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          Creates a new menu structure


         NewMenu( aOptions, aColors, lShadow ) -> aMenu

         aOptions : A one-dimensional array with the structure:

                       { cOption1, cOption2, ..., cOptionN }

                    Each option may include the symbol "^" to indicate
                    that the character it precedes will be the one you could
                    use with the Alt key to select the option.

         aColors  : An array of 9 elements specifying the colors for:

                     - Non-selected options
                     - Special character of non-selected options
                     - Selected option
                     - Special character of selected option
                     - Items of the submenus
                     - Selected item of the submenus
                     - Non-selectable items of the submenus
                     - Special character of non-selected submenu items
                     - Special character of selected submenu items

         lShadow  : A logic value to indicate shadowing. Default .F.


         Creates an array defining the structure of a menu and the
         colors in which to display menu options and submenu items
         for each of the conditions listed above for aColors.


         An array defining the structure and colors of the newly created menu.


         aMenu := NewMenu( { "^System", "^Tools", "^Other" }, ;
                           { "N/W", "R/W", "W/B",  "W+/B", ;
                             "N/W", "W/B", "N+/W", "R/W", "GR+/B" }, ;
                           .T. )

See Also: DispMenu()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson