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    Documentation Key

    1. Parameter names are prefaced with their type:

       c        character             i.e.  cString, cFileName
       n        numeric               i.e.  nCount, nSize
       l        logical               i.e.  lSuccess, lStarted
       d        date                  i.e.  dToday, dTarget
       a        array                 i.e.  aNames, aFiles
       b        code block            i.e.  bBlock, bEvaluate
       o        object                i.e.  oTbrowse, oGet
       exp      any or multiple type  i.e. expWhatever

    2. A parameter prefaced with @ means pass by reference

    3. Parameters enclosed in:

       <> or none     indicates required parameter
       []             indicates optional parameter or set of params
       |              indicates mutually exclusive params

    4. => refers to the function return value

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson