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    Technical Notes

    Fast Library For Clipper, in older versions, was written in 100%
 CA-Clipper 5.x code. In the current version, a large portion of its code
 is written in C; for example, the mouse, communications, graphics, video,
 Sound Blaster, timer, CMOS, and other functions which either cannot be
 implemented in pure Clipper code or would not be fast enough. The standard
 CA-Clipper libraries do not support interrupts, and several functions
 in Fast Library For Clipper depend on interrupts.

    Fast Library For Clipper does not use either Public or Private
 variables, thus keeping memory overhead for the symbol table to a minimum
 and avoiding accidental assignments to variables internal to the functions.

    The library has been made more granular than in previous versions so
 that calls to Fast Library functions will cause a minimum of library
 code to be linked into your programs.

    Macros are not used in any Fast Library code.

    Fast Library functions which internally call other Fast Library
 functions use code blocks for passing information to one another.
 All arguments used when calling Fast Library functions from the user's
 code consist of numeric, character, logical, and array data types.

    The code used in both the printed documentation examples and the
 Norton Guide examples uses Hungarian notation because of its
 clarity and for consistency with most other CA-Clipper documentation.

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