═══ 1. Help Contents ═══ Image Notebook 2.01 A Bitmap Viewer and Multimedia Player for OS/2 Double-click on a highlighted word or phrase for more information. What is Image Notebook? Author Information How do I View Bitmaps? How do I Play Multimedia Files? How do I Remove a Page? What's an Album? How do I Open an Album? How do I Create or Save an Album? ═══ 2. What is Image Notebook? ═══ What is Image Notebook? Overview Image Notebook is a fun utility you can use to view your bitmaps (*.BMP files) and play multimedia files supported by OS/2 (currently this includes Wave (*.WAV) files, MIDI (*.MID) files, and Video (*.AVI) files). Just use the right mouse button to bring up the menu, or drag 'n' drop bitmap or multimedia files right onto Image Notebook. It's that easy! You can use the numbered tabs at the bottom of Image Notebook's screen to move between different images. To play a multimedia file, just press the play button. Have FUN! ═══ 3. Author Information ═══ Author Information Image Notebook was written by Lou Miranda. Lou is a former Contributing Editor to PC WORLD magazine. He is currently an OS/2 C++ Programming Consultant based in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is also Managing Director of the Minnesota OS/2 User Group. Lou Miranda P.O. Box 65707 St. Paul, MN 55165-0707 USA CompuServe: 73567,471 ═══ 4. How do I View Bitmaps? ═══ How do I View Bitmaps? Opening a Bitmap There are two ways to open a bitmap: 1. Click the right mouse button and select Add Page.... Then choose a bitmap file from the File Dialog box. 2. Drag a bitmap file from one of your OS/2 desktop folders and drop it on the Image Notebook window. Viewing a Bitmap Bitmaps are automatically displayed after you open them. If you have more than one bitmap open, press the numbered tabs on the bottom of the notebook to change between them. ═══ 5. How do I Play Multimedia Files? ═══ How do I Play Multimedia Files? Opening a Multimedia File There are two ways to open a multimedia file: 1. Click the right mouse button and select Add Page.... Then choose a multimedia file from the File Dialog box. 2. Drag a multimedia file from one of your OS/2 desktop folders and drop it on the Image Notebook window. Playing a Multimedia File Multimedia files need to be played, they don't play automatically. Just press the Play button. If you have more than one file open, press the numbered tabs on the bottom of the notebook to change between them. ═══ 6. How do I Remove a Page? ═══ How do I Remove a Page? To remove a page, click the right mouse button to bring up the menu. Then choose Remove Page and choose either This page or All Pages. Don't worry about removing pages. It doesn't delete the file on your hard disk, it only removes the file's name from Image Notebook's album. ═══ 7. What's an Album? ═══ What's an Album? An Album is a way of collecting several bitmaps and multimedia files into a collection. Just think of an Album as a photo album: you can have several different photo albums, each with its own collection of pictures. For example, you could have an album of your children, or you can have an album for a business presentation. A sample Album comes with Image Notebook. It's called ReadMe.INB. It contains a list of several images that come with OS/2. Albums are really just text files that contain bitmap and multimedia file names. (Look at ReadMe.INB in the OS/2 System Editor if you're interested in its format.) To open an Album, see How do I Open an Album? To save or create an Album, see How do I Create or Save an Album? ═══ 8. How do I Open an Album? ═══ How do I Open an Album? There are two ways to open an Album: 1. Click the right mouse button and select Open Album. Then choose an Album (*.INB) file from the File Dialog box. 2. Drag an Album (*.INB) file from one of your OS/2 desktop folders and drop it on the Image Notebook window. To save or create an Album, see How do I Create or Save an Album? ═══ 9. How do I Create or Save an Album? ═══ How do I Create or Save an Album? Creating and Saving albums are done the same way. Just click the right mouse button, and choose Save as Album... from the menu. Then enter the name of an Album (*.INB) file. You will be warned if you try to overwrite a file that already exists. The Album that is saved is the collection of bitmaps and multimedia files that you current have open in Image Notebook.