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         Un/Installs a resident clock


         Clock( [lActive], [nPosY], [nPosX], [cColor] ) -> lIsActive

         lActive : A logic value indicating if we want to activate (.T.) or
                   deactivate (.F.) the watch.
                   If parameter is Nil, Clock() returns the actual mode.
         nPosY   : Row position. By default 0.
         nPosX   : Column position. By default 70.
         cColor  : Clock color. By default "GR+/B"


         Shows a watch without the programmer action.


         The actual watch mode. .T. active and .F. inactive.


         Clock( .T., 0, 1, "W/B" )  // installs the clock on row 0, column 1
                                    // color "W/B"
         Inkey( 0 )
         Clock( .F. )

See Also: BigClock()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson