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  New in this version

     From 3.00

        . Menuing system has been improved

        . VGA Graphic Mode Support rewritten, including the functions
          for pixels, lines, ellipses, circles, graphics, bars charts,
          pies charts, etc.

        . Multi-Linker Support (CA-ExoSpace; Blinker 1.x, 2.x, 3.0;
          RTLink x.x; and WarpLink x.x) has been added

        . C Optimizing Code Support has been added

        . Reboot() function has been changed to support both cold
          and warm-boot

        . CpuType() function has been rewritten

        . Italian Language Support bugs have been corrected

        . New function ChooseColor() has been added

        . Bug in function Like() has been corrected

        . Bug in function Serpent() has been corrected

        . Encrypt() and DeEncrypt() functions have been changed to
          allow multiple encryption with a password

        . New functions IsDPMI() and DPMIVersion() have been added

        . Corrected a bug in IsWin3()

        . New function WinVersion() has been added

        . New functions WinOpenClip(), WinCloseClip(), WinSetClip(),
          WinGetClip(), WinClipSize(), and WinDelClip() have been added
          for managing the Windows 3.x Clipboard from Clipper

        . New functions DrawBar() and BackGraph() have been added
          from the GraphBar ClipAPI

        . Fixed a bug in SetTime() function

        . New function IsPirate() has been added to protect Clipper
          programs from unauthorized use.  Programs can be executed only
          on a machine having a specific configuration

        . New function SetVerify() has been added

        . New function SetGray() has been added

        . MaxFiles() function name has been changed to FreeHandles()

        . New function GetEnviron() has been added

        . New function SToD() has been added

        . Function rSoftCur() has been changed to simulate a graphical
          mouse pointer in text mode; function rColors() is no longer

        . More speed to ChooseColor()

        . New parameter in BoxQuery() and BoxWarning()

     From 3.11

        . Fixed a bug in CD Audio Support running in protected mode

        . Some internal functions has been rewriten to run faster

     From 3.12

        . Fixed a bug in RestArray() with multidimensional arrays

        . Text Editor addapted to MaxRow() & MaxCol() values

        . Fixed a bug in IsPrint() when it runs in protected mode

        . A new 3D graph gallery
          You can show 3D bar graphs, 3D top/down pyramidal bar graphs,
          3D cylindric bar graphs, 3D line graphs, 3D tart graphs,
          3D ellipse graphs...

        . New function Int2Roman() to convert integers to Roman notation

        . Fixed a bug in MSCDEXVer()

        . Fixed a bug in DiskSerNum() when it runs in protected mode

        . New functions ASCIIToEBCDIC() and EBCDICToASCII()

        . Fixed a bug in FSearch() function.

        . Fixed a little bug in the upper limit of GraphBar() functions
          when the array contains decimal values

        . New functions Caos()

        . New parameter cColor to Puzzle() function

        . Fixed a bug in the CD AUDIO initiation code

        . Fixed a bug in dToDMY() function

        . New function dToMDY()

        . Calendar() function addapted to Sunday, Monday, ... when the
          language selected is English

        . New functions BigLetter() & BigString()

        . New functions SmallLetter() & SmallString()

        . Function FastMemo() changed

        . New function SetHardCopy()

        . NewMenu() function has a new parameter to allow to create menus
          with shadow

        . New function InspectDBF()

        . New function InspectSETS()

        . New function InspectOBJ()

        . Fixed a bug in Like() function running in protected mode

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson