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         Returns the final coordinate Y of the PCX


         pcxY2 ( cFile ) -> cCoorY2

         cFile : Name of the PCX file


         It returns the final coordinate Y of the PCX file. This value
         usually determines on its own the PCX height, even when the exact
         value would be like:

                nHeight := pcxY2 - pcxY1 + 1

         But due to the pcxY1 usually takes value 0, the value pcxY2 + 1
         indicates the height by itself.


         The value of the final coordinate Y.


         ? pcxY2 ( "c:\fast\lib\fast.pcx" )

See Also: pcxIsPCX() pcxX1() pcxX2() pcxY1()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson