═══ 1. Q2ET Introduction ═══ Q2ET allows users to convert data files between Quicken (c) and E-Teller relatively effortlessly. Full help is available throughout Q2ET by pressing the F1 key. For a list of available help topics, refer either to the index or contents. ═══ 2. Converting from QIF to E-Teller ═══ Select the QIF to E-Teller... option to convert a Quicken (c) QIF file to E-Teller format. The steps involved are: 1. Selecting an existing QIF file. 2. Selecting a date format which you intend to use or already use within E-Teller. 3. Changing any relevant data in the New Account dialog box. If you already have a copy of E-Teller installed, you should move Q2ET to your E-Teller directory and launch it from there. Failing to do so will result in the newly created account file(s) being saved to the current working directory rather than one which you have specified in E-Teller. If you used the installation utility and launched Q2ET from the folder, then you don't have to worry. For help on exporting QIF files, see the Exporting QIF files topic. ═══ 2.1. New Accounts Dialog ═══ The New Account dialog permits you to make changes to the data which was retrieved from the QIF file, such as: o Name o Account number o Starting balance o Ending balance o Starting date o Icon o Account type The Name is actually the first category detected category of the QIF file and is used to construct the .clr and .ldg filenames. Note: You must ensure that the account name is not currently used in any other accounts you may have. If a filename matching the newly constructed one exists, you will be prompted to change the account name. The Account number is any value you wish to use for the new account. Typically, this will be your bank account number or credit card number. The Starting balance is the value of the first detected transaction in the QIF file. The Ending balance is a total of all transactions in the QIF file added to or subtracted from the Starting balance The Starting date is the date of the first transaction in the QIF file. The Icon field contains an optional icon which E-Teller will use to represent the account in the accounts window. If this field is empty, E-Teller will default to those which are in the Account type group box. The Account type group box allows you to select what type of account the QIF file is to be. Since Quicken (c) permits more than just bank and credit card accounts, and since E-Teller permits only two types of account, if the account type contained in the QIF file is neither Bank nor CCard, Q2ET will default to the type Bank. ═══ 2.2. QIF File Format ═══ Quicken (c) QIF files generally follow these conventions: !Type:Bank D12/ 1/94 T1,000.00 CX POpening Balance L[chequing] ^ D 1/ 1/94 N123 T-700.00 CX PJohn Doe MFirst and Last LRent ^ D 1/ 2/94 T-130.00 PWithdrawal LGroceries SGroceries EJunk Food $-10.00 SGroceries EGood Food $-90.00 SPersonal $-30.00 .... !Type can be "Bank", "CCard", or any other type of account. E-Teller uses only two types, "Bank" and "CreditCard". Q2ET will attempt to identy the account type. If it is unsuccessful, it will inform you and default to type "Bank". D is the prefix identifying the date T is the prefix identifying the total C is the prefix identifying a cleared transaction. If the transaction has not been cleared, this line does not appear. N is the prefix identifying the cheque or code number. If the transaction has no number, this line does not appear. P is the prefix identifying the particulars. If the transaction has no particulars, this line does not appear. M is the prefix identifying the memo. If the transaction has no memo, this line does not appear. L is the prefix identifying the category. If the transaction has no category, this line does not appear. Q2ET takes the value of the first transaction as the account name. S is the prefix identifying a split category. If the transaction has no split category, this, the optional memo, and the amount lines do not appear. E is the prefix identifying the memo of a split category. $ is the prefix identifying the amount of a split category. ^ is the transaction separator. ═══ 2.3. Exporting QIF Files ═══ To convert a Quicken (c) data file into QIF format, follow these steps: 1. Start Quicken. 2. Open the account register you want to convert. 3. Select Export from the Print menu. 4. Enter a filename for the exported data. 5. In the Export window, ensure that ONLY "Export Transactions" is set to YES. All other options must be set to NO. 6. Ensure that the date range encompases all of the account transactions. 7. Select Continue. For additional information, see the QIF File Format topic. ═══ 3. Converting from E-Teller to QIF ═══ Select the E-Teller to QIF... to convert an E-Teller account to QIF file format. The procedure is: 1. Select an account's .clr file. 2. Enter a name for the QIF file. 3. Select the date format the account file uses For help on importing a QIF file into Quicken (c) please see the Importing QIF files topic. ═══ 3.1. Importing QIF Files ═══ To Import a QIF file into a Quicken (c) register, you must first convert the E-Teller file into the QIF file format (see E-Teller to QIF...). Once a QIF file has been successfully created, open it with a text editor, and take note of the starting date and starting balance, both of which will be found in the first entry, which follows the account type line which reads either: o !Type=Bank o !Type=CCard Start Quicken, and create a new register, and enter the data you've noted into the appropriate fields. Once you've done that, select the Import option from the Print/Acct menu at the top of the screen. Enter the newly-created QIF filename, select the appropriate options, and press Ctrl+Enter to begin adding the transactions to the Quicken register. ═══ 4. Category file ═══ Click the Category file... menu item to construct a category.dat file based upon the categories located in the QIF file and, if applicable, the categories located in your existing category.dat file. This menu item will be activated only after you have successfully converted a QIF file. Selecting this option invokes a listbox in which you can either delete unwanted items from the list by selecting those you want to remove and clicking the Delete pushbutton, or edit some which you would like to change by editing the value in the entryfield and clicking the button to the right of the entryfield. When done, click the Save menu button to save the contents of the list to the category.dat file. Note: When items are added to the list box, each entry in the temporary file is compared to the contents of the list box to avoid duplication. Depending on the size of the temporary and, if applicable, current category.dat file, this process may take a little time. Note: If the contents of an existing file have been merged, these will be destroyed prior to writing the new values. If, then, an error message appears explaining that the contents of an existing file have not been added to the listbox, saving the new list would necessarily destroy the old.