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 TAGMARRAY()    Tag elements in muti-dimensioned array
 STAGFIELDS()   Tag fields
 UNBOX()        Removes a box created by makebox()
 SPOPORDER()    Popup allows user to change viewing (index) order
 SPOPSEEK()     Popup seek based on present index keys
 VIEWMEMOS()    Popup viewing (non-edit mode) of memos
 VERTVIEW()     Pops up a vertical view of the current record
 TAGARRAY()     Tag selected elements of an array
 SGETMANY()     Virtual (scrolling) gets in a popup box
 AMSG()         Pop up message box for an array of messages
 POPUPDIR()     Popup of a given directory for file selection
 POPREAD()      Pops up a box with 1-5 say-get combinations
 POPVDATE()     Pops up a picklist of virtual dates
 POPEX()        Pops up an achoice for a certain filespec
 POPMONTH()     Popup month selection
 POPCOLSEL()    Popup color grid for selecting a single color
 PROGINDEX()    Perform an index with a progress box
 PROGEVAL()     Perform a Database DBEVAL() with a progress box
 POPVYEAR()     Pops up a picklist of virtual years
 PROGCOUNT()    Perform a count with a progress box
 PROGDISP()     Displays progress bar in box created with PROGON()
 PROGOFF()      Removes a progress bar box created by PROGON()
 MESSYN()       Popup YesNo prompt box
 MCHOICE()      Creates a box for an Achoice call
 MFIELDS()      Pops up an selection box for current dbf fields
 GETDATE()      Point and shoot calendar
 MAKEBOX()      Draws a box on the screen with optional shadow,
                returns saved screen
 PLSWAIT()      Pops up a 'Please Wait' window or removes it
 ONE_READ()     Pop-up window with 1-4 Say/Get combinations
 MULTMSGYN()    Multi-line popup message - yes -no
 MFIELDSTYPE()  Pops up a list of fields of given type(s)
 MSG()          Displays up to a 9 line message in a window
 HARDCOPY()     Prints current record or memo fields to printer
 EDITMEMO()     Performs a windowed memoedit() on a memo field
 ASCIITABLE()   Pops up an ASCII table for character selection
 DELREC()       Dialog box to delete/undelete current record
 EDITMEMOV()    Performs a windowed memoedit() on a string
 BROWSE2D()     Popup tbrowse of 2 dimension array (array of arrays)
 SBUNSHADOW()   Removes shadow drawn with SBSHADOW()
 ABORT()        Pops up dialog box asking: Abort  Don't Abort
 SBSHADOW()     Draw a shadow around a box
 PROGON()       Initialize and display a progress bar box
 QUIKREPORT()   Runtime pre-defined report printing module
 P_READY()      Determines if printer is ready, prompts user
 SACHOICE()     Achoice replacement, uses TBROWSE, accepts exception
 S1LABEL()      Prints a single label
 GETCALC()      Pops up a quick 'solar' calculator

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson