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         Draws and fills a square and optionally text


         Legend ( nX, nY, nSize, nColor, cText ) -> Nil

         nX      : Left upper coordinate X of the square
         nY      : Left upper coordinate Y of the square
         nSize   : Size of the square
         nColor  : Color of the square
         cText   : A text associated with this color in the legend


         This function already existed in version 1.25 of Fast, though
         it was not documented because it was used internally by GraphBar().

         Now, with the inclusion of GraphTart() the user is allowed to create
         the legends where and when he likes and that's why it has been




         cTitulo := "Fast Graphic System"
         GraphTart ( 320, 240, 100, { 17, 3, 15, 60, 15 } )
         DispStr ( cTitulo, 320 - Len ( cTitulo ) * 4, 370, 15, 0 )
         Legend ( 320, 460, 15, 4, "Fast Library" )
         Inkey (0)
         TxtMode ()

See Also: DispStr() GraphBar() GraphTart()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson