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 SuperLib Environment

 SETCOLORS()    Interactive color setting interface
 SATTPOP()      Pops previously pushed SuperLib interface variables
 SATTPUSH()     Pushes the current SuperLib interface variables
 SATTPICKPUT()  Stores SuperLib environment variables to COLORS.DBF
                with picklist
 SATTPICKDEL()  Picklist deletion of stored color sets
 SATTPUT()      Stores current SuperLib environment variables to DBF
 SLS_*()        Series of functions for system settings and colors
 SLSF_*()       Series of functions to determine system file names and
 INITSUP()      Sets SuperLib system interface vars for MONO or COLOR
 SATTDIRECT()   Sets up the the system color and interface settings directly
 SATTGET()      Sets up SuperLib environment variables from COLORS.DBF
 SATTCOLOR()    Sets up the the system color and interface settings
                for color monitor
 SATTPICK()     Sets up SuperLib environment vars by selecting from
                stored definitions
 SATTMONO()     Sets up the the system color and interface settings
                for MONOCHROME monitor
 SATTGETMEM()   Sets up SuperLib environment variables from old
                COLORS.MEM file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson