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  SUP35SW.LIB is a Clipper 5.2c compiled .LIB file. You can make it into
  a Clipper 5.01 compiled .LIB file by installing and running


  This is a patch file that will create a Clipper 5.01a .LIB file from

  Use it like so:

        1. Make a copy of the 5.2 .LIB file

                COPY SUP35SW.LIB SUP35501.LIB

        2. Run the patch file against the copy
                MAKE501  SUP35501.LIB

  It will create a backup (SUP35501.BAK). SUP35501.LIB is now for
  Clipper 5.01a.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson