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         Initiates the Sound Blaster and determines it's presence


         sbInit() -> lError


         Initiates the Sound Blaster and/or Sound Blaster Pro and determines
         it's presence giving back a logic.

         Remember that before calling this function you have to set up the
         IRQ and IO Address if the values you have set up on your system are
         not the default.  This means that if the IRQ is NOT 7h or the IO
         Address is NOT 220h.  Use the functions sbIO() and sbIRQ().


         A logic value indicating if the Sound Blaster is available on the
         system at the IRQ and IO Address specified.


         If sbInit()
           ? "There's a Sound Blaster Card"

See Also: sbIO() sbIRQ()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson