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 FIELDLENX()    Returns length of field
 EXPBLOCK()     Returns a codeblock to evaluate an expresson
 FIELDTYPEX()   Returns type of field
 FIELDPOSX()    Returns position of field named in expression
 FIELDDECX()    Returns decimals of field
 PARSFIELD()    Exracts the name of the field from an expression
 BLANKREC()     Blanks out a record
 PARSALIAS()    Exracts the name of the alias from an expression
 WORKBLOCK()    Returns a set-get block for field named in an expression
 BLANKFIELD()   Returns a blank value corresponding to a field
 ISBLANKREC()   Determines if a record is blank
 ISFIELD()      Determines if an expression is the name of a field
 ISTHISAREA()   Determines if expression is the name of a field in
                this area

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson