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 Hp Laserjet

 SL_OVERCOL()   Move the printer cursor right/left # columns relative
                to position
 SL_PUSHCURS()  Pushes the printer cursor position for later popping
 SL_RESET()     Resets the printer to user defaults
 SL_POPCURS()   Pops the printer cursor position for later popping
 SL_PORT()      Sets the laserjet orientation to PORTRAIT
 SL_TOPMARG()   Designates the number of lines of top margin
 SL_UNDEROFF()  Sets automatic text underlining off
 SL_VLINE()     Draws a vertical  line from row,col to endrow,col
 SL_UNDER()     Sets automatic text underlining on
 SL_RIGHTMARG() Sets the right margin to the right edge of the
                specified column
 SL_SETCPI()    Sets characters per inch
 SL_WRAP()      Sets line wrapping on or off
 SL_SETLPI()    Sets the lines per inch for the laserjet
 SL_PAGESIZE()  Sets the page size on the laserjet
 SL_LANDS()     Sets laserjet orientation to LANDSCAPE
 SL_ITALICOFF() Sets font style to upright (non italic)
 SL_LEFTMARG()  Sets the left margin to the left edge of the specified
 SL_NORMAL()    Sets font stroke weight to NORMAL (non bold)
 SL_HLINE()     Draws a horizontal line from row,col to row,endcol
 SL_ITALIC()    Sets font style to italic
 SL_FILL()      Fills a rectangle with shading or a pattern.
 SL_GOTO()      Move the printer cursor to row/col
 SL_BOX()       Draws a box line from row,col to endrow,endcol
 SL_COPIES()    Sets the laserjet to print n copies of each page
 SL_BOLD()      Sets font stroke weight to BOLD (ultra black)
 SL_EJECT()     Ejects the current page
 SL_DOWNROW()   Move the printer cursor up/down by # rows, relative to

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson