Panzer General 2 FAQ The latest version of Panzer General 2 is v1.01 Frequently Asked Questions Q. I am in the Novgorod scenario of the Blitzkrieg campaign, and I do not have any deployment hexes in Staraya Russa which allows the computer to move into the city and win on the first turn. A. When the deployment window comes up, you have deployment hexes in and around Staraya Russa. If you close off the deployment window, i.e. buying units, you will lose these deployment hexes. You must go back to a previous save before deployment, autosave campaign if you did not save before entering this scenario. You will now have the deployment hexes. Q. I have several turns for a victory, but the computer gives me a loss. What happened? A. The computer has moved one of his units into a unoccupied victory hex. Make sure you guard all of your victory hexes. Q. I have a unit that can not move, and it has a leader and transport. A. This is a bug. If your leader has the Recon ability and has organic transport (truck), the unit will be unable to move. During the Upgrade Screen in between campaign scenarios, give your unit with this leader something that is self-propelled. This bug should be fixed in 1.1. Q. The back of the box says 'prototype research track', what is this? A. During campaign play and you get a Brilliant Victory, you have a random chance to get a free unit added to your core units that is unavailable for purchase at that time. This unit is the prototype that is further along in the research track. Q. How many core units can I have? A. As many as you can buy up to 75. We recommend 20 to 25 as your core force. This will allow you to have enough prestige to overstrength and upgrade your units in later scenarios. Q. I notice that my planes have no fuel rating. How come? A. Due to the maps being a limited size, it was decide that the planes would have no problems with flying back and forth. So, the fuel rating was eliminated from aircraft. Q. I want to turn off the weather. What can I do? A. Hit the 'w' key. This is explained in the Readme.txt file that came with the game. Q. Now, I want to show hidden units. How can I do this? A. At this time, you can not show hidden units. When version 1.1 is available, you will be able to do this in campaign play only. Q. My artillery unit has a truck and I want to give it a halftrack. How do I do this? A. In campaign play during the upgrade screen in between scenarios, go to the upgrade screen, click on the unit you want to upgrade, and then click on the transport you want to give your unit. At this time, you should notice an increase in the prestige points for your transport. Q. When I start a scenario, the slider bars slowly leave a trail and the map is all black. How can I correct this? A. You most likely have your CD-ROM drive set to Z. Change this to any other drive. If you must keep your CD-ROM drive set to Z, then: Explore the PG2 CD. Copy the MAP folder to the folder with Panzer2. Open the MAP folder that is now on your hard drive. Under the edit menu, Select All. Right-click on highlighted files, and choose Properties. Uncheck the Read Only box. Check the Archive box. Click on Apply. Start your game. You should be able to play the game normally, except you will not have music during play. Q. I have noticed that there are units that should not be available until a later date. What is up with this? A. During the design of the scenarios, it was decided that some prototype units should be available in some of the non-historical scenarios. So, scenarios like Savannah, you will see units like the P-80 and M-26 available sooner than they were historically. Q. I have dropped my paratrooper onto the last victory hex and get the victory speech, but I get sent back to the same scenario or my computer locks up. What is wrong? A. This is a bug that should be corrected in version 1.1. For now, do not capture victory hexes with paratroopers. Q. My unit just received a leader. How did it get a leader and what are the leader's abilities? A. Your unit randomly may get a leader when it increases one level in experience. Right click on your unit with the leader then click on the graphic of the unit, if you move the cursor over the target like reticules, this will display the leader's abilities. In the Readme.txt file, the abilities are explained.