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A2TOSING()            Copies a given element from an array of arrays
AASKIP()              Use for skipblock for arrays in Tbrowse
AAVERAGE()            Determines average of an array with condition
ABORT()               Pops up dialog box asking: Abort  Don't Abort
ADDSPACE()            Pads right of string with spaces
AEXTRACT()            Extract and return a conditional set from an array
AFDECIX()             Returns an array of field DECIMALS for current dbf
AFIELDSTYPE()         Returns an array of field names of particular type
AFIELDSX()            Returns an array of field names for current dbf
AFLENSX()             Returns an array of field LENGTHS for current dbf
AFTYPESX()            Returns an array of field types for current dbf
AKOUNT()              Counts exact matches of value in array
ALENG()               Actual length of an array, less trailing nil elements
ALLBUT()              Returns all but last x characters
AMATCHES()            Counts the matches of an array with condition
AMAVERAGE()           Average on a given element of multi-dim array
AMSG()                Pop up message box for an array of messages
AMSTDDEV()            Standard Deviation on a given element of
AMSUM()               Sum on a given element of multi-dim array
AMVARIANCE()          Variance on a given element of multi-dim array
APPENDIT()            Intelligent APPEND FROM replacement
ARRANGE()             Rearranges text in a string
ARRAY2DBF()           Replaces current record with values in an array
ASCIITABLE()          Pops up an ASCII table for character selection
ASORTMULT()           Sort multiple arrays on order of single array
ASORTMULTR()          Reverse sort multiple arrays on order of single array
ASTDDEV()             Standard deviation of an array with condition
ASUM()                Determines the sum of an array with condition
AT2CHAR()             Returns the String color equivalent of a color number
ATT()                 Colors a section of the screen, leaving the text intact
AUPDATED()            Determines if array contains updated values for record
AVARIANCE()           Determines the variance of an array with condition
BEGEND()              Determines beginning or end of week,month or quarter
BIGELEM()             Returns length of longest string in an array
BLANKFIELD()          Returns a blank value corresponding to a field
BLANKREC()            Blanks out a record
BLDARR()              Builds an array from a delimited string
BLDDBF()              Create a DBF from a delimited string or an array
BLDNDX()              Interactively create a new index
BOM()                 Calculates beginning of the month date
BOYEAR()              Determine beginning of year a date falls in
BROWSE2D()            Popup  tbrowse of 2 dimension array (array of arrays)
BROWSEDELIM()         Tbrowse a delimited file
BROWSESDF()           Tbrowse an SDF file
BUILDEX()      (diff) Interactively builds and returns an expression string
BUNGDROP()     (new)  Causes dropdown during BUNGEE() menu def sequence
BUNGEE()       (new)  Mouseable, multi-level dropdown menu with triggers
BUNGEEQUIT()   (new)  BUNGEEQUIT( ) is how a Bungee menu is terminated. You would normally
BUNGEETOP()    (new)  Sends the current menu back to the top level box (not all
BUNGEND()      (new)  Ends a BUNGEE() menu array definition sequence
BUNGOPTION()   (new)  Adds option during a BUNGEE() menu definition sequence
BUNGREDRAW()   (new)  Redraws the current menu, with optional change of colors
BUNGSTART()    (new)  Starts a BUNGEE() menu array definition sequence
BUNGUNDROP()   (new)  Ends dropdown during BUNGEE() menu def sequence
BXX()                 Draws a box on the screen of a given color
CALCKCLR()            Clears hot keys set by CALCKSET()
CALCKSET()            Allows use of GETCALC() calculator in GETS
CALCVALID()           Uses GETCALC() calculator function as a GET VALID
CALCWHEN()            Uses GETCALC() calculator function as a GET WHEN
CALENDKCLR()          Clears hot keys set up by CALENDKSET()
CALENDKSET()          Allows use of GETDATE() calendar in GETS
CALENDVALID()         Uses GETDATE() popup calendar function as a GET
CALENDWHEN()          Uses GETDATE() function as a GET WHEN clause
CENTR()               Centers a string in x spaces
CLABEL()       (diff) Menu driven module for label management
CLS()                 Clear the screen with optional color,character
COLPIK()              Allows selection of colors from a list
COPYFIELDS()          Copies selected fields of selected records to new dbf
COPYITOUT()           Copies records to a new DBF
CRUNCH()              Moves spaces in a string to end of string
CTRLW()               Sends chr(23) (Control-W) to the keyboard
CURD()                Return current drive letter
DATECALC()            Adds/subtracts days,weeks,months,years to a date
DAYSIN()              Calculates number of days in a month
DBF2ARRAY()           Returns an array of values for the current record
DBSTATS()             Statistical report on dbf, including
DELARRAY()            Deletes all elements of an array
DELREC()              Dialog box to delete/undelete current record
DOYEAR()              Calculates day of the year from date
DTDIFF()              Returns difference between dates
DTOW()                Converts date to words
DUPHANDLE()           Duplicate record finder with delete/copy options
DUPLOOK()             Locates possible duplicates based on user criteria
EDITDB()       (diff) Customized database browser with edit/add/search
EDITMEMO()     (diff) Performs a windowed memoedit() on a memo field
EDITMEMOV()    (diff) Performs a windowed memoedit() on a string
ED_G_PIC()            Returns appropriate picture for getting a field
ENDSWITH()            Determines if a string ends with another string
ENHANCED()            Returns color integer for ENHANCED setting
EVALQ()               Evaluates a logical condition in a string
EXPBLOCK()            Returns a codeblock to evaluate an expresson
FADEAWAY()            Fades screen away , alternative to restscreen()
FASTFORM()            Prints a selected formletter for current record
FIELDDECX()           Returns decimals of field
FIELDLENX()           Returns length of field
FIELDPOSX()           Returns position of field named in expression
FIELDTYPEX()          Returns type of field
FILEINFO()            Returns file date,time,size
FILEREAD()            Lists a text file of unlimited size
FILLARR()             Fill type, length, decimal arrays
FMOVE2NEXT()          Move to beginning of next line in a text file
FMOVE2PRIOR()         Moves to beginning of previous CRLF delimited
FORMLETR()            Interactive formletter and mailmerge utility
FORMULATE()    (new)  Builds a free-form formula or User Defined Field
FREQANAL()     (diff) Performs a frequency analysis on a DBF
FULLDIR()             Interactively navigate directories
GENED()        (diff) Generic dbf editing screen
GENREADER()           Creates specialized user defined get reader block
GENVAL()              Generic VALID clause validation with message
GETAKEY()             Gets intent of last keystroke
GETCALC()      (diff) Pops up a quick 'solar' calculator
GETDATE()             Point and shoot calendar
GETDFP()              Gets SET DEFAULT path
GETJUMP2()     (new)  Determines if mouse clicked on a get
GLOBREP()      (diff) Performs global selective replace of a field
HARDCOPY()            Prints current record or memo fields to printer
HELP()                Provides context sensitive popup help
HELPMOD()             Interactively build and modify help screens
IFMOUSEHD()    (new)  Checks if mouse held down,evals codeblock while it is
INITSUP()             Sets SuperLib system interface vars for MONO or COLOR
ISBLANKREC()          Determines if a record is blank
ISFIELD()             Determines if an expression is the name of a field
ISINLOOK()            Checks for existence of a value in a lookup dbf
ISLOADED()            Determines  function is loaded or not
ISMOUSEAT()    (new)  Checks for mouse click within passed coordinates
ISNOTDUP()            Checks for a duplicate field
ISPART()              Determines if a value is part of a set
ISTHISAREA()          Determines if expression is the name of a field
ISVALFILE()           Checks a file name for validity
KBDESC()              Keyboards character 27 (escape) when key pressed
LISTER()              Build, format,print SIMPLE lists to
LJUST()               Left justifies a string
MAKEBOX()             Draws a box on the screen and returns saved screen
MBRZCLICK()    (new)  Checks for mouse click on current Tbrowse row/col
MBRZMOVE()     (new)  Checks for mouse click at and moves to Tbrowse row/col
MCHOICE()             Does a boxed, achoice() style popup on an array
MENU_V()              Vertical popup menu from variable # parameters
MESSYN()              Popup YesNo prompt box
MFIELDS()             Pops up a selection box for current dbf fields
MFIELDSTYPE()         Pops up a list of fields of given type(s)
MODIFY()              Create or modify DBF structures
MOUSEHOTAT()   (new)  Checks for mouse click from array of hot coordinates
MSG()                 Displays up to a 9 line message in a window
MULTIMSGYN()          Multi-line popup message - yes -no

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson