the photo electric cell, and move back the crate. Then move the one with the label - "live content". After that, move the crate which is blocking the carrier. Raise the carrier. Use the rope on the big statue, and the pulley. Lower the carrier again. Ask Nico if she can help you to puch the statue. Escape down the cable, by using the manacles. QUARAMONTE CITY : ----------------- The market : It's all about talking.... Just pump the following people for information. The band members, the female boss of the mine company, Pearl and Duane, Dr.Oubier, The General and his asssistant. Then ask Nico to take The General for a trip. Then tell Pearl, about the pyramid, and she will get rid of the assistant. Check out the cells, and Miguel. Look at the map in the general's office. Head back to the female chief, and tell her about the map. Get the detonator, and give it to Duane. Go back to the cell. The assistant soon arrives, and you are locked up. General Grasiento's house : Look at all his things. Talk to him about them. After a while his mother will show up. Back in the cell : Get the rope from Miguel. Use the rope on the cell window, and then give the other end to Duane. Teoculcan jungle 1 : -------------------- Father Huberts house : Pick up the wine from the washing machine. Pick up the cross, and use it on the two stones/the press. Put the bank statement on the leaves, and then use the flint statue on the waterwheeel. Press faher Hubert's collar by plasing it between the two stones, and then turn them by using the cross. Village : Give the box of biscuits to the guard. When he gets back, put the coyote stone in the same box. Give it to the guard. Father huberts house, again : Place the cone under the two stones. Place the root between the two stones, and turn the stones by using the cross. Pick up the cone with the liquid. Go up. Caribbean : ----------- Talk to : The Ketche's sisters, Bronson and Rio. Try the door. Soon you will be able to tell the sisters that Emily is playing with Rio. Then they go away. Give the tequila worm to Rio. Take the inner tube from the bicycle. Take his fish. Tie the rubber tube to the flagpole, then tie the fish to the tube. Take the cats red ball. Take back the tube, and use it on the tree. Shoot down the theodolite target. Get Bronson's plan. Take his teodolite. Go back to the sisters, and show them the plan. London : -------- Britich museum : Look in the cabinets, then talk to the attendant about the Jaguar stone. Professor Oubier will show up. Ask the attendant again about the Jaguar stone, and you will discover that it has been stolen. Take the key from the Jaguar cabinet, and use it on the cabinet near the telephone. Take the obsidian dagger. Show the key to the attendant. Ask him about where Oubier was going. Use the dagger on the door behind the curtain. Back in the Caribbean : Open the sea chest, and release Emily. Take the lantern and put it in the ink well. Pick up the chart, and put it on the desk. Pick up the quill from the desk. Look at the portrait of captain Ketch. Talk to Emily about the cross. Head back down to Rio. To make him a fly : Give the quill to the cat, pick up the feather shreds, and give them to Rio. He will then give you a conch. Go back to Emily and trade the conch for her cross. Put the cross in the pen holder. Go back to Rio, and he will take you to Zombie Island. When you arrive, try to climb the cliff. Then look at Rio's boat. Ask him if you can borrow his fishing net. Use the net on the rock outcrop. London Underground station : Use the dagger on the cupboard. Use the hairclip in the coinslot. Pick up the penny from the coin reject tray. (Use the penny on the chocolate machine, and get the chocolate bar. Take the penny.) Then Use the penny on the weighing machine. After that, use your weightcard in the crack on the cupboard. Press the red buttom. Zombie Island : --------------- Start at the cliff edge, where you first arrived. Take the north-east path. Pick up the reeds. You now have four possible (6) ways to go. Three in the left side of the screen, and one the right side. (3). Take the upper right path. In this next picture you also have a maximum of six places to go. First look under the big three. Beneath it is a lair. Stick the reed into the lair. Get back to the cliff edge, and now take the right (east) path. Continue east until you reach the boar. Use the arrow with the reed, and then shoot the boar. Continue east. Rock needle : Pick off the creeper. Use the marker on the net. Use the net and the marker on the creeper. Throw it all over the rock needle. Head for the north path. The reed place - Take the upper right path. The lair place - Take the middle left path. The unknown place - Take the lower left path. The reed place - Take the middle right path. The lair place - Take the middle right path. The unknown place - Take the middle right path, and you are out ! The mountain plattform : Use the teodolite in the holes. Use the teodolite. Find the marker, by moving the teodolite. Look at the pillar right above the marker. Exit to the right. London harbor : --------------- Sneak over to the next crate. Click on the ladder. When the guard passes, click on the cupboard. After opening the door, hurry back up the ladder. The guard enters the little room. Click on the door one more time, and you close it. Pick up the mop, and use it on the door. Look in the porthole. Take the Jaguar stone from Oubier. When Karzac shows up, quickly stab him with the dagger. Film crew : ----------- Talk to Haiku about him self. Soon Hawks tell you step back, and let the film begin. Haiku changes place with the stuntman, Bert. Take one pancake, some syrup, and some buns. Use some syrup on the pancakes. Ask Bert if he wants some pancakes. Then throw two buns in the bush. On the beach : Tell Hawks, that YOU can be the stuntman. Click on the portable camera, then talk to Flach. Talk to Hawks again. Tell him about Flach, and his portable camera. Teoculcan jungle 2 : -------------------- Village : Try to pick up the hot Coyote stone. Try to tip the barrel. Ask Titipoco if he can help you. Go vest. The pyramid : ------------- Use the dagger on the generator's fuel line. Pick up the cylinder from the same machine. Use this cylinder on the fuel line. Now use the cylinder on the engines fuel cap. Press the bottom on the engine. Click on the scaffold gantry. Take the rope, and give it to Titipoco. Take the to ends and tie them to the engine. Use the lever back and forward. Talk to Titipoco. Enter the platform. On the pyramid top : Take the ammunition belt on the boxes. "Go" back down. Take the torch, and ask Titipoco to fire it. Throw the ammunition on the fire. Head back up. Click on the General. Inside the pyramid 1 : ---------------------- Try to move both levers. Then ask George to help you with them. The tiles and dials : --------------------- The room have two big wheels. Then a section of six tiles. And then a section of four tiles. To open the door, you have to puch back all the four tiles. If you look closer you will see that each of the four tiles, is a mix of two of the six tiles. That means that two of the symbols on the six tiles will be one of the symbols on the four tiles. That means again that two of the six tiles have to be puched back before you can puch back one of the six. Confused ? - Don't be. An example : If you look at the upper right tile, among the four. You can see that it is a mix of two tiles among the six : nr 2 from left, upper row. nr 5 from left, upper row. So far so good. But how do you manage to puch back two of the SIX tiles ? If you look at one of the six tiles, you will now see that they also are a mix, but this time a mix of two of the symbols on the two big WHEELS. Look at tile nr 2 : It a mix of a "joker's hat" and a "laying half moon with stripes", with a "( * )" beneath You will find the same symbols on the two wheels. Turn the left wheel so that the "hat" symbol is at 3'o clock. Turn the right wheel so that the other symbol is at 9'o clock. Then puch tile nr 2. It's working ! When you have done the same for tile nr 5, you will be able to puch the upper left tile among the four. Use the same way of thinking to puch back all four tiles. Back to George : Take the torch on the wall, and show it to Titipoco. Pull the lever on the wall. The lever rooms : ----------------- There are five levers in these rooms. It's best to give them some numbers. The first room you fall in to, has a lever. Let's call this lever number 1. If you then go west, you enters a room with two levers. The one on the right side is number 2. The one on the left side is number 3. Then go through the middle door, and in to the hallway. The first lever is number 4. The other one at the end of the hall is number 5. To open the secret door, pull the levers in this secuence : 1 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 5 Pick up the torch, and lit the one on the wall. Then pick this one up. Stairs : Pull the lever at the bottom of the stairs. Go down, to finaly meet Tezcatlipoca. THE END. Danny Boy.