/\/\att's .--. . . .-. . . . . .-. .-. // | | |\| :- |\/| | | `-. | \\ /'/ `--' ' ' `-' ' ' `-' `-' ' \`\ [\_/ .-. .-. . . . .-. .-. .-. .-. \_/] I |.., |- |-| | | . / | | `-| | ...| I [__]-~ ' ' ' `-' `-' `-- `-' `-' ' ~-[__] || H (F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions H || || || _________ || || || || / _ _ \ || || || || Version | |(_) (_)| | Released || || L| /\ 2.3 | |__ __| | 09-01-95 /\ L| _________|/'_ \________________|___]___[___|________________/ _`\|_________ | (_) |------[ ______ ______ ]------| (_) | ---...___I `\______\ ._ ```---.__ __.---''' _. /______/' I___...--- ~~~~----'~~~~/_\ ^\_ ~ _/^ /_\~~~~`----~~~~ The poor gamer's \ ~-. .-~ / Another fine sTrAgEdY playing guide to /_\ \ / /_\ file, brought to you by One Must Fall: 2097, \ \ / / /\/\att, in association by Epic Megagames & /_\ \_/ /_\ with David "Doomsayer" Diversions Entertainment. \___________/ Laprad. Fan Mail Welcome. / / \ \ /' / \ `\ /' / \ `\ __/____/__ __\____\__ \ (_) / \ (_) / |\ / \ /| ASCii by /\/\att ||\/|| ||\/|| || || || || || || || || |H H| |H H| .---H--H---. .---H--H---. /^\__|__|__/^\ /^\__|__|__/^\ |/' \/ `\| |/' \/ `\| "/\/\att's One Must Fall: 2097 FAQ" is copyright (C) 1995 by Matt Williams NOTE: This is not a technical manual for the game, but a description of moves, secrets, and things concerning gameplay. The zip file that you obtained this FAQ from should contain all the following files: MATTSOMF.FAQ - This File OMFMOVES.LST - Short list of moves only (For printing) * FILMS.ZIP - ZIP file containing .REC files of all "My Best Combos" FILE_ID.DIZ - File description Please do not distribute this file in any way other than in its original zip format under the filename "MOMFAQXX.ZIP", where XX is the version number. Note that a "*" denotes new/changed information (1) Foreword & Basic Tutorial --READ THIS ENTIRE SECTION-- (1.1) The Foreword (1.2) Disclaimer (1.3) Basic Tutorial (1.4) Understanding Special Move Sequences (1.4)(A) Direction & Attack Buttons Legend (1.4)(B) Special Moves Punctuation Legend (1.5) Shareware Differences (1.6) The 2.0 Modem/Network Upgrade *(1.7) Recording/Playing Back Matches *(1.8) Understanding Rehit Mode (2) Known Secrets & Hidden/Unranked Challengers (2.1) The Hidden Difficulty Levels (2.2) The Hidden Advanced Options Menu (2.3) Unranked Challengers - Tournament (2.4) Tournament Mode Enhancements (2.5) Fire in the Hole, Ice in the Basement (2.6) Odds'n'Ends Secrets (2.7) At Wit's End? (2.8) One Player Attribute Editor (2.9) Using the Nova in One Player Mode (2.A) Questions -I- Need Answered (3) 'bot Descriptions, Moves, & Other Swell Stuff... *(3.1) Jaguar *(3.2) Shadow *(3.3) Thorn *(3.4) Pyros *(3.5) Electra *(3.6) Katana *(3.7) Shredder *(3.8) Flail *(3.9) Gargoyle *(3.A) Chronos *(3.B) Nova (4) In Closing, etc., etc., etc... *(4.1) The Future of OMF (4.2) Future Expansion (4.3) Where to get the Latest Version of the FAQ (4.4) How to Contact /\/\e *(4.5) Revision History *(4.6) Credits (1) Foreword & Basic Tutorial ----------------------------- This section contains the Foreword, Disclaimer, and all the basics that you need to know to become familiar with the game. If you have never played the game before, or are not completely familiar with the game's mechanics, be sure to read at least Sections (1.3) - (1.4). (1.1) The Foreword ------------------ Sick and tired of all those other OMF moves lists you find on your local bulletin boards or in your favorite gaming mag that have move combinations that never seem to work, or have directions that are only slightly more comprehensible than the German README.TXT file you got with that foreign variation of Tetris? Does it seem like someone forgot something vital, like maybe "testing", when they uploaded or published those lists? Are you often finding yourself gnashing your teeth when the computer performs a lethal Destruction on your hapless 'bot, while you can only desire sweet vengeance in the form of seeing your opponent impaled on your Thorn's spikes? Or maybe you long to wind up and smash the upper body off the AI's 'bot with that wicked Nova. Do you mirror a sentiment all-too-common among most people playing this game?: "How the (your favorite expletive here) do I DO that?" Well, look no further. This FAQ is exactly the OMF guide for your destructive pleasure. (Albeit politically-correct destructive pleasure) All the combinations for special moves listed in this file haven't been taken straight from the $10 strategy guide that only a pansy gamer would buy from Epic. No, all these codes have been gleaned through blood, sweat, and blisters in the Arena after hours and hours of heated battle, like a real gamer would--with a few of the moves ripped out of what passes as the current OMF FAQ. So what does this mean? It means that, so long as you're not using an older/updated version of OMF than myself, all the moves listed here (which covers just about 99.9% of all moves in the game--to my knowledge) are guaranteed, or your money back. Heck, maybe I can swing a deal with the SysOps to give you back your DL credit if you're not completely satisfied. If you haven't gotten the registered version of this game yet, order it today. This is, in my opinion, the best fighting game by far ever produced for MS-DOS computers. The gameplay is the best of any fighting game(SF2 & MK series included) out there. My only real quirk with OMF is its lack of scrolling backgrounds, causing the fighting to sometimes feel crowded; and maybe they'll fix this in the sequel. Aside from that, this game is killer, and nearly flawless. There's more secrets and hidden characters in this game than MK I & II put together, making for incredible replay value trying to find all the hidden moves, hidden characters, & special enhancements. And all that without the "blood'n'guts" that sets off parental warning groups. I won't speak for everyone, but knocking bolts & sheets of metal from an opponent is every bit as satisfying as bleeding your enemy to death. Anti-violence advocates can't even attack the "Scrap" and "Destruction" moves, as they are not in any way connected with harming real people(or even fictitious people). Ingenious. Epic Megagames, Rob Elam, Ryan Elam, & all others involved in the creative process are to be well applauded. Hopefully, this file will be expanded as any new knowledge about the game comes to my attention, and I'll slowly be able to fill in the few gaps I'm currently not certain on. And, by downloading this file, you're supporting your friendly neighborhood FAQ writer by making higher demand for these files in the future. Now don't you feel better about yourself? Be sure and read through this entire section, if you're not completely familiar with the game, for basic gameplay instructions and tips. NOTE: Those of you only playing the shareware version, look under "Shareware Differences", Section (1.5) for minor changes in some of the scraps. (1.2) Disclaimer (Unless you're an Epic employee, you can skip this) ---------------- This FAQ and myself are not in any way connected with Epic Megagames. "One Must Fall: 2097" is, I presume, a registered trademark of Diversions Entertainment, or Epic Megagames, or both. I don't know. I don't care. "OFFICIAL /\/\att sTrAgEdY Guide" is not a trademark of anything. Feel free to mention them in anything you write without including me in your Disclaimer list. I'm not even sure how to get a trademark; & I'm too cheap to waste money on anything other than games anyway. I only wrote this because I pity the poor idiots like myself that tried to understand the pitiful instructions in the other OMF FAQs before they finally gave up and just messed around till they got something to work. If anyone is dissatisfied with the results of this FAQ, or unable to get the moves to work right, despite the fact that they have done everything to my every letter, then you have my sympathy. And that's it. If strange demons infest your household due to heinous combinations of joystick movements in conjunction with unheard of swearing by you when moves don't work, don't contact me complaining. Call your local exorcist. I'll be working on the next revision. For all technical reasons, this FAQ IS copyright, (C)1995. Why, I really don't know... David just told me to do it. Like anyone would rob a poor FAQ writer? (I told you to skip this... Now get out of here) (1.3) Basic Tutorial -------------------- # Each 'bot has 15 basic Attacks--7 basic Punches, 7 basic Kicks, and 1 Throw or Grab. The basic Punches and Kicks are different in speed & power, ranging from weak & fast (referred to as "light") to fairly strong & fairly quick (referred to as "medium") to powerful & slow (referred to as "heavy). NOTE: Some 'bots have, in place of Arms or Legs, different appendages that they attack with such as blades, flames, or chains, and therefore do not have Punches and Kicks, but say, Punches & Flames or Blades & Kicks. - To perform a standing Light Attack, press straight towards your opponent and an Attack button. To perform a standing Medium Attack, just press an Attack button without pressing in any direction. To perform a standing Heavy Attack, press straight Away from your opponent and an Attack button. - To perform a crouching Light Attack, press diagonally Down & Towards your opponent and an Attack button. To perform a crouching Medium Attack, press straight Down and an Attack button. To perform a crouching Heavy Attack, press diagonally Down & Away from your opponent and an Attack button. The crouching Heavy Kick is most commonly referred to as a "Sweep". - To perform an Air Attack, first Jump and then press an Attack button while your 'bot is in the air. - To perform a Throw or Grab, get close beside your opponent and press Towards your opponent and Punch at the same time. This results in various powerful attacks that vary depending on the particular 'bot you are using. # To jump much higher than you normally would by pressing Up in any direction, press Down just before you jump. This makes for a jump that is about twice as high and twice as long as a standard jump. # You can Block all of your opponents attacks, with the exceptions of Low Kicks, Throws, & the Nova's Earthquake Smash, by pressing and holding Away from your opponent. To block Low Kicks, press diagonally Down & Away from your opponent. Note that when you are blocking low, you cannot block air attacks. Throws can only be avoided by keeping your opponent away using different attacks or by throwing him first. The Nova's Earthquake Smash can only be avoided by being in the air at the time the Nova performs it. # A number of successively landed hits can make your opponent dizzy, making them unable to defend themselves for a brief period of time. You can tell how close you or your opponent is to becoming dizzy by watching the Stun Bar, directly beneath your or your opponent's life bar. The Stun Bar is lowered every time you or your opponent successfully lands an attack. The Stun Bar slowly recharges when you are not performing any attacks. Be careful of attacking when your Stun Bar is low as it will not recharge, making it easier for your opponent to get you dizzy. # Special moves are combinations of joystick or key movements coupled with attack buttons to make your 'bot do more powerful attacks such as projectiles or long range Attacks. Look under Section (3), 'bot Descriptions for a listing of each 'bot's special moves. # Some 'bots have "Shadow" versions of their Special Moves. These moves differ from the simpler versions of the moves in that they are usually invulnerable to projectiles, faster, and more damaging. But, they are also usually more difficult to perform and usually have longer recovery times which leave your 'bot more open to attacks from your opponent. # Every 'bot has a Scrap & Destruction Move. - Scrap Moves are performed immediately after you defeat your opponent in the final round. Wait for your opponent to fall down after the final blow of the match and then keep performing your 'bot's particular Scrap move, over and over if need be, until you see results. - Destruction Moves are performed during or immediately following a scrap move, as is specified for each 'bot in Section (3), 'bot Descriptions. # A "Combination" is a series of Attacks which cannot be blocked once the first hit is made. For example, jumping at your opponent and hitting them with a basic air attack (Kick or Punch) and then immediately following that Attack with a Sweep would be a Two-Hit Combo. (That simple combo works with all 'bots under all Characters) Also, bonus points are awarded to your score everytime your successfully perform a combo. For a list of effective combos for each robot check Section (3), 'bot Descriptions. # For best results, I highly recommend using a Gravis, or other brand, Gamepad, as it's nearly impossible to do most of the moves consistently on a standard Analog joystick, and rather confusing to use the keyboard. (1.4) Understanding Special Move Sequences ------------------------------------------ In order to properly understand the move descriptions in Section (3), refer to these legends. (1.4)(A) Direction & Attack Buttons Legend ------------------------------------------ Your Joystick (preferrably a Gamepad) | \_/ .--------. UB U UF .---------------. | You're | \ | / | Your opponent | | here | B-- P-K --F | here | `--------' / | \ `---------------' DB D DF UB = Diagonally Up & Back U = Straight Up UF = Diagonally Up & Forward B = Straight Back F = Straight Forward DB = Diagonally Down & Back D = Straight Down DF = Diagonally Down & Forward Forward means toward your opponent; Back means away from your opponent Attack Buttons -------------- P = The Punch button on your Joystick or Keyboard K = The Kick button on your Joystick or Keyboard (1.4)(B) Special Moves Punctuation Legend ----------------------------------------- Move description punctuation in Section (3) should be understood as follows: - = Signifies moving succintly from one position on the stick or keyboard to the next. Example: B-DB-D-DF-F would mean to start in the straight Away from your opponent position and smoothly roll downward & then to the straight Toward your opponent position. + = Used when a direction and attack button must be pressed at the same time. Example: D+K would mean to press Straight Down & Kick at the same time. The best way to do this is not to try and press the direction and the button at the EXACT same time, but instead to first press the direction listed, hold it, then press the button, and release (unless otherwise specified). This works best if you do it in one quick motion that shouldn't take up more than 1/2 a second. , = Press and release the Direction or Attack button preceding the comma. Example: D,F+P would be interpreted as pressing & releasing Straight Down, and then immediately pressing Forward and Punch. Incidentally, this is the Scrap Move for the Electra, Shredder, and Chronos. An example of a move using all three forms of the above punctuation is the Shadow's Scrap Move: B,F-UF-U-UB-B+P which should be interpreted as pressing Back, going straight to Forward, then rolling Upward then Back in one succinct motion and pressing Punch once you have rolled to the straight Back position. Additionally, any move preceded by (jump) means that the move must be performed while in the air, and any move followed by (rep) means to repeat the combination until results occur. (turn) means just that--turn around. And (grab) means to get right beside your opponent and press Towards them & Punch at the same time. (land) means that you should be on the ground before continuing the move. Lastly, a combination followed by (hold) means to hold the last Direction and/or Attack button pressed until results occur. (1.5) Shareware Differences --------------------------- If you're playing the shareware version of OMF(Version 1.0, not 2.0), then refer to the list below for minor changes in the Scraps and Destructions for these 'bots: Jaguar Scrap = D,D,D,U,U+P Destruct = U,D+K Thorn Scrap = B,B,F,F+P Destruct = D,U+P The Pyros' and Shadow's Scraps are the same as listed in Section (3), but I can't seem to get their Destructions to work. I'll update this information as soon as it's received. Also note that this information is only confirmed in the 1.0 shareware version of OMF. I haven't tried the 1.1 or 2.0 versions, so I cannot vouch for this to be true in their case. (1.6) The 2.0 Modem/Network Upgrade ----------------------------------- Yes, Epic has finally released the long anticipated, long overdue Modem/Network Upgrade for OMF. You can find the file off the I'net and most large BBS's under the filename "OMFUP20.ZIP". On the Internet, you can get the file at: ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf Or, feel free to call my BBS, The Pond - (615) 536-5072, and download the file on your first call free. Go to the Files menu after logging on and filling out the information and download the file "OMFUP20.ZIP". You can also download the latest version of this FAQ under the filename "MOMFAQXX.ZIP", where XX is the version number.(i.e. 10 = 1.0) Aside from adding the option to play other OMF'ers over a modem, network, or serial link, and the ability to record, playback, and save your matches, the 2.0 patch also supposedly fixes a variety of bugs and adds a couple of new secrets into the game as well. However, despite the laborious(and somewhat elongated) beta test stage, many users have been complaining of faulty and/or slow gameplay. Having yet to thoroughly encounter any of these problems myself, I don't have much advice as of now. However, below is a list of hints that have been in the IPCGaming echo on FidoNet to make the game run faster/more reliably over the modem. - If you have problems with slow gameplay when playing between two computers of differing speeds, try having the slower machine call the faster one. - If you can't seem to get a proper connection through the built-in dialer, try connecting through your term program, exiting that program without hanging up your modem, and choosing "Begin! Already Connected" from the Modem/Network menu. - Consult your modem's manual and find the init string recommended for no compression. - Do a "clean boot" before you start the game.(If you have DOS 6.0 or later, press F5 while it says "Starting MS-DOS..."; otherwise, make a bootdisk without an AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS.) That's all the tips that I've heard up to this point, but more will be added as I've used the patch more for myself. If you have any tips on how to make things run a little more smoothly, please contact me as is described in Section (4.4). All information is appreciated, and credit will be given for all information used in this FAQ. Thanx in advance... * (1.7) Recording/Playing Back Matches ------------------------------------ As mentioned above in Section (1.6), the 2.0 upgrade of OMF added the ability to record and playback matches. This is really useful when you want to savor a particularly successful session against a friend over & over again, or to prove that, yes, you really CAN do that 17-hit combo with the Shredder. Unfortunately, Epic overlooked including how to utilize this function in the tiny section of the HELPME.DOC file devoted to the 2.0 enhancements. But, thanx to faithful contributors, it's where everything that you need to know about OMF generally ends up: here. You can record matches one of three ways. First, you can run OMF by typing "OMF REC" to start the game. This will only save the last match which ran on your computer, be it One Player, Two Player, Tournament, or a demo, under the filename "LAST.REC". If you prefer, you can specify a filename under which you wish to record the last fight by typing "OMF REC yourfile.REC" where "yourfile" is the name you wish to call the file. If you would rather record ALL of your fights in a session, you can type "OMF REC SAVE_REC". This will save all fights in a given session under the filenames "OMF00001.REC", "OMF00002.REC", etc.. You can playback your fights one of two ways. You can type "OMF PLAY" at the command line, and it will play the existing "LAST.REC" file if one exists. If you wish to play a specific file, type "OMF PLAY yourfile.REC", where "yourfile" is the name of the file you wish to load. Now that the option of recording fights is available, feel free to upload examples of your skill in action to The Pond BBS, (615) 536-5072, so I can see that you weren't really just pulling my flail about a 13-hit combo with the Jaguar. It won't take but less than a minute, and wouldn't it feel nice to be believed for once? In the OMF area, you can find several examples of the combos and strategies that I detail in this FAQ for you to download and see for yourself if you won't take my word for it. :) * (1.8) Understanding Rehit Mode ------------------------------ Rehit Mode is an option within the Hidden Advanced Option menu See Section 2.2) which, when activated, makes for a completely different gaming experience. What it does, basically, is admit that just because you've knocked your opponent into the air doesn't mean that they're magically protected from all harm until they stand up and come at you again. It allows you the option of continuing to bash your opponent before they hit the, keeping them airborn with hits. This is referred to as "juggling". However, as it would be all too simple to merely keep hitting your opponent over & over with the same light punch till all their energy was drained, the programmers added this limitation: Once you've knocked the other 'bot into the air, you can only hit them once with each of your Attacks. In other words, say you're using the Shredder and do a Head-Butt on your opponent, and quickly do a Standing Heavy Punch. These will connect. However, if you try to do ANOTHER Heavy Punch before they fall to the ground, it will pass through them without doing any damage. But you could, if you wanted, still do any other attack which you hadn't done to your opponent since they became airborn.(Including a Head-Butt, since that was the move that only KNOCKED them into the air--you hadn't hit them with one of those since they left the ground) Keep this in mind when making up your own combinations for each 'bot. For an example of how to use this to it's maximum potential, look under Section (3.7) at the Shredder's 18-hit combo. Effective use of your attacks in Rehit mode is a requisite to becoming a much more formidable adversary.(Like this is a really SERIOUS thing, right? Pardon me while I go pour cold water down my back.) (2) Known Secrets & Hidden/Unranked Challengers ----------------------------------------------- OMF is just loaded with tons of Hidden Characters for you to stumble across, as well as several other hard to discover surprises. Here's a list of everything I've found and been informed of up to this point. (2.1) The Hidden Difficulty Levels ---------------------------------- To get to the not-so-secret-by-now difficulty level, "Deadly", go into the Gameplay menu accessed from the Main menu. Go down to the "CPU:" selection, and keep pressing right after it says Champion (about 10-15 times) until it turns to "Deadly". This is a level that you have to totally rely on taking advantage of AI bugs to win, because the computer almost always blocks all standard attacks and projectiles. The computer will also occasionally do a Scrap or Destruction after defeating you. Note that this skill level only affects One Player Mode and Demo Mode, where the computer 'bots fight each other with the same skill that they use against you in One Player Mode, and sometimes do Scraps & Destructions on one another. And, if you want the ultimate challenge, why not use the "Ultimate" skill level? Yes, you know you're bad and can beat the game every time you play it with the CPU level on "Deadly", but you've never faced a challenge unless you've played the game on the SECOND hidden skill level, "Ultimate". To activate "Ultimate", go into the Gameplay Menu, change the present CPU level to "Deadly", as described above, and press the keys O-M-F on your keyboard simultaneously(in any order just so long as you press all three keys at the same time). Release them, and then press Right on your joystick or the Right cursor key to change the skill level to "Ultimate". I won't describe how hard it is to win at this level; let's just leave it at "Good Luck". (2.2) The Hidden Advanced Options Menu -------------------------------------- There is a hidden option within the game which lets you control aspects of gameplay such as how high the players jump and how much energy each player has in One & Two Player modes, special features like rehitting and block damage, and several others. To bring up the menu, hold down the 2-0-9-7 keys on the keyboard simultaneously while at the Main Menu. Release them, and go into the Gameplay menu. You'll see a new option accessible called "Advanced Options". Select it, and you'll have control over the aforementioned options as well as a few others that I'll let you discover & figure out for yourself. Be aware that once you've played the game with Rehit mode turned on, you'll probably never turn it off again. (2.3) Unranked Challengers - Tournament --------------------------------------- There are numerous hidden Unranked Challengers to be found in the Tournament Mode. To get to many of the hidden characters, you need to have chosen one of the two highest difficulty levels when you made your character. Some are only accessible at the highest difficulty level. Also, you must usually either perform very well in your previous fight (take little damage), perform a Scrap & Destruction, or both. The following is a list of the Characters I have been able to find and how I got to them. Once again, if you don't seem to be able to get to a particular challenger, make sure that the difficulty level is high enough; if you still can't get to them, try to take little damage and execute a destruction every time, as some UCs require this before they'll challenge you. In the list below, note that a "$" before the UCs name means that I've received an enhancement from that character after doing a Destruction on them. Also, whether or not you get an enhancement from these seems to be dependent on the skill level you chose. North American -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Unranked Challenger 'bot How to Get to... ------------------- ---- ---------------- Christian Jaguar Do a Destruction on Crystal $ Steel Claw Flail Defeat #6 or higher with a Destruction $ Jazzy Jaguar Beat #2, taking little damage $ Iceman Shadow Beat #1, taking little damage & doing a Destruction Katushai Challenge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Unranked Challenger 'bot How to get to... ------------------- ---- ---------------- Angel Gargoyle Defeat #6 or higher $ Selenna Katana Defeat #2 with a Destruction $ Devan Shell Flail Defeat #1 taking little damage & doing a Destruction War Invitational -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Unranked Challenger 'bot How to get to... ------------------- ---- ---------------- Eva Earlong Shadow Defeat #6 or higher taking little damage $ Killian Electra Defeat #2 doing a Destruction $ Bethany Shredder Defeat #1 taking little damage and doing a Destruction World Championship -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Unranked Challenger 'bot How to get to... ------------------- ---- ---------------- Eva Earlong Gargoyle Defeat #14 with Destruction $ Jazzy Shredder Defeat Eva Earlong with Destruction Angel Electra Defeat #10 with Destruction $ Devan Shell Thorn Defeat #8 taking little damage and with Destruction. $ Iceman Katana Defeat Selenna with Destruction $ Bethany Nova Defeat #2 taking little damage and with Destruction Nicoli Nova Defeat #1 (2.4) Tournament Mode Enhancements ---------------------------------- You can pick up enhancements in Tournament play which will give your 'bot extra powers, such as multiple projectiles or the ability to perform special moves in mid-air. Enhancements are attained only when you have your character's difficulty level at at least STEEL(I've never gotten an enhancement at a level lower than that) in Tournament Play. I have only gotten enhancements after performing destructions on my opponents. You most often get an enhancement after fighting an Unranked Challenger, but I have gotten them after defeating #1 ranked in both the Katushai Challenge and World Championship. You'll know if you've received an Enhancement by reading what your Engineer says when he greets you. If he says something about finding a gizmo in the Arena while they were cleaning up, then you've got an enhancement. But enhancements usually won't do any good unless you know you have them, so always be sure to at least glance at the Engineer's comment. For a listing of known enhancements for each 'bot and how to perform them, check Section (3), 'bot Descriptions. (2.5) Fire in the Hole, Ice in the Basement ------------------------------------------- In One Player Mode, all the 'bots(I believe) have a special combination used to get to the secret character "Fire" after performing a Scrap & Destruction in the Fire Arena. The only requirement for being able to get to Fire is that you have the CPU difficulty level on a minimum of "Champion". Known combinations for some 'bots are listed in the 'bot Descriptions, Section (3). Fire is a Katana with the ability to perform a 5-hit Rising Blade move and has a Fire projectile that does enormous damage. He has extremely high strength & stamina, and relatively high agility. All his hits take off about double the average character's hit. He doesn't, however, seem to be well adept at blocking Sweeps. Defeat him in Champion mode, and you'll get 1,000,000 points for a perfect round(if you can), 1,000,000 for full stamina(automatic perfect round), and 1,000,000 for his Destruction. In Deadly mode, count that a cool 1,500,000 points each. While playing with the CPU on Ultimate, you get a huge 2,000,000 points each. All psyched up and ready to take on Fire? Well, on the slim chance that you manage to defeat Fire with the difficulty set on Ultimate, you can ALSO get to a second hidden character named Ice. To get to him(or her--it COULD be a girl), beat Fire with the difficulty level set to Ultimate, as is described in Section (2.1), & perform a Destruction on him. Then perform the same sequence that you used to get to Fire. If you do it correctly, you will then be taken to the lair of the secret character, Ice. Ice is an incredibly fast, powerful, and smart Shadow that blocks almost everything that you can throw at it. All his(her) Special Shadow Moves go lightning quick and are unstoppable. He also has a Freeze Blast that will freeze you for a short time, as well as do some damage to you in the process.(You might want to remember that to avoid the Freeze Blast, you either have to jump or block low) Put quite frankly, it takes a heck of a lot of effort to beat this guy(gal), so the programmers were at least gracious enough to give you 20,000,000 points for full health, as well as for a Perfect Round(Yeah Right...) and Ice's Destruction, adding up to the Potential of 60,000,000+ points for a single round. Sound like fun? Go ahead, then. Have fun... losing. (2.6) Odds'n'Ends Secrets ------------------------- - To change the colors of your 'bot in either One or Two Player modes, first select the character that you wish to use. While you're choosing your 'bot, press the 1, 2, & 3 keys on your keyboard to select the colors for Player One and the 4, 5, & 6 keys for Player Two. Don't know how secret that is, but I thought it worth mentioning anyway. - To replay the animations shown when you win a tournament in Tournament Mode, press the "E" key on your keyboard from the Tournament Mode menu. Remember, you have to have WON a tournament previous to this, and must not be in a tournament at the time. This is a good way to see the winning animations for all the 'bots, as it will still show the ending if you buy a different 'bot. So, if you can't beat the World Championship tournament with that #%$@& Chronos, then win with your favorite 'bot, buy a Chronos if he's available, and press the "E" key. Now you get to watch the pretty little grafix animations for ALL those 'bots you're lame with. - To make all the nuts and bolts that you and your opponent knock out of each other continually rain down on you during your match without disappearing, hold down the R-E-I-N keys on your keyboard simultaneously at any time while in the game, even during a fight. This feature is more or less useless, and in a long fight slows down the grafix on even a high-end 486 drastically, but it's there, nonetheless, for you to try at least once to quench your insatiable curiosity. And I'm not sure, but this seems to no longer work as of the 2.0 upgrade of OMF. - To increase the amount of metal and bolts that fly from each 'bot during a battle, hold down the B-I-G keys along with a number between 1 and 9 simultaneously at any time in the game(including during a fight). 1 represents the normal amount of scrap knocked from a 'bot during a fight, whereas 9 is the maximum amount of scrap you can knock from an opponent. To get the scrap level back to normal once you've changed it, just press the B-I-G-1 keys simultaneously. Note that on some computers(namely MY 486DX2/66), this option for some reason won't work, as every time I try it, I only hear my PC speaker chirping in the background. This may be attributable to my particular setup, because the code works fine on my brother's 486DX2-50, but I'm not sure. - You can access a Sound Test option available within the Configuration menu by pressing ALT+S+F simultaneously from the main menu, and then going into the Configuration menu. This provides you with a way to listen to all the games sound effects individually. Why you'd want to, I don't know; but it's there, nonetheless. (2.7) At Wit's End? ------------------- If worse comes to worse, try out the OMF Edit program, by Legend. No, it's not a source code hack program--it simply edits your saved Tournament characters to give them full power on everything, along with over $672,000,000k to spend. Look for it under the filename "OMFEDT.ZIP" or "OMFED10.ZIP" on your local BBS or on the Internet at: ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf It works with either the Shareware or Registered version, but the version I have will not modify a character using any other 'bots than those contained in the Shareware version. However, once you have the $672,000,000k, you can buy any 'bot you want, as well as modify it to full strength, endurance, and speed many times over. (2.8) Built-in Pilot Attribute Editor ------------------------------------- If you have version 2.0 of OMF, registered or shareware, you try this nifty little trick to configure the attributes of the 8 pre-set characters in One Player, Two Player, or Modem Play modes to your own particular preferences. To access this option, do as follows: While choosing your pilot, move to Crystal(or you can obviously start from there), and then from there, go five spaces to the left to bring you back to Crystal once again. Then, move down one space to Jean Paul. From there, move five spaces to the right, bringing you back to Jean Paul. From here, go to the character you wish to use and press & hold down the Kick button. While holding the Kick button, press in the four principal directions (up, down, left, right) on your gamepad or keyboard to modify their attributes as desired. Note that you cannot ADD energy to any of the three attributes, but only "swap out", taking energy from the other two as you increase one. This is pretty much only useful if you ever wanted to use Shirro or Ibraham and have them be as fast and weak as Milano. Not very useful, but I thought you'd want to know. Once again, note that this ONLY works in version 2.0(and possibly later versions) of OMF. (2.9) Using the Nova in One/Two/Modem Player Modes -------------------------------------------------- If you have version 2.0(or possibly higher versions), there is a way for you to access the Nova in all the aforementioned modes. To do so, do the following sequence EXACTLY as listed when at the 'bot selection screen in One Player, Two Player, or Modem Play modes: Move the cursor to the Thorn. From here, move Right 2, Down 1, Left 3, Up 1, Right 1, Left 2, Down 1, Up 1, Down 1. This should land you on the Katana. Now press down at LEAST 10 times.(It doesn't hurt to press more than this, but this is the minimum that's required) Now, move to the Flail and press Punch or Kick. (Note that you don't have to go STRAIGHT to the Flail--it won't hurt if you move to several other 'bot's first) Tada! You're the proud pilot of a mighty Nova. You can pretty much use most of the same strategies listed in Section (3.B) when using the Nova in One Player mode. These prove more than effective enough at obliterating the computers attempts to overcome those incredible skills of yours. Smash things. Make stuff explode. Have fun. Again, remember that this will NOT work on versions 1.0 or 1.1 of OMF, and only works with the registered version. (2.A) Questions -I- Need Answered --------------------------------- At present, I'm pretty sure the following things are possible, but have yet to learn how to do them. Please contact me through one of the ways detailed in Section (4.4) with information regarding any of these listed items if you possess it. It would be greatly appreciated, and credit will be given to those who contribute in the next release of the FAQ. - How to get the Enhancement in Tournament mode which gives the Katana the fire projectile used by the secret character "Fire" in One Player mode, short of using a hex-editor or cheater. - How to access a hidden Difficulty Level in Tournament mode, if it exists.(rumor I heard spread around) - How(if possible) to get to Fire & Ice using the Nova in One Player mode. - How to gain over 20% non-taxable quarterly interest in an annuity bond, or slip profit gained on an investment over a 6 month period past governmental detection and taxation. ;) - I also need all the good 3+ hit combos that you have, strategies to use against the computer, and, especially, strategies to use against human opponents to add to the next release. Thanx in advance... (3) 'bot Descriptions, Moves, & Other Swell Stuff ------------------------------------------------- The following list is a compilation of Descriptions, Special Moves, Scrap & Destruction Moves, Combos, Known Secrets, & Miscellaneous Notes for each 'bot. If you want to print out a list of all the 'bots moves, but don't want to have to print all the extra stuff, print the "OMFMOVES.LST" file that came with the "MOMFAQXX.ZIP" file.(where XX is the version number) Also, note that most of the combos listed in the "Combos" list for each 'bot are done with Rehit mode turned on. For information on how to turn this on, see Section (2.2). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.1) Jaguar ------------ Description: Fast & fairly powerful, the Jaguar's a good basic choice for most players to learn on. All its Special Moves are very basic and easy to execute, and it's Scrap & Destruction are best to use for learning how the timing of most Scraps & Destructions work. It does, however, have slow recovery time from its Sweep and Uppercut, leaving it open to quick attacks by the enemy. A very all-around, but not specialized when unmodified, 'bot that's great to learn the mechanics of the game with. However, if you have a fully-rigged Jaguar with both Enhancements in Tournament mode, this rig rocks! When playing with Rehit mode turned on, the Jaguar is my personal preference to beat the living cyber-shnot out of my opponents with. With a souped up Jag, you can take off nearly a third of your opponents energy with a single combo. However, should you be a little slow in the finger movement category, don't expect to reap too many benefits here. But seeing your friend gawk as you completely destroy their pride'n'joy in a matter of seconds makes it well worth your while to take a course in "Reflex Enhancement". Special Moves: Jaguar Leap = D-DF-F+P Shadow Jaguar Leap = B-DB-D-DF-F+P Concussion Cannon = D-DB-B+P Overhead Throw = (jump), D+P - when near opponent Scrap Move = D,D,U+P Destruction Move = D,U+K Timing: Time it so that you press U+K right after the Jaguar lifts your opponent overhead. How to get to Fire & Ice = U,D+K Timing: Do it right after the Jag throws your opponent through the floor. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Directable Concussion Blast - Lets you direct the Blast after you shoot it by pressing in any direction. Combination: Same as normal CB Mid-Air Jaguar Leap - Lets you perform a Jaguar Leap while jumping. Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+P Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: This Enhancement's a doozy.. It gives you all of the following: Double Concussion Blast - Lets you shoot two Blasts at once. It needs to be noted that when up close to your opponent, this will shoot THREE blasts, instead of the normal two, amounting to extra damage. Combination: Same as normal CB Mid-Air Jaguar Leap - Lets you do the Jaguar Leap in mid-air, even if Hyper Mode is off. Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+P Double Jaguar Leap - Lets you do two consecutive Jaguar Leaps, one right after the other. To do it, do a regular Jaguar Leap, then perform another one before your Jaguar starts to fall out of the leap. This works great for extra damage to your opponent when rehit mode is turned on. Shadow Jaguar Leap - This lets you do a kick coming "Safety" Kick out of a SJL, which means that you won't be vulnerable to any quick attacks from your opponent if you miss with the SJL. To do the "safety" kick, perform a SJL and press the Kick button anytime during the SJL before you start to fall out of it. This one works great with rehit mode turned on as well, since the more damage you can fit into a combo, the happier your 'bot'll be. Second Enhancement: I played through all four tournaments with the Jaguar, and while the first enhancement could be obtained from many different Unranked Challengers, the only place I could ever find the second enhancement was from Bethany in the World Championship. It's worth it, though, as you'll see from the following two nifty Enhancements. Triple Concussion Blast - Shoots three Blasts at a time. Just like the DCB, if you're right next to an opponent when you do this move, the number of shots fired will be FOUR, instead of the normal THREE. Combination: Same as normal CB Mid-Air Jaguar Leap - Lets you perform an overhead "Safety" Throw throw when coming out of a MAJL. This is really most useful with Rehit mode turned on as an offensive move, but is also effective as a defensive move so you're not as vulnerable when coming out of a MAJL. Combination: Press D+P at any time while doing a MAJL previous to the apex(the point at which you start to fall downward). Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 8-hit Tournament - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Both Enh Combination: (jump)+K,(land),D-DB-B+P,D-DF-F+P,D-DF-F+P,D+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick, do a 4-hit Concussion Blast, continue with Double Jaguar Leaps, and finish with Safety Overhead Throw. Difficulty(1-10): 6 - One/Two Player Killer 3-hit - Modes: One/Two Player Req'd: Fast Pilot Combination: (grab),(turn),F+P,D-DF-F+P Description: Do the Jag's grab, turn around and juggle opponent with a light Standing punch, finish with a Jaguar Leap. Difficulty(1-10): 3 - Awesome Damage 5-hit - Modes: Tournament,Modem Req'd: Both Enh, Fast Pilot Combination: (grab),(turn),F+P,D-DF-F+P,D-DF-F+P,D+P Description: Same as the above combo, but using the Enhancements for an extra Jaguar Leap followed by the Safety Overhead Throw. Difficulty(1-10): 4 - Quick-Dizzy 7 or 8-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: First or Both Enh Combination: (jump)+K,(land),D-DB-B+P,B-DB-D-DF-F+P,K Description: Attack with a Jump Kick, follow with a Concussion Blast. Continue with a Shadow Jaguar leap, and end with an SJL Safety Kick. Great for dizzying your opponents. Difficulty(1-10): 4 Computer Cheats: - The computer almost never blocks the Double or Triple Concussion Blast when you do it immediately after a Jump Attack. - The computer is also a sucker for the Jaguar Overhead Throw. Just jump at your opponent, and wait till the last second before doing the throw. This works best against the Flail & Pyros. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeS: - The Shadow Jaguar Leap is great to use against Human opponents in Tournament mode if you have at least one Enhancement. Use it to attack from long range by pressing Kick about mid-way through the SJL. This often as not will catch your opponent off-guard the first couple of times, and not much after as they'll be ready for it. Use it sparingly. - Be sure to utilize the Jaguar's uppercut for thwarting Jump Attacks from your enemy. When timed right, it can almost always knock away most basic Jump Attacks without costing you any damage. - A good way to "tick" your opponent is to continually do the Shadow Jaguar Leap-Safety Kick move over and over. Remember, this requires at least the first Enhancement, so it will only work in Tournament or Modem modes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.2) Shadow ------------ Description: Quick & fairly powerful, the Shadow is one of the easiest 'bots in the game to win with. Using a combination of AI flaws & quick moves, you can easily beat the computer on the hardest difficulty level almost every time. The computer cannot(in my version) hardly ever avoid the Shadow Grab once it's thrown, with the notable exception of the Electra on the higher difficulty levels. The best strategy to catch the computer with the Shadow Grab is to make distance between you and your computer opponent, and then throw the Shadow Grab. Also, performing a Shadow Dive while jumping away from a computer opponent connects most of the time, even on the highest difficulty settings. However, the Shadow Punch and Shadow Kick are virtually useless against the game's AI--unless you find yourself cornered by a computer opponent. Due to another AI flaw, when you are cornered, about 95% of the time you can perform a Shadow Kick with the computer at close range and it will not be blocked. (provided you are using a mid-to-fast speed character) The Shadow is definitely the 'bot to use to find most of the games secrets, as a skilled player can almost always get a perfect, or at least near to perfect, round with it. Special Moves: Shadow Punch = D-DB-B+P Shadow Slide = D-DB-B+K Shadow Dive = (jump),D-DF-F+P Shadow Grab = D,D+P Scrap Move = B,F-UF-U-UB-B+P Destruction Move = D,D,D+P Timing: Do it quickly right after the sixth hit of the Scrap. If you have problems getting it to work, keep hitting D+P right after the fifth hit of the Scrap. How to get to Fire & Ice = D,D,D+P Timing: Do it right after the giant Shadow destroys your opponent. If you can't get it to work, try pressing D+P over & over after the big Shadow smashes your opponent. Hyper Mode Enhancements: None known. Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: Air Shadow Grab - Lets you throw the Shadow Grab in Mid-Air. Combination: (jump),D-DB-B+P Second Enhancement: Super Shadow Punch & Kick - Faster, More Powerful versions of the Shadow Punch & Kick. Combination: Same as normal SP/SK Freeze Blast - A projectile weapon that freezes NOTE: You can only get your opponent doing some damage in the Freeze Blast if you the process, and holds them for a get your second enhance- few seconds, giving you the ment from Iceman in the opportunity to do more damage. North American. Combination: F-DF-D-DB-B+P Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, Unlimited-Hit Instant Death - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Dizzy, Fast Pilot Combination: D-DB-B+K,(rep) Description: Note that this only works against the Pyros, Katana, Flail, & Gargoyle. To get it to work, get your opponent dizzy & in a corner. Launch repeated Shadow Slides. They will continue to hit your opponent as long as they are timed correctly. It is easiest to do against the Katana, as it falls at a rate about equivalent to as fast as you can do the Shadow Slides. Difficulty(1-10): 8 - Powerful Ground Based 5-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,DB+P,DB+P,DB+P,DB+K Description: Jump at your opponent with a Jump Kick, follow with three Croucing Heavy Punches, and finish with a Sweep. Great for performing when your opponent is almost dizzy. Since it's ground based, whether they're about to be dizzy or not they won't fall until you finish the combo. Difficulty(1-10): 1 - Dizzying 4-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,B+K,B+K,D-DB-B+K Description: Jump at your opponent with a Jump Kick, follow with two Standing Heavy Kicks, and finish with a Shadow Slide. This takes off substantial amounts from your opponent's stun bar. Difficulty(1-10): 4 Computer Cheats: - When playing with the Shadow in One/Two/Modem Player or Tournament modes, there is a bug in the game that will let the Shadow win infallibly every time provided you can get your opponent dizzy once. Once they're dizzy, throw a Shadow Grab. Notice sparks CONTINUE to fly from the 'bot being held. Jump in and do any ground-based combo you like. When your opponent gets up again, he will still be dizzy. Keep repeating the process until the match is over. Kind of lame, but when you're hard up for a win, feel free to try it. Note that this only works if you've upgraded your OMF to 2.0. - If you're ever backed into a corner by the computer, this works almost always without fail. Wait until they're at about sweep range, and then do a Shadow Slide. They almost never block this, and it backs them off, giving you some breathing room. - In the 2.0 upgrade, they made it much harder to catch the computer with the Shadow Grab. However, it can still be done quite often by first launching a Shadow Grab, and then quickly launch a Shadow Punch. This will sometimes knock your opponent into the Shadow Grab, adding up for more bonus damage. - The computer is also quite stupid in regards to the Shadow Dive. About 50% of the time, you can hit the computer with it by jumping away and quickly doing one before you reach your jump's apex. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeS: - The easiest way to beat your organic opponents is to keep them off balance using the Shadow's Shadow Dive & Shadow Air Grab(only available with 1st Enh.) as often as possible. Your best shot at catching a skilled friend with a Shadow Grab is to wait for them to jump at you & THEN throw it, jumping away to avoid their incoming attack. The Shadow dive is best put to use when jumping away from an opponent. This gives you space from your opponent even if it doesn't connect. - Due to the fact that your friends will be looking for the Shadow to "phase" out and launch another Punch or Slide, it's best to use these only when it can safely be done. When an opponent jumps at you, a late Shadow Punch works surprisingly well. When cornered, a Shadow Slide is good for getting enemies farther away, whether it hits or not. Just remember that the most important thing when using the Shadow is not to become predictable. If you adhere to any pattern long enough, you'll lose in the long run. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.3) Thorn ----------- Description: Stout would best describe the Thorn's fighting prowess. Able to take ungodly amounts of damage without flinching, having some of the most damaging moves in the game, and yet painfully slow, the Thorn is definitely to OMF what Zangief is to the Street Fighter II series, to give you an idea. However, despite his lack of speed, the damage the Thorn causes with every attack (particularly his Speed Kick) & extremely tough armor more than make up for one or two extra hits your opponent may land. That, and a couple of AI flaws in One Player & Tournament Mode, make the Thorn quite easy to win the game with on any difficulty level. Special Moves: Speed Kick = D-DF-F+K Shadow Speed Kick = B-DB-D-DF-F+K Spike Charge = F,F+P Off-the-Wall Attack = (jump against wall),DF+K Scrap Move = B,B,F+P Destruction Move = U,D+P Timing: Do it right after your opponent has been "spiked". How to Get to Fire & Ice = U,U,D+P Timing: Do the combination right after your opponent goes through the floor. If you have problems, do the move over & over as soon as you've done the Destruction sequence. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Mid-Air Speed Kick - Lets you do a Speed Kick while in the air. Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+K Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: Super Fast Spike Charge - Spike Charge is incredibly fast. Combination: Same as normal SC & Mid-Air Speed Kick - Lets you do a Speed Kick in mid- air without Hyper Mode on. Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+K Second Enhancement: After playing through all Tournaments using the Thorn, the only place I ended up being able to get the Thorn's Second Enhancment was from Devan Shell in the World Championship. Mid-Air Off-the-Wall Attack - Lets you do the Thorn's Off-the Wall Attack from anywhere in the air. Combination:(jump),D-DB-B+K * Double Speed Kick - Lets you do two Speed Kicks, one after the other. To do it, just do a normal SK, then do another one before the Thorn starts to fall. Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, Ultimate Destruction 5-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Both Enh, Fast Pilot, Dizzy Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+K,(land),DB+P,D+P-DF-F+K,D-DF-F+K Description: Do a Mid-Air Speed-Kick, placing it so that you land right in front of where your opponent was standing. as soon as you land, do a Crouching Heavy Punch followed by a Crouching Medium Punch. Finish with a Double Speed Kick. This does more damage than any combo under 9 hits that I've been able to find with any 'bot, and is extremely simple to perform with practice. You CAN do it even if your opponent isn't dizzy, but you won't be able to finish it. Difficulty(1-10): 4 - Simple & Destructive 2-hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+K,(land),D-DF-F+K Description: Follows a Mid-Air Speed Kick with a Speed Kick. This works great when using a strong character like Shirro in One/Two/ Modem Player modes. If you're playing in Modem mode with Level 2 Enhancements, then tack on another Speed Kick right after the last one for incredible damage. Difficulty(1-10): 1 - Smash'n'Toss 2-hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Fairly Fast Pilot Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+K,(land),F,F+P Description: Follows a Mid-Air Speed Kick with a Spike Charge. Good for keeping your opponent off-balance by making them switch sides, and does large amounts of damage in One/Two/Modem Player modes. It requires just a little bit of timing to get right. Difficulty(1-10): 2 Computer Cheats: - The computer almost always fails to block the Thorn's Mid-Air Speed Kick. Use it as often as you like, and it will nearly never be blocked. Also, in Tournament mode with both Enh, start off every match with a Double Speed Kick. If they aren't hit by the first of the two, the second will catch them on its way down. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeS: - The Thorn doesn't really have any particular attacks which lend itself to surprise or strategy other than its Spike Charge. Remembering that the Spike Charge can go through almost all basic attacks, as well as many Special moves, such as projectiles, try and time it so that you'll catch your opponent attempting to Sweep you right at the moment you execute it. However, use it sparingly, as if it is initially blocked, you're completely open to some major damage from your opponent. - Although limited in use, the Thorn's Off-The-Wall Attack is effective in backing off your opponents when you're cornered. If you have both Enhancements, try jumping towards your enemy and quickly doing the move in the middle of the screen where they won't be expecting it. Again, use it sparingly to keep it effective. (3.4) Pyros ----------- Description: The Pyros is another example of a 'bot that relies primarily on raw power to win. Although many of its moves work fine against a human player, as there is minimal reaction time, you have to rely more on chipping away at your opponent in One Player or Tournament Mode as the computer blocks most of the moves every time. Although its flames aren't nearly as powerful as its arms, they are invulnerable to attack. Any special move that comes into contact with the flames (with the exception of the Thorn's Spike Charge) is almost always stopped cold. That, and AI flaws with the Pyros's Crouching Heavy Punch & Fire Spin, make it an entertaining, yet challenging, 'bot to use. Special Moves: Super Thrust = F,F+P Shadow Super Thrust = F,F,F+P Jet Swoop = (jump),D+K Fire Spin = D,P <-- Down,release,THEN Punch Scrap Move Part #1 = F,F,D,D+P Part #2 = U+P(hold) Timing: Press & hold U+P very quickly right at the fourth hit of the Scrap. Hold it until you hear the Pyros speed up. It's hard to get it right every time, but it can be done easily with practice. Destruction Move = D+P(hold) Timing: Press & hold D+P quickly right at the eighth hit of the Scrap. Once again, it's hard to get it every time, but with practice, you'll be able to get it most of the time. How to Get to Fire & Ice = U,D,D+P Timing: This is by far the hardest of all the "Fire & Ice" moves to do consistently. You have to time the move so as to press the D+P right as your opponent explodes. You'll be able to get it most of the time with practice. However, if you REALLY just can't get it to work, try it with the speed turned down a couple of notches and you should have less trouble. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Mid-Air Super Thrust - Lets you do a Super Thrust while jumping. Combination: (jump),F,F+P Mid-Air Fire Spin - A Fire Spin that you can perform in mid-air. Combination: (jump),D,P Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: Super-Fast Super Thrust - An incredibly fast version of the Pyros's Super Thrust. & Combination: Same as normal ST Mid-Air Super Thrust - Lets the Pyros do a Super Thrust in mid-air without Hyper Mode on. Combination: (jump),F,F+P Second Enhancement: The only place that I could find the Pyros' Second Enhancement was from Bethany in the World Championship. And It really wasn't worth the trouble, it would seem. Turbo Mid-Air Super Thrust - The Pyros' MAST is much faster. Combination: Same as normal MAST Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 6-hit Ground Based Bash - Mode: Tournament Req'd: Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+P,DB+P,B+P,B+P,DB+P,F,F+P Description: Attack with a Jump Punch. Follow with a Crouching Heavy Punch, two Standing Heavy Punches, another Crouching Heavy Punch, and finish with a Super Thrust. Since it's Ground Based, you can finish the combo no matter if your opponent becomes dizzy while you're doing it or not as they won't fall till the last hit. Difficulty(1-10): 5 - 3-hit Easy - Mode: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit Combination: (get right beside opponent),D,P Description: Get as close as you can to your opponent and do a Fire Spin. If Rehit mode is on, you'll hit them three times with this. Using a character like Shirro in One/Two/Modem Player modes, you'll be able to almost completely destroy your opponent with this one combo. Difficulty(1-10): 1 - Ground Based Fast Flame 5-hit - Mode: Tournament Req'd: Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+P,(land),D+K,D+K,D+K,DB+K Description: Attack with a Jump Punch and follow with three Crouching Medium Flames, and end with a Crouching Heavy Flame. Difficulty(1-10): 2 - Grab'n'Slam 4-hit - Mode: Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Fast Pilot Combination: (grab),K,B+K,F,F+P Description: Do a grab on your opponent. As soon as they're released do a Standing Medium Flame, followed by a Standing Heavy Flame. Finish with a Super Thrust. Difficulty(1-10): 6 Computer Cheats: - There isn't any real "set" way to cheat against the computer that I've been able to find with the Pyros, but there are a couple of things that it will occasionally fall for. One is to do a Standing Heavy Flame as the AI 'bot walks toward you. They'll quite often do this up to three or four times in a row. This works best at the start of a match. - A combo that I do against the computer to win when I'm losing that works almost all of the time is to do a Jet Swoop, then as soon as I land do a Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Heavy Punch, Standing Heavy Punch, and a Super Thrust. Against the shorter Flail & Gargoyle, omit the Standing Heavy Punch. - And doing a Jet Swoop and following it with a Fire Spin will also connect with some frequency, without leaving you particularly vulnerable to attack even if it doesn't. - Lastly, doing a Fire Spin when the computer is walking towards you will sometimes cause it to walk right into the Spin. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - The best moves for use against organically based opponents would be the Super Thrust and the Jet Swoop. Since people generally don't have the instantaneous reflexes of the computer's AI, you can expect the Super Thrust to be blocked less often if you use it sparingly and sporadically. Also, jumping away from your opponent and then quickly doing a Jet Swoop will catch the less-than-dextrously-gifted quite a bit, just so long as you don't develop a pattern. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.5) Electra ------------- Description: The Electra, while great for use in Two Player Mode, requires taking advantage of a couple of those wonderful AI bugs that let us win when nothing else will in One Player & Tournament Mode. Relying primarily on lightning (yes, a pun WAS intended) fast moves and a great defensive Special Move(Electric Shards), the Electra is a 'bot for none but the most nimble of thumbs. Those of you destitute of the requisite motor skills may wish to choose a slower 'bot or go play Links 386. Special Moves: Lightning Ball = D-DB-B+P Electric Shards = D-DF-F+P Note: At any time during the ES, you can do a Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder = F,F+P Shadow Rolling Thunder = D-DF-F,F+P Scrap Move = D,F+P Destruction Move = U-UF-F-DF-D+P Timing: Do it anytime while the Electra is "volting" your opponent. How to get to Fire & Ice = F-DF-D+P Timing: Do it right after your opponent blows up, QUICKLY. If you have problems, do it over & over while the lightning is striking. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Directable Lightning Ball - Lets you control the direction of the Lightning Ball after you release it by pressing in any direction. Combination: Same as normal LB Mid-Air Rolling Thunder - Do the Rolling Thunder in Mid-Air Combination: (jump),F,F+P Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: Double Lightning Ball - Lets you release two Lightning Balls at once. & Combination: Same as normal LB Long-Range Electric Shards - Electric Shards have a much longer reach. Combination: Same as normal ES Second Enhancement: Triple Lightning Ball - Lets you release three Lightning Balls at once. Combination: Same as normal LB Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, Jolt'n'Volt 13-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot,Both Enh,Dizzy Combination: (jump)+K,(land)B+P,B+P,B+P,B+P,F+K,F+K,B+P,K,B+K, D-DB-B+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick & follow with 4 Standing Heavy Punches. Continue with 2 Standing Light Kicks, a Standing Heavy Punch, a Standing Medium Kick, & a Standing Heavy Kick. Finish with a Triple Lightning Ball. Note that you have to time it just right to get all three Lightning Balls to hit your opponent. Difficulty(1-10): 8 - Quick-Kicks 21-hit Ground Based - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Fast Pilot,Corner Combination: (jump)+K,DF+K(15-19 times),DB+K Description: Attack with a Jump Kick and follow it with up to 19 Crouching Light Kicks, and finish with a Sweep. It's only possible to get a 21-hit combo against a slow pilot, as far as I know. I can get a 21-hit combo against Ibraham in a Shadow most every time. Difficulty(1-10): 2 - Beat'n'Retreat 8-hit - Mode: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot,Corner Combination: (jump)+K,(land),K,K,B+K,B+K,D-DF-F,F+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick and follow with 2 Standing Medium Kicks. Continue with 2 Standing Heavy Kicks and finish with a Shadow Rolling Thunder. Difficulty(1-10): 7 Computer Cheats: - The easiest cheat to use against the computer is to do a Jump Attack and then do as many Crouching Light Kicks as you can as soon as you land. The computer never blocks these, and will quickly become dizzy, allowing you to either repeat this or do another combo of your choosing. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - Use the Electric Shards to thwart most Basic and Special Attacks from your opponents. Be sure to utilize the long- range potential of the Electra by making distance between you and your opponent and doing the Shadow Rolling Thunder. Also, a good strategy is to launch a Lightning Ball and then direct it upward, since most people tend to try and jump them instinctively. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.6) Katana ------------ Description: Definitely one of the most enjoyable 'bots to play with, the Katana has a well rounded variety of basic Attacks and Special Moves, the latter of which, when used properly, can madden your human opponents to the point of less than tasteful dialogue. With some very strong attacks and a good assortment of possible combos, the Katana is about the most well rounded 'bot to use. Once again, for those of you who might occasionally get stuck against a computer opponent, I've found a couple of useful AI loopholes to get you through those tight Tournament matches. Special Moves: Rising Blade = D-DF-F+P (Invincible) Shadow Rising Blade = B-DB-D-DF-F+P (Invincible) .--Head Stomp = (jump),D+K <--While over opponent `->NOTE: To control the direction in which your Katana will move subsequent to stomping on your opponent, quickly press and hold Left or Right just BEFORE you stomp your enemy to move, respectively, either Left or Right. It also should be noted that you can perform an air attack while coming out of a Head Stomp, such as a Jump Kick, Jump Punch, or Mid-Air Rising Blade.(see below, Hyper-Mode Enhancements) .--Forward Razor Spin = D-DF-F+K :--Backward Razor Spin = D-DB-B+K `->NOTE: You can control movement of the Katana's Razor Spin move in the air, once it starts spinning, by pressing in any direction. Also, if you bounce off your opponent doing the Spin, and then go against a wall before you land, you'll go into another Spin. Scrap Move = F-DF-D-DB-B+P Destruction Move = B-DB-D-DF-F+P Timing: Wait until after the Katana slashes your opponent, and then quickly do the move. You only have a short time to do it, so go FAST. How to get to Fire & Ice = B-DB-D-DF-F+K Timing: Do the move right after the Katana slashes and destroys your opponent's 'bot. If you just can't get it to work, keep doing the sequence over & over after you do the Destruction move. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Mid-Air Rising Blade - Lets you do a Rising Blade in mid-air. Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+P Tournament Mode Enhancements: First Enhancement: Four-Hit Shadow Rising Blade - Does a four-hit version of the Katana's Shadow Rising Blade. Combination: Same as normal SRB Second Enhancement: Five-Hit Shadow Rising Blade - Does a five-hit version of the Katana's Shadow Rising Blade. Combination: Same as normal SRB I've heard that the Katana has a third Enhancement which gives him the Fireball that "Fire", the secret character in One Player Mode, uses. But as of yet I haven't been able to find it. I'm assuming that you have to get it with your second enhancement from a particular Unranked Challenger(like the Shadow's Freeze Blast that you get from Iceman in the North American), but it wasn't the Iceman Katana in the World Championship. Anyone got any tips short of hex-editing my saved character? Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, Smash'n'Slice 8-hit Ground Based - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Both Enh,Fast Pilot,Corner Combination: (jump)+K,(land),B+P,B+P-DB-D-DF-F+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick, follow with 2 Standing Heavy Punches, and finish with a Shadow Rising Blade. You can do this without the Enhancements, or with only one, but you'll only get 6 or 7 hits instead of the full 8. Difficulty(1-10): 5 - Blade Barrage 6-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,D-DF-F+P,(land),DB+P,B+K,B+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick and follow it with a Rising Blade. As soon as you land out of the Rising Blade, do a Crouching Heavy Punch followed by a Standing Heavy Kick and ending with a Standing Heavy Punch. Difficulty(1-10): 7 - Slide-n-Slice 3-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot Combination: DB+K,DB+P,B+P Description: Get about a quarter screen away from your opponent and do the Katana's Sweep. Immediately follow it with a Crouching Heavy Punch and then a Standing Heavy Punch. This works well for surprise attacks against your friends. Difficulty(1-10): 3 Computer Cheats: - The computer doesn't seem to understand the concept of blocking the Katana's Head Stomp. You can pretty much win an entire match by just continually doing the Head Stomp on your opponents until they become dizzy. The computer at most only blocks it 2 out of every 3 times. - If your reflexes are up to the challenge, you can also just wait for the computer to do any kind of attack and retaliate with a Rising Blade. Remember that you are completely invulnerable doing the Rising Blade until it reaches its apex, so any move of any other 'bots coming into contact with a Katana in the middle of Rising Blade OR Shadow Rising Blade will take damage while the Katana goes unscathed. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - Knowing of the invincibility of the Katana's Rising Blade, expect experienced opponents to try to "bluff" an attack to get you to do a Rising Blade, opening yourself up to attack. Only use the Rising Blade either to thwart an attack to which your enemy has already commited, or to pass through projectiles when your enemy is at a distance. Use the Head Stomp sparingly, as your fleshly opponents, unlike the game's AI, know better than to take a continual beating from you in such manner. Also, do a Forward Razor Spin and then press Kick while you're flying towards your opponent for a turbo charged Jump Kick that works great for surprising enemies at a distance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.7) Shredder -------------- Description: The Shredder, while it is probably one of the best rounded 'bots in the game, doesn't really excell in any particular area. It has a couple of great Special Moves, some powerful Basic Moves, and looks cool to boot. But, the computer doesn't seem to respect its cool looks, as it plays against the 'bot quite well on the higher difficulty levels. However, I've been able to find a couple of cracks in the games's AI to let you win despite the fact that you're strategically challenged. Most important to remember when using the Shredder is that this 'bot's only advantage over the other 'bots is its virtually unlimited assortment of powerful combos. All of its Special Moves complement each other by being able work together in one combo. For an example of using this to your great advantage, check out the 18-hit combo below. Or you can watch it by playing the "SHREDDER.REC" file that should have come with the ZIP file you obtained this FAQ from. Special Moves: Flying Hands = D-DB-B+P Head-Butt = D-DF-F+P Shadow Head-Butt = B-DB-D-DF-F+P Flip Kick = D,D+K NOTE: You can do any mid-air Attack at any time during the Flip Kick. Scrap Move = D,F+P Destruction Move = D,U,U+P Timing: Do it at any time while the Shredder is shredding your opponent. How to get to Fire & Ice = U-UB-B-DB-D+K Timing: The easiest way to do the move is to press and hold up while your Shredder tosses your opponent into the air, and the do the rest of the move right after your opponent explodes. If you can't seem to get it to work, try doing the move over and over while & after your opponent is in the air. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Mid-Air Head-Butt - Lets you do a Head-Butt in mid- air. Combination: (jump),D-DF-F+P Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: Long-Range Flying Hands - The Flying Hands Attack has a much farther range. Combination: Same as normal FH * Second Enhancement: I could only get my Second Enhancment from Jazzy in the World Championship. Turbo Head-Butt & - The HB & SHB are nearly twice as Shadow Head-Butt fast as before. Combination: Same as normal HB & SHB Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 18-Hit Sure Death - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Dizzy, Corner, Fast Pilot Combination: (jump),D+K,(land),D+K,K,B+K,B+K,B+K-DB-D-DF-F+P, B+P-DB-D-DF-F+P,P,D,D+K,D-DF-F+P,(land),D-DB-B+P, D-DF-F+P,K,B+K Description: Get your opponent dizzy and in a corner, and then attack with a Jump Kick. Go straight out of the Jump Kick into a Flip Kick, and after the Flip Kick connects for the second hit, quickly press Kick before you land. As soon as you land, do three Standing Heavy Kicks, and follow with a Shadow Head Butt, then a Standing Heavy Punch, another Shadow Head Butt, and a Standing Medium Punch. Go into another Flip Kick, and after it hits once, do a Mid-Air Head-Butt. As soon as you land, do the Flying Hands. Immediately after the flying hands, do a Head Butt, then a Standing Medium Kick, and finish with a Standing Heavy Kick. This is the most destructive combo I've found for any 'bot in the game, and will take off between 3/4 and 7/8 of any characters energy. However, it's extremely difficult to pull off, and takes alot of practice to get down with any efficiency, but makes for an excellent tape to replay for your friends. Note that you can't FINISH the combo unless your opponent is already dizzy, although you can go so far into it, get them dizzy, and THEN do the full version... if they have enough energy left. Note that this combo doesn't work as well against the smaller 'bots, such as the Gargoyle and Flail, as some of the hits will miss them due to their short height. I've found this combo easiest to perform against the Nova, for some reason. Difficulty(1-10): 10 - Multi-Head Butt 6-Hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit, Fast Pilot Combination: (qtr screen away),B-DB-D-DF-F+P,B+P-DB-D-DF-F+P,DB+P, D-DF-F+P,B+K Description: From at least a quarter of a screen away, do a Shadow Head Butt, follow with a quick Standing Heavy Punch, then another Shadow Head Butt, and a Crouching Heavy Punch. Finish with a Head Butt followed by a quick Standing Heavy Kick to put them into the wall. This will make any opponent dizzy, setting you up for the 18-hit combo listed above. Difficulty(1-10): 6 Computer Cheats: - There are three ways to cheat against the computer with the Shredder that I've found. The first is to do a Flying Hands attack whenever the computer is walking towards you. The computer for some reason almost always jumps into it. It works best when you have the First Enhancement. Also, start off every match against the computer with the Flying Hands. This hits nearly every time. - The second cheat is to attack the computer with a Jump Attack and then do lots of quick Standing Light Punches. These never fail to hit the computer; just be careful of a Counter-Attack by the computer when your attacking with just a plain Jump Kick or Punch. - And lastly, my favorite way to cheese AI opponents is to do a Flip Kick, wait for it to hit the computer once(whether it connects or not), and immediately do a Mid-Air Head Butt. Not only does the computer almost never block this, but it also allows you to go into the above mentioned 6-hit combo. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - Playing with the Shredder against your carbon-based enemies can be very effective if you know when to use its Special Moves. It's best to use the Head-Butt for surprise attacks from long range when there's distance between you and your opponent, and the Flying Hands when they're too close for comfort. The Flip Kick is effective against almost all Air Attacks, Special or Basic, and is great for going into combos with. Remember that the only real advantage that the Shredder has is its nigh unlimited assortment of combos, so be sure to master these before expecting many victories with it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.8) Flail ----------- Description: Definitely the oddball of the group, I can imagine the Elam's conceptualizing the designs for the Flail after one too many slices of a Meat-Lover's pizza with extra pepperoni. This 'bot looks like it could handle anything from smart missiles to heavy indigestion. And it can, too. (I'm guessing on the indigestion part) Although discouraging to learn, the Flail is one of the more interesting, and fun, 'bots to use. And Although he's hard to use against the instantaneous reflexes of the computer, he's a blast to use against your friends-turned-enemies in Two Player Mode. However, to even things out in your battle against unfair AI response time, there are a couple of bugs that you can use to win your personal war against the evil Major. Special Moves Charge Punch = B,B+P Shadow Charge Punch = D-DB-B,B+P Slow Chain Spin = D,K Fast Chain Spin = D,P Spinning Throw Grab = F,F+K <-- Must be near opponent; can be done in air. Scrap Part #1 = F,F,F+P Part #2 = F,B+P Timing: Time it so that you hit Back & Punch right after the Flail slams your opponent against the wall. If you have problems getting it to work, just keep doing the sequence F,B+P over & over during the first slam. Destruction = B,F+P Timing: Do this after your Flail turns around and starts toward the other wall. If you can't seem to get it to work right, keep doing the sequence B,F+P over and over right after you do the Scrap Part #2. How to get to Fire & Ice = F-DF-D-DB-B+K,(rep) Timing: I'm not real sure about this one. I just do the move over and over after my opponent blows up. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Mobile Chain Spins - Lets your Flail move while doing a Heavy or Light Chain Spin by pressing Left or Right on your controller. Combination: Same as normal CS Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancements: This one gives the Flail all kinds of goodies... Mobile Chain Spins - Lets you do a MCS without Hyper mode on. * Slow Chain Spin/ - Lets you do a Charging Punch at Charging Punch Combo any time during a SCS. Just do the Charging Punch at any time during the Flail's SCS. * Charging Punch Safety - Lets you do a Spinning Throw Grab Throw while coming out of a Charging Punch or Shadow Charging Punch. Do the Spinning Throw Grab RIGHT AFTER you hit your opponent, whether it connects or not. This makes the Flail less vulnerable when using the CP. * Second Enhancement: The only place that I could find the Flail's second Enhancement was from Devan Shell in the Katushai Challenge. Turbo Shadow Charging Punch - The SCP is extremely fast and does more damage. Combination: Same as normal SCP Fast Chain Spin/ - Lets you do a Charging Punch at Charging Punch Combo any time during a Fast Chain Spin. Just do the CP at any time during the FCS. Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 8-hit Flailage - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,First Enh,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+P,(land),P,P,D+K,D+K,D,K,B,B+P Description: Attack with a Jump Punch. As soon as you land, do 2 Standing Medium Punches followed by 2 Crouching Medium Flails. End with a Slow Chain Spin and, after it hits your opponent twice, do a Charging Punch to finish. Difficulty(1-10): 7 - Grab'n'Toss 2-hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Corner Combination: (grab),F,F+K Description: Do a Grab on your opponent while they're in a corner. As soon as your Flail releases them, do a Spinning Throw Grab. If you time it right, you'll catch them every time. Difficulty(1-10): 2 - Slap'n'Spin 4-hit - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+P,F+P,F+P,F+K Description: Attack with a Jump Punch & follow with two Standing Light Punches. Finish with a Spinning Throw Grab. Difficulty(1-10): 5 Computer Cheats: - To win against the computer, the only move you ever need use is the Flail's Slow Chain Spin. Do it with Hyper mode on in any mode at any skill level, and move towards your opponent while spinning. The computer usually only blocks the first hit, while letting the others connect freely. Sometimes the AI will start to wise up, and begin blocking it more often on the higher difficulty levels. If it does, just mix it up with an occasional Charging Punch from a distance, and then start all over with the Slow Chain Spin again. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - Though aggravating to learn, the Flail's chains can be used to drive your opponents up the wall. Against some opponent, you can nearly win a match by just doing Crouching Medium Flails the whole time, since opponents without projectiles can do little to stop them. Also, you can often catch those annoying opponents who like to just constantly with a Spinning Throw Grab done in mid-air. Just time their jump, and then jump up and towards them, immediately doing the STG. It takes practice and some pretty quick finger magic, but you'll get the hang of it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.9) Gargoyle -------------- Description: The Gargoyle is really one of my favorite all around 'bots to use. This may be because of his unique appearance, differing from anything in all other fighting game out there. Or it may be because all of its moves are easy to learn and no problem to get off in a pinch. But whatever the reason, the Gargoyle is one of the easiest 'bots to win against the computer with, and one of the hardest to beat when controlled by a quick-fingered friend. Combining a mixture of speed and a great defensive Special Move(Flying Talon), this 'bot is one of the most fun to use in either One Player, Two Player, or Tournament Mode. Be sure to note that you can control the direction of the Gargoyle's jump by pressing Up & Back or Up & Forward to go, respectively, either Back or Forward while jumping. This is really handy when a change of direction in mid-air is preferrable to landing in your opponents arms. Special Moves: Wing Charge = F,F+P Diving Claw Grab = (jump),D+K <- When nearly over your opponent NOTE: You can control the left/ right direction of the Grab by pressing left or right while the the Gargoyle is diving. Flying Talon = D-DF-F+P NOTE: You can perform another attack, such as a Jump Punch or Diving Claw, after the Flying Talon has reached its apex. Scrap Move = B-DB-D-DF-F+P Destruction Move = D,U,D+P Timing: Time it so that you hit D+P right after the Gargoyle lands on your opponent. If you have problems, simply keep doing the sequence U,D+P over and over after the Gargoyle flys off the top of the screen. How to get to Fire & Ice = D,D,D+P Timing: Do the sequence right after the Gargoyle destroys your opponent and flies off the top of the screen. If you have problems getting it to work right, just keep pressing D+P over & over after the Gargoyle flys off the top of the screen after the Destruction. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Mid-Air Wing Charge - Lets you do a Wing Charge in mid-air. Combination: (jump),F,F+P NOTE: You can do a Diving Claw Grab at anytime during a MAWC. This proves very effective for surprise tactics. Mid-Flying Talon Wing - Lets you do a Wing Charge at any Charge time during a FT. Combination: F,F+P (at any time during the FT) Tournament Enhancements: First Enhancement: Best I can tell, this Enhancement just lets you do a mid-air Wing Charge, even when Hyper Mode isn't turned on in the Gameplay menu. That's a real bonus. Like most people really play this game with Hyper Mode off? * Second Enhancement: The only place that I could find the Gargoyle's Second Enhancement was from Bethany in the World Championship. Turbo Mid-Air Wing Charge - The MAWC is much faster than before. Combination: Same as normal MAWC Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 11-hit Killer - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Corner,Dizzy,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,(land),B+P,B+P,D-DF-F+P,F+P,(land),F+P,B+P, B+K,DB+P,D-DF-F+P,F+P,D+K Description: Get your opponent Dizzy and in a corner. Attack with a Jump Kick and follow with 2 Standing Heavy Punches. Continue with a Flying Talon and then do a Mid-Air Wing Charge as soon as the Flying Talon hits. As soon as you land, do a regular Wing Charge and follow it with a Standing Heavy Punch, a Standing Heavy Kick, & a Crouching Heavy Punch. Then do another Flying Talon, and as soon as it hits, do another Mid-Air Wing Charge. This will not hit your opponent as you've already hit them with one of these since they were knocked into the air--but quickly press D+K as soon as you've done the MAWC, and you'll catch them with a Diving Claw Grab, which you HAVEN'T used yet. You have to do that last part VERY fast to get it to work, so it might take a few tries. Just to make sure that it's possible, check out the "GARGOYLE.REC" file. Difficulty(1-10): 10 - 8-hit Dizzier - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Corner,Fast Pilot Combination: (close to opponent),F,F+P,F+P,B+P,D-DF-F+P,F+P,(land), B+K,P,(jump),D+K Description: Get close to your opponent, at least at Sweep range. Do 2 consecutive Wing Charges, and follow with a Standing Heavy Punch. Continue with a Flying Talon, and as soon as the Flying Talon hits, do a Mid-Air Wing Charge. As soon as you land, do a Standing Heavy Kick and then a Standing Medium Punch. Finish by jumping straight up & doing a Diving Claw Grab. Difficulty(1-10): 8 Computer Cheats: - All you have to do to win on any skill level in any mode when using the Gargoyle is to continually do the Diving Claw Grab. The computer won't block it 95% of the time. - Also, if you're cornered, just do lots of Crouching Heavy Punches. The computer almost never blocks them and will walk into them over and over. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - The Diving Claw Grab and Wing Charge both prove very useful in Two Player games, especially when used together. The best way to catch your opponent off-guard is to do a Flying Talon and then quickly do a Mid-Air Wing Charge to zoom over to your opponent and do a Diving Claw Grab. When playing with the speed set up, this is nigh unto impossible to react in time to avoid. But avoid doing it too often, or developing a predictable pattern, as that would render the strategy near useless. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.A) Chronos ------------- Description: Being much better suited for Two Player games than the vs Computer Modes, the Chronos is a kick to beat your buddies with after you've mastered the timing required to use him effectively. Not really excelling in any particular strengths nor garnishing any real flaws in regards to Speed, Power, and Armor, the Chronos is pretty well-rounded, but by no means special either. In regards to One Player & Tournament modes, expect to have more trouble with the computer than you do against your friends using the Chronos. Almost all of its moves require that your opponent doesn't react immediately; and as you know, this is basically the only defense the computer knows. And on the higher difficulty levels the computer almost always blocks your attacks or thwarts your Teleport by grabbing you before you even finish materializing beside him. However, I HAVE found a couple of ways that you can cheat against the computer, despite its unfair lack of a reflex allowment, letting you still find all the Unranked Challengers and get both the Chronos' worthless Enhancements. Special Moves: Stasis Activator = D-DB-B+P Slow Stasis Activator = F-DF-D-DB-B+P Matter Phasing = D-DB-B+K <- Can be done in air Teleport = D,P <- Down,release,THEN Punch NOTE: You can control the move- ment of the Teleport by pressing left or right while the Chronos is "phasing" out. Pressing left will port you to the far left of the screen, while pressing right will port you to the far right. If you press in no direction, you end up directly behind your opponent. Scrap Move = D,F+P * Destruction Move = F,B,P Timing: Time it so that you press the P right after the Chronos's arm goes inside your opponent. It's real hard to do it exact with the speed all the way up, so if you have problems just keep pressing F,B,P over & over during the Scrap. How to get to Fire & Ice = D-DB-B+P Timing: Do the move right after your opponent blows up. This is probably the easiest of all the "Fire & Ice" moves to perform, but unfortunately, with a 'bot as crappy as the Chronos, you most likely won't get to use it that much. Hyper Mode Enhancements: Controllable Stasis - Lets you control the Direction Activators of the Stasis & Slow Stasis after it's released by pressing in any direction with the SSA after it stops moving, but just up & down with the SA right when you release it. Combination: Same as normal SA & SSA Tournament Enhancements First Enhancement: I got this Enhancement from Bethany in the War Invitational. Controllable Stasis - Lets you control the Direction Activators of these without Hyper Mode on. Wheee. Combination: Same as normal SA & SSA Second Enhancement: I got a Second Enhancement from Bethany in the World Championship, but I'll be $#%&*@ if I know what it does. Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 7-hit Drainer - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,(land),P,B+K,F+K,P,B+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick and follow with a Standing Medium Punch & a Standing Heavy Kick. Follow with a Standing Light Kick, a Standing Medium Punch, and finish with a Standing Heavy Punch.(Hey, I know it's great, but it's the best I've got) Difficulty(1-10): 6 - Grab, Stop, 'n Drop 4-hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot,Corner Combination: (grab),D-DB-B+P,D-DB-B+K,B+P Description: Do a Grab on your opponent while they're in a corner. As soon as you release them, quickly do a Stasis Activator. If it freezes them, do a Matter Phasing and follow it with a Standing Heavy Punch. Note that you cannot catch the Thorn, Jaguar, or Electra with the Stasis Activator after the Grab since they fall so quickly. Difficulty(1-10): 4 - One/Two/Modem Player 4-hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,B+K,B+P Description: Do a Jump Kick and follow with a Standing Heavy Kick & finish with a Standing Heavy Punch. This does high damage in One, Two, & Modem Player modes. Difficulty(1-10): 1 Computer Cheats: - There are two ways I've found that can be used to cheat against the computer. The first is to use the Chronos' Standing Light Kick continually. Following any Jump Attack with this almost always connects, allowing you to follow it with stronger attacks such as a Standing Heavy Punch or Kick. You can also start out every match with this move and connect almost every time if you do two or three in a row. - The second cheat is to get in about the middle of the screen and release a Stasis Activator. The computer always tries to jump it. When it does, it always attacks early, allowing you to do a Standing Heavy Punch when they reach you. You can do this over and over during a match. Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - Facing human opponents is where you can really have the most fun with the Chronos. You can actually get results when using the Teleport and Matter Phasing moves against those with less than instantaneous reflexes. One of my favorite ways to make my opponent nervous is to do the Teleport from one side of the screen, but stay on the side of the screen I'm Teleporting from, thus staying in the same place. Launch as many Stasis Activators as you can, directing them upward most of the time so you'll occasionally catch them with one when they try to jump it. Also, launch a Slow Stasis Activator & follow it towards your opponent. If they try to attack you while you're behind the SSA, they'll get frozen and you can do the combo of your choice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.B) Nova ---------- Description: If you can't win with the Nova, then you might want to go back to Karate Champ in your local arcade. But if you prove effective at utilizing raw power, hate racking your brain in an effort to devise brilliant combos, or just like to feel BAD, the Nova will obviously be the 'bot of choice for you. If the Nova were a weapon in DOOM, it would be a quadruple-barrel Shotgun--not the prettiest of toys, but definitely carrying that feeling of unstoppable destruction. The Nova, when fully rigged, is fast, powerful, & tough. It surpasses all the other 'bots in terms of basic Attack superiority, Special Move damage, and an almost unlimited number of incredibly powerful combos. Even if you're the finesse player who prefers the grace and eloquence of motion of the Katana to the brute force of the Thorn, you'll love using the Nova if for no other reason than to see it smash the top half of your opponent off with sheer strength during its Destruction. All you DOOMers out there have fun! See Section (2.9) for instructions on how to select the Nova in a One Player game if you have version 2.0. Special Moves: Missile = D-DF-F+P Air-Missile = (jump),D-DF-F+P Mini-Grenade = D-DB-B+P Earthquake Slam = D,D+P Chest Slam = (jump),D+P When over opponent Scrap Move = D-DB-B,F+P Destruction Move = D,D,D,P Timing: Time it so that you hit P right after the fifth hit of the Scrap. If you have problems, keep hitting D,P over & over after the third hit of the Scrap. How to get to Fire & Ice = Undiscovered at this time Hyper Mode Enhancements: None Known(or needed) Tournament Mode Enhancements: I've used the Nova against every character in all the Tournaments, as well as all Unranked Challengers, but I've yet to get an enhancement. To be honest, I don't know what they could improve, unless it was to make its projectiles(Missile, Air- Missile, & Mini-Grenade) faster. But that would only be tipping already uneven-in-our-favor scales more out of balance, now wouldn't it? Effective Combos: - My Best Combo, 7-hit Bash-n-Slam - Modes: Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Corner,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump),D+P,(land),P,P,DB+P,P,(jump),D+P Description: Attack with a Chest Slam. As soon as you hit and land, IMMEDIATELY do 2 Standing Medium Punches & then a Crouching Heavy Punch. Follow with a Standing Medium Punch while they're in the air. Finish by quickly jumping towards your opponent and doing a Chest Slam. Difficulty(1-10): 8 - Easy All-Mode Ground Based 5-hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+K,P,P,DB+P Description: Attack with a Jump Kick and follow with two Standing Medium Punches. Finish with a Crouching Heavy Punch. Difficulty(1-10): 2 - High Damage 4-Hit - Modes: One,Two,Modem,Tournament Req'd: Rehit,Fast Pilot Combination: (jump)+P,B+P,B+K,B+P Description: Attack with a Jump Punch. Follow with a Standing Heavy Punch and a Standing Heavy Kick. Finish with another Standing Heavy Punch. Difficulty(1-10): 3 Computer Cheats: - You can win the entire game every time on any difficulty level by just continually doing the Nova's far-reaching Sweep. - A less mind-numbing way to beat the computer is to knock your opponent down however you choose, and then quickly launch a Smart Missile. Do an Earthquake Slam, timing it so that you slam the ground right when the Smart Missile is over your opponent. You can do this over and over and over and... Human/Human sTrAgEdIeZ: - The cheat for the computer listed above regarding the Smart Missile works just as well against humans as it does against the computer. However, if they're using a 'bot with a Shadow variation of a move, such as the Shadow Jaguar Leap, they can pass through your Smart Missile. Also, try launching Smart Missiles continually. If they jump straight up, just do an Earthquake Slam, timing it so that you hit the ground right when they land. If they jump towards you, do a Standing Heavy Punch to knock them out of the air. Be sure to use the Air Missile to your advantage as well. It works effectively when jumping towards your opponent and launching one halfway through your jump. It will often catch them off guard. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) In Closing, etc., etc., etc... ---------------------------------- Here's a few odds'n'ends things that you're more than welcome to read if you haven't already fried your brain trying to do everything described in this FAQ. But, if you're the stoic, red- meat only type who read this solely for the facts, feel free to skip this part. You don't want to see what I wrote about your... well... just skip it. (4.1) The Future of OMF ----------------------- One Must Fall: 2097 is one of the more excellent examples of PC gaming, and will most certainly continue to improve upon the debut of the series with each new upgrade and release. Up & coming products in the OMF line include: - OMF: 2097 CD! Just prior to releasing version 2.2 of this FAQ, I received this message regarding the OMF CD version: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: craig@epicgames.com (Craig Lafferty) Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action Subject: Re: OMF 2097 CD? Date: 17 Jul 1995 19:27:40 GMT Organization: Epic MegaGames We will be releasing ONE MUST FALL 2097 on CD in a few weeks, once the modem/network play is solid. This will be as a delivery method and WILL NOT BE an enhanced game. OMf 2097 II (tenative name) will be out late this year or early next year on CD and will be a new or greatly enhanced game. Craig Lafferty PR & Marketing Coordinator Epic MegaGames ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, so much for all the hype that was getting built up for THIS one. Maybe it's all just a scheme and they're REALLY going to surprise us.. or not. Oh well. - OMF ][... Presently going under the name "OMF Enhanced" (according to the September '95 PC Gamer), this game, despite its misleading title, is going to be a completely new OMF sequel. It supposedly has new 'bots, as well as the old, new SCROLLING backgrounds(the lack of which in my opinion was the only flaw with the original), and a few surprises. All of the 'bots are supposed to be true 3D rendered objects as well. According to the PC Gamer article, Epic is shooting for a Fall release, but I'd say we probably won't see it until at least Christmas. I'll add all information regarding these products to this FAQ as it becomes available. (4.2) Future Expansion ---------------------- For those of you annoyed at not having a complete list of every single combo I've ever found, or more news on up & coming things from the Elams & Epic, this FAQ is being continually updated with additions, revisions, and corrected mistakes offered as they become available. (In other words, when ever I feel like typing them in) Future revisions will include: - Even more combos and other useless stuff... - More news on the upcoming OMF CD and OMF ][ - Any additional Secrets and Unranked Challengers not known at this time Like I said, I INTEND to add in all this stuff, but (insert typical, non-commital excuse here), so don't sue me, eh? (4.3) Where to get the Latest Version of the FAQ ------------------------------------------------ The latest versions of this FAQ will always be available via ftp at the following address: ftp.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/game_faq/momfaqXX.zip where XX is the version number. (i.e. 10 = 1.0) And also at: ftp.aimnet.com /pub/users/lordsoth/omf Note that this site also has many cheats and utilities for use with OMF, including OMFEDT.ZIP, mentioned in Section (2.7). Or, if you're not an Internet junkie, feel free to call our BBS at: The Pond BBS - (615) 536-5072 The latest versions will always be available there as soon as they're out, as well as several OMF utilities and saved Characters. And yes, first time callers DO have file access to most areas. Please feel free to post this file to newsgroups, CompuServe, America On-Line, and local BBSs. (4.4) How to Contact /\/\e -------------------------- If you have any information about "One Must Fall: 2097" not contained within this FAQ, or perhaps any ideas on what we ought to change to make it better, please tell us by(preferably) sending mail via the International PC Gaming echo on FidoNet. If you feel like you have to send a personal message, you can send it via FidoNetmail to: Matt Williams, 1:3637/8 However, responses will always be in the International PC Gaming conference, unless you specify that you do not have access to that echo. Or, if you prefer, you can call our BBS at: The Pond, (615) 536-5072 Leave mail to Matt Williams. The latest version of the FAQ will always be there, as well as several utilities, cheats, and information files for OMF. First time callers have access to most File Areas, including the OMF base. If you have previously routed questions concerning OMF through David Laprad's e-mail address, please note that this is no longer used, due to the complicated process of transferring mail back and forth from his account to me, and vice-versa. Yes, that's right. I, unfortunately, do not have Internet access at this time, although local service is due here in a couple more months.(Please don't write asking where I live. I nearly break down and cry every time I discuss it.) At this time, the information I primarily need is listed in Section (2.A). However, I would additionally like to know of any great combos you've discovered, as well as any good strategies for Human/Human play. I will give credit to whoever contributes the information that I use in this file. So if you'd get a kick out of knowing that your name's on every gaming freak-this-side-of-a- Macintosh's computer, find some stuff that I don't know about OMF and mail it to us. The help's really appreciated. (4.5) Revision History ---------------------- 2.3 - Revised the listing of combos, cheats, & gameplay sTrAgEdIeZ for all 'bots; Added information on all 'bots First AND Second Enhancements; Added Sections (1.7) & (1.8); Updated information in Section (4.1) regarding OMF ][; Added FILMS.ZIP file containing .REC files of all My Best Combos for each 'bot. 2.2 - Modified information in Section (1.5); Added Sections (1.6), (2.8), (2.9), & (2.A); added slight information to various 'bots; several minor changes made to layout; Re-did the Unranked Challengers list, Section (2.3). Various other small changes made. 2.1 - Corrected Flail's Scrap Part #2 and Destruction to be much easier and precise than before; Added information in Section (2.6) regarding the Sound Test option; Added info on directing the Katana's Head Stomp; Added new Section (4.1), The Future of OMF. 2.0 - Added remaining "Fire & Ice" moves for ALL 'bots, making for a COMPLETE moves list.(As far as I know, anyway) 1.5 - Corrected the Pyros' Scrap Part#2 and Destruction to be more specific; Added newly discovered Enhancement moves for the Jaguar(check'em out.. I actually ENJOY using the Jaguar now); Added a few slight notes regarding the Gargoyle and Chronos. 1.4 - Updated Section (2.6) to include the "B-I-G" code and question about the Sound Test menu; Updated the Jaguar's Destruction.(it's now less complex) 1.3 - Added new Section (2.6) Odds'n'Ends Secrets; Made some minor move corrections and grammatical fixes. 1.2 - Added new Section (2.2). Added information about the secret character "Ice" in Section (2.5); Added info about second secret difficulty level, "Ultimate", in Section (2.1); Filled in a couple of unknown "How to get to Fire & Ice" blanks. 1.1 - Added Section (4.4), Revision History; Filled in some previously unknown enhancements, as well as how to get to Fire with the Thorn; Several typos corrected. (Thank Goodness) 1.0 - First Internet release. 0.9a - Local release only... added ASCII grafick to the start, as well as several previously unknown enhancements. 0.8 - After a couple days of work, first semblance to a FAQ appears. Contains almost all Special Moves, Scraps, and Destructions. (4.6) Credits ------------- Thanx go out to: God - For not letting that lightning storm fry my 486 while I was typing this & testing all the moves. (Amongst many other things, of course) David Laprad - The Jay Wilbur of the FAQ world.. 'Biz Guy promoted this file on the Internet and made me finish it. Po Chan - Writer of the first OMF FAQ I came across which gave me a gave a more or less vague idea of most of the special moves. Josh Williams - Little jerk first figured out how to do (younger bro) the Shadow's Freeze Blast... and wouldn't tell me how to do it. He provided the competition which spawned most of the combos in Section (3). My Family - For putting up with my clicking keyboard till absurdly late hours of the night. Epic Megagames - For making "One Must Fall: 2097". Wouldn't & Diversions a sequel be nice? ahem..hem.. Do I hear an Entertainment OMF: 2101 in the works back there? (Maybe with scrolling backgrounds this time?) Chris Austin - SysOp of Dekalb BBS.. Halleleujah, a local BBS at last. (Don't ask where I live; I'm still not over the shock of moving here from Atlanta) Pizza Inn - Pizza that the poor gamer can afford. * Everyone who - Thanx go out to everyone who helped fill me contributed to in on the stuff I didn't know... Couldn'ta the FAQ finished the FAQ without ya'll. Can't expect me to figure out ALL those "Fire & Ice" moves myself, now could you??? Major contributors included: Henry Bent (Help in Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, & Katana's F&I move) "Joe" -lost your last name- (Various F&I moves) Andrew Schultz (Flail Destruct) Matt Hall (Info for Section 2.8) Bernard Li (Info for Section 2.8 & 2.9) Eugen Woiwod (Info for Section 2.9) * Richard Nagel (How to REC and PLAY using the OMF 2.0 upgrade) & The Avatar(Various Tips,Sound Test Code) -->Thanx guys<-- You - For reading this entire section, despite the fact that I never mentioned your... anything. |-P PPBBBBTHHHH!!!