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 ASORTMULTR()   Sort multiple arrays based on sort of primary array
 ASORTMULT()    Sort multiple arrays based on sort of primary array
 ASTDDEV()      Determines the standard deviation of an array with
                optional conditional set
 ASUM()         Determines the sum of an array with optional
                conditional set
 AMSUM()        Sum on a given element of multi-dim array
 ARRAY2DBF()    Replaces the current record with the values in an array
 AMVARIANCE()   Variance on a given element of multi-dim array
 AMSTDDEV()     Standard Deviation on a given element of multi-dim array
 DELARRAY()     Deletes all elements of an array
 DBF2ARRAY()    Returns an array of values for the current record
 FILLARR()      Fill type, length, decimal arrays
 AUPDATED()     Determines if an array contains updated values for the
                current record
 AVARIANCE()    Determines the variance of an array with optional
                conditional set
 BLDARR()       Builds an array from a delimited string
 BIGELEM()      Returns length of longest string in an array
 A2TOSING()     Copies a given element from an array of arrays
 AFTYPESX()     Returns an array of field types for current dbf
 AFLENSX()      Returns an array of field LENGTHS for current dbf
 AKOUNT()       Counts exact matches of value in array
 AASKIP()       Use for skipblock for arrays in Tbrowse
 AFDECIX()      Returns an array of field DECIMALS for current dbf
 AFIELDSX()     Returns an array of field names for current dbf
 AEXTRACT()     Extract and return a conditional set from an array
 AFIELDSTYPE()  Returns an array of field names of particular type
 AMATCHES()     Counts the matches of an array with optional
                conditional set
 AAVERAGE()     Determines the average of an array with optional
                conditional set
 AMAVERAGE()    Average on a given element of multi-dim array
 ALENG()        Actual length of an array, less trailing nil elements

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson